Should Candice Michelle be the Womens Champ?

^ Maria?! Fuck No, the only reason why she over is because she sells the dumb bimbo routine. And people feel sorry for her when something bad happens to her, because they think she's "special" (like Eugene). Maria can't wrestle and her mic skills suck (as part of her gimmick, the mic skills, not the wrestling skills).
Candice Michelle is the only female wrestler (as of now) who has fans outside of wrestling. People know her from the Godaddy commercials. When people see that commercial they google 'candice michelle', find, see that Candice is the womans champ, watch RAW shows and thus giving Vince a nice paycheck.

The movie 'See no Evil' gave Kane a nice push, too bad the storyline was horrible with the 'fake kane' interfering. John Cena's the Marine was a good marketing push for the WWE.
^ Not true, Ashely is doing Survivor this year, and Torrie is still one of the top picks on They have plenty of fans outside of WWE like Candice, but that popularity really won't transfer over to wrestling. A person who is a non wrestling fan may know who these girls are, or may even be a fan of one of these girls, but he's not going to waste his time to watch bad wrestling.
I am not blaming the "botchyness" of the move on Melina Eternal Dragon, but it is in the way you take it. I saw the ones she did on Victoria and Kristal and they were as good as any wrestler could do and if you saw the GAB, Candice was going to do a very good spin kick but of course they had Melina move out of the way and have Candice miss it.

What I really want to know form everybody is where is Candice so bad at in her wrestling? I really need to know because there are three times that I can remeber where Candice has botched moves! Everytime she attempts a new move she usually hits it on cue. I don't see nothing bad in Candice's wrestling, at all really. No it's not like Mickie's or Beth's but it is enough to carry her own in the ring.

Look at the facts. Candice had no real training when coming into the WWE. People like Melina, Mickie, Kristal, Michelle, even Maria, Jillian, Beth, Victoria, etc. all went to developmental territories to get some sense of training. Candice did not and considering that, she does damn good in the ring for not having a head start. No she isn't the best wrestler and no where near it but in time she'll get better. Being champion isn't about the reaction you get. Being a champion is about putting everything you've learned so far into your matches and trying really hard to entertain the fans. I think that's exactly what Candice does, she tries real hard with more experienced ladies and she entertains the fans.

Also please don't use that modeling and Go Daddy BS. In case you haven't heard yet, Candice isn't devoting her full time to Go Daddy and modeling anymore because she wants to spend more time training and learning how to wrestle. There is alos no doubt in my mind that Candice will get even better as time goes on! Notice how Candice isn't doing these Go Daddy comercials anymore. Danica is and Candice has admitted to not doing as much with Go Daddy anymore and especially the modeling buissiness.

She is also not in the WWE to help gain her popularity in becoming an actress. Would someone trying to get recognized go out there and get her ass beat and fight in a ring in some good matches and take bruise after bruise? I think not! Would they get their nose broken and go through the pain of having their pretty face ruined? No. For her to come back form an injury and then start improving only shows one thing to me. That she is serious about what she is doing. She still gets better in every match we see her. Her best of her career is def. the GAB match she had with Melina. Her and Melina busted out new moves and were really trying to do what they are supposed to do and that is entertain and wrestle.

For one year of serious training I def. think Candice deserves the title. This only her first reign and if I can recall where Trish was at in her first reign she wasn't much better then Candice at wrestling at all and look at where she was at the end of her career.

Besides title reigns are kafaybe anyways and when you look at it like that, noone is really a believable champion. I mean come on people they were going to give Ashley the title but they realized how bad she was and flushed that idea!

About Beth, no doubt that she;ll get that belt one day! She just has to go under a developmental process like Mickie did when Mickie first entered the WWE. Candice even had to go under a developmental process as well for anyone to take her serious in being a champion.

