Should Candice Michelle be the Womens Champ?

Should Candice Michelle be Women's Champion? Yes. Why not? Candice has improved a hell of a lot, she's worked hard, and has proved that she can wrestle. She's been somewhat underrated in this thread. Obviously she isn't great, but she's good enough. Sure she hasn't really connected with the fans that much, but the women's division isn't really important and it isn't a draw, so they might as well keep the title on her for a little while longer. Her match with Beth Phoenix was just about the only match at Unforgiven that told a proper story, surely she deserves some merit for that. And she's hot too, so keep the title on her! ;)
There nothing wrong with this pictures at all. It'S quite normal for a diva to be over someplace and to get no reaction what so ever in another, it's like that foe every divas on the roster. Candice could be cheer in Boston and get no reaction in Memphis, same will happen with Beth or any other divas on the roster. So this is just another excuse that you got to bash candice michelle because you can that's all.

Because I can? No I bash Candice because I don't see the great wrestler and performer that you see, If I did, I would stop bitching. As I've said hundreds of times, once I see out of Candice the ability to get a stable reaction from the crowd, the ability to put on a good match with her fellow divas that CAN wrestle, and put on those matches without having to be carried, and if and when she starts doing these things consistently, because she hasn't (not on WWE TV at least) then I'll start having more respect for Candice.

Candice honestly shouldn't be champ. She is not good enough to hold the belt. God i would rather see JilliAn Hall with the belt. Candice is a nothing wrestler, oh yes she is trying but sometimes trying isnt good enough. Ashley has more charisma than Candice and can aprove to be the best. I just think Ashley needs sometime to be great. Candice shouldnt be champ it should either be Ashley, Melina(who is way over as a heel, but alright in the ring), and McCool who is the future of womens wrestling!!!!!Candice just doesnt compare!!!!

Off Topic!!! It would be cool to see a poll on who everyone thinks is the best female wrestler in wwe now(excluding expose, maryyse and cherry) Ashley & MCCool all the way!!!!

Done, look in the live Discussion & spam zone.

Cherry can wrestle, she wrestled on the indy circuit as Kara Slice, she's better than Ashley. But since many people don't know this, I'll leave her out.

I'll go ahead and say this now, mostly because I forgot it in another post. I'll give props to Candice (like I always do) for taking the time out to train and better herself, but If Candice has gotten to the point where she has adequate wrestling skills then why hasn't she shone them on WWE TV? I don't think WWE is going to hold Candice back in the ring when they're constantly trying to build her up outside of it.
Because I can? No I bash Candice because I don't see the great wrestler and performer that you see, If I did, I would stop bitching. As I've said hundreds of times, once I see out of Candice the ability to get a stable reaction from the crowd, the ability to put on a good match with her fellow divas that CAN wrestle, and put on those matches without having to be carried, and if and when she starts doing these things consistently, because she hasn't (not on WWE TV at least) then I'll start having more respect for Candice.

First of all i never say see was a great wrestler because she isn't, not yet anyway but you got to admit that she able to put a good match in the ring. Since becoming Woman's champion, she hasn't had a bad match on tv and alwyas comes up with new moves. The flow of her match are almost perfect everytime and she pretty much sell everything correctly which she wasn'T able to do last year. So you say that she been carried by her opponent during her match, that just a plain stupid thing to say, i understand how you can think that when she'S wrestling Beth Phoenix because she a actual wrestler but their no way that she was carried by melina seeing has melina has as much experience in the ring as Candice so for those two to have a good match, you had to have both girl do their parts to make it through the match. So except for not getting a stable reaction from the fans, i don't see the reason why you hate her so much and you could explain it to me a hundred times, i still wouldn't get it so all i'm saying is if you won't give her the credit she deserve' it's your choice and i understand that but i willing to give her the credit she deserve and i'm feel sorry for you.
you feel sorry for me? Why? Because I'm a fan of women that actually know what their doing in the ring? I saw the Beth vs Candice match, and while yes, Candice has improved, I will give her that, the match was still very sloppy, and I don't know whether that was a result of poor WWE booking or more of a direct result of Beth and Candice, but the match had a huge gapping hole that had room for improvements.
you feel sorry for me? Why? Because I'm a fan of women that actually know what their doing in the ring? I saw the Beth vs Candice match, and while yes, Candice has improved, I will give her that, the match was still very sloppy, and I don't know whether that was a result of poor WWE booking or more of a direct result of Beth and Candice, but the match had a huge gapping hole that had room for improvements.

