WMD : Official Spoiler Page

It's painfully obvious that this is probably where it will go. Sting will beat Kurt with Immortal assistance at HJ and then Hogan will crown himself number one contender for a match no one wants to see at the company's biggest show of the year.
I'm pretty sure it would draw very well and as a one-off thing I don't really have a problem with it. The problem is that the title is involved. We all know how Hogan ticks and (especially when) he has pull in the company. If he wins, it would be the most abysmal thing since... I don't know, the fingerpoke (abysmal in the sense of company threatening)? Plus, the other top talent is already fairly old and most of them still need to be put to the next level (besides Angle, RVD and Jeff Hardy, AJ is arguable).

There, I thought about it.
*Smackdown opens with World champion Randy Orton being interviewed by Josh Mathews inside the ring. He discusses his match against Christian at Money in the Bank. Christian appears on the Titantron and says he will become champion again. Christian says that Orton's father was a joke and he's just as pathetic as Cowboy Bob Orton. Orton says what is pathetic is Christian holding the title for five days.

*WWE Intercontinental champ Ezekiel Jackson defeated Ted DiBiase.

*Backstage, Cody Rhodes warns Ted DiBiase that if he loses one more match, Rhodes will personally put a bag on his head.

*Cody Rhodes defeated Daniel Bryan.

*Teddy Long tells a referee to warn Mark Henry and Big Show that if there is any physicality between the two when they have a face to face later, their match at the PPV will be canceled.

*Kane comes into Long's office and thanks him for the match against Randy Orton. Kane says he doesn't feel like a monster anymore and asks Long what is happening to him. Long tells Kane that he's scaring the hell out of him.

*Backstage, someone has spraypainted Randy Orton's private bus with "ORTON SUX. TEDDY LONG = MORON. CHRISTIAN = UNCROWNED WORLD CHAMPION." Christian comes across it and acts shocked and says he can't imagine anyone would do this.

*Sin Cara defeated Sheamus. Cara messed up his entrance. Wade Barrett was on commentary at ringside and attacked Cara after the match.

*Christian is in the casino with Randy Orton's wallet. He pulls out $1,000 and says he's going toplay for Orton's daughter's college fund. He plays but loses and says Orton's luck has just run out.

*WWE Divas champ Kelly Kelly defeated Rosa Mendes.

*Johnny Curtis promo backstage. He says soon, the cat will be out of the bag, but pulls an elephant out of it and yells at an assistant in the room. He tells the man that the elephant in the room isn't until next week and rips up the stuffed animal.

*Justin Gabriel defeated Heath Slater.
TNA Spoilers (July 21st)

Here are the results from Tuesday night’s Impact Wrestling Tapings for the episode to air on July 21st:

In a dark match, Smith James defeated the Memphis Mofo.

Impact began with Sting coming to the ring for a promo. He talks about how insane he is. He calls out Bischoff and Hogan to come out. Kurt Angle comes out in his clown attire from last week and enters the ring. Angle says that he means no disrespect and says that it was him who saved Sting last week because it was the right thing to do. At Hardcore Justice their paths will cross again. Sting says he respects Angle. Angle says he wants to beat Sting since he never has. It has to be Angle because he has no other choice. Sting says they have a dilemma.

Immortal's music plays and out comes Ken Anderson and Bully Ray. Ray says it is Sting and Angle versus Anderson and Ray tonight.

In a Bound for Glory Series Match, Rob Van Dam defeated Scott Steiner with a rollup.

Mickie James came out for a promo and called out Velvet Sky. Mickie said she has watched Velvet get blamed for other wrestler’s problems. Mickie knows how it gets and its not good. Mickie wants to give Velvet her first knockouts championship shot tonight because Velvet has earned it and says that they are going to tear the roof off the Impact Zone.

Angelina Love and Winter come out. Angelina says she and Winter are competitors and that Mickie and Velvet just need to go get a hotel room. Angelina says that no matter who wins tonight it won't be long before the title is back around her waist. Winter insults both Mickie and Velvet for a bit before they go to the back.

Backstage Sarita and Rosita are brawling with Tara and Miss Tessmacher. Madison Rayne brawls with Tara as well until referees have to break it up.

Miss Tessmacher and Tara defeat Rosita and Sarita to become the new Knockouts Tag Champions. Tara and Tessmacher jumped Rosita and Sarita when they came out. Sarita was wrestling this match wearing a mask due to her recent facial injury. Tara had Sarita in the Widow's Peak and Madison ran out while the ref was distracted and Madison tackled Tara. Tara and Miss Tessmacher were able to hit stereo finishers (Stratusfaction by Tessmacher and fireman’s carry into side slam by Tara) for the three count.

In a Bound for Glory Series Match, Matt Morgan defeats AJ Styles, Gunner, and Samoa Joe to earn 10 points.

They show an Eric Young video package with him going into a gas station looking for an opponent to defend his TV title against. He finds D'Lo Brown. D'Lo tells Eric this is a road Eric doesn't want to go down. Eric rolls up D'Lo and counts the 3 himself and runs from D’Lo. Young gets away and D'Lo says "he didn't even recognize me."

In an X Division title match, Brian Kendrick defeated Alex Shelley Shelley hit sliced bread on Kendrick on the apron. When Shelley put Kendrick back in the ring, Aries ran out and hit Shelley with the title and threw him back in the ring for the fall.

