WWE RAW 9/19/2011 - Can Wolverine Survive...The Hall of Pain?

That song made me realize how much I missed Kurt Angle's "You Suck" theme song. The fans ate that shit up every time it played.

Best way to get people to react to you: address them. Don't talk to the TV audience. Talk to the live crowd. It's why insulting sports teams/athletes is a guaranteed heat getter.
Kinda strange to think that Cena has feuded and main evented PPVs with everyone in the ring in the last 6 months
They need to remix Cult of Personaity for Punk's entrance so that they continuously repeat that phenomenal guitar riff. So many entrance themes are repetitive (Cena's is a perfect example) , not a full song like Punk's. The moment gets lost once you get past the riff and the chorus.

COP is a great song but not a great entrance song.
They need to remix Cult of Personaity for Punk's entrance so that they continuously repeat that phenomenal guitar riff. So many entrance themes are repetitive (Cena's is a perfect example) , not a full song like Punk's. The moment gets lost once you get past the riff and the chorus.

COP is a great song but not a great entrance song.

Punk should get a new entrance song. COP was a great song for a couple of weeks, but it's kind of lost it's flair. Time to do something else.
Anyone ever start counting the number of moves Cena does in a match? I almost always do when he's in the ring.

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