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His reaction when he headbutted Jey Uso was well acted and priceless. It was by far one of the best 6-man tag matches I have ever seen.
Yeah. I've watched a few of the Uso's matches and I've noticed that they are incredibly crisp in the ring. Seriously they never botch it would seem.
That match was fuckin' awesome. That suplex spot on all the guys onto the floor from the top rope was fucking INSANE, I have never seen that before in my life.
That spot was pretty damn cool. What kind of rating you giving this one?

I may have overrated it based on just how awesome that spot was, but I gave it ***1/2. May change it to ***1/4, not sure.
X what do you think of Heath Slater?

He's okay. He sells well and can take good bumps, but that's about it honestly. I don't see much of anything in the future for him beyond the tag division and maybe lower midcard. He's kind of just...there.
This is the spot:


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