Should Candice Michelle be the Womens Champ?

"I know this is off topic but can any of you believe that someone on another forum actually thinks that Ashley is a very good wrestler and thinks that she is better then Candice. He even approves of her as champion!" Thats me!!!! AShley is a million times better than Candice. But i think mcCool deserves a chance. Trade michelle 4 candice or maria and let her go for the belt!!!

Michelle McCool & Ashley the 2 most dominant divas EVER!!

are you SuperRey? wow, and your posts were so much better on the other site, my advice to you, LEARN THE RULES ON SPAMMING FOR WZ!!

At this point, I'm not going to bother to tell you why your thoughts on Ashley, at least for the most part, are warped. Because anybody with less than half a brain can look at an Ashley match when she was first brought in to WWE, her matches with Jillian leading up to Mania, the Mania match, and her matches after Mania, and come to the conclusion that Ashley sucks as a wrestler and entertainer and that she is pretty much,at this point, creating a huge deficit, a hole in the womens division by draging down the others that have to carry her in the ring because, despite being in the WWE for 2 years, Ashley is still clueless when it comes to working a match in the ring. You can live in your little fantasy world where Ashley is the greatest womens wrestler ever, but I don't think anyone will care, and they sure as hell won't take you seriously on anything regarding the womens division in the future. I know I won't. As far as Michelle goes, meh, its a toss up. At this point she's better than Ashley because at least I've seen some improvement out her since she first debuted, but is she the best in the WWE? Not even close, not even close.
I think it just shows how much dedication Ashley puts into wrestling when we never hear reports of her training or, like Maria, going to OVW and training on her time off. No instead she goes to Survivor... big whoop. Even Brooke goes to FCW and is getting trained by Nattie Neidhart. At least Candice Michelle, Michelle McCool, and Maria have all trained and improved, especially Candice and McCool.

Flames Out
Beth Phoenix right now I think is the only logical WWE women's wrestler to have the belt-she is amazing and since the leaving of Trish and Lita, I think she's the best "diva" out there-Candice has done a lot of work and no one can deny that, but she's just not really over with the fans as a champion because she can't do the things like Beth can-and as far as finishers go, I think she has the best one-Beth Phoenix hands down needs to dominate the women's division...who knows, maybe she'll move along like Chyna and end up competing with some of the men...I can definitely see her handling her own
Beth Phoenix right now I think is the only logical WWE women's wrestler to have the belt-she is amazing and since the leaving of Trish and Lita, I think she's the best "diva" out there-Candice has done a lot of work and no one can deny that, but she's just not really over with the fans as a champion because she can't do the things like Beth can-and as far as finishers go, I think she has the best one-Beth Phoenix hands down needs to dominate the women's division...who knows, maybe she'll move along like Chyna and end up competing with some of the men...I can definitely see her handling her own

I think Jillian Hall is another logical candidate for the Women's Championship. She gets booed pretty heavily when she's out there, and of course Jillian is amazing in the ring, and completely underrated. I would love to see Jillian pushed instead of Beth, just because Jillian had been stuck on SD for so long, and I don't want her to be doing nothing on Raw either. I love Beth, and would love to see her as champion, but Jillian deserves it more. Besides a Jillian vs Candice feud would be something new.

Flames Out
I've never seen Jillian wrestle all that much because usually in my opinion she gets stuck with some shitty opponents or they make her do some stupid story I'm thinking shape up her character a little bit, make her more of a bad ass because she has the potential look to play that character, place her in a feud with Beth and it could be a good thing...