You want to know why i feel sorry for you. Because you can get over the fact that somebody that didn't came from a professional wrestling background is able to look as good as somebody that been wrestling for years. O.k, so maybe for you, the match between Candice and Beth last sunday was very sloppy, but i for the average fan that don't get to see woman's wrestling everyday, it was a good match. My personal thought was that it was a almost perfect match. The weren't a lot of miss spot and it was entertaining.

Maybe for somebody like you, Candice doesn'T know what she's doing in the ring and you got a right to think that. But i got a right to feel sorry for you because you can open your mind and see that Candice knows what she's doing in the ring and doesn't need to be carried during her match.
Im with echelon on this, while candice has improved, shes nowhere near the level that being a title holder should be. And even if your an average fan whos never seen the actual professional girls wrestle, you should still be able to tell whos a good match, and who can actually cut a promo instead of doing a little dance.
Um, ya, so watched that GAB match again, and if that is the best Candice Michelle has to offer, then thats sad. Hitting one set of basic chain wrestling doesnt make her a good wrestler.

The match was garbage, and Melina carried her throughout. I thought I was watching a Jeff Hardy match. You can tell that Candice learned new moves or was in the process of learning moves, and just kinda threw them out there randomly, with no rhyme or reason, much like Jeff Hardy.

I'll stand by what I've said, Candice maybe the third worst womens champion of the new WWE women's title Era, I'll say she's better then Miss Kitty, and Debra, but other then that, you're going to have a hard time convincing me.
Um, ya, so watched that GAB match again, and if that is the best Candice Michelle has to offer, then thats sad. Hitting one set of basic chain wrestling doesnt make her a good wrestler.

The match was garbage, and Melina carried her throughout. I thought I was watching a Jeff Hardy match. You can tell that Candice learned new moves or was in the process of learning moves, and just kinda threw them out there randomly, with no rhyme or reason, much like Jeff Hardy.

I'll stand by what I've said, Candice maybe the third worst womens champion of the new WWE women's title Era, I'll say she's better then Miss Kitty, and Debra, but other then that, you're going to have a hard time convincing me.

First of all, if i get what your saying, Candice is a worst champion then Sable, Stephanie Mcmahon and HArvey Wimplemon. That'S what your saying right.

Also i like to point out that Melina couldn'T carried her throughout since she got as much experience in the ring as Candice does so if melina carried Candice throughout the match, she better then i thought she was.

Next point on the agenda is the part when you say she hitting basic move or like you put one basic chain wrestling. What match did you watch exactly because that's not what i saw. I saw candice pull out some great looking move that move divas aren'T able to do.

Im with echelon on this, while candice has improved, shes nowhere near the level that being a title holder should be. And even if your an average fan whos never seen the actual professional girls wrestle, you should still be able to tell whos a good match, and who can actually cut a promo instead of doing a little dance.

Candice might not be the best wrestler but she is good just like Trish Stratus when she started wrestling in 2001. Trish wasn'T the best wrestler either back then, she wasn'T even that good with promos but she still became champion before she was fully ready to run with the ball and will she was champion, she learn out to put a match together and Candice is learning that also. If her match last sunday against Beth Phoenix is any indication, i think that working with BEth will help her become a better wrestler. And by the way, when was the last time you saw candice do that little dance because it's been so long that i don'T really remember when.
You want to know why i feel sorry for you. Because you can get over the fact that somebody that didn't came from a professional wrestling background is able to look as good as somebody that been wrestling for years. O.k, so maybe for you, the match between Candice and Beth last sunday was very sloppy, but i for the average fan that don't get to see woman's wrestling everyday, it was a good match. My personal thought was that it was a almost perfect match. The weren't a lot of miss spot and it was entertaining.

