WWE RAW LD 2/14/2011 - Finally?

im loss for words.
im shaking.
im flowing with jizz (not really)

I cant wait to show my little nephew the replay, he always wishes Rock comes back to the TV Screen after I shown him videos this morning of his interviews.

Not his biggest fan but that was a promo of epic proportion. Maintained the energy throughout.

Pity the mods for clearing up the wwe section later. LoL
How does one get anything accomplished between now and Wrestlemania knowing that THE FUCKING ROCK is going to be playing a big role?
Incredible. The best thing I have seen in WWE in years, and I'm not even a huge Rock fan. Now that is how you cut a promo WWE Universe, bask in it's glory. I wonder what the GM message was or even how long Rock is actually going to stay. I'll be surprised if he does have a match, but it sounds like something is going to happen at Mania. A mediocre show that went epic in a matter of minutes.
Michael "Mr. WZNexus" V.;2847236 said:
Screw everything that's happened since The PG Era began, THAT was the defining moment and always will be!

No... no it's not. That was certainly an awesome moment, but you can't define the PG Era with a moment created by someone appearing there ONE FUCKING TIME. I maintain that you're an idiot.

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