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I've heard Foley say in person he wasn't happy when he left WWE, but to be fair that was as a commentator so maybe he could do something else, if they're interested that is.

However, if this really was his exit, TNA has reached levels of stupidity that I didn't think existed.
That Mark Henry thing must be bullshit or at least exaggerated. It started as being half an hour, now it's twenty minutes. I don't know anyone in the world who would stay in an arena for more than ten minutes to watch Mark Henry just stand there.
Sunday Notes

Scott Hall Returns

- TNA is reportedly planning on cutting several talents soon from the roster. Officials have been evaluating what's working and what's not working, trying to determine which talents aren't fitting in. No word yet on when the cuts will be made but some wrestlers have apparently been told to sit tight while the necessary cuts are made.

-- Former WWE Women's Champion Chyna vows that her latest adult film, Back Door into Chyna, will not be her last.

"I would definitely like to do more," Chyna told TMZ. "It gives me motivation again. I want to be better and happier than ever... that's the point, right?"

- As noted before, Mo'Nique issued an informal challenge to The Bella Twins for a pay-per-view match between herself, Kelly Price and WWE Diva Alicia Fox on her show last week. The Bellas responded to Mo'Nique on Twitter with the following:

"PS Mo'Nique couldn't even take us down with @AliciaFoxy.... Um that's called #YourDreamin' Mo Mo!"

- Booker T replaced Matt Striker on commentary during this past Thursday's WWE Superstars as Striker came out as Tyson Kidd's new manager. WWE teased this week that Striker may be sticking with Kidd and there was talk that Striker may be leaving commentary to become a manager until the storyline ends.

- There is nothing to the reports of WWE possibly giving Averno the name "Rey Ortiz II" when he comes to the main roster.
On Hulk Hogan's Facebook account earlier today, the following was posted in response to a fan:

"That's good to know brother. But in reality it was a lot of you idiot fans that killed wcw with your lack of appreciation and support for everything we did for you. Funny enough a lot of you morons like TNA too. Go figure. HH"

Hogan later posted, "Something so evil to hurt me or my fans.I assure you I would never say anything so evil about the great fans that I love and have made my Career.I have nothing but love and respect for each and every HH fan.maby somebody that knows the INS and outs of computers can get to the Bottom of this and find out who is trying to hurt my fans and my career,thank you HULKAMANIACS nothing but love and respect. HH"

Hogan later added, "Hulkamaniacs - I have verified that my account was not hacked, and the posted screen shot was made by a person who was banned from this page due to abusive behavior. The screen shot was photo shopped, and the statement was NEVER made by me. You all make what we do worthwhile. HH"

So, either Hogan snapped at a fan or someone was playing games. Either way, the original quote, which was sent to us by Erick Sturrock, has been deleted.

To check out Hogan's Facebook for yourself, http://www.facebook.com/hulkhogan?sk=app_2373072738.
Saw that shit on Twitter earlier, I'm the last guy to defend Hulk Hogan but it appears it's just a jackass using Photoshop. I follow Hulk and check my Twitter pretty frequently, and I never saw him say any of those negative comments about the fans or whatever.
- Tommy Dreamer announced on Twitter that he is finishing up with TNA at their upcoming BaseBrawl events. He wrote:

"If u need a reason 2 go 2 TNA shows on 6/10 Marion, Ill & 6/11 Memphis TN. They will b my last 2 apperances for TNA.Come say goodbye. Thnx"

Word going around is that Dreamer and TNA couldn't agree on a new contract.

He is now taking event bookings through thetommydreamer.com.
He left WWE because he was unhappy about becoming a producer and wanted to wrestle more whereas the same thing happened in TNA towards the end of his run. Poor Dreamer.
Maybe he will show up sitting in the crowd at the next Roh Show. The Next week Al Snow and Stevie Richards will sit with him. This will go on and lead to yet another ECW reunion. Sadly it will still equal 20,000 ppv buys as it did for TNA. Which according to Meltzer was TNA's second most bought ppv of the year.
A fan wrote Eric Bischoff via Twitter and asked, "Why would anyone in a position such as @EBischoff go out of his way to insult the most hardcore wrestling fans?"

His response?

"Because I can! "
A man that I respect more than anyone else on the planet once summed up Eric Bischoff for me:

"I can summarise Eric Bischoff's 'Controversy Creates Cash' as follows: "it wasn't my fault.""

The man is a bellend.
Former WWE developmental wrestler Byron Wilcott is claiming to be the father of Kharma's child. Wilcott wrote on Facebook:

"As some of you know my girlfriend is pregnant. Some of you know her as Awesome Kong. Most know her as Kharma. I know her as the love of my life, Kia Stevens."

