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Former WWF and WCW World champion Randy Savage died from a condition known as ventricular fibrillation, according to his brother Lanny Poffo. Poffo made the announcement during an interview with Florida's Bright House Sports Network.

Ventricular Firbrillation is an abnormal heart arrhythmia, an uncontrolled twitching of the heart that prevents the heart from pumping blood. The condition is considered a cause of both fainting or heart attacks.

Poffo also praised Savage's widow Lynn, commenting, "Randy's foot was still on the accelerator. She reached over and steered the Jeep Wrangler into a tree,
Figured it was heart problems that did it, atleast we know it wasn't anything controversial like drugs or something. Rest in peace Randy.

Smackdown sounds good this week, but I'm still unsure of how I feel about this Christian heel turn. I mean, he's a GREAT heel, but I felt like he was doing some of his best work in years as a face now. He never made a very good babyface before, he was always better suited as a heel, but over the last year or two I've felt like his face work has become as good as his work as a heel.

I do however like the heel turn somewhat simply because I think they're much more inclined to put the belt back on Christian as a heel then as a face. So I could definitely see him winning the title from Orton at the PPV. I hope so, have Orton do the chasing for once. It'll make his eventual title win that much more sweet.

Main event sounds good. Oh and AJ winning?! Fuck year! AJ for Divas champ!
Call me petty but I still can't believe that WWE took Christian's only world title away from him after two days. I really hope this turn doesn't make him SRS heel suit wearing guy #600.
Good point. I think when he was heal in TNA he didn't wear a suit. I also don't think it fits his character to be in a suit. I'm really looking forward to what his music will be. There is no way he can use his current one.
I do however like the heel turn somewhat simply because I think they're much more inclined to put the belt back on Christian as a heel then as a face. So I could definitely see him winning the title from Orton at the PPV. I hope so, have Orton do the chasing for once. It'll make his eventual title win that much more sweet.

I still stand by my idea that Orton shouldn't have won the belt until WrestleMania last year if they were sculpting him into a megaface on par with Cena. I forget when they actually did put the belt on him. Night of Champions or some B-PPV like that, I think. Now he's what, an eight time champion? Where's the fun in cheering for someone if they can pretty much just win the belt at will?

I agree with you on Christian's recent face work as well:

There's been a lot of talk about how Orton and Christian are over in comparison to each other. I mean, why on Earth would you give a face Christian the world title? He's not nearly as over as Orton. Except, well, he kind of is. His crowd reaction has been growing week after week - you're right. The reaction he received at Over the Limit was one of the biggest, if not the biggest, of the evening and definitely equaled Orton's.

This particularly troubles me when I consider what a very wise man once pointed out; that Orton has been pushed with all the force of a nuclear-powered bulldozer for over half a decade and, meanwhile, Christian's been bounced around the card more than a pretzel crumb on poker night. If Christian can come off the back of a push that's all of one month long and equal - if not outdo - John Cena's number two live on pay-per-view, what could he have done with half a decade's worth of nuclear pushing?

Christian isn't built like a bodybuilder. He doesn't have the looks of a model. In fact, he's only marginally better built and better looking than me, and I'm no prize. However, he's shown that if he's given the ball, he will fucking sprint with it. Every match he's in will become a match of the year candidate, every promo he cuts will be golden and, even when he's booked to be number two, he will make the crowd care about him as if he's number one. It's too bad that the WWE, as the coach in this painfully prolonged metaphor, wants to take him off and put on that child prodigy they picked out seven years ago. He's the guy that's supposed to be the game winner.

If you push hard enough, it'll go in eventually, right?

But I suppose I'm as desperate as the Christian character himself for him to win the title back. If that means turning his back on the fans, call me a self-hating peep.
Christian is a way better champion as a face on SD than Orton is. When Christian was world champ there was about a dozen differant people he could have a fresh feud with. Can Orton say the same thing? I think he'll only have Cody as a posssibility.

* Mark Henry came out for a match against Johnny Curtis but Curtis never came out. Vince McMahon's music then played, a continuance of what happened last week. Matt Striker came in the ring and asked Henry why none of his opponents wanted to come out and face him. Henry ripped on the crowd and said if his opponent does finally come out, "somebody is gonna get their ass kicked" like his music says.

* Vickie Guerrero debuted as Tyson Kidd's new manager this week but dumped him after he lost a match to Yoshi Tatsu.
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Posted in: WWE
WWE Attendance News from Last Night, Alberto Del Rio Video Interview, MVP
By Marc Middleton
Jun 8, 2011 - 10:43:58 AM

- Former WWE star MVP will be making his debut in Mexico for the Perros del Mal promotion during Lucha Libre Festival on July 23rd. MVP will team with Shelton Benjamin and Marco Corleone (Mark Jindrak) to take on the team of Perro Aguayo Jr., Halloween and Damian 666.

- For what it's worth, a fan in attendance at last night's WWE SmackDown tapings at the Roanoke Civic Center in Roanoke, Virginia said 40-45% of the seating was tarped off. Mike added that he's been going to WWE shows in Virginia and North Carolina for almost 20 years now and has never seen a WWE TV taping look that bad, as far as attendance goes.
- USA Network VP Ted Linhart was asked on Twitter if RAW would continue to replay on Monday nights after it did this week after the Tough Enough finale replay. Linhart said the RAW replay on Monday night was a one-time thing to accommodate the replay of Tough Enough since the two ran together. Since Tough Enough is over, WWE will return to their normal two-hour block of TV on Monday nights once the June 13th and June 20th three-hour RAW shows are over.

- An angle is booked between Big Show and Alberto Del Rio for next week's three-hour RAW, likely to set up a match between the two at Capitol Punishment.
TMZ.com reports that Hulk Hogan is threatening to file a lawsuit against former WWE talent Warrior (a/k/a Ultimate Warrior) for alleged defamation.

