WWE Raw Live Discussion Thread (3/11/13)

@The Brain Yes that did happen. I was just about to point that out. It's not like Sheamus needs more screen time. Rhode Scholars could always use it.
If Randy never wrassled again, I can't say that I'd be upset. I wouldn't even pop for his inevitable returns. He's just not that good.

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VictorySauce23 said:

Originally Posted by BaconBits

If Randy never wrassled again, I can't say that I'd be upset. I wouldn't even pop for his inevitable returns. He's just not that good.

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Yeah, but I'm getting sick of Christian not coming back.

Me too. Christian is the awesome.

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As you can tell by my name I like Orton but I can even say he is getting boring. When he first turned face he was good for a while because he kept his basic character and was still a badass. He was still going around rko everyone whether they were a face or heel. Now he is all goody goody and I hate it. I hope he turns at Wrestlemania. He hasn't been in a main event at mania since he was a heel. I think that says something.
VictorySauce23 said:

Originally Posted by BaconBits

Me too. Christian is the awesome.

Posted from Wrestlezone.com App for Android

His glasses were always better than Edge's.

Fuck yeah they were. Edge was a lame-o compared to Christian.

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I don't want to jump to conclusions just because I'm seeing people appear on tv together during mania season, but Barrett, Miz, Jericho triple threat for the IC title at mania? Personally I'd rather see Jericho vs. Barrett one on one as they can tie in their former NXT relationship into the storyline.
I don't want to jump to conclusions just because I'm seeing people appear on tv together during mania season, but Barrett, Miz, Jericho triple threat for the IC title at mania? Personally I'd rather see Jericho vs. Barrett one on one as they can tie in their former NXT relationship into the storyline.

I'll just pop-in WrestleMania 2000 during that one and watch Jericho, Angle, and Benoit for the "EuroContinental" Championship during that one. No disrespect to The Miz or Barrett, but they ain't touchin' that one.
I personally want to see Jericho vs Ziggler again. I think that can be a great rematch and really help the mid or lower card of Mania. If that doesn't happen which it doesn't look like it will I think it has to be Jericho, Miz, Barrett and Ziggler in a fatal 4 way because where the hell would Ziggler go on the card? Tag match against Hell No?

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