-- The crowd was very hot for Phoenix, with almost no reaction to Candice Michelle

wow, that right their pretty much proves the piont that Candice is a shit champion, when Beth, a woman who has only been in the WWE TV for a little over a month, gets a much greater reaction than the supposed "next Trish Stratus"

give me a fucking break

wow, that right their pretty much proves the piont that Candice is a shit champion, when Beth, a woman who has only been in the WWE TV for a little over a month, gets a much greater reaction than the supposed "next Trish Stratus"

give me a fucking break

So o.k, i get it that you hate Candice michelle as champion. We've been over this and i gave every reason why she deserve to be champion and you gave me every reason why she shoudn't be. But i was the show last night and let's face it maybe live in the arena BEth had a greater reaction then candice but it didn't show on tv. I actually didn'T order the ppv last night since i saw i live in canada and i can go to my local movie theater to see theses events and the crowd last night at the theater when nuts for candice and almost no reaction for BEth. So i guessing that it depends on where the show is because in Memphis, they didn't respond to Candice will in Montreal they did so it's all a matter of preference. For me personally, i like but divas and i thought that they give a really good match considering where they were put on the card and i'm not going to try to convince you or anyone else that Candice deserve to be champion because it's a waste of time. You already got your mind made up and i don'T think that anything that i say or write will make a difference.
Im going to say this here and now. Candice has improved, but not enough to be a credible champ, they should have hotshotted her the belt and then had her lose it after a month or so. She would be accepted as a transitional women's champ right now. I give her credit for getting taught outside of the Finlay treatment that all Divas get, Candice could be a force in the Womens division, just not yet.
Should Candice Michelle be the Womens Champ?

Well, obviously it doesn't matter, as she still is. But furthermore, I can't believe noone is realizing whats going on. Beth "Glamazon" Phoenix was built as unstoppable, & unbeatable. Candice Michelle was built as "petite." Naturally, they're reliving the Trish Stratus/Victoria feud, when everyone thought Victoria would win the Championship.. only for Trish to pull out an upset. Then, a month later, Victoria finally won the Championship.

Okay, back then.. Trish was just as good as Candice is now. Trish didn't come into her own as a credible Women's Champion until after she lost to Victoria. And then, did people realize "Hey, she's pretty good, I want her back as Champ."

Candice Michelle will lose at No Mercy to Beth Phoenix, if not sooner. If she doesn't then & only then will be I surprised. But in comparison to Trish/Victoria to Candice/Beth.. neither Beth, nor Candice have now what Trish or Victoria had then. All this is, is W.W.E. reliving their past. They love digging up old storylines & slapping new faces on them.

So, the million dollar question.. Should Candice be the Champ? Honestly, yes.. right now, anyways. And the reason why is simple.. Beth does not need the Championship to get over, Candice can NOT live in her "go-daddy" days forever.. so push Candice to the moon & have her fall, so fans will once again (possibly) say "Hey, she's pretty good I want her back as Champ!"

No, I doubt a lot of you would say that, but again.. W.W.E. doesn't really care what any of you, or I, or all of us.. think.

wow, that right their pretty much proves the piont that Candice is a shit champion, when Beth, a woman who has only been in the WWE TV for a little over a month, gets a much greater reaction than the supposed "next Trish Stratus"

give me a fucking break

As much as I love Beth it's totally unfair to use an example from one of the worst crowds ever to prove that Candice isn't over. I watched her match on Heat, and she got a pretty decent pop, same on Raw. As for Unforgiven... seems like the crowd didn't really respond to anything the divas did, which pissed me off, because Beth and Candice put on a great match.

Diva's just don't get the same reaction that they used to get back in the Trish/Lita days. The only one who could measure up is Mickie James.

