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Ongoing Smackdown Spoilers.
(I will update here until it ends) So refresh it for updates.


Smackdown opens with Alberto Del Rio coming out and cutting a promo about Edge's retirement. He says he didn't want to win the World title like this but wants Edge to come out and present him with his belt. Teddy Long comes out and says there will be a 20 Man Battle Royal tonight and the winner will face Del Rio at Extreme Rules in a Ladder Match.

They apparently just re-shot part of that segment as Long then returned and said that no one is presenting Del Rio with anything tonight.

Ezekiel Jackson defeated Kofi Kingston. The remainder of the Corre were all on commentary. Ezekiel dumped Kofi over the top onto them during the match. He took the mic and declared he was going to win the Battle Royal tonight. So, the match is still on, which means Teddy Long missed a line and they sent him back out so they can edit it back in.

Lay-Cool couples therapy. They bicker and Michelle McCool walks out.

Cody Rhodes has an in-ring promo, saying that he wanted to disfigure Rey Mysterio the way that Cody has disfigured him. Mysterio comes out and they fight. Rey nails the 619 and Cody leave.

They air the promo for the former Awesome Kong.
Continued Spoilers.

Rey Mysterio defeated Drew McIntyre.

Edge came out and gave a long farewell speech about his career and how he won his first World title here in Albany. He points out his mother in the first row. Edge left and then came back out, saying he wanted to do his entrance one last time. He placed his World title in the center of the ring, hugged his mother and left.

Backstage, Rosa Mendes tells Edge she is going to miss him. Alberto comes up to Edge and wants to shake his hand. Edge just walks off.

Kelly Kelly defeated Layla. Michelle McCool was on commentary. After the match, Lay-Cool argued. McCool tried to leave. Layla grabbed her hand. McCool shoved and her walked off.

In the Battle Royal: Big Show, Kane, The Corre, Heath Slater, Jack Swagger, Brodus Clay, Christian, Cody Rhodes, Drew McIntyre, Yoshi Tatsu, Kofi Kingston, Rey Mysterio, Tyler Reks, Chris Masters, Chavo Guerrero, Curt Hawkins, Trent Baretta and JTG.
In the Battle Royal: Big Show, Kane, The Corre, Heath Slater, Jack Swagger, Brodus Clay, Christian, Cody Rhodes, Drew McIntyre, Yoshi Tatsu, Kofi Kingston, Rey Mysterio, Tyler Reks, Chris Masters, Chavo Guerrero, Curt Hawkins, Trent Baretta and JTG. The final four are Christian, Rey, Swagger and Justin Gabriel. Rey eliminated Gabriel. Swagger eliminated Rey.

COME on Christian
Why is Swagger in the Battle Royal when he already has a PPV match at Extreme Rules that was booked just last night on RAW...

I think that confirms Christian is about to win. FUCK YEARH RAUHRBHEAIUTHAOPTN!
Christian won the battle royal to face Alberto Del Rio for the World title at Extreme Rules. Edge came tot he ring and did a five second pose with Christian.

Complete Spoilers

Smackdown opens with Alberto Del Rio coming out and cutting a promo about Edge's retirement. He says he didn't want to win the World title like this but wants Edge to come out and present him with his belt. Teddy Long comes out and says there will be a 20 Man Battle Royal tonight and the winner will face Del Rio at Extreme Rules in a Ladder Match.

They apparently just re-shot part of that segment as Long then returned and said that no one is presenting Del Rio with anything tonight.

Ezekiel Jackson defeated Kofi Kingston. The remainder of the Corre were all on commentary. Ezekiel dumped Kofi over the top onto them during the match. He took the mic and declared he was going to win the Battle Royal tonight. So, the match is still on, which means Teddy Long missed a line and they sent him back out so they can edit it back in.

Lay-Cool couples therapy. They bicker and Michelle McCool walks out.

Cody Rhodes has an in-ring promo, saying that he wanted to disfigure Rey Mysterio the way that Cody has disfigured him. Mysterio comes out and they fight. Rey nails the 619 and Cody leave.

They air the promo for the former Awesome Kong.

Rey Mysterio defeated Drew McIntyre.

Edge came out and gave a long farewell speech about his career and how he won his first World title here in Albany. He points out his mother in the first row. Edge left and then came back out, saying he wanted to do his entrance one last time. He placed his World title in the center of the ring, hugged his mother and left.

Backstage, Rosa Mendes tells Edge she is going to miss him. Alberto comes up to Edge and wants to shake his hand. Edge just walks off.

Kelly Kelly defeated Layla. Michelle McCool was on commentary. After the match, Lay-Cool argued. McCool tried to leave. Layla grabbed her hand. McCool shoved and her walked off.

In the Battle Royal: Big Show, Kane, The Corre, Heath Slater, Jack Swagger, Brodus Clay, Christian, Cody Rhodes, Drew McIntyre, Yoshi Tatsu, Kofi Kingston, Rey Mysterio, Tyler Reks, Chris Masters, Chavo Guerrero, Curt Hawkins, Trent Baretta and JTG. The final four are Christian, Rey, Swagger and Justin Gabriel. Rey eliminated Gabriel. Swagger eliminated Rey. Christian eliminated Swagger to win. He celebrates with Edge.
FUCK YES! Finally a title match on a PPV for Christian. They might actually let him win too...oh God the marking out I will do...it will make my marking out when Punk won his first world title seem like nothing in comparison.

PLEASE don't pull the trigger on Del Rio yet Vince. Give him a few more months. Give Christian one title reign, pretty please? I'll be your best friend.

Now's the time to pull the trigger on Christian. He's already hugely over as a face, now with Edge's retirement, he could become the number one babyface on all of Smackdown.
Why is Swagger in the Battle Royal when he already has a PPV match at Extreme Rules that was booked just last night on RAW...

I think that confirms Christian is about to win. FUCK YEARH RAUHRBHEAIUTHAOPTN!

Great call, Christian was prob a lock to begin with; why would Swagger be last when he already had a match.
Wouldn't it be better for Del Rio to win at Extreme Rules and Christian chase the belt, winning it at Summerslam perhaps?

Fuck that, I've waited almost ten years for this. Plus they should strike now, while the iron is still hot. His heat by Summerslam won't be as big as the heat he's got right now because of Edge's retirement.

And I mean heat in a positive way by the way, not heel heat, face heat.


After the Smackdown taping in Albany, NY ended, Christian and Edge embraced and gave the crowd a "Five second pose."

This led to the entire WWE roster in attendance from Triple H on down came out on the ramp to pay tribute to Edge. Big Show, Rey Mysterio, Chavo Guerrero and eventually Triple H joined Edge and Christian. I was told it was awesome and the crowd loved it.

Edge gave a long "Hall of Fame induction" style speech to the live crowd, thanking everyone from the ring crew to catering on down. He specifically pointed out Kane as one of his closest friends in the business next to Christian. He thanked Lita and Vickie Guerrero.

Edge even joked to the fans that they needed to get their minds out of the gutter when it came to Lita "even though we really did do it."

Edge said he was going home to vacation and lay low and play with his dogs.

The fans chanted "Hall of Fame" at Edge. I was told it was a really emotional affair and really put a nice cap on the end of Edge's career.

WWE cameras were filming everything so it's possible it could be posted on the WWE website.
Wish it was on Tv.
Fantastic speech from Edge, haven't seen anything that emotional since HBK's retirement speech.

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