I know this is off topic but can any of you believe that someone on another forum actually thinks that Ashley is a very good wrestler and thinks that she is better then Candice. He even approves of her as champion!
Some people on this forum actually think that Ashley is a good wrestler and deserved the title when she was # 1. I'm not going to name names *cough* Extremerage81 *cough* And this person actually made a thread about it. on another forum some guy went off on a rant and said that there have been no descent womens wrestlers to EVER come through WWE or the indys, he pretty much slammed womens wrestling in general. The thread was from 2005 and even through I bumped it and got an infraction, it was worth it handing him his ass on a platter.
This guy was saying that she was better then Candice! I know that Candice isn't god's gift to women's wrestling but saying she is worse then Ashley by all means says that the guy was on something! Seriously. He said that her WM match wasn't bad, it just wasn't given the proper amount of time! I think if I had to sit through another 30 seconds of that I would have fallen asleep. She did terrible and that was possibly the worst WM match ever! He said that Ashley is where the talent is at and I nealry fell over. It's amazing how some people really think that!

I am also sick of people saying that the women's division sucks! It doesn't. No, it's not the 2002-2004 roster of women's wrestling but I find it to actually be going up and I think it has gotten better then even when Trish and Lita were there at the end of their careers! The only problem is that they have too many Melina vs Maria matches and it tarnishes the image of the women's division. Let it be Mickie vs. Beth or Jillian vs. Mickie and then say it sucks! To be honest the women's division is at it's best since 2004.

Anyways, I really think the women's title is really going to regain some of it's prestige with this "new" women's roster. If they keep trying to hype it and build it back up then they will have no problems getting fan interest back! That is why I think they are building Candice up as the next Trish. I mean compare the two and everything is practically the same!

Now some may disagree but it's quite true, she pretty much is the new Trish: a model who came in and decided she wanted to seriously learn how to wrestle. Candice is following Trish's blueprint very closely and I'd argue in terms of her ring work, at this point in her wrestling career and first (I assume) reign as Women's Champion, Candice is farther along than Trish was during her first run with the belt.

Of course, Trish had the class of 2002-2003 to work with and learn from: Molly, Lita, Jazz, Victoria, Ivory, and later Gail. That was the finest field of women's talent ever assembled in WWE's history. Moving Victoria to Smackdown is totally dunderheaded, but even without her, Candice has Mickie James, Melina, Jillian, and Beth Phoenix. Not quite the original roster in terms of talent depth, but still not a bad roster of women at all.

Now if Candice continues to improve and just as importantly, if she could somehow learn to talk and cut promos without sounding like a nasal-voiced simpleton, she'd then unlock the final missing ingredient that Trish had over all the other women in the company.
I love Candice don't get me wrong hey maybe in a year or two she could be a better champ but she lacks mic skills which are extremely important for a champ to have and she still has some trouble pulling off half of her moves I would have loved to have seen Mickie and Melina fight a little more maybe they could of had that No Disqualification Match that they should of had at Cyber Sunday last year at One Night Stand instead of that Pudding Match yeah it was hot but it just proved that Candice is still only looked at like the Playboy covergirl that she was before, not an improved wrestler if they can give the title to one of the Divas (i am not picky any one of them as long as they can wrestle) and train Candice for a couple more years maybe people will take her more seriously but right now she still reminds me of the Playboy covergirl from last year. The same goes for Ashley to. She could be champ but she still makes rookie mistakes while wrestling. Remember WM23. Candice is great but she is not Women's Champion material at the moment. Mickie James should be champ.
Personally i really think that Candice deserve to be champ right now. Let face the facts here: She the most over Diva in the WWE right now and she actually learn how to wrestle from scratch. Before entering the WWE she didn'T have any sort of wrestling training what so ever and now, out of all theses divas that didn't have any experience in the ring, she one of the better ones. I just watch the match between her and Melina from the Great american bash and i couldn'T believe how fluid she is with every move she makes. The only problem she not really good at doing promos, who cares anyway since none of the divas except for melina is able to do a good promo. Even way back during the Trish Stratus era. The only one able to do promos was Trish, every other divas didn'T deliver on that aspect and i didn'T care. My point is that they don't need to be good on the microphone to entertain me, the just have to put on a good match.
Over? How? She doesn't get a reaction from the crowd. Her matches are mostly dead (reaction wise), she can't work the mic worth a shit, and the only way it seems that she can get people interested into her matches is when and IF she takes her clothes off. Candice is improving in the ring, but IMO she should already be considered one of the top performers in the womens division to be eligible to wear the strap, IMO, which after 2 months as champ, Candice is far from being the top woman in the company. IMO she is a drain on the division, and I'm just hoping to god that WWE comes to their senses and strips her of the title in the future.
Personally i really think that Candice deserve to be champ right now. Let face the facts here: She the most over Diva in the WWE right now and she actually learn how to wrestle from scratch.