"Due to this being a high-risk pregnacy I'm going to take this time and step away from the ring to concentrate on making sure her and our baby's needs are met. I will fulfill the remainder of my dates till June 12. It's not an end, just a new beginning."

Wilcott trained at Florida Championship Wrestling in late 2009 and was released from the company in January 2010.
-- Natalya beat Rosa Mendes in a dark match prior to tonight's SmackDown taping in Roanoke, Virginia. According to an attendee, the match ended so suddenly that he believes one of the participants may have suffered an injury.

JTG starts the show with a Brooklyn style trash cans in the ring.

Guest Yoshi Tatsu talking about the past eliminations.. Yoshi and JTG go back as forth ending with JTG attacking him from behind. Matt Striker comes out and makes a match between JTG and Yoshi Tatsu, which Yoshi won in a decent match.

Tag Team match featuring Chavo and Darren Young vs Kozlov and Conor O'Brian, which ended with Darren Young hitting his move on O'Brian and pinning him clean. Good match actually.

Hornswoggle and Titus vs Cannon and Tyson Kidd ended when Hornswoggle on the outside proposed to Maryse with a bracelet and ripped her purse. She then smacked Cannon with the purse allowing Titus to pin him.

Mark Henry's opponent Johnny Curtis doesn't come out and they play McMahon's music. Striker gets in the ring and asked him why none of his opponents wanted to cone out and face him. He replied "for the same reason this nobody (pointing to crowd) said. If they finally do come out like my music says "Somebody is Gonna Get Their Ass Kicked"

Vickie comes out yelling "EXCUSE ME" its so loud I can't even hear what she says... LOL! Huge heat!

Apparently she is managing Tyson Kidd now because she introduces him. Crowd goes dead for Kidd because we've seen him once already. I don't think the crowd follows they are taping Superstars now. v Kidd vs. Yoshi Tatsu ends when hits the big round kick on Kidd. I REALLY wasn't into this match. Too long with little high fly or anything really..
This reminds me of last weeks Superstars. Did anyone watch The Uso's vs. SlayBriel? The Uso's work 100x better as faces. You can really sense Rikishi off them.

Christian came to the ring for a promo. He said he was screwed out of the World Hvt. Championship. He said he doesn't want to talk to any of his Peeps again. The "You Suck" chants started. Christian invited Michael Cole to join him in the ring and then proceeded to bitch about deserving another title shot. He ripped Teddy Long, and said Long and Randy Orton disrespected him.

1. Ezekiel Jackson and The Uso Brothers beat Wade Barrett, Justin Gabriel, and Heath Slater. One of the Uso's went right into the announce table and the whole arena could hear it. Good tag work from Corre with a classic wrestling feel. Zeke dominated and Barrett headed back to the locker room. Zeke put Gabriel in the rack for the win.

Teddy Long was shown talking on the phone. Sheamus demanded a match with Christian. Instead, Long booked Randy Orton vs. Sheamus in a No DQ match and said it was going to be huge.

Justin Gabriel and Heath Slater told Wade Barrett that The Corre is finished.

2. Jinder Mahal beat Trent Barreta. Great Khali helped Jinder get the win.

3. A.J. beat Tamina. The crowd got behind A.J. while Tamina was dominating. A.J. hit a flying knee. Tamina had her up for a move, but A.J. caught her in a small package for the win. David said it was not a great women's match.

Randy Orton came to the ring and called out Christian, who appeared on TitanTron and said he wants his title match. Christian says he does things on his own terms, and he wants the match at Capitol Punishment. Orton said the match is on. Christian left in a vehicle while Orton stood in the ring with his title belt. Good crowd pops for Orton.

Cody Rhodes and Ted DiBiase appeared on the big screen. Cody said he's not nuts, he's been enlightened.

4. Sin Cara beat Ted DiBiase by DQ. They need to find someone to go with Mistico, er, Sin Cara. There were some great moves, but bad spots by DiBiase, according to J Nicholas. Cody's interference led to the DQ. Daniel Bryan came out to save Sin Cara. Teddy Long came out and turned it into a tag match.

Sin Cara and Daniel Bryan beat Ted DiBiase and Cody Rhodes. Sin Cara was on fire at one point. He hit a flying cross body block through the ropes. Daniel Bryan locked in the LeBell Lock for the win. David said it was an okay match, but Cody's Phantom of the Opera gimmick wasn't so great this week.
6. Sheamus defeated Randy Orton in a non-title, no disqualification match. Late in the match, Orton hit a wild backdrop onto the ring steps. Amazing spot, according to J. Later, Sheamus pulled out a kendo stick and hit Orton with it five times. Orton hit the RKO on Sheamus. Christian ran out and ended up hitting Orton with the title belt. Sheamus ended up covering Orton for the win.

