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I haven't watched Impact in months. The only thing that could change my mind is if I read spoilers that made an upcoming week's show sound awesome. So basically, I probably won't be watching Impact ever again.
I haven't watched Impact in months. The only thing that could change my mind is if I read spoilers that made an upcoming week's show sound awesome. So basically, I probably won't be watching Impact ever again.

Don't worry, all this means is that the LIVE spoilers coverage might take a hit, once the show is done and everyone goes home, the full spoilers will definitely come out from people who were there.

I just don't get why they're doing this. Is it really that big of a deal?
Don't worry, all this means is that the LIVE spoilers coverage might take a hit, once the show is done and everyone goes home, the full spoilers will definitely come out from people who were there.

I just don't get why they're doing this. Is it really that big of a deal?

Of course they are. TNA continues to do everything they can to find something to blame the ratings and insanely slow growth on other than what they put on the screen.
Impact spoilers for this week.

Impact Wrestling opens with Velvet Sky and ODB brawling outside and then into the Impact Zone. Security tries to break it up but ODB knees the guards in the groin and beats down Sky in the ring.
*Mr. Anderson cut a promo saying he is facing someone from Sting's past tonight.

*In the parking lot, Eric Bischoff is served some sort of legal paperwork by the Network.

*In the ring, Eric Bischoff tries to strip Beer Money of the TNA Tag Team championships with the idea that Robert Roode is too injured but Alex Shelley comes out and offers to sub for Roode, so at Sacrifice, it's James Storm & Alex Shelley vs. The British Invasion for the championships.

*In a match to determine the top contender to the X-Division championship, Brian Kendrick vs. Kazarian goes to a time limit draw. They restart the match but Abyss hits the ring and takes them out.

*Crimson defeated Matt Hardy. Samoa Joe comes out and he and Crimson get into it.

*Angelina Love defeated Miss Tessmacher

*TNA TV champion Eric Young, dressed like Great Muta, pinned Mr. Anderson after Gunnter tried to interfere, but Young spews mist into Anderson's eyes. Sting saves Young from a post-match beating.

*Bully Ray and AJ Styles go back and forth and in the end, a Falls Count Anywhere match is set up for the Slammiversary PPV.

*Scott Steiner and Jeff Jarrett defeated Matt Morgan and Kurt Angle.

*Hulk Hogan and Eric Bischoff cut a promo announcing Mick Foley has been fired
Somebody leaked the premium article on WrestlingNewsWorld about the civil war in TNA:

It would be a tremendous understatement for me to report there are very serious and real problems going on right now in TNA Wrestling. While behind-the-scenes "jockeying" in any business, especially in professional wrestling, isn't anything out of the ordinary I'm told things in TNA are teetering on a "full-blown civil war." The two sides in the battle are Jeff Jarrett & Vince Russo vs. Hulk Hogan & Eric Bischoff (I will refer to each camp as Team Jarrett/Russo and Team Hogan/Bischoff for the sake of simplicity). Dixie Carter is described to me as a "deer in the headlights" who is unknowingly "caught in the middle" with the ultimate prize being a Spike TV contract which is "dangling" above both camps. One source joked TNA could be easily mistaken for a ballet company with the amount of tiptoeing going on. Team Jarrett/Russo and Team Hogan/Bischoff are building allies for the ultimate showdown after a year of "passive-aggressive politics" with things just about to reach the "boiling point."

The fight to pick a replacement for the outgoing Director of Talent Relations Terry Taylor is the latest in a long line of defeats for Team Hogan/Bischoff in a struggle to wrestle away more power from Team Jarrett/Russo. We do not have a full list of names considered but I can confirm former long-time WWE executive Bruce Prichard was the first choice of Team Jarrett/Russo. He is considered a trusted member of their contingent and aligned with them as soon as he joined TNA towards the end of 2010. Dixie Carter's first choice to replace Taylor was current on-screen talent Tommy Dreamer. Dreamer has been lobbying for a larger role in the company, especially with his contract set to expire next month. Dreamer is seen as neutral by Team Hogan/Bischoff and had their blessing as well, but Team Jarrett/Russo were successful in touting Prichard's vast amount of experience and he ultimately ended up with the job. Prichard will be the company's new Director of Talent Relations following this week's television tapings.

