Will Candice Michelle return as a heel?

I don't think Candice Michelle should return as a heel. That being because, I believe the both her injuries were caused by Beth Phoenix and I don't see her becoming a face. So, she should return to get her revenge on Beth Phoenix and hopefull have a good four-way feud with Beth, Mickie, Candice, and Katie Lea, later this year.
When I first read the title of this thread, the only thing that popped into my head was "who cares?"

In general, the WWE rarely promotes or gives us reason to care about the women's division. It often seems like they pick two either at random or because one is now been trained enough to do some decent things in the ring, and throw them together as filler in a PPV.

I'm not saying that every feud in the women's division needs a story behind it, but having a few here and there would certainly help and make us want to care about who wins the women's matches, title or otherwise. But in general, it seems like the only time the women are involved in storylines are: 1. sex-related (typically ending with the woman taking on some sort of "****ty" role) with one of the male wrestlers; or 2. some woman being mistreated by one of the male wrestlers (or even vince himself) being a bully towards her.

While there may be others, the most memorable exceptions I can think of are what is going on now with santino and beth, and a while back when mickie james was crazy and stalking trish stratus.

Anyways, to quickly sum up, what I'm getting at here is it is really difficult to care one way or the other which female wrestlers are currently feuding with whom, and who are the heels and who are the faces. At least that's how I feel.
I honestly believe Candice Michelle needs to work on fully returning without reinjuring herself first, before they decide to repackage her and push her in another direction. Right now, Candice is VERY injury prone, and it wouldn't shock me to see her reinjure herself in her first match back. I seriously hope it doesn't happen, but it's unfortunately what she's been doing lately.

As far as her being a heel, she was a decent heel, but to be honest the fans react to her in a big way. I'm unsure if it's because of GoDaddy.com or why, but the fact is you don't really wanna take that much of a positive reaction away from someone. When she was a heel, she was barely gaining any reaction, positive or negative.

Melina is a great heel, and to be honest not a very good face. So all in all, I think Melina could return as a heel again, or at best a tweener. Somehow blaming Mickie James or Candice for her injury even. How is unknown, but I'm sure she could.
No. She will come back as a face. She wasn't very good as a heel. Plus, a lot of people LOVE michelle. Sooo, no. Too many people like her. Just like Cena, and Batista... Too many people like 'em, so they will nevahhh go heel.
Let's face it, Candice is coming back as a face and is going back to her feud with BEth phoenix over the WWE woman'S championship. This was what was supposed to happen in march before she got re-injured and that's the plan now. The fact that BEth Phoenix just won the woman'S title last night pretty much prove that this was the plan all along and that Candice's return is near. The fact is, as good as Candice is in the ring, she need to stick to what she knows best and that's basic wrestling. Stop using high risk moves and she probably going to be able to stay healthy for a while.

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