WMD : Official Spoiler Page

He was a fantastic heel, I definitely disagree with you there. He certainly got more heat than he gets cheers as a face. Fuck, I love Morrison, but lets be honest here, nobody gave a flying fuck about him until the Sheamus and Miz feuds at the end of last year. He was about as over as Chris Masters. He's not a bad face, but he'd be a much better heel.

No, he's really not. His ECW promos were bad. They're better than most of his "flying tree" dross but really that's not saying much.

And this whole "Nobody who does flips can be a heel!" myth is so ridiculous. AJ Styles did it to perfection years ago, you just make the guy an extremely cocky and arrogant heel who wants to prove he's the best, so high-risk moves come with the territory.

The TNA crowd is completely different to a WWE crowd. Not just because of the size differences, but because the TNA crowd is the same one every week. We've all heard the complaints about the iMPACT Zone fans and the Cancer Crew. And while a guy CAN get flips booed, (Gabriel was and is doing it with his 450 splash) it's a hell of a lot harder than it is with a more grounded moveset, which Morrison lacks.

And look at how heels generally act in a match. They slow down the pace and stop the face from doing exciting moves. The exact opposite of what Morrison's moveset does.

Have him celebrate like crazy after a high-risk move like he just cured cancer and the crowd will boo him. It's not rocket science, moveset is truly irrelevant to face or heel alignment.

Then why have the only "high fliers" in WWE that were heels (that I can remember at least) were also insanely charismatic? I.e. HBK and Eddie Gurrerro. It's not an opinion that the crowd pops for high spots. Look at how the Hardyz (Jeff, mostly) got over, how Sin Cara's getting over, how Rey Mysterio got over, how Justin Gabriel got over on NXT and how Evan Bourne got over.

High fliers can be over as heels, but you're fighting against their fast paced, exciting moveset.
JoMo incorporated his high flying stuff into his heel routine. It wasn't hard all he did was look at the crowd with delight or taunt before or after hitting the move. He used the chuck kick, the starship pain and that awesome spin kick reversal.
Biggest Pops:

1: Sin Cara
2: Jim Ross
3: Randy Orton


1: Cena
2: Miz
3: Punk


1: Vickie/The Queen (I shit you not)
2: Cole/R-Truth
3: Primo (Seriously. He worked the crowd really well.)

Also, Dolph has a new haircut, I just about killed everyone around me when Miz came out, Truth was booed out of the building (may hear me shout 'I still like you Truth') and Cena got so many duelling fans it hurt my head. Oh yeah and the vast majority of the audience knew who Kong was.
My first live experience and I was shocked by just how good it was. Seriously though, when your biggest dissapointments are no Dniel Bryan/Zach Ryder and Dolph's new haircut, that says something. I think I scared several small children when JR came out. I just about shit myself due to not expecting him there.
My first live experience and I was shocked by just how good it was. Seriously though, when your biggest dissapointments are no Dniel Bryan/Zach Ryder and Dolph's new haircut, that says something. I think I scared several small children when JR came out. I just about shit myself due to not expecting him there.

Does Zigglers haircut work?
Was Truths turn effective?
Did Sin Cara botch his entrance?
Truth is actually a pretty decent heel, I've seen some of his TNA work during their infancy

Yeah, that's where he got the whole "Truth" gimmick from. I liked him alot in TNA as a heel and as champion.

Shit this is actually kind of cool. R-Truth as a heel could really put a spark under his ass and make him interesting again.
- Reader Trent Stephens is at the O2 Arena in London, England this afternoon and will be sending us live spoiler updates from the WWE NXT, Superstars and SmackDown tapings:

*Crowd looks very small

Dark Match:

* Beth Phoenix defeated Layla

WWE NXT, Airing Tonight:

* The first challenge is a Gladiator's Duel. Jacob Novak defeats Lucky Cannon.

* The crowd is dead compared to yesterday. Maybe it will pick up for SmackDown.

* Tyson Kidd and Lucky Cannon beat Byron Saxton and Yoshi Tatsu.

* Jacob Novak and JTG came out to talk but were interrupted by Conor O'Brian and Vladimir Kozlov.

