Another Big Comment Spoilers

Coco's arguments have swayed my initial judgment about this a bit, but overall I still don't like the move.

TNA is trying hard, though. You HAVE to respect that. It's just a shame Impact isn't live.
I didn't like it to start, but from looking at the other spoilers, it could lead to something good.
So they've basically hotshot this angle for the sake of a swerve? Good job wasting a good chunk of what could well be a good drawing angle there guys.
You realize they bypassed the requisite boring first title defenses against guys like Joe who have no real chance of winning and would have turned people off in favor of keeping people on the hook for a multi-man Fortune title feud, right? I'm failing to see the downside. This was NEVER going to get a year of mileage like you're all pretending it would have.
Coco's arguments have swayed my initially judgment about this a bit, but overall I still don't like the move.

TNA is trying hard, though. You HAVE to respect that. It's just a shame Impact isn't live.
See, you're the kind of high-profile, open-minded guru I expect to see around here setting a good example in these TNA threads. Just like when the John Cena hatred wildfire was blazing out of control in '06 and '07, TNA needs intelligent white knights to stand up for its great decisions in the face of senseless intolerance.

I liked the ending where Storm suddenly kicked Angle in the face. A beer bottle? Doesn't sound as good.

Didn't Storm bottle Harris to establish his heel turn after AMW? The ghost of the Wildcat strikes!

As long as Storm is still a face then I'm content, Roode is better as a heel, and I prefer beer bottle spots to plastic water bottle spots :)
You buy PPVs for storylines? Cause I buy them for the solid matches. I hardly see how BFG became pointless and unbuyable.

It's always best to save the big moments and payoffs for PPV, you can watch solid wrestling on free TV. If I wanted to watch wrestling just for good matches I would put in a Shawn Michaels DVD and enjoy myself.

Side Note: Buy the Bret vs. Shawn Rivalries DVD, there are many awesome matches.
It's always best to save the big moments and payoffs for PPV, you can watch solid wrestling on free TV. If I wanted to watch wrestling just for good matches I would put in a Shawn Michaels DVD and enjoy myself.

Side Note: Buy the Bret vs. Shawn Rivalries DVD, there are many awesome matches.

Was Hogan/Sting not a big moment? Even so, history really begs to differ. There are far more memorable moments that take place on TV. If the end is to have a major match for PPV its obvious the building pieces need to happen on TV. As in this heel turn.
Was Hogan/Sting not a big moment? Even so, history really begs to differ. There are far more memorable moments that take place on TV. If the end is to have a major match for PPV its obvious the building pieces need to happen on TV. As in this heel turn.

Maybe it was for some fans but not for me, frankly I don't care to see Hogan or Sting anymore, they are both legends but I'm one of those guys who like to remember these guys when they were great, IMO both should have retired long ago.

I agree the building pieces should be on TV but the payoff should happen on PPV, that's the point of a payoff. Having 2 title changes in 2 weeks on free TV proves that the big moments are on TV. The TV moments are much bigger than the PPV moments in TNA from what I've seen over the last year and a half.
So wait a minute. Let me get this straight. People are complaining about the heel turn? Because it didn't happen on PPV? And because they haven't faced each other on PPV? What in the blue fuck do you think they are building up to? Are you moron's fan's or just stupid? How the hell was it so wrong? BFG had it's own major moments. This can't a be a selling point for a PPV rematch?


You do know that Storm isn't the number 1 contender anymore, right? It's possible that they could further their feud with an interference or something along those lines but it just seems to have ended all of a sudden. It's a shame. A long Christian-Orton style, Roode-Storm feud would probably make me watch TNA.
Ratings, ratings, ratings. Wouldn't people be more inclined to buy PPV's if they see the unpredictability happening on television?

This is such an unbelievably ******ed statement that I'm not sure I should even attack it. Maybe I should just quote it so we can all read it again and just ponder and laugh at your wild straw-grasping stupidity here.

Seriously, your thought process is that of a dinosaur. Your ideology would have worked....if this was 1996. It's not. It's 2011. Ratings have almost zero correlation with PPV buys. People are not going to fork over 35 bucks for a PPV because they saw title changes for free on TV. They will, in fact, do the exact opposite. They will NOT buy the PPV, because they figure "Why the fuck should I spend 35 bucks in the hopes of seeing (blank) win the (blank) title when the past has repeatedly shown us that I can just wait another 5 days and see that title change for free on TV?"

Common sense. Use some of it.

I hated the Orton/Christian feud. Viva Roode and Storm.

You have shit taste.

Coco's arguments have swayed my initial judgment about this a bit, but overall I still don't like the move.

TNA is trying hard, though. You HAVE to respect that. It's just a shame Impact isn't live.

If your effort still produces abhorrent results, no, I don't have to respect that. There's no reason to be proud of being ardently stupid.

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