Another Big Comment Spoilers

I refuse to accept that two title changes, an out of nowhere heel turn, and the breakup of TNA's biggest tag team in three weeks can be anything other than shit. It is almost tautologically impossible to fit that much action into a compelling narrative in three weeks' time.

This pretty much sums it up for me. But then again, TNA has a history of fucking up simple booking so maybe they just tried to bypass that and cram it all into 3 weeks of programming before they had time to over think it and WCW the whole thing.

It's something different, but different isn't always better. I'll never know though since TNA lost me as a regular viewer months ago and it's going to take something a whole lot bigger than this shit to bring me back in.
Soap operas are your argument here? I might as well rest my case.
Any weight your argument had came down to the idea that this kind of booking might exhaust the viewer. The only reason your kind of booking might be a necessity is to keep those fish on the hook. But Coronation Street proves you wrong. Coronation Street is in fact far more popular than wrestling. Year round. Maybe you should stop resting your case and start thinking critically.


No thanks, I'll just watch any of the dozens of promotions that have got half a fucking clue what they're doing with themselves.
Any weight your argument had came down to the idea that this kind of booking might exhaust the viewer. The only reason your kind of booking might be a necessity is to keep those fish on the hook. But Coronation Street proves you wrong. Coronation Street is in fact far more popular than wrestling. Year round. Maybe you should stop resting your case and start thinking critically.

How do they book the show, so to speak? Is there a huge reveal every week? I sincerely doubt it. I think it's far more likely that they build to their own climaxes, much as should be done in wrestling. If Coronation Street reveals a dead twin sister returned from the dead secretly married to an outer space robot ever single week, I'll more than happily concede this point.


I love this argument, I really do. TNA's booking is total and complete shit, and the marks defend it by saying "You just don't understand." What don't I understand? That you have horrible taste? That you're too busy swallowing Bischoff's dick to actually think about how awful TNA has booked this entire storyline?

Honestly, Coco, I could eat a bowl of alphabet soup and shit out a better argument than that.
How do they book the show, so to speak? Is there a huge reveal every week? I sincerely doubt it. I think it's far more likely that they build to their own climaxes, much as should be done in wrestling. If Coronation Street reveals a dead twin sister returned from the dead secretly married to an outer space robot ever single week, I'll more than happily concede this point.
So a hot streak of major storytelling on TNA's part and suddenly they NEVER have climaxes? Good lord.

I love this argument, I really do. TNA's booking is total and complete shit, and the marks defend it by saying "You just don't understand." What don't I understand? That you have horrible taste? That you're too busy swallowing Bischoff's dick to actually think about how awful TNA has booked this entire storyline?
When you've shown time and time again that you're too closed minded and attached to tradition to accept anything new with an open mind, I don't think I'm the one who needs to worry about his argument.
So a hot streak of major storytelling on TNA's part and suddenly they NEVER have climaxes? Good lord.

They haven't for months, at least. They built Roode's title win and then blew it, then switched to a completely different storyline with practically no build. Maybe crash booking works now, but it's a dangerous and irresponsible way to book.

When you've shown time and time again that you're too closed minded and attached to tradition to accept anything new with an open mind, I don't think I'm the one who needs to worry about his argument.

This has got absolutely nothing to do with whether or not the booking is traditional, and everything to do with the fact that it's terrible. I'll gladly enjoy non traditional booking when it's good. I have a large library of CHIKARA DVDs to prove it.
They haven't for months, at least. They built Roode's title win and then blew it, then switched to a completely different storyline with practically no build. Maybe crash booking works now, but it's a dangerous and irresponsible way to book.
Anderson over Ray looked like a climax to me.

RVD over Lynn looked like a climax to me.

Hogan turning face looked like that action peaking.

You're wrong about Roode as well. The second Storm and Fortune got involved in Angle-Roode and Angle screwed Storm out of his match with Roode, we were headed down this road. This isn't TNA doing things as they go along. This is a plan. The action is still building.

I have a large library of CHIKARA DVDs
And you have the nerve to question my taste? :rolleyes:
Anderson over Ray looked like a climax to me.

RVD over Lynn looked like a climax to me.

Hogan turning face looked like that action peaking.

You're wrong about Roode as well. The second Storm and Fortune got involved in Angle-Roode and Angle screwed Storm out of his match with Roode, we were headed down this road. This isn't TNA doing things as they go along. This is a plan. The action is still building.

