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Complete Smackdown Spoilers discuss here
Ring changed while Cole mine was rolled in. Booker T got a great reaction. Edge vignette opens the show. Replay of battle royal. Smackdown opening plays. Recently knighted Michael Cole comes out huge heat to God Save the Queen. Cole is dressed in regal attire and goes into Cole mine.

Cody Rhodes comes out to minor heat with shopping trolley heads to ring with men in suits. Wrestlemania rematch in the offing. Cody rambles on about Mysterio wearing a mask. A "You suck" chant rings out. Rhodes holds up brown paper bag mask. Assistants hand them out ringside. Apparently gone to "great expense" providing them! Cody wants to be drafted off the show and saving a paper bag mask for Mysterio. Mysterio to huge pop comes out.

1. Rey Mysterio defeated Cody Rhodes. Match immediately goes to the outside with Mysterio on the offensive. Rhodes turns the tide. Plenty of heat. Mysterio powerbomb reversal leads to near fall. Rhodes on the offensive with abdominal stretch round ring post. Mysterio fights back with enziguri but misses 619 setup. Rhodes with a near fall and continues on offense. Rhodes goes for superplex but Mysterio fights back. Mysterio jumps from the turnbuckle to be met with Rhodes dropkick and a near fall. Cody goes for power bomb but reversed for roll up and Mysterio win.

Rhodes reacts badly to heat! Mysterio into ringside boardings by Rhodes and into crowd. Mysterio into steps by Rhodes. Continue into crowd. Mysterio throws Rhodes back to ringside. Crossroads to Mysterio on the ringside mats. Rhodes places paper bag mask on Mysterio. Rhodes in the ring victorious to heat.

Justin Gabriel and Wade Barrett backstage discuss the battle royal from last week. Heath Slater comes in as does Ezekiel Jackson. Big pop for Barrett as the argument continues over who would sell whose mother down the river.

LayCool fought in another couples counseling session. No one cared.

Trent Baretta comes out to pretty much no reaction. Michael Cole leaves the Cole mine and climbs into the ring with regal attire still on. Huge heat. "May I have...." etc etc. Raw vignette plays re: kissing feet. Cole loving it and getting MEGA heat. Replay of fake queen knighthood rubbish. Cole introduces Jack Swagger to substantial heat.

2. Jack Swagger defeated Trent Baretta. Slingshot from Baretta into powerbomb by Swagger into ankle lock. Tap out by Barretta. Swagger wins.

Huge pop for Kane and Big Show as they walk to the ring backstage. Awesome Kong vignette plays. Big show and Kane come out to HUGE pop. Corre to huge heat!

Big Show and Kane defeated Just Gabriel and Heath Slater to win the WWE Tag Team Championships. Slater and Gabriel with Jackson are not popular. Kane and Slater start. Kane dominates early on. Near fall and then Big Show with stink face. Kane tossing Slater around. Gabriel in. Kane still kicking ass and a near fall. Jackson tips Kane off top rope. Slater gets to work. Gabriel in and Big Show gets crowd going. Kane nails Slater and tags Show. Show choke slams Slater and new champs!

Backstage segment with the Corre. Slater and Gabriel having a pop at Jackson. Slater slaps Gabriel!! Drew McIntyre comes out to biggest pop so far surprisingly! Chris Masters comes out to little reaction. McIntyre chants ringing out!

3. Drew McIntyre defeated Chris Masters. McIntyre hits the finisher and picks up the win to HUGE pop!

Big pop for Kofi Kingston! Mixed reaction for Barrett accompanied by Jackson.

4. Wade Barrett defeated Kofi Kingston in an Intercontinental Championship match. Some low key "Let's go Barrett" chants ring out in a see saw opening. Big Zeke hits Barrett on the outside by accident. Barrett sends him away from ringside. Couple of close calls by Kofi! Couple of missed finisher attempts and Barrett wins with a roll up and grabbing of ropes!

Ring being set up for Del Rio stint. Lots of phallic shaped balloon type things and Brodus Clay in the ring! Del Rio out to substantial heat. Apparently no one throws a party like him! He talked about him being the cause of Edge's retirement. He had a presents for Edge: a grandfather clock, (chants of "what" start to ring out!) adult diapers is the next gift. He talks about friends. Lita's music plays and a particularly fat lady appears! Brodus helps her into the ring. Del Rio unveils a zimmerframe (a walker) for Edge. Last gift is Ricardo Rodriguez in electric wheelchair to some very loud fireworks.

Del Rio talks about being new champ at Extreme Rules. Edge music hits to biggest pop of night! Edge rules! Edge trash talks and Brodus sent after him. Christian appears and attacks Brodus from behind with ladder. Christian hits Del Rio with the ladder on the ramp and then takes the ladder into the ring and grabs the belt! Christian music hits to end taping.
How long before some TNA fan claims the WWE are ripping off TNA because Jeff Hardy smoked a cigarette on the way to the ring a few months back? I give it 3-4 days max.

Hey look at that, it took less than 24 hours!
Not a bad looking show. I'm glad that the Corre seems to be ending so that Barrett and Gabriel can carry on with their lives and Slater and Jackson can go and get Teddy Harted for all I care.

