WWE RAW LD 2/14/2011 - Finally?

I bet it was evil steph to fight her dad who teams with the rock to battle the evil forces of steph HHH cena and Nexus. The Rock calls on Vince and the Nation of Domination and we have a huge WM27
For those of you with the benefit of DVRs: go back to when Rock was building the "...is cookin'." You can see tears in his eyes.

Same here, Rocky. Same here.
I mean peeps... if you're a Cena fan, and some how forgot what the Attitude Era was really like, that right there made you drop Cena like a bad ass habit. Can you imagine how the people in the arena felt... especially the ladies, the moms, and all the little kids? But the true "wrestling" fans, like myself, were high!
holy shit the rock got a HUUUGGEEEE fucking pop, i havent heard one like that since i was a kid watching the great one back in the attitude era lol I just hope hes not gonna do the WM Host thing and then ditch the WWE again like he did 7yrs ago
I think it's very possible to like both Rocky and Cena. Those of us who do are about to have the best 2-3 months of sports entertainment in years
anybody doing the chat thing? Curious to see if anyones question comes up.

I've attempted to post three times nothing has yet to come up, pretty sure they're screening the fuck out of all the questions... tbh I'm not totally sold that it's actually the Rock answering questions
I've attempted to post three times nothing has yet to come up, pretty sure they're screening the fuck out of all the questions... tbh I'm not totally sold that it's actually the Rock answering questions

I have posted about 15 questions, a few serious, the rest sounding like what would actually be asked. you're right about the screening it says they screen them and select the best ones otherwise it would be spammed up in minutes.

and yeah, I just said that to my partner, there is no way after how revved up the rock was that he could even sit at a computer and type like he is.
As a Cena fan I will never drop him as my idol because Rock is back, but I enjoyed every minute of The Rock and his return
If you noticed Mr. McMahon came out last week with the beginning of No Chance. He hasn't come out to that tune in years. Maybe we are about to enter a new era.

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