I disagree. Mickie James is by far the most over diva with the crowd. The crowd is always behind Mickie even when she tags with Candice. The crowd doesn't even care about Candice or her matches. It's silence.

Before entering the WWE she didn't have any sort of wrestling training what so ever and now, out of all theses divas that didn't have any experience in the ring, she one of the better ones.

Which is why WWE should have let her develop as a solid wrestler before throwing the title on her. Candice is not even close to being the most talented. Sure she has better skills than a Maria or a McCool but she cannot hang with Mickie,Melina and Jillian.

I just watch the match between her and Melina from the Great american bash and i couldn'T believe how fluid she is with every move she makes.

Well if I remember correctly she was quite botchy. The GAB was one of her better matches that she actually looked better in.

But when people say she deserves to be champion and is a good wrestler. That's wrong.

The only problem she not really good at doing promos, who cares anyway since none of the divas except for Melina is able to do a good promo.

Agreed. Melina is really the only one with any mic ability that stands out.

My point is that they don't need to be good on the microphone to entertain me, the just have to put on a good match.

Well when talking about divas, I say your right. The Women's Division is shit though right now. Candice doesn't put on a good match. The only decent Candice match was at the GAB and she still didn't look very good in the ring but given more time she might improve but it's bullshit she's on top of the division right now.
Well you guys are mainly right. It would appear as if she isn't good enough right now but neither was Trish when she forst won the title. Trish wasn't the most over diva, Lita was. But the thing with Trish is that she was used more. She defended her title alot and got more oppurtunities. Candice however isn't given the time of day anymore which suprises me! You'd think they would stick to her showing her skills becuase I promise she's learned more. I'm hoping for a Candice vs. Melina match tonight! I saw those two's house show match before the Bash and such and it was quite good. I mean better the GAB match!

But for Candice to have anymore title reigns the WWE needs to put her to use and not the ringside girl who isn't getting active. I understand she wrestled every week before she won the belt but come on, she needs mroe matches now to continue to improve.

I think Candice being really over will take at least a few more months. I find it funny how people are quick to jump the gun about Candice when Trish and your greats weren't that over when they first won! Over time she'll get there and I think WWE realizes this, that's why she's not a transitional champ and that's why she retained!
i actually think candice as womens champion is a good thing. at first i thought what the hell but thinking bout it i have to say it was a good idea. her matches are gradually gettin better and she looks better than she ever has lately. remember trish at first. i see the same thing happening here. and i definetly see potential in candice vs beth pheonix feud. i see it developing into the new trish vs lita
the correct answer is who the hell cares. there hasnt been a good womens match since lita or trish stepped in a WWE ring. they both had great talent. Lita could fly and she was a huge heel. Trish had the best mat skills of any female wrestler. but now WWE are just hiring Models and making mickie james lose to them so that it looks like they can make it in WWE. the womens match is the time to walk to the bathroom and piss.
I wish she wasn't but she is, the dumb thing is that she never even wrestles they just make her sit and watch every match until the paper view comes, when Melina was champ she had to have a match every week and she is already good in the ring as doesn't need as much practice as Candice.
the correct answer is who the hell cares. there hasnt been a good womens match since lita or trish stepped in a WWE ring. they both had great talent. Lita could fly and she was a huge heel. Trish had the best mat skills of any female wrestler. but now WWE are just hiring Models and making mickie james lose to them so that it looks like they can make it in WWE. the womens match is the time to walk to the bathroom and piss.