Christian to start show with promo saying that he was curious what kind of reaction he would get when he came out. If you cheered for him you understood why he did what he did last week. He says that he doesn't think anyone quite gets it. He says he is through with everyone. He is done with all his peeps and doesn't want to talk to any of his so called peeps ever again. He proceeds to call Michael Cole into the ring which he does. He tells him he believes he's earned one more shot for the World Heavyweight Championship. He says he has a lot to get off his chest. He says that he doesn't understand why the so called peeps, the same people that blew up Twitter and emails when he was screwed out of the title 5 days after he earned it. He continues with asking Cole what kind of show Teddy Long was running asking the useless fans what they think about matches and ruining his 17 years of hard work. He says that he feels disrespected by everyone and especially Randy Orton for accepting the challenge in the first place. He tells Cole to ask the people a question for him since he isn't talking to them anymore. He tells Cole to ask them if they think he should be World Heavyweight Champion. He does and the crowd boos heavy. Christian gets back on the mic and says that's what he expected that the people were clueless and he would be Champion again and he would do it himself and not share it with anyone of the fans. Good heel turn.

They show The Corre walking in the back....

Corre vs Ezekiel Jackson and The Usos in a 6 man tag match is the opening contest for Smackdown. Wade Barrett leaves in the middle towards the end of the match. Ezekiel Jackson torture racks Justin Gabriel for the win as Barrett watches from the stage. Pretty good tag match.

Backstage promo with Sheamus and Teddy Long demanding a match with Christian tonight. Teddy Long says he's going to put him with someone else that is upset and says he's going to put him with Randy Orton tonight.

Backstage promo with Slater and Gabriel telling Barrett that The Corre was over!

Trent Baretta vs The Great Khali's rookie from last year (didn't catch the name) w/ Khali at ringside. Loud USA chants during the match. Quick job match. Baretta got a small amount of offense in but was distracted by Khali when he went to the top rope setting up the finish. Khali with the vice grip after the match.

Backstage with new WWE diva AJ. Tamina gave her cheese as a welcome gift. Angie talked some junk and Tamina said that was small talk for a girl who would be alone in the ring tonight. Natalyia came up next to Angie and Tamina sniffed and asked if someone cut the cheese. Corny as hell. LOL!!!.

Tamina vs AJ is up next. Typical Divas match which ended with AJ rolling Tamina up for the win.

Randy Orton shown walking in the back...

Orton out with the World Title to a HUGE ovation. He cuts a promo about Christians promo earlier. He calls Christian out which brings us to the Titantron. Christian tells Randy to ask the fans what they want. Christian tells Randy that he wants one more match for the title. He says he was the referee last week and could have counted his shoulders but he didn't want to beat Sheamus. They make a match for Capitol Punishment. Christian then leaves and says "See you in DC Randy".. I'm guessing they will make it a triple threat or totally ignore Sheamus all together.

Backstage they show Cody Rhodes and Ted DiBiase talking about their partnership. Rhodes calls for his bagged and tells him to put a bag on his head and get out of his face (pointless).

Sin Cara vs Ted DiBiase is next. (Cara's pyro is EXTREMELY loud).. Sin Cara won via DQ when Rhodes grabbed him from outside the ring. Post match beat down until Daniel Bryan ran in and made the save.

Teddy Long comes out and makes it a tag team match. Cara and Bryan vs DiBiase and Rhodes is now up...Heels control most of the match except for a few spots with most of the heat on Sin Cara. Match ended when Daniel Bryan locked his submission on DiBiase from the top rope and made him submit.

Johnny Curtis in the back saying that he won NXT 3 months ago and we only saw him twice since. He said he wasn't mad but he had one of these which he revealed a potato chip on his shoulder.. Another corny joke LOL!

Backstage promo (way too many of these... Crowd is getting pissed) with Orton talking about his match with Sheamus.
Sheamus comes out. Apparently it's a No DQ match with Orton. Orton comes out to another huge ovation. Let's Go Randy chants throughout the show. Sheamus starts the match until Orton takes over shortly after. Match goes out to the floor quickly and then back in rather quickly. Typical back and forth match with little uses of weapons. Nice couple of spots with the kendo stick. Christian runs in and tried to Killswitch Orton and loses it and rolls out of the ring. Orton RKOs Sheamus and runs into a belt shot from Christian. Setting Sheamus up for a crawl to pin to end the match and show. Christian poses with the belt over Orton and leaves with the belt.

After the cameras were off Sheamus and Christian return to beat on Orton. Orton RKOs Sheamus... DiBiase and Rhodes run in and eat RKOs.

Overall a good show..
Sounds like yet another stellar edition of SD. Guessing this sets up a triple threat at Capitol Punishment for the WHC. Niiice.

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