So the subplots climax, and the main stories don't? Brilliant. :rolleyes:

Maybe the action's building, but it's building in a moronic way, and with a complete and utter waste of six good months of storytelling.

And you have the nerve to question my taste? :rolleyes:

Predictable. And you have the nerve to call me close-minded?
So the subplots climax, and the main stories don't? Brilliant. :rolleyes:
Hogan-Sting was the main one. Wasn't that all you people bitched about for months on end?!

Maybe the action's building, but it's building in a moronic way, and with a complete and utter waste of six good months of storytelling.
It would have fizzled out. Especially with the way you people watch wrestling today. This is more efficient.

Predictable. And you have the nerve to call me close-minded?
I tried with King of Trios this year. Sorry that I'm not as amused by that amateur hour as you are.
On that note, I'm tagging out for the night. Hope another Impact Playah steps up and keeps my fight for open-mindedness and logic going.
Hogan-Sting was the main one. Wasn't that all you people bitched about for months on end?!

I guess that's why Hogan/Sting went on after Angle/Roode, huh?

It would have fizzled out. Especially with the way you people watch wrestling today. This is more efficient.

So, you tout your soap opera as the pinnacle of television, yet also argue that crash booking is more efficient. I sincerely doubt a soap opera crash books like this. You can't have your cake and eat it too.

I tried with King of Trios this year. Sorry that I'm not as amused by that amateur hour as you are.

So if I think TNA is shit, I'm close minded. But when you think CHIKARA is shit, it's cool.

Pot? This is kettle calling.
I guess that's why Hogan/Sting went on after Angle/Roode, huh?
Now you're just being intentionally dense.

So, you tout your soap opera as the pinnacle of television, yet also argue that crash booking is more efficient. I sincerely doubt a soap opera crash books like this. You can't have your cake and eat it too.
Books like what? Sprints of excitement before calming things down mildly? Sure. And I don't begrudge TNA their sprints of excitement.

So if I think TNA is shit, I'm close minded. But when you think CHIKARA is shit, it's cool.

Pot? This is kettle calling.
One is a commodity with a growing presence on the national stage that deserves more respect than it gets on these sorts of boards. The other features Mike Quackenbush.
Now you're just being intentionally dense.


Whatever helps you sleep at night, champ.

Books like what? Sprints of excitement before calming things down mildly? Sure. And I don't begrudge TNA their sprints of excitement.

It's bad booking, plain and simple. It's the difference between brief, instantaneous gratification and truly making memorable storylines that make your company respectable.

One is a commodity with a growing presence on the national stage that deserves more respect than it gets on these sorts of boards. The other features Mike Quackenbush.

Oh, I get it. A lot more people like TNA, so it's super open minded of you to be on that bandwagon. But CHIKARA is a weird niche fed, and it's okay to hate on them.

Do the words that you type actually make sense when you write them, or do you just kind of bang on the keyboard and hope it resembles a coherent statement?
Hey, Coco, what the fuck is wrong with Quackenbush? The man is a booking genius! I'd like to see Russo and company build an angle for three years....

That said, I enjoy TNA, and will watch the episode they filmed tonight.

Edit: NOBODY disrespects the QuackenGod in my presence. Almost as bad as disrespecting The Great and Devious UltraMantis Black....
So wait a minute. Let me get this straight. People are complaining about the heel turn? Because it didn't happen on PPV? And because they haven't faced each other on PPV? What in the blue fuck do you think they are building up to? Are you moron's fan's or just stupid? How the hell was it so wrong? BFG had it's own major moments. This can't a be a selling point for a PPV rematch?

Yes no one saw it coming, congratulations to them

Still doesn't change the fact it was a stupid fucking choice to make.

Good for TNA. They swerved the fans (as in the ones that read the internet and listen to Hogan talk) and all it cost them was a long running feud between arguably the biggest tag team in company history and a match that could have drawn a good deal on PPV. But hey, the internet fans got swerved so TNA wins right?

Sarcasm, my friends, sarcasm. Don't be such 10%ers.
Hey, Coco, what the fuck is wrong with Quackenbush? The man is a booking genius! I'd like to see Russo and company build an angle for three years....

That said, I enjoy TNA, and will watch the episode they filmed tonight.

Edit: NOBODY disrespects the QuackenGod in my presence. Almost as bad as disrespecting The Great and Devious UltraMantis Black....

God damn it, there's not enough rep in the universe for you. UMB is singularly the greatest wrestler of all the times.

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