The Founding Father of Life Intensity posted a seven-minute video Tuesday, saying, among other things, that Hogan is a cocaine user who had an open marriage and encouraged ex-wife Linda to indulge in sexual intercourse with other wrestlers.

Hogan says the allegation of drug use is "a blatant lie." Regarding his claim on Linda, he said, "None of that ever happened. This guy is out of his mind."

Hogan says he "tried ignoring" Warrior, but he's now plans on filing a lawsuit against The Ultimate One to prevent him from "spewing sewage."

WWE talent Kia Stevens (a/k/a Kharma) has issued a statement denying Byron Wilcott's claim that he is the father of her child.

Wilcott, a former WWE developmental talent, posted a message on his Facebook account earlier this week claiming to be the baby's father. Stevens's legal representation issued a statement today denoting the claim as "completely false."

The statement reads: "Mr. Byron Wilcott is not the father of Ms. Stevens's baby. The post on Mr. Wilcott's Facebook page is completely false and we do not know why he would publish such a fantastical falsehood. We have contacted Mr. Wilcott through his Facebook page and have requested him to publish a retraction."
Warrior is an idiot. Even if everything he's saying is true, he acts like such a child in that video, and with this whole event. So many wrestlers are such drama queens, it's really amazing.
Mr. Byron Wilcott you are NOT the father!

So Hogan goes from that guy that says he's ignoring Warrior and we should too, to a guy who is suing Warrior?
- The decision not to re-sign Tommy Dreamer to a new contract surprised a lot of people within TNA. At one point, Dreamer apparently had a decent amount of office power and had been talked about as someone who could work as an agent or help with creative.

- Right now there are a lot of creative issues within TNA. The Hulk Hogan & Eric Bischoff contingent is openly complaining about the writing of Vince Russo. It's said that Jeff Jarrett is also frustrated with Russo, after years of defending his work. The feeling is that Russo is pretty much locked in place because Dixie Carter feels a loyalty to him.

- TNA is going with the idea right now to elevate Gunner, Crimson and Robert Roode to top spots in the company.

- As noted before, Ed "Brutus Beefcake" Leslie was injured in a celebrity boxing match back on May 28th in Pittsfield, MA. The former WWE and WCW star underwent knee surgery on June 3rd to repair the injury.

- WWE Champion John Cena is said to be beaten up far worse than is being let on. Cena is reportedly suffering from neck, hip and elbow problems.

- Gail Kim noted on Twitter that Earl Hebner's daughter was at this past Monday's RAW hanging out. Hebner's daughter previously played Gail's "little sister Katie" in TNA when Gail was feuding with Awesome Kong.
- Former WWE Intercontinental and Tag Team Champion Jacques Rougeau Jr. wrestled what he says was his retirement match on May 28th in Drummondville, Quebec in front of a nice crowd of 2,750 fans. Rougeau teamed with his son JJ Rougeau to face Frank the Machine and former WWE star Kurrgan.

- According to the charity organization RAINN, Mick Foley had 700 individuals donate a total of $120,491.89 during the months of April and May. WWE and TNA both contributed $10,000 each.

TMZ has posted an article concerning former WWE talent Sean Waltman's story about being sexual abused as a child and his efforts to assist other victims in coping with their pain.

Waltman posted a blog on his official website on Monday (available here) to praise Mick Foley for his efforts with RAINN (Rape Abuse and Incest Network) since he is a "survivor of repeated sexual abuse/molestation from about age 5 to around the age of 12." Foley's work inspired Waltman to reveal his own personal experience.

Saying his abusers were both male and female. Waltman wrote, "The most psychologically damaging incidents came at the hands of an adult male who actually brought me to my first pro wrestling match."

Waltman says he told his family about the abuse when he was in his twenties: "It's so difficult for victims of sexual abuse to come forward. The shame & fear involved in coming forward is overwhelming.

"Feeling like it’s our fault or fearing what people will think of you prevent many from ever coming forward ... I choose to talk openly about it, hoping it may inspire others to come forward and expose these people."

He continued, "This is a huge step in dealing with the psychological damage done to the victim & can also save others from having to suffer the same fate. So I can’t thank Mick enough for his work with RAINN."

TMZ has posted an article concerning former WWE talent Sean Waltman's story about being sexual abused as a child and his efforts to assist other victims in coping with their pain.

Waltman posted a blog on his official website on Monday (available here) to praise Mick Foley for his efforts with RAINN (Rape Abuse and Incest Network) since he is a "survivor of repeated sexual abuse/molestation from about age 5 to around the age of 12." Foley's work inspired Waltman to reveal his own personal experience.

Saying his abusers were both male and female. Waltman wrote, "The most psychologically damaging incidents came at the hands of an adult male who actually brought me to my first pro wrestling match."

Waltman says he told his family about the abuse when he was in his twenties: "It's so difficult for victims of sexual abuse to come forward. The shame & fear involved in coming forward is overwhelming.

"Feeling like it’s our fault or fearing what people will think of you prevent many from ever coming forward ... I choose to talk openly about it, hoping it may inspire others to come forward and expose these people."

He continued, "This is a huge step in dealing with the psychological damage done to the victim & can also save others from having to suffer the same fate. So I can’t thank Mick enough for his work with RAINN."

-C.J Parker was added to FCW roster he is knon as Juice Robinson from Dreamwave Wrestling and the Midwest indy scene. He was originally trained by Truth Martini.

The 2011 TNA Hard Justice PPV (dropping the ECW reunion concept and name) will be held on August 7th, 2011 at Universal Studios in Orlando.

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