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*Ezekiel Jackson vs. Wade Barrett for Intercontinental title. Jackson wins by countout. Lame finish. Jackson fights off Slater and Gabriel afterwards.

*Obama promo. Pretty funny one.
*Tons of kids in the crowd and I swear, half must have Cena t-shirts on.

*Nice "USA" chant during Tribute to Troops video.

*Daniel Bryan vs. Ted Dibiase. Good match. Cody Rhodes comes out with more paper bags. He cut a promo earlier whining about losing to Bryan last week. Bryan wins by submission. Rhodes and DiBiase beat down Bryan. Sin Cara comes out for the save and hits moves on both. Funny moment mid-match as Sin Cara's entrance "steam" got played for a second. Someone hit the switch waaaay too early. I bet that is edited out.

*Randy Orton vs. Sheamus for WWE World title with Christian as special referee. Sheamus bumps Christian. Christian starts favoring his arm. Sheamus has Orton pinned, Christian counts two, then stops and favors his arm again. Orton hits RKO for the win. Post match, Christian nails Orton with the belt.

*Impact opened with a Hulk Hogan and Eric Bischoff promo on Mick Foley.

*TNA Knockouts champ Mickie James and Tara defeated Winter and Angelina Love.

*Mexican America defeated TNA Tag Team champion James Storm & Alex Shelley after Shelley accidentally kicked Storm.

*Jeff Jarrett and Kurt Angle have a back and forth in the ring to build their Slammiversary PPV bout.

*Rob Van Dam pinned Bully Ray after AJ Styles, in the crowd, distracted Ray.

*Velvet Sky defeated ODB in what was said to have been a very good brawl.

*Mr. Anderson & Gunner defeated TNA champion Sting & TNA TV champ Eric Young.


In matches taped for the Xplosion tournament:

*Devon defeated Anarquia.

*Doug Williams defeated Amazing Red.
The crowd was really hot for the WHC title match. And contrary to a lot of speculation, the crowd popped HUGE when Christian hit Orton with the belt after the match. Christian left the building holding the WHC belt over his head, smiling and the crowd was chanting "Christian, Christian". I really didn't see it as a heel turn, but I'm sure if Vince doesn't like what he heard he'll have it changed. A fan ran around the ring and up the ramp during this segment.

Just got this from the main page. What do you guys think? Will Vince turn Orton into a heel over Christian?
No way. Orton is his big Smackdown babyface, he's supposed to be being built as the Cena of that brand. If it's a heel turn for Christian, I'm sure they'll pipe in boos. Can't have the fans cheering for the guy that just attacked your number one babyface after all, no, better for Vince to tell us who to cheer and boo. Thank you Vince, for a second there I almost thought I might have independent thought. Yay!
That's the most likely scenario but Vince has been known to listen to the fans. Look at how he handled Kharma who was getting cheered despite attacking the babyface divas.
I wouldn't be shocked if that was just some smarky douche over-embellishing the reaction Christian got.
Honestly she doesn't look that bad. In fact I'd say she looks about as good as she did before she left the WWF. Shit my curiosity will get the better of me and I'll probably take a look at it when it comes out.
That's the most likely scenario but Vince has been known to listen to the fans. Look at how he handled Kharma who was getting cheered despite attacking the babyface divas.

- McCool
- Maryse
- Eve

The majority appear to be heel. Pus she attempted to attack Cole, that shows that she was seen as a babyface.
WWE NXT season 4 winner Johnny Curtis appeared in a strange segment at Tuesday's WWE SmackDown tapings in Des Moines, Iowa that left much of the crowd confused, according to one fan in attendance.

Curtis introduced himself and explained that he won NXT last season and was supposed to get a WWE Tag Team Title shot with his Pro R-Truth, but won't be getting it. Curtis said that since he's not getting the title shot, he's going to do what WWE stars do when things don't go their way. He then poured milk over his own head and the floor, apparently a play of the "crying over spilled milk" cliche.

Curtis was last seen at the Extreme Rules pay-per-view as a Lumberjack in The Corre vs. Big Show and Kane match. He picked up his first SmackDown win at this past Tuesday's tapings, defeating Michael McGillicutty in the dark match.
WWE NXT season 4 winner Johnny Curtis appeared in a strange segment at Tuesday's WWE SmackDown tapings in Des Moines, Iowa that left much of the crowd confused, according to one fan in attendance.

Curtis introduced himself and explained that he won NXT last season and was supposed to get a WWE Tag Team Title shot with his Pro R-Truth, but won't be getting it. Curtis said that since he's not getting the title shot, he's going to do what WWE stars do when things don't go their way. He then poured milk over his own head and the floor, apparently a play of the "crying over spilled milk" cliche.

Curtis was last seen at the Extreme Rules pay-per-view as a Lumberjack in The Corre vs. Big Show and Kane match. He picked up his first SmackDown win at this past Tuesday's tapings, defeating Michael McGillicutty in the dark match.


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