WWE Raw LD 8/01/11 - The Champs are Here!

This segment is starting to drag. If they had finished it about 5 minutes ago, it wouldn't have been too bad. It needs to wrap up though.

Punk's names who the WWE let slip through their fingers is kind of silly.
That ended more abruptly than-- wait, wait. I've had too many beers for this. Christ. Let's talk, I guess.

I'm SO fucked.
Punk's Triple H impression is uncanny; scarily accurate. Or I'm just really, really drunk.

He just said "push" and I marked out. This is much too simple.
Time for the biggest logical flaw in the IWC: HHH got where he is because of his wife.

We're ignoring his first three world titles, the push that was supposed to be his that went to Austin, and the awesome feud with Rock that launched him into superstardom.
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An example of the sort of thing that can happen when a promo is unscripted (as I'm wont to believe this one is).

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