Trish had mediocre in ring skills at best, and sure Lita could fly, but she was limited in what she could do, and I'm not talking about the move ban. About all lita was good for was the Moonsault and the Top Rope Hurricanerana. My point is that trish and Lita, while very good at what they did, they weren't even the best during their time. The WWE has put on great matches without the help of Trish or Lita.
She can't wrestle and is one of the women that should be in with the divas that are simply used for eye candy purposes although i don't think shes good looking.

Id love to see a feud between Melina/Mickie James and Beth since they're the woman who can actually wrestle on Raw.

Why the hell is Victoria on Smackdown?

You can argue that Trish and Lita aren't that good but theres no denying that the womans title division has been destroyed since they left.
Over? How? She doesn't get a reaction from the crowd. Her matches are mostly dead (reaction wise), she can't work the mic worth a shit, and the only way it seems that she can get people interested into her matches is when and IF she takes her clothes off. Candice is improving in the ring, but IMO she should already be considered one of the top performers in the womens division to be eligible to wear the strap, IMO, which after 2 months as champ, Candice is far from being the top woman in the company. IMO she is a drain on the division, and I'm just hoping to god that WWE comes to their senses and strips her of the title in the future.

Sorry to tell you this but just watch the great american bash again if you want to see how over Candice really is. The last time have seen a divas get any type of reaction from the crowd was when Trish Stratus was still wrestling. O.k. so during her match themselves, nobody is making any nose but let's be realistic her, the crowd hasn't been interested in a woman's match since Trish and Lita left last year, so that's not fair to say that Candice isn't over based on that because every divas get the same reaction during their match. Even last night on raw, Candice got the biggest reaction out of every diva and see wasn't even involve in the match. So you might think that see a drain on the woman division but i don't think so. Instead, i think see might help the woman's division the way Trish Stratus did in 2001.
Sorry to tell you this but just watch the great american bash again if you want to see how over Candice really is.

Just because she got over one time, at one event, doesn't make her over. I define 'over' as getting a consistent reaction form the crowd, Candice does not. Whether its her matches or her promos.

The last time have seen a divas get any type of reaction from the crowd was when Trish Stratus was still wrestling.

Jillian Hall always gets a huge reaction every time she goes to sing, Maria, for the small parts she usually plays in backstage segments is usually way over for even just the little things she says.

O.k. so during her match themselves, nobody is making any nose but let's be realistic her, the crowd hasn't been interested in a woman's match since Trish and Lita left last year, so that's not fair to say that Candice isn't over based on that because every divas get the same reaction during their match.

This maybe true, but most of the fans also know that Beth, Mickie, and Jillian are decent in ring workers where as mot fans couldn't tell if Candice was any good because she never really shows it on RAW. IMO house shows don't count because a vast majority of the fans don't watch house shows and the only way to actually see a house show is on a prerecorded clip on a cell phone, posted on youtube in a 20 second. Hardly a great source if you ask me.

Even last night on raw, Candice got the biggest reaction out of every diva and see wasn't even involve in the match. So you might think that see a drain on the woman division but i don't think so. Instead, i think see might help the woman's division the way Trish Stratus did in 2001.

I don't what you thought you saw, because I don't how Candice getting her ass kicked by Beth counts as a reaction to Candice, especially when the fans Booed Beth for not only destroying Candice, but Mickie and Jillian as well.
I do not think that Candice should be the women's champ. She is not that over with the crowd TBH. I think Jillian should have the belt right now. She has a great gimmick, ring skills, and she is good on the mic. The belt was put on Candice way too soon and that new theme she has doesn't help her at all.

