WWE RAW 10/31/2011 - Frogs, Pigs, Brahma Bull’s and a Challenge No One Wants

So I guess no Statler and Waldorf commentary?

Boo. I was looking forward to that the most.
IT was gonna happen during the JR/Cole Challenge but alas that's not happening.

It was the only thing that would have made that steaming pile of shit worth while.
The Muppets were amusing enough but I think highly underutilized. Pretty much as basic and uncreative a use of them you could do tonight. Ending to the show was abysmal, I'm fine with Miz losing one-on-one, but to dominate their combined efforts is just stupid booking. Even the Rock's promo wasn't very good. Some decent wrestling saves this from being an utter failure but in my book this was a pretty poor Raw.
Another taped Rock interview = a disappointed Nick. Will I cry about it? Nah, he has more important things to do (something a few people should realize). However, it did nothing for me. Weak show. Yes, yes, the Muppets owned, but the show wasn't anything to talk about.
I didn't say anything during the live LD because everybody seemed to be enjoying themselves and I didn't want to ruin anybody's fun by bringing a negative vibe in here, but now that the show is over, I must say that the Muppets are as ******ed and annoying as I remember them being.

Horrible show tonight for someone like myself. I only liked CM Punk making Del Rio his bitch. That was fucking awesome.

Oh, and as far as The Rock promo... meh, nothing special, but not bad either. It'll be much better when he's there in person.

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