While Prichard is firmly in the Jarrett camp, Eric Bischoff is "getting cozy" with Bill Goldberg (remember this video from last weekend?). Not only is Bischoff helping develop a reality vehicle for Goldberg that was recently pitched to truTV, but Goldberg is viewed by Bischoff as a very important chess piece as he and Hogan attempt to outmaneuver Team Jarrett/Russo.

Hogan and Bischoff are currently "hedging their bets." They are trying to maintain the possibility of one day taking over TNA Wrestling while simultaneously preparing for the possibility of one day replacing TNA on Spike TV with their own creation.

Spike TV's contract with UFC expires at the end of the year and negotiations for a renewal are not going well. UFC leaving the network is a very real possibility and as far back as late last year, Spike was already discussing plans in the event UFC does not re-sign. Some of the discussed scenarios include replacing UFC with another MMA organization while others put an even greater focus on professional wrestling programming. One of the reasons UFC was so diligent in acquiring Strikeforce was to eliminate the possibility that Strikeforce could land a lucrative deal with Spike after UFC departs.

If/when UFC leaves Spike TV there is no way to accurately predict the domino effect it could have on the network. While TNA has over a year left on their deal with Spike, very few deals in the TV world are guaranteed and TNA's deal is certainly not one of them. It is the uncertainty as to what kind of changes could be made to the network in the event UFC leaves Spike that Team Hogan/Bischoff are focused on and I am told they have begun work on putting together a competing project. To secure Goldberg's involvement, he's been told he'd be given a stake in the company if this were to happen.

While in many regards Team Hogan/Bischoff have not gotten their way in recent battles with Team Jarrett/Russo, they did somewhat win their very heated fight to change the name of the company to Impact Wrestling. However, according to a source I spoke to, their true motives for the name change are quite interesting. One of the reasons they were so in favor of it was the same reason Team Jarrett/Russo were so against it: Dixie Carter has a very strong emotional attachment to the TNA brand and her "TNA family." The only reason she bought the company (with money from Panda Energy) was so that many of her "family members" would not find themselves out of work. She has remained extremely loyal to key office people, including Vince Russo, who worked in the early days of the company. From the day Hogan and Bischoff arrived on the scene, there's been a concerted effort to cut the emotional ties to the Nashville days and try to eliminate the few that remain from early on in the company's history. The thinking of Hogan and Bischoff is simple - the less connected Dixie feels to the way things were before they got there, the better chance they have at eliminating the Team Jarrett/Russo stumbling block that so many have failed to remove.

Another reason for the change though is one I'm not sure Team Jarrett/Russo suspected. Prior to coming to TNA, Team Hogan/Bischoff had approached Spike TV several times about launching a new wrestling project. The response from Spike was usually the same. Spike had already invested millions of dollars to build the TNA brand and wasn't interested in starting from scratch. If Team Hogan/Bischoff wanted to work with Spike TV, they would have to work with TNA. While Bischoff would insist a new show in the same time slot would suffer no drop off despite the lack of TNA branding Spike had poured millions into, Spike would have none of it.

Now there is a situation where the name of the show has changed and yet viewership remained virtually identical, proving the point Eric Bischoff had tried to make in vain years earlier and thus, the hurdle of Spike TV fearing replacing the TNA brand has been slyly eliminated (TNA Impact to Impact Wrestling). However, the more things change, the more they stay the same. Team Jarrett/Russo are still desperately attempting to remain in favor with Dixie Carter while Team Hogan/Bischoff are trying to slowly arrange the pieces to put themselves in a position to land a deal with Spike if a major network shake-up takes place.