* Conor O'Brian and Vladimir Kozlov beat JTG and Novak. Novak taunted William Regal at the announcer's table after the match and Regal got back in his face.

* Backstage segment with Maryse and Yoshi Tatsu.

* Hornswoggle beat Darren Young with a frog splash. Young had one hand behind his back and had to wear a blindfold.

Tyson Kidd and Lucky Cannon beat Yoshi Tatsu and Byron Saxton in the main event.
Ongoing Smackdown Spoilers.

WWE SmackDown, Airing Friday:

* Michael Cole comes out to his Cole Mine and it has a throne beside it.

* The World Heavyweight Title is hanging high above the ring.

They show hype for Extreme Rules, a look at Edge's WWE career and hype for Big Show and Kane vs. Justin Gabriel & Heath Slater for the tag team titles and Kofi Kingston vs. Wade Barrett for the IC Title later tonight.

* Michael Cole comes out to the British National Anthem and gets booed like crazy.
Obviously one or both of those championship belts are gonna change hand tonight. Don't they usually give England a championship change?
And of course Cole is getting booed. He turned his back in the presence of the Queen. That's worse than the kiss.
Cody Rhodes comes out to minor heat with shopping trolley heads to ring with men in suits. Wrestlemania rematch in the offing. Cody rambles on about Mysterio wearing a mask. A "You suck" chant rings out. Rhodes holds up brown paper bag mask. Assistants hand them out ringside. Apparently gone to "great expense" providing them! Cody wants to be drafted off the show and saving a paper bag mask for Mysterio. Mysterio to huge pop comes out.

1. Rey Mysterio defeated Cody Rhodes. Match immediately goes to the outside with Mysterio on the offensive. Rhodes turns the tide. Plenty of heat. Mysterio powerbomb reversal leads to near fall. Rhodes on the offensive with abdominal stretch round ring post. Mysterio fights back with enziguri but misses 619 setup. Rhodes with a near fall and continues on offense. Rhodes goes for superplex but Mysterio fights back. Mysterio jumps from the turnbuckle to be met with Rhodes dropkick and a near fall. Cody goes for power bomb but reversed for roll up and Mysterio win.

Rhodes reacts badly to heat! Mysterio into ringside boardings by Rhodes and into crowd. Mysterio into steps by Rhodes. Continue into crowd. Mysterio throws Rhodes back to ringside. Crossroads to Mysterio on the ringside mats. Rhodes places paper bag mask on Mysterio. Rhodes in the ring victorious to heat.

Justin Gabriel and Wade Barrett backstage discuss the battle royal from last week. Heath Slater comes in as does Ezekiel Jackson. Big pop for Barrett as the argument continues over who would sell whose mother down the river.

Trent Baretta comes out to pretty much no reaction. Michael Cole leaves the Cole mine and climbs into the ring with regal attire still on. Huge heat. "May I have...." etc etc. Raw vignette plays re: kissing feet. Cole loving it and getting MEGA heat. Replay of fake queen knighthood rubbish. Cole introduces Jack Swagger to substantial heat.

2. Jack Swagger defeated Trent Baretta. Slingshot from Baretta into powerbomb by Swagger into ankle lock. Tap out by Barretta. Swagger wins.
Decent Size Smackdown spoiler

We see Big Show and Kane headed to the ring for their tag title match. Another Awesome Kong video.

* Big Show and Kane defeat Justin Gabriel and Heath Slater to become the new WWE Tag Team Champions. Mis-communication from The Corre led to their loss.

* Backstage segment with The Corre arguing with each other. Slater and Gabriel get into it.

Drew McIntyre comes out to biggest pop so far surprisingly! Chris Masters comes out to little reaction. McIntyre chants ringing out!

3. Drew McIntyre defeated Chris Masters. McIntyre hits the finisher and picks up the win to HUGE pop!

Big pop for Kofi Kingston! Mixed reaction for Barrett accompanied by Jackson.

4. Wade Barrett defeated Kofi Kingston in an Intercontinental Championship match. Some low key "Let's go Barrett" chants ring out in a see saw opening. Big Zeke hits Barrett on the outside by accident. Barrett sends him away from ringside. Couple of close calls by Kofi! Couple of missed finisher attempts and Barrett wins with a roll up and grabbing of ropes!

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