Flames Out
Is it? According to, Beth was way over from the Unforgiven crowd, granted the crowd was one of the weaker crowds in resent memory, the fact remains that, Beth got a good reaction, and Candice got almost nothing. If you want to say how Candice gets a better reaction in some areas and cities, fine by me, but the point is, that Candice should get some type of reaction EVERYWHERE she goes, whether or not she gets cheered or booed. And this was a PPV for gods sake, never mind the location or the crowd, WWE had been building up Candice vs Beth for Weeks, and crowd doesn't even acknowledge Candice at all, but they cheer Beth, and IMO their is something seriously wrong with that picture.
Is it? According to, Beth was way over from the Unforgiven crowd, granted the crowd was one of the weaker crowds in resent memory, the fact remains that, Beth got a good reaction, and Candice got almost nothing. If you want to say how Candice gets a better reaction in some areas and cities, fine by me, but the point is, that Candice should get some type of reaction EVERYWHERE she goes, whether or not she gets cheered or booed. And this was a PPV for gods sake, never mind the location or the crowd, WWE had been building up Candice vs Beth for Weeks, and crowd doesn't even acknowledge Candice at all, but they cheer Beth, and IMO their is something seriously wrong with that picture.

There nothing wrong with this pictures at all. It'S quite normal for a diva to be over someplace and to get no reaction what so ever in another, it's like that foe every divas on the roster. Candice could be cheer in Boston and get no reaction in Memphis, same will happen with Beth or any other divas on the roster. So this is just another excuse that you got to bash candice michelle because you can that's all.
I'd rather Beth Phoenix take the title, but I don't mind Candice as champion, she's improved a lot from what she used to be, but still is not a pure women's wrestler...
Ultimate X™;243026 said:
I'd rather Beth Phoenix take the title, but I don't mind Candice as champion, she's improved a lot from what she used to be, but still is not a pure women's wrestler...

Your right about this she'S not a pure woman'S wrestler yet but if she continued to work matches with people like Beth Phoenix, she will become very soon.
I agree with that, but she's had it for so long, to keep the feud going I think she need's to lose it, then work even harder to get it back. Candice Michelle has a lot of potential, she just has to learn to utilize it better...
Candice honestly shouldn't be champ. She is not good enough to hold the belt. God i would rather see JilliAn Hall with the belt. Candice is a nothing wrestler, oh yes she is trying but sometimes trying isnt good enough. Ashley has more charisma than Candice and can aprove to be the best. I just think Ashley needs sometime to be great. Candice shouldnt be champ it should either be Ashley, Melina(who is way over as a heel, but alright in the ring), and McCool who is the future of womens wrestling!!!!!Candice just doesnt compare!!!!

Off Topic!!! It would be cool to see a poll on who everyone thinks is the best female wrestler in wwe now(excluding expose, maryyse and cherry) Ashley & MCCool all the way!!!!
are you SuperRey? wow, and your posts were so much better on the other site, my advice to you, LEARN THE RULES ON SPAMMING FOR WZ!!

At this point, I'm not going to bother to tell you why your thoughts on Ashley, at least for the most part, are warped. Because anybody with less than half a brain can look at an Ashley match when she was first brought in to WWE, her matches with Jillian leading up to Mania, the Mania match, and her matches after Mania, and come to the conclusion that Ashley sucks as a wrestler and entertainer and that she is pretty much,at this point, creating a huge deficit, a hole in the womens division by draging down the others that have to carry her in the ring because, despite being in the WWE for 2 years, Ashley is still clueless when it comes to working a match in the ring. You can live in your little fantasy world where Ashley is the greatest womens wrestler ever, but I don't think anyone will care, and they sure as hell won't take you seriously on anything regarding the womens division in the future. I know I won't. As far as Michelle goes, meh, its a toss up. At this point she's better than Ashley because at least I've seen some improvement out her since she first debuted, but is she the best in the WWE? Not even close, not even close.

Good one!!!

But I must say after seeing last night's match, I officially love these two, Beth and Candice. It had a story, it was entertaining and I saw moves that I have never either seen in a long time or moves never seen at all by other women.

The crowd only cheered Beth because they were impressed with her strength. I mean I think people are starting to warm up to her. I think when Candice looses the title alot of people will want her champ again. I don't know why but her improvements have shocked me. I remember her first real singles match agaisnt Mickie back in 2005 and it was bad on her part. I look now and words cannot describe where she has come. I never thought it would be her getting the pushes and becoming the next big thing in the division. I def. think come WM time she'll be there 100%. I wouldn't be shocked if for the rest of Candcie's career, she is used in every match and just about every angle!