Maybe for somebody like you, Candice doesn'T know what she's doing in the ring and you got a right to think that. But i got a right to feel sorry for you because you can open your mind and see that Candice knows what she's doing in the ring and doesn't need to be carried during her match.

Oh so now you really are comparing Candice to Trish, let me tell you something, I didn't even recognize Trish as a credible champion until her feud with Lita, and I got to see, while she wasn't all that strong in the ring, she had great charisma and could play the role of a mean heel really well. By contrasts to Trish and Candice's matches. ALL of the Trish matches that I was viewing at the time got reaction form the crowd, whether they were booing Trish or Cheering Trish. Candice's matches are very slow moving at times, and since WWE doesn't allow there women to be as unleashed as the Girls on the Indy Circuit, WWE has to play off Storyline buildup and in - match details where ring psychology and where the ability to play your role as a heel or face is very important. Candice IMO lacks that ability, its something that if been trying to say over and over again, she character, her matches her nothing but 2nd rate really, if she and Beth can't put on a mat classic, that leaves them to use their charisma to try and entertain the crowd. But since neither Candice nor Beth is really all that over with the crowd was it really that surprising when the crowd showed barely any interest at all.
I always compared candice to Trish for the simple reason that they started the same way. They both didn't have any promo's skills when they started has wrestlers and they didn'T have the much wrestling experience. Let'S face it Trish had charisma before she started wrestling but it'S easy to have charisma when your playing the Vince's mistress. By the way, Candice did play that role also and she had as much charisma then Trish did. I one thing to have charisma when you're not wrestling and it'S a complete different thing when you wrestle. Trish learn with time how to become a entertaining wrestler and that with the help of season veteran like Molly Holly, Lita and Jazz. Am sure that at some point Candice will learn the same thing and her program with Beth Phoenix might be the best thing for her right. So comparing Candice to Trish is a good exemple since the pretty much did the same thing in there respective career.
First of all, if i get what your saying, Candice is a worst champion then Sable, Stephanie Mcmahon and HArvey Wimplemon. That'S what your saying right.

I would say that both Sable and Stephanie were better champions than Candice. Sable was pretty much the Trish of her time, and you can thank Stephanie for punching Lita into the main event.

Wimplemon? Since when are we comparing guys to girls. I might as well say did Jackie make a better CW champion than Rey Mistero? Did Chyna make a better IC champ than Jericho?

Also i like to point out that Melina couldn'T carried her throughout since she got as much experience in the ring as Candice does so if melina carried Candice throughout the match, she better then i thought she was.

You need to go watch some old EWF clips, Melina's old finisher, a top rope frog splash. Can't say I've seen Candice do anything of that sort. Melina is a much better wrestler than Candice, more experienced too, but you obviously wouldn't know that.

Next point on the agenda is the part when you say she hitting basic move or like you put one basic chain wrestling. What match did you watch exactly because that's not what i saw. I saw candice pull out some great looking move that move divas aren'T able to do.

I saw Candice run up the ropes a few times, and hit an Edge style neckbreaker from the top. Hardly anything that any of the other divas can't do, or did you just suddenly forget that Mickie, Jillian, Melina, Beth, and Cherry (yes Cherry) were once woman owning and perfecting their craft in the indy circuits while Candice was off posing nude for hussler or some magazine of the sort.
WWE should drop the Women's division all together, and that is not said as an insult to the ladies who wrestle for them. There are 2 major problems, the first being that nobody cares. It doesn't matter who is champion, nobody cares. Even when Trish was champion, most people only watched because she is hot (which is a shame because Trish is a very good performer). Second, WWE does not know how to properly push the Women's division. They can't build up the wrestlers because they do stupid stunts that make people not take them seriously. The only Women's champion who got over was Trish, and I credit that to her amazing talent, not the WWE for the attention they gave the Women's title, or the brilliant storylines they put the women in. Since Trish has left, there is no woman wrestler who is talented enough as an all around performer to make the Women's division worthwhile. Some of the ladies mentioned, Beth, Jillian, Victoria, Mickie and Melina, are all good wrestlers, but none of them have the complete package (in ring ability and charisma) needed to carry a division.
WWE should drop the Women's division all together, and that is not said as an insult to the ladies who wrestle for them. There are 2 major problems, the first being that nobody cares. It doesn't matter who is champion, nobody cares. Even when Trish was champion, most people only watched because she is hot (which is a shame because Trish is a very good performer). Second, WWE does not know how to properly push the Women's division. They can't build up the wrestlers because they do stupid stunts that make people not take them seriously. The only Women's champion who got over was Trish, and I credit that to her amazing talent, not the WWE for the attention they gave the Women's title, or the brilliant storylines they put the women in. Since Trish has left, there is no woman wrestler who is talented enough as an all around performer to make the Women's division worthwhile. Some of the ladies mentioned, Beth, Jillian, Victoria, Mickie and Melina, are all good wrestlers, but none of them have the complete package (in ring ability and charisma) needed to carry a division.