Mexican America comes out for a promo. Anarquia comes out and calls what Tara and Tessmacher did earlier garbage. He says they are pissed off and when they are pissed off they kick ass. They call out Beer Money who enter the building and come face to face with Mexican America. James Storm tells them to do everyone a favor and leave the ring, the company, and go cut grass. Storm threatens to kick Anarquia’s teeth down his throat. Since they have been competing in the Bound for Glory Series, they came out to reintroduce themselves to everyone.

Storm says they are the best, being four time tag team champions. Storm says they aren't going to just beat them, they're going to kick their asses for the people here, the people watching, and all the Mexcians that came before Mexican America that they are disgracing. At Hardcore Justice, Beer Money will beat them to retain the tag titles. Storm advises them to mark the day after the pay per view on their calendars because Mexican America is going to wake up with their Green Cards stuck straight up their asses. Roode tells then Sorry About your damn luck.

The Knockouts Title Match between Velvet Sky and Mickie James never got to happen. Angelina Love and Winter attacked Mickie as she entered. Velvet tried to make the save. ODB and Jackie came out and attacked Velvet as Angelina and Winter bailed. Traci Brooks then came out for the save. Referees and security had to separate Traci, Mickie, and Velvet from Jackie and ODB. Cops came out and put handcuffs on Jackie and ODB and took them out of the Impact Zone.

TNA World Champion Sting and Kurt Angle defeated Ken Anderson and Bully Ray when Angle pinned Anderson after an Angle Slam. Ray tried to stop Anderson from doing his usual intro because Ray wants to get in the ring and take care of business. Anderson did it anyway. At one point during the match Bischoff came out and said something on commentary.

After the match, Angle and Sting shook hands and Angle pulled Sting in close before leaving the ring.

In a match for Xplosion, Magnus defeats Shannon Moore in an Xplosion Championship Challenge match. Douglas Williams ran out and pulled Shannon off the apron so Moore hit his face on the apron. Magnus then hit a Michinoku Driver for the win.

Looks like a better show than the one that will air this Thursday
Shelley and Aries feud? Defintely something which would be entertaining. The Eric Young skit sounds brilliant as well. Don't get the BFG Four-Way-Dance, but I guess I don't book it so can't blame them.

Defintely sounds better than the upcoming IW.
Shelley and Aries feud? Defintely something which would be entertaining. The Eric Young skit sounds brilliant as well. Don't get the BFG Four-Way-Dance, but I guess I don't book it so can't blame them.

Defintely sounds better than the upcoming IW.

BFG Series doesn't really need booking in their mind I'd guess, I'm just glad Morgan won, love that dude
BFG Series doesn't really need booking in their mind I'd guess, I'm just glad Morgan won, love that dude

I like him too, think he gets a bad rep due to his size because he has actual talent unlike a lot of other big guys. But apart of me is ercking at the fact Samoa Joe and AJ Styles lose in the same match, I guess I'm still hanging onto the nostalgia of when they were everything in TNA.
Sting won the title again?

Wrestling observer:
For what it’s worth, Colt Cabana, who Punk mentioned on the air again, has told at least one promotion he’s worked with regularly that he’s not taking any more dates with them after next month. He also was involved in an injury angle that could write him out of NWA Hollywood. In addition, he did not sign an ROH contract. Cabana, Chris Hero and Claudio Castagnoli are the only key wrestlers who haven’t signed new ROH deals that were still being used. Hero and Castagnoli are still expected to be WWE bound even though they are advertised for the first ROH TV tapings in Chicago next month, as they are doing the pre-signing procedure of getting the full physical and having their backgrounds checked.

I'm going to go scream like a four year old if this is true.
Well the deal could fall through, and you're unlikely to see the KoW for 12-18 months. WWE's tests are nothing if not very strict, and unless you're an established draw/superstar, you ain't skipping FCW.
Holy fucking shit, knockouts in 4 segments? Kill me now.

At least there aren't any fucking lockboxes...

Also, the Gabriel Slater match from this week's SD was a good little match. Sure it was just a way to show off Gabriel's skills but it was a fun showcase. Gabriel's going to make a good little midcarder, especially if he gets the chance to show a little of the OTTness that got him over in South Africa. Slater can go job to Ryder for all I care.
Smackdown's contribution to Superstars this week is:

Justin Gabriel beat Tyson Kidd via 450 (should be tons o' fun)

Alicia beat Nattie via rollup
These are the results so far.

Prowrestling.net said:
Randy Orton sat in the ring and mentioned the Vince McMahon and Triple H change and the lack of a WWE Champion. He called out Christian, who stood on the stage and said spitting on Orton was an accident. Funny. Orton demanded his rematch. Teddy Long reminded him he's booked against Kane. Orton went after Christian and attacked him on the stage. Long booked Christian vs. Zeke. So much for Cody's advertised IC Title match.

1. Christian beat Ezekiel Jackson in a non-title match. Chistian got the clean pin with the Killswitch. This did not feel special despite both men being champions, but the match was fine.

Michael Cole interviewed MITB winner Daniel Bryan, and said his win was just a fluke. Bryan said Cole's opinion means nothing. Cole said Bryan will take the easy way out and cash in when the champion is down. Bryan said he earned it. He announced that he is cashing in the MITB at WrestleMania 28. He said he was the first to announce this, but Mr. Kennedy actually made the same announcement once.

2. Daniel Bryan beat Heath Slater. Much longer than expected. Bryan won with the LeBell Lock.

Matt Striker interviewed Mark Henry backstage. Henry had no remorse for hurting Big Show.

3. Sheamus fought Wade Barrett to a double count out. Not much crowd reaction for Barrett, but Sheamus got a babyface pop. Sheamus left Barrett lying with a Brogue Kick for a pop.

A Cody Rhodes video was shown.

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