WMD : Official Spoiler Page

I'm sorry but whoever wrote those spoilers must be fucking drunk. I'm willing to literally bet money that the Sting vs Ray/Anderson match sucks.

Also, Daniels jobbing to Gunner? FREAKING GUNNER? Yeah, let's job our returning veteran every week on Impact, that'll get him over!
He lost a competitive match to an absolute nobody. It doesn't matter if it was a squash.

Jobbing out the guy who was a suitable replacement for an injured AJ Styles to a guy who can miss 2 months of television without anyone caring is a big deal.
My point made earlier about wanting Daniels to be ahead of Ray I will stand by. It's not that I don't think he has done a good job. Hell, Ray has been fantastic. How ever its still Bubba Ray Dudley. He cannot be the head of Immortal from a wrestling standpoint. Daniels would have been perfect IMO. He has so much history in TNA and I would have loved to have seen him in that role.
Potential Diva Draft Spoiler
For a brief time over the weekend, Beth Phoenix's profile was moved to the Raw brand on the WWE website. While we haven't heard 100% that she was going to be moved, it certainly makes sense given how she would be perfect as a babyface chasing the Bellas for the Divas championship.

So, as they say, stay tuned.
Their big mistake was pushing him as a face. Nobody wants to see Bubba Ray Dudley as a singles face.
I know. I think Bully Ray can be a legit headliner.

In TNA, sure. Anyone can be a headliner in TNA. But what the fuck good will that do anyone? He only has a few years left at most, he's absolutely atrocious inside of a wrestling ring, the only thing he's ever been good at is talking on the mic. I have no problem with him jobbing to Styles, but using him as an actual headliner is downright stupid and won't draw flies. In fact it would probably draw less than they do now.

Why the WWE didn't pull the trigger in 2003, i'll have no idea.

2003? You mean 2002? Dudleys were back together by 2003. And they didn't pull the trigger because he wasn't over, and nobody wanted to see him or D-Von as singles wrestlers.

Ray as a headliner in TNA would accomplish nothing for them as a company. They could find thirty guys on the indies or their own roster right now who can talk on the mic as good as Ray can, AND who can actually wrestle still and isn't about to turn 40. I'd rather see Flair headlining for them right now than Ray.
Nothing has moved the needle for TNA thus far. I don't see Bubba Ray as any worse than the product they're putting out now, so why not let a fresh new singles heel try?
Nothing has moved the needle for TNA thus far. I don't see Bubba Ray as any worse than the product they're putting out now, so why not let a fresh new singles heel try?

"He can't be any worse" isn't exactly a ringing endorsement, is it? Maybe he won't be worse but he sure as fuck won't be better, so why bother? Let other, younger, talented people who can actually help them in the long run take that spot, not Bully fucking Ray.
Because continuing to build the momentum of a major heel prospect before using him to get new guys over definitely won't be good in the long run?

Ray is interesting right now. Might as well roll with it and use it instead of switching to some other heel who's not interesting right now.
I don't ever expect Bully Ray to be a technical master. I watch him to see him fuck up his opponent.

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