Actually, peole do care, maybe not the majority of fans, but that's why it's just a division, not a whole show or roster of women. You're talking about throwing away decades of history and hard work. And uh saying Trish was the only over champion-huh? Have you forgotten about Lita? One of the most popular female performers in the WWE- ever? Ringing a bell?

Trish left, Lita left, and people have moved on as well as the Women's Division. The women you mentioned- Beth, Jillian, Victoria, Mickie, and Melina are all great wrestlers, and every single one of them has charisma and mic skills (especially Melina, Mickie, and Beth). I am going to agree with you on that the WWE doesn't know how to push the divas in the right way most of the time, but then again they have done great things with the division in the past (2000-2004).

Flames Out
The question of whether or not Candace Michelle should be champion is a stupid question. First of all, it should be obvious to anyone with a brain that her in ring skills have vastly improved over the last several months,suggesting that she has put a lot of effort into becoming an actual wrestler. When you combine that with her recent Playboy spread, it's not hard to see why the powers at WWE thought it a good idea to push Candace while she's "hot". For all those who don't approve of Candace having the title, relax. Beth is due up next and will probably have a fairly long and dominant reign as champion. Mickie James had her time as champion, so did Melina. Right now, it's Candace's turn, and I think the girl has certainly earned it. After all, this IS showbiz people! :cuss2:
WWE should drop the Women's division all together, and that is not said as an insult to the ladies who wrestle for them. There are 2 major problems, the first being that nobody cares. It doesn't matter who is champion, nobody cares. Even when Trish was champion, most people only watched because she is hot (which is a shame because Trish is a very good performer). Second, WWE does not know how to properly push the Women's division. They can't build up the wrestlers because they do stupid stunts that make people not take them seriously. The only Women's champion who got over was Trish, and I credit that to her amazing talent, not the WWE for the attention they gave the Women's title, or the brilliant storylines they put the women in. Since Trish has left, there is no woman wrestler who is talented enough as an all around performer to make the Women's division worthwhile. Some of the ladies mentioned, Beth, Jillian, Victoria, Mickie and Melina, are all good wrestlers, but none of them have the complete package (in ring ability and charisma) needed to carry a division.

