Mass Effect 3 Ending (No OP Post Spoilers)


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"No OP post spoilers" as in I'm not posting any spoilers, that is.

So who else is fucking disappointed with the ending of Mass Effect 3? Amazing game, highly recommended, but the ending is a complete waste.
Personally, I loved the ending. But it is going to be interesting to see if they can further expand the Mass Effect universe.
I'm confused how anybody can be satisfied with the ending. There's so much lacking to it, so little effort put into it, and if anything it leaves more questions to be asked than there were answered, like Bioware promised Mass Effect to do (Answer ones questions that is).
...Eh, I agree and disagree. I really like the ending, but I don't like how theres no real variance to it. The point of all the choices you make is that they have vastly different effects, yet here, at the very end they all have very similar outcomes. Couple with a couple of small plotholes, and it's a little bit annoying.

But the actual ending I liked. Slightly predictable, but sometimes that isn't a bad thing. I can forgive its misgivings and feel satisfied with the game as a whole.
It ends Shepard's tale, but the ending could bring many different spin-offs for future Mass Effect games. I wouldn't see it as a complete waste.
Ending sucked because it lacked so much information. Bioware is getting pressured very hard to change the ending, or at least expand upon it.
I agree the endings sucked. They lacked the substance needed to effectively end Sheppard's story. The three choices you're supposed to make? Come on it's like they took the idea from Deus Ex.
I agree the endings sucked. They lacked the substance needed to effectively end Sheppard's story. The three choices you're supposed to make? Come on it's like they took the idea from Deus Ex.

Or as a lot of people compared it to "Space Magic", because of the colors through the outcomes.

I get how it allows for expansion though, but it'll be hard to implement properly if someone should import their save. Besides overall it just creates for a weird outcome, you're faced with choices that leaves little to no sense for what you just went through 3 games for.

Besides, it felt completely stupid, not only to implement the citadel as the catalyst, but then to twist it even more and make it a 'vision' of that tiny child. The whole thing just leaves for way too many questions, and a massive lack of possible continuation due to the way the endings were handled. The lack of the reapers makes for little need to play a 4th game because of the lack of a major enemy, and with 2 of the outcomes killing Shepard, who gives a fuck about playing the game anyway when the very character we followed isn't gonna be there anymore?

I'm pretty much in agreement with those who wants a change to the ending. Either that, or give us a 4th game that ties it all up in a way that actually makes sense. And preferably not a game we have to sit and wait another 2 years to get.
I played Mass Effect and decided it was shit, didnt bother with the rest, not fooled by vaguely picking your own dialogue and half decent at best gameplay, not surprised the ending was rubbish as the story was wank anyway. Went down the pub instead.

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