WMD : Official Spoiler Page

I remember saying in the Destination-X LD it would take TNA a week to screw up the work they put into their best pay-per-view event in well over a year, and probably even two.

I was wrong. Took the bastards a day. Sucks to be a TNA fan right about... Now.
I haven't seen all the results yet, but I wouldn't label taking the belt off of Anderson with no build a step in the wrong direction.
I remember saying in the Destination-X LD it would take TNA a week to screw up the work they put into their best pay-per-view event in well over a year, and probably even two.

I was wrong. Took the bastards a day. Sucks to be a TNA fan right about... Now.

Why are you making an assumption with very, very little information? I mean, I'm sure it wasn't the best move, but you're still kind of licking the proverbial asshole

Lookin for buddies or somethin, bra?

Anyway, ten bucks Anderson's hurt (again), regardless if that's why he dropped to Sting or not
Why are you making an assumption with very, very little information? I mean, I'm sure it wasn't the best move, but you're still kind of licking the proverbial asshole

Lookin for buddies or somethin, bra?

Because that one small nugget of information from the tapings is enough for me to just shake my head. The only way they're redeeming themselves is if they immediately bring Austin Aries in and give him something so spectacularly, earth-shartingly amazing to do and he pulls it off. Like... Beating Crimson or something.

Anyway, ten bucks Anderson's hurt (again), regardless if that's why he dropped to Sting or not

That's something I didn't contemplate.
Because that one small nugget of information from the tapings is enough for me to just shake my head. The only way they're redeeming themselves is if they immediately bring Austin Aries in and give him something so spectacularly, earth-shartingly amazing to do and he pulls it off. Like... Beating Crimson or something.

That would be even worse, they're trying to Goldberg with Crimson and AA coming in and ending that streak would hurt waaaay more than it helped

Aries should have a series with Low Ki, honestly

That's something I didn't contemplate.

Dude he got injured once a month in 'E and they do a lot less risky spots there
TNA Spoiler

Sting defeated Mr. Anderson to become a Five Time TNA World Champion. This was Anderson’s first title defense since winning the title at Slammiversary. Both men used each other's finishers at points during the match. Later in the match, referee Brian Hebner was knocked out. Bully Ray came out, while still wearing his tuxedo, and attacked Sting. The lights went out and one of the clowns from earlier was in the ring attacking Anderson and Ray with a baseball bat when the lights came back on. The lights went out again and when the lights came back on, the clown and Ray disappeared. Sting picked up Anderson and hit the Scorpion Death Drop to win the match. As Sting celebrated with the title, the clown was on the stage and unmasked himself to be Kurt Angle.

...I don't get it
What the fuck is TNA doing? I get it, you're trying to rip off one of the most over hyped film characters of the last decade, but fucking clowns? Seriously? And people wonder why TNA gets shit ratings.
It's like Sting's playing the crazy face, but Angle goes ahead and saves Sting, even though he's going to be facing him for the Title. Almost a Face vs Face feud. Sting's either gonna go heel, or this is weird.
With TNA I often think: "I don't really get it, but it has potential to become a great story." Turns out it more often than not doesn't.
Entire Impact results.

Dark Match

1. Eric Young and a partner defeated Robbie E and a partner (couldn't hear his name). Eric Young pinned Robbie's partner. This match was so horrible it was hard to watch.

TNA Impact Taping

Immortal held a party for Mr. Anderson, who had on a nice camouflage tuxedo by the way. It was general ass kissing all around until the lights went out. Sting appeared in the ring at a poker table and asked Eric Bischoff if he wanted to bet who would walk out with the title tonight. Sting did his Joker laugh and pointed out that he had "friends" tonight that would make sure Immortal didn't screw him. Four Doink the Clown look-alikes appeared in the rafters and Sting flipped the table and got out of the ring

1. Bobby Roode defeated Samoa Joe and The Pope in a Bound For Glory Series match. Good action. Joe kept getting knocked out of the ring and he almost won with the rear naked choke on Bobby Roode, but his shoulders were on the mat and Hebner counted him down for the pin before Roode tapped out... he then argued with Hebner and flipped off the crowd.

2. Austin Aries defeated Shannon Moore. There were a couple of bad missed spots, but it was an otherwise exciting match. Austin Aries has a lot of potential and does a great job in the ring. However, he does this move where he acts like a cat and scratches his opponent, very weird... Aries hit Moore with the chain from the Book of DILLIGAF to score the pinfall. Alex Shelley then came out to check on Moore and helped him out of the ring.

3. Tara defeated Madison Rayne. Tara brought out a present for Madison and sat it in the corner of the ring. It was kind of a normal Knockout match. Rayne threw Tara into the steps and snuck into the ring and opened the present. It was... a tarantula! She got scared and Tara hit the Widow's Peak for the win, then chased Madison all the way to the back holding the tarantula.

Kurt Angle cut a promo about his No. 1 contender status, and his upcoming TNA Title match at Hardcore Justice. He said he's going to kick Anderson's ass whether it is for the championship or not, and he hopes Sting wins so they can finish what they started in some previous match (couldn't understand him) since he has never beaten Sting. He talked about the Main Event Mafia some as well.

4. Mexican America defeated The British Invasion to become No. 1 contenders to the TNA Tag Titles. Mexican America won when Rosita distracted the ref and they cheated. Big surprise ending there. The entire match was pretty crappy. Hernandez ended up interfering and Anarquia pinned Magnus.

5. Sting defeated Mr. Anderson to win the TNA Title. Pretty entertaining match overall. Mr. Anderson put Sting in a Scorpion Death Lock, Sting hit the Mic Check on Anderson, and referee got knocked out of the ring, as usual in TNA. Bully Ray came down and interfered. The lights went out and one of the clowns was in the ring. The clown proceeded to hit Ray and Anderson with the bat. The lights went out and the clown disappeared. Ray was nowhere to be found, and Sting hit the Scorpion Death Drop on Anderson. The ref crawled back in the ring and counted to three!!! New TNA or Impact Wrestling Heavyweight Champion is Sting! Wow, on an Impact taping... Sting celebrated for a few minutes on the ring and then Impact was over.
It's just amusing, really.

But I swear, if they have Hogan vs Sting for the title and Hogan... no, I'll not think about that.
Niño Vega;3258126 said:
But I swear, if they have Hogan vs Sting for the title and Hogan... no, I'll not think about that.

It's painfully obvious that this is probably where it will go. Sting will beat Kurt with Immortal assistance at HJ and then Hogan will crown himself number one contender for a match no one wants to see at the company's biggest show of the year.
Sting joining Immortal would be the biggest "Fuck You" to the fans man. Sting has literally spent the last 18 months in the company rallying against Hogan, Bischoff, and his cronies. To just turn around and join the stable comprised of guys he's been fighting for over a year would be so stupid, it sounds like something right out of WCW.

That would be so awful. It would be like Sting joining the nWo Black and White right before Starrcade 97.
Man, this booking is so fucking bad. They want to make their product unpredictable, and yet they play hot potato with their titles, make their top stars out to be chumps, and they keep revolving the show around their veteran talent instead of their up and comers.
Sting joining Immortal would be the biggest "Fuck You" to the fans man. Sting has literally spent the last 18 months in the company rallying against Hogan, Bischoff, and his cronies. To just turn around and join the stable comprised of guys he's been fighting for over a year would be so stupid, it sounds like something right out of WCW.

That would be so awful. It would be like Sting joining the nWo Black and White right before Starrcade 97.

Kind of like when Joe joined the Mafia in 09?

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