Obviously there is no telling how all this will end; however, I'm told if the action in the ring was half as compelling as what has been going on behind-the-scenes, perhaps Impact Wrestling would matter enough to bring ratings above the stagnant 1.1 or 1.2 cable ratings the show has been drawing before big money was spent on bringing in Hulk Hogan and Eric Bischoff in the first place.
James Storm and Alex Shelley vs. The British Invasion should be a brilliant match. I don't know where they're going with the storyline though if Braden Walker isn't the replacement.

Eric Young defeating Mr. Anderson is ridiculous, mist or no mist.
After Raw went off the air John Cena came back to the ring after apologizing to the Little Jimmy family. Michael Cole got a message from the GM saying that R-Truth would get a shot at John Cena at Capital Punishment provided he apologizes next week for his heinous actions from Raw.
Terry sent word that after last night’s RAW dark match where Drew McIntyre defeated Chris Masters, McIntyre cut a promo about how he was tired of being overlooked and insulted America. Drew is now calling himself The American Nightmare.

Cool name.
As noted on RAW last night, Alex Riley has been re-hired by the RAW General Manager. Riley only made on appearance on SmackDown after being Drafted earlier this year - that was the April 29th episode where he ran to the ring in the opening segment and was RKO'd by Randy Orton.

- As expected, Vince McMahon and WWE producer Kevin Dunn had a major freakout moment during the beginning of RAW last night when they had all of those technical difficulties.

- For what it's worth, luchador Averno is saying that he has talked with WWE but never did a tryout match and never signed a contract. He says he will prove that by beating La Mascara for his mask at CMLL's Jucio Final event in mid-June.
- For what it's worth, luchador Averno is saying that he has talked with WWE but never did a tryout match and never signed a contract. He says he will prove that by beating La Mascara for his mask at CMLL's Jucio Final event in mid-June.

Probably just selling the match. From all reports, it sounds too far along for it to not be happening.
I don't like the Averno signing. It's not a bad idea, making Sin Cara look good and all, but should they really be bringing in a guy just for that sake? He's not young by any means either, I can't really see him having ANY long term future.
I was thinking, and I know it's not quite the same, but the only other time I remember someone being brought in exclusively for another guy was Kane. He was designed for The Undertaker's character only, no long-term plan which has me wondering if Averno might stick around for a while depending on how this goes....
I was thinking, and I know it's not quite the same, but the only other time I remember someone being brought in exclusively for another guy was Kane. He was designed for The Undertaker's character only, no long-term plan which has me wondering if Averno might stick around for a while depending on how this goes....

But Glen Jacobs was already signed and had gone through gimmicks beforehand(Isaac Yenkem, Fake Diesel, etc.)
- The storyline of Tyson Kidd having a new manager on WWE Superstars continued at tonight's tapings from Des Moines, Iowa.


Tyson came to the ring for his match against Trent Baretta, which he won, with Matt Striker behind him as his manager. Striker was talking on his phone while following Kidd to the ring.

This marks Kidd's third manager in recent weeks - Michael Hayes, Armando Estrada and now Striker.

- WWE will be releasing "Macho Madness: The Randy Savage Ultimate Collection" in digital form this coming July. The set will be split into separate volumes for download.

- The dark match before tonight's WWE NXT tapings in Des Moines, Iowa saw NXT winner Johnny Curtis defeat one-half of the WWE Tag Team Champions Michael McGillicutty.

- Chris Jericho wrote the following on Twitter today about a third book he will be working on:

"The contract is in the mail so its official…there’s gonna be a third book! It’ll be released via Penguin Publishing in 2013. GET READY!!"
-The entire upper deck and 1/3rd of lower level is tarped over.

-The Little Jimmy family from RAW is sitting in the 3rd row.


*Christian pinned Mark Henry. Christian is appointed special referee for the title match tonight between Randy Orton and Sheamus.

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