Fucking waste of Barrett's time especially. But he'll recover and Justin Gabriel will easily get over on his own when he's given time to. He's damn good at doing just that wherever he's worked.
Impact with a AJ Styles promo, coming down from the roof. He talks about Lockdown and asks Bully Ray for a match now in the cage. Bully Ray comes out cuts a long promo on AJ from the stage, teases getting in the cage until Daniels comes down and throws Bully in the cage and locks it. AJ beats up Bully and teases jumping off the top of the cage. Bully escapes.

*Gunner and Rob Terry come out and wants to face Beer Money in the cage for the TNA Tag Team champions and of course Beer Money accepts.

*Hulk Hogan cut a promo saying RVD missed his chance to join Immortal. Rob Van Dam comes out and they go back and forth talking about respect. Sting comes out and they announce it's Sting vs. RVD at Sacrifice Sting said the Network gives him a clause that allows him to pick his challengers. Hogan got angry and said he's going to find out who is running the Network soon enough.

*Later tonight, it will be Matt Hardy vs. Sting and Rob Van Dam vs. Abyss with Hogan in Abyss' corner.

*TNA Knockout Tag Team champions Rosita & Sarita defeated Madison Rayne & Tara. Rayne and Tara were fighting amongst themselves.

*The Jarretts come out. Jeff is going to crown Karen the Queen of the Mountain since Jeff is the King. The fans chant "Sloppy seconds." Kurt Angle comes out and Angleslams Jeff through a chair. He tells Karen it will never be over.

*Abyss defeated RVD after Hulk Hogan interfered. Crimson made the save.

*Matt Morgan came out and cut a promo about wanting a World title shot. Scott Steiner comes out and wants a title shot as well. Matt proposes a match and Steiner accepts, then beats up Morgan.

*TNA champion Sting defeated Matt Hardy. Post match, Anderson hit the Mic Check on both and cut a promo on Sting to end the show.
smfh WiM

iMPACT! 4/28
TNA Impact spoilers:

*Impact opens with Karen and Jeff Jarrett coming out. Karen demands all the Knockouts come out as she is sure one of them was Kurt Angle's mistress. She goes down the Knockouts one by one and comes down to Velvet Sky. She rips apart Sky, who goes to slap Karen but Jeff ends up taking the slap. Winter and Angelina Love go after Velvet...

*Angelina Love defeated Velvet Sky via submission when Sky passed out to a Love submission. Love was doing the trance deal where nothing hurt her when Sky was on the offense.

*Anarquia defeated Chris Sabin. Mexican America worked over Sabin until the returning Alex Shelley made the save. Mexican America noted they were going to celebrate Cinco del Mayo next week.

Guessing it really is magic. Fuck.
smfh WiM

iMPACT! 4/28
TNA Impact spoilers:

*Impact opens with Karen and Jeff Jarrett coming out. Karen demands all the Knockouts come out as she is sure one of them was Kurt Angle's mistress. She goes down the Knockouts one by one and comes down to Velvet Sky. She rips apart Sky, who goes to slap Karen but Jeff ends up taking the slap. Winter and Angelina Love go after Velvet...

*Angelina Love defeated Velvet Sky via submission when Sky passed out to a Love submission. Love was doing the trance deal where nothing hurt her when Sky was on the offense.

*Anarquia defeated Chris Sabin. Mexican America worked over Sabin until the returning Alex Shelley made the save. Mexican America noted they were going to celebrate Cinco del Mayo next week.

Guessing it really is magic. Fuck

Gunner defeated Christopher Daniels.

*Backstage Sting destroys Mr. Anderson's truck and leaves his bat in the windshield before leaving.

*Crimson vs. Samoa Joe ended in a no contest when Abyss attacked Crimson and laid him out with a Black Hole Slam. .

Thx bro for filling in and posting the spoilers, I was busy tonight. Nice assist. I continued the spoilers in his quote.
Complete 4/28 Impact Spilers

*Impact opens with Karen and Jeff Jarrett coming out. Karen demands all the Knockouts come out as she is sure one of them was Kurt Angle's mistress. She goes down the Knockouts one by one and comes down to Velvet Sky. She rips apart Sky, who goes to slap Karen but Jeff ends up taking the slap. Winter and Angelina Love go after Velvet...

*Angelina Love defeated Velvet Sky via submission when Sky passed out to a Love submission. Love was doing the trance deal where nothing hurt her when Sky was on the offense.

*Anarquia defeated Chris Sabin. Mexican America worked over Sabin until the returning Alex Shelley made the save. Mexican America noted they were going to celebrate Cinco del Mayo next week.

*Gunner defeated Christopher Daniels.

*Backstage Sting destroys Mr. Anderson's truck and leaves his bat in the windshield before leaving.

*Crimson vs. Samoa Joe ended in a no contest when Abyss attacked Crimson and laid him out with a Black Hole Slam.

*New TNA Knockouts champion Mickie James cuts a promo dedicating her title win t the fans and thanks them for their support.

*TNA champion Sting defeated Bully Ray and Mr. Anderson. Great match with all three getting a decent amount of offense in. Bully Ray played his ultra heel great in this match. Bully used a steel pipe on Sting after a ref bump. AJ Styles came out and attacked Ray. Sting used the pipe on Ray and scored the pin.

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