To whoever said that there hasn't been a great womens match since Lita and trish, you are wrong. Like Ech said, Trish and Lita were midiocore at best. Victoria, Gail Kim, Jazz, Jaquelin, and Molly Holly were the best group of divas to wrestle in the wwe. The reason why Lita and Trish were so over with the crowd was because they have had alot of assistance from their male counterparts who were over with the crowd also. Matt Hardy, Jeff Hardy, Edge, Kane, Y2J, Vince Mcmahon, Christian, any maybe a few more.
Candice Miche Should Be The Women's Champion She Is Pretty And Smart And Funny She Had To Face Supid Melina At The Great American Bash Then On Monday Night Raw She Proven She Should Be The Champ. John Cena Has Be The 7 Time The Champ He Is The Best And He Also Hot. Paul London & Brian Kendrick Should The The Tag Team Champion They Can Do Alots Of Move In Wwe Wrestling Plus Jeff & Matt Hardy Has Be The Tag Team Champ For 8 Times And Jeff Been The Intercontinect For Three Time
Candice Miche Should Be The Women's Champion She Is Pretty And Smart And Funny She Had To Face Supid Melina At The Great American Bash Then On Monday Night Raw She Proven She Should Be The Champ. John Cena Has Be The 7 Time The Champ He Is The Best And He Also Hot. Paul London & Brian Kendrick Should The The Tag Team Champion They Can Do Alots Of Move In Wwe Wrestling Plus Jeff & Matt Hardy Has Be The Tag Team Champ For 8 Times And Jeff Been The Intercontinect For Three Time

I think I lost brain cells trying to understand what the hell you were trying to say. I think I'd probably be speaking for countless others before/after me when I say you don't make a lick of sense.

Why anyone should rewarded being pretty with a title reign is beyond me...but if they wanted to reward someone for being pretty with no in ring skills...they could have at least put the belt on Maria. She's better looking than Candice, AND she gets a better reaction...not to mention that she could have many angles with Marella/Simmons/UmaNga (when he returns) as champ. Candice has the "Glamazon" and that's about it. Candice has come a long way, don't get me wrong...but you can't deny that she isn't very over, especially for being a champion. And her chances of beating Beth at Unforgiven are like Cena's title defenses over the past year...we know she can't do it, but the WWE will let her anyway. It brings up another point...if WWE wants what sells best...wouldn't they put the belt on the female who could draw the best for them? Look at what they did with Cena.

PS: Anyone else notice how many women wrestlers have some sort of modified bulldog as their finisher (ex: Stratusfaction, Candywrapper.) Funny funny...
Well, im not a big fan of the women division, but this Candice vs Beth feud could turn into a interesting thing...for Beth! lol! no, seriously, i think Candice is the Champ just because Melina got a lot of heat backstage and she was in the right place in the right time.
Beth Phoenix is by far better wrestler than Cnadice, so its a matter of time for Candice to drop the belt, and get back to A lesser, "Diva" Role (like Maria).
To be quite honest with you, i think that Beth would make a pretty good champion. But i have always had my heart set on Mickie being the chamipon. I think that mickie and could pull of a pretty good rivery with Beth... But i do not think that Candice should hold the title, she is pretty but not that pretty... If i had a choice out Maria or Candice it would have to be candice. It is a releafe to see a power house womans wrestler (Beth Phenoix). The last power house womans wrestler was Chyna. The additude era was a long time ago now. I think the compay has been strugling to get woman over with the crowed sine Lita and Trish left the company. They put so much work into Mickie James's charter only to throw it all away for a crummy Wrestlemania match with Ashley and Malina. Malina dropping the title to Candiance was the nail in the coffin. They do have the opterinaty now to fix it with Jillan Hall, Beth Pheniox and Mickie James. Jillan needs to drop that silly singing gimmic we all thaught that was gