WWE RAW & Tough Enough LD 6/6/2011 - With Apologies to Little Jimmy

Solid heel work? The guy was born to be a fucking heel. He's probably the 2nd best all around performer in the WWE. He has everything nailed down to a fucking tee most importantly his facial mannerisms. I find it hard to believe that guy used to wrestle under a mask because he is such a fucking natural at what he is doing.


Ok, it's official. I have total respect for Sound Of Madness.
Holy shtick,
I was reading some of the post on here, I looked up at the t.v, looked back at my screen, looked up again, and Then realized that wasn't Show.
I need a good nights sleep
I absolutely love Del Rio's character. He is the definition of evil and god damn does he play it well.
What are you smoking? Andy certainly has Luke beat in size but that's it. He just wasn't all that great in the ring...your typical big man that can't really wrestle. You don't have to be big to be successful in wrestling, I have always hated that argument. Luke has a classic heel look, he can actually wrestle, he can talk, he's already getting heat. He was the single person in that house that ever showed me the IT factor to be a WWE superstar

Did I say you have to be successful in wrestling? No, and that's because I don't believe it, but you can't deny that size definitely helps.

And what the fuck classic heel look are you talking about in Luke?




Which one doesn't belong?

And where was this it factor you spoke of? All he talked about was himself and how good he was, and he never did ANYTHING that wasn't textbook as far as I could see.
Decent Punk/Rey match, but they've done so much better. Never really got out of second gear honestly. **3/4 as high as I'd go.

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