So what are you drinking? Drop the whole Women's division? What, so we can see two full hours of non stop boredom like London and Kendrick, more crap like Boogieman, more IDIOTIC storylines like Hornswoggle as Vince's son, or more sleep fests like Kenny Dykstra, Shannon Moore, The Miz, Chuck Polumbo, Rey Mysterio, Chavo Guerrero, and more REDICULOUS Undertaker "rising again" crap with silly druids and lightning? Newsflash pal, there is a LOT more junk in the WWE that needs to be dropped than the Women's division, which in some cases is always some of the BEST moments on RAW or Smackdown! As for which ladies are talented and which are not, they are ALL talented, some more than others, but certainly all deserving. And I know Trish is considered to be the all time greatest, but watch some old Trish matches from around 2000 - 2003, such as her bra and panties match vs. then champion Lita in which JR comments that Trish's ONLY chance against Lita is this kind of match because of Trish's "limited ability". Trish did not arrive in the WWE as the greatest of all time, she gradually improved to that level over a period of years. Fact is, NOBODY knew Trish would eventually reach that level when she began, so remember that next time Candace Michelle, or Michelle McCool, or any other diva performs. You just MIGHT be looking at the next "greatest" five years down the line. :cuss2:
candice deserves this! i didnt really like her before, but she changed alot and you can see that this title means a lot to her. im happy for her, plus for some reason im more into her than before. when mikie james was champ i really didnt care if she won or lost.....previous champs as well. but candice has caught my attention, if she loses i ll be really upset. come on she's really shows emotion n she's probably got the best personality in the wmen's division.. she better not lose to beth
I saw Candice run up the ropes a few times, and hit an Edge style neckbreaker from the top. Hardly anything that any of the other divas can't do, or did you just suddenly forget that Mickie, Jillian, Melina, Beth, and Cherry (yes Cherry) were once woman owning and perfecting their craft in the indy circuits while Candice was off posing nude for hussler or some magazine of the sort.

First of all i didn't forget about all these girl owning and perfecting thier craft in the indy circuits but look what good it got them. Out of the five you name, only 2 were able to make to transition from the indy style to the WWE style, that been Jillian and Beth. Melina and Mickie had all the problem in the world adapting and they finally adapted after they feuded with each, Has for Cherry, she's stuck has a valet so i really can't comment on her.

Second of all, you got to realise that we are talking about the WWE Woman'S division here not the indy circuits. This is a division that died last year when the only two divas that people cared about decided to retire. For a long time the WWE woman's division was Trish and Lita and everybody that was feuding with them were either loved or hated and after the feud was over and they where pair off with somebody, they became un-important to the fans. So saying that Candice doesn'T deserve to be champion because she doesn't get a reaction from the fans during the match is plain stupid because not one diva in the WWE right is able to get a reaction during match. Nobody cared about the divas. If you where asking the same question about Candice has far as the indy circuits is concern, i would probably agree with you that Candice doesn't deserve to be champ because she's pretty much a rookie but since it's were talking about the WWE woman's division, i would say that she deserve it simply because she's better then half of the divas on the roster and she will learn from the other half + she get some pretty good reaction before and after her match.
So what are you drinking? Drop the whole Women's division? What, so we can see two full hours of non stop boredom like London and Kendrick, more crap like Boogieman, more IDIOTIC storylines like Hornswoggle as Vince's son, or more sleep fests like Kenny Dykstra, Shannon Moore, The Miz, Chuck Polumbo, Rey Mysterio, Chavo Guerrero, and more REDICULOUS Undertaker "rising again" crap with silly druids and lightning? Newsflash pal, there is a LOT more junk in the WWE that needs to be dropped than the Women's division, which in some cases is always some of the BEST moments on RAW or Smackdown! As for which ladies are talented and which are not, they are ALL talented, some more than others, but certainly all deserving. And I know Trish is considered to be the all time greatest, but watch some old Trish matches from around 2000 - 2003, such as her bra and panties match vs. then champion Lita in which JR comments that Trish's ONLY chance against Lita is this kind of match because of Trish's "limited ability". Trish did not arrive in the WWE as the greatest of all time, she gradually improved to that level over a period of years. Fact is, NOBODY knew Trish would eventually reach that level when she began, so remember that next time Candace Michelle, or Michelle McCool, or any other diva performs. You just MIGHT be looking at the next "greatest" five years down the line. :cuss2:

Wow I hope you are not being serious... London and Kendrick are amazing wrestlers/preformers and I am pretty sure all but the most devout womens division fans would rather see L&K then a womens match. Also, you said borefests like Rey Mysterio and Chavo Guererro... this is possibly the dumbest thing I have ever heard since these are two amazing cruiserweight wrestlers and I am almost sure everyone would love to see them fight. Granted the womens division doesnt need to be dropped it doesnt need to see any more airtime. There are a few talented womens wrestlers but no one wants to see 2-3 divas matches a night.. hell not many people want to see 1...
To tell you all the Truth, Candice is doing better than we all expected and you know that. Melina was good because of Charisma and Mickie too, Beth is a powerhouse and if we here her on the mic more she can be the next 7 time champion too. Maria... she tries. Candice has an annoying voice but she got better at wrestling
Candice sucks as champion, and not to mention shes a brown bagger. I was hoping beth would win it. her, melina, and mickie are the only ladies with any talent on raw.
Wow I hope you are not being serious... London and Kendrick are amazing wrestlers/preformers and I am pretty sure all but the most devout womens division fans would rather see L&K then a womens match. Also, you said borefests like Rey Mysterio and Chavo Guererro... this is possibly the dumbest thing I have ever heard since these are two amazing cruiserweight wrestlers and I am almost sure everyone would love to see them fight. Granted the womens division doesnt need to be dropped it doesnt need to see any more airtime. There are a few talented womens wrestlers but no one wants to see 2-3 divas matches a night.. hell not many people want to see 1...

I'm one of those that would rather see a Women's match than a L&K match, but that's a matter of opinion. I wouldn't say no one wants to see 2-3 divas matches a night (I do- big surprise right?)... there are people out there that have a lot of interest in that. The Women's Division barely gets any airtime as it is. I'm not saying that they should have 2-3 matches, but spending more time on building unique feuds (not the typical jealousy feuds), and not just having repeitive tag team matches would be so much better.

Flames Out
I wouldn't say no one wants to see 2-3 divas matches a night (I do- big surprise right?)... there are people out there that have a lot of interest in that.

I wouldn't exactly go that far. I'm all for rebuilding the Women's Division into what it once was, back in the glory days.. & naturally, I'm refering to the Lita/Trish/Victoria/Molly/Ivory glory days. But having 3 Diva matches on one show is overkill.

I'll allow 2, as Raw nor Smackdown seem to have anything better. I'd rather see Victoria v. McCool than another Noble v. Hornswoggle. But the divas need to be built in tag matches right now, to prove they can handle having that much air time. No offense to the divas, because none of them would be there if not for a small amount of talent, somewhere.. (which I'm sure someone could debate) but to put more than one diva match on a show that has only 4-5 divas to begin with, is going a bit far too.

Raw could handle 2 diva matches. SD can't. E.C.W. is a total failure regarding their divas.
I didn't exactly mean that there should 2-3 divas matches per show, but it would be awsome if that was possible (for me at least). Of course, it wouldn't work out with the current divas, but maybe in a dream world it would. :D Raw maybe could pull it off... but it'd still be really scetchy.

I think the reason why it's like that is because of the lack of original female characters and feuds. Beth vs Candice is one of the first feuds since Victoria vs Mickie that has a balanced title feud (not you know over Playboy, or with someone winning every match). All the face divas are alike, all the heel divas are alike, and they just become one mesh, without any specific character. All the feuds are similar, usually starting over a fight or something petty. I think every diva in the WWE has potential, but unfortenuntly it ends up being unused, or misdirected.

Flames Out
I'm not sure why they still have the title the women that actually have wrestling ability has diminished drastically in the past few years five years ago there were Trish, Molly, Ivory, Jacqueline, Victoria, Jazz, Lita etc. now Victoria, Mickie, Phoenix & Melina who should have never lost to Candice in the first place. Candice can't wrestle and the crowd isn't behind her they are behind Mickie but she keeps getting put on the back burner
I'm not sure why they still have the title the women that actually have wrestling ability has diminished drastically in the past few years five years ago there were Trish, Molly, Ivory, Jacqueline, Victoria, Jazz, Lita etc. now Victoria, Mickie, Phoenix & Melina who should have never lost to Candice in the first place. Candice can't wrestle and the crowd isn't behind her they are behind Mickie but she keeps getting put on the back burner

How is Mickie being put on the back burner? We see her on Raw every other week, and if not Raw, then we see her on Heat. Sure, she isn't wrestling for the WWE Women's Championship, but she got a monster push from 2006-to early 2007. The WWE has to pay attention to other divas/feuds too.

Flames Out

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