Who would've thought it would be Candice a year ago. Speaking of a year ago, the division went down, but now I feel it has gotten good. I bleive the Candcie vs. Beth feud can really bring back alot of people who abandoned the division last year.

Wow, did I rant but overall since Beth came back and Candice became champion the division grew better, for some reason!
God, I can't believe people are still arguing if Candice Michelle is worthy of being a champion. OF course she isn't, but this is the WWE, so when was the last time anyone truly worthy of being a champion was champion.

Candice Michelle, and I've said it before, is only improving the ratings of whatever channel people switch to while her matches are on. She is no where near Trish's level when Trish first started off. Candice Michelle just doesn't have "it" to be a wrestler.

You have to look at the company though, in any other federation, Candice Michelle would still probably be holding the ropes open for someone, but remember, we are talking about the WWE. They put belts on people that are in the spotlight, and Candice Michelle is the Go-Daddy girl, so you would figure the WWE would ****e off of that.

Candice Michelle is horrible, but it is the WWE, what do you expect?
Candice honestly shouldn't be champ. She is not good enough to hold the belt. God i would rather see JilliAn Hall with the belt. Candice is a nothing wrestler, oh yes she is trying but sometimes trying isnt good enough. Ashley has more charisma than Candice and can aprove to be the best. I just think Ashley needs sometime to be great. Candice shouldnt be champ it should either be Ashley, Melina(who is way over as a heel, but alright in the ring), and McCool who is the future of womens wrestling!!!!!Candice just doesnt compare!!!!

Off Topic!!! It would be cool to see a poll on who everyone thinks is the best female wrestler in wwe now(excluding expose, maryyse and cherry) Ashley & MCCool all the way!!!!

Ashley better then Candice? Please don't put a sour taste in my mouth.

Ashley may have the crowd connection but it's nothing when it comes to the sport of wrestling when the real thing that should matter is skill and like her or not, Candice has gotten much better. She got her ass kicked last night but she still came out of it alive, unlike Ashley would! Michelle isn't that great. Her matches with Victoria are sloppy and were so bad they were retaped! Yes, she has improved but not as much as others.

Honestly I am liking the division w/out Ashley. It seems better and more entertaining. I don't have to watch a women go in the ring and botch every move she does!
God, I can't believe people are still arguing if Candice Michelle is worthy of being a champion. OF course she isn't, but this is the WWE, so when was the last time anyone truly worthy of being a champion was champion.

Candice Michelle, and I've said it before, is only improving the ratings of whatever channel people switch to while her matches are on. She is no where near Trish's level when Trish first started off. Candice Michelle just doesn't have "it" to be a wrestler.

You have to look at the company though, in any other federation, Candice Michelle would still probably be holding the ropes open for someone, but remember, we are talking about the WWE. They put belts on people that are in the spotlight, and Candice Michelle is the Go-Daddy girl, so you would figure the WWE would ****e off of that.

Candice Michelle is horrible, but it is the WWE, what do you expect?

Okay if she is so bad then how is she able to do the following?

-Northern Lights Suplex
-Headscissors Takedowns
-Spinning Heel Kicks
-Diving crossbody's
-Edge's Edgecutioner
-Bulldog Variations
-Oklahoma Roll Pins
-Submission moves

Please tell me how that is someone who sucks? Not half of the women's roster can do alot of those moves! I mean have you really watched her matches lately? Watch her heat match with Melina and her Unforgiven match and even her GAB match and her variation of house show matches and tell me she's bad then!
Just because she posed for Playboy doesn't mean she cannot bust her ass to work and train to get better.

It takes two people to make a match good. Look at WM23, Melina did the whole match. Ashley didn't do anything. The reason why the later Melina vs. Candice matches were good was because both ladies put the time into it and contributed! Same with Unforgiven. Do you think if Candice sucked the match would've been as good? No.

The match would've been slow and boring and messed up because Candice hadn't been selling Beth's moves. I mean agree or disagree but Candice had to carry Beth on certain spots to make her moves look impactful and dominate. Now I didn't say Candice was a better wrestler or always has to carry Beth so don't go there! In order for the moves to look good Candice had to sell them!
A true test to see if Candice is really an amazing wrestler is have her wrestle someone like maria, kelly kelly, or leyla and see if should could still be "good" or get any fan reaction. The reason candice has been having "good" matches is that she has been carried by the likes of beth & melina. Also just b/c u can perform certain moves doesn't make u a good wrestler, u also need to sell and be able to have a flow to your match. All im saying candice is not there.....yet she will never be a great but if she can keep improving she will be alright.
God, I can't believe people are still arguing if Candice Michelle is worthy of being a champion. OF course she isn't, but this is the WWE, so when was the last time anyone truly worthy of being a champion was champion.

Candice Michelle, and I've said it before, is only improving the ratings of whatever channel people switch to while her matches are on. She is no where near Trish's level when Trish first started off. Candice Michelle just doesn't have "it" to be a wrestler.

You have to look at the company though, in any other federation, Candice Michelle would still probably be holding the ropes open for someone, but remember, we are talking about the WWE. They put belts on people that are in the spotlight, and Candice Michelle is the Go-Daddy girl, so you would figure the WWE would ****e off of that.

Candice Michelle is horrible, but it is the WWE, what do you expect?

See you're one of those people that are stil stuck on Candice Michelle circa 2005. She is a wrestler now, as Rawfannation stated before. I think Candice proved at GAB, at Unforgiven, on Raw, and even on this week's Heat that she has worked really hard to become a wrestler. It's a shame that I couldn't see that before, and that some people still can't see that. Maybe Candice wasn't deserving of the title as much as Beth or Jillian, but at the time I think Candice was the perfect candidate to become champion. I don't like the way they went about it, but I have accepted it.

Flames Out
It's so strange to me how people still think Candice is a bad wrestler. I'm not sure if they just can't recognize good wrestlers when they see them or if they just aren't paying attention when Candice is in the ring (or both) or what. She's been one of the most improved wrestlers (not female wrestlers) in the WWE lately. And I was as anti-Candice as anybody...I don't think she even looks that good. I don't think she has that "it" factori, the star quality, the natural connection with the fans, that you look for in a diva...but you have to respect the hard work and improvement she's made in the ring.
While she's improved, she's still at best number 5 on RAW. Mickie, Beth, Jillian and Melina have her completely outclassed in the ring and on the mic (and that's with Jillian's horrible gimmick).... WWE will continue to ignore the obvious as long as Vince has a boner during a match
So are we talking about hardest worker or good wrestler. I won't deny that Candice is a hard worker, and has done much to improve herself, but coming from nothing into something is easy. She had no background, so a little bit of training would have done a lot of difference.

Look at the list of WWE women's champions that have held the belt since it's reintroduction nearly ten years ago. Maybe 2 of those weren't worthy, and that Debra and Ms. Kitty. They were stupid spot fillers, that's all. There was a reason women like Stacey Kiebler, Torrie Wilson, Christy Hemme, and Ashley Massaro haven't been given title runs while every other diva has, they aren't worth a shit in the ring.

Candice Michelle is a model, and while she has worked hard to change that, it doesn't make her a good wrestler. The matches listed above were boring and snooze inspiring. The quality of Diva's matches, much like the men's matches, has gone down considerably the last several years, and if these matches go by and are accepted as "good" then the business itself has taken a step backwards.

Again, we're not talking about hardest workers in the business, we're tlaking about a women being able to hold onto a title that should have some meaning to it. Candice Michelle = Hard Worker, but average if not below average wrestler. And simply providing a list of moves she supposedly does off of wikipedia doesn't cut it for me.

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