WWE RAW 9/5/2011 - Surely All These Pipe Bombs Are Illegal?

If WWE has their own Network, that means that have complete control. They can make the shows as long as they want, they can make age restrictions, they can really make WWE a lot better without having to deal with all those contract issues with other channels.

Sucks for USA though, I love their shows but Raw is one of the biggest things that helps them. I matter a fact, Raw got me watching Burn Notice, which got me watching the other shows on USA. Other then Law and Order, before Raw I never touched USA.

They are going to have Raw and Smackdown on this network right? How much info are they revealing about this?

Nah raw and sd are staying put on their networks. I expect them to air nxt and superstars though.
If WWE has their own Network, that means that have complete control. They can make the shows as long as they want, they can make age restrictions, they can really make WWE a lot better without having to deal with all those contract issues with other channels.

Sucks for USA though, I love their shows but Raw is one of the biggest things that helps them. I matter a fact, Raw got me watching Burn Notice, which got me watching the other shows on USA. Other then Law and Order, before Raw I never touched USA.

They are going to have Raw and Smackdown on this network right? How much info are they revealing about this?

That's so stupid it's not even funny.

Yeah, let's have WWE take RAW off of USA and put it on the WWE Network that most people probably won't have. That's really smart.

Why would they make programming longer? If WCW taught you anything it should be that 2 hours is prime. They ran 3 hour shows and they dragged ass. WWE would be ******ed to do that.

My lord.
I highly doubt Raw or Smackdown would be moving. WWE Netowrk would likely only be available through premium packages like NFL Network is.

So I imagine they're going to use it to show the Raw pre-show, and things like old matches or old Raw shows? I would really like to see it grow into something big, that they could use for their own channel, but you guys are right and that won't happen for a long time.
This isn't a anti slater post, but I'm curious how he got a contract. Much more talented ppl in the indi scene; who have a much better look than him.
If WWE creates it's own network, the best thing they could do is just rerun old shows. Maybe do reruns of storylines from the Attitude Era. There are no DVD's of most of the regular programing. Usually if you wanted to watch something old from RAW or SD for free, you'd have to find it on Youtube or something.
If WWE creates it's own network, the best thing they could do is just rerun old shows. Maybe do reruns of storylines from the Attitude Era. There are no DVD's of most of the regular programing. Usually if you wanted to watch something old from RAW or SD for free, you'd have to find it on Youtube or something.

I'd like them to do shows that are Top 10's like ESPN does and also 30 for 30.
Okay, so Cena promo and Christian, Dolph, Wade Barrett and The Bella's attack Cena with promises of money, money, money and sex with Ricky, respectively.
Either Del Rio will attack Cena, everyone he talked to will attack Cena together, or someone not show will attack Cena.

Either way...Cena's fucked. Until someone saves his ass and joins him in the feud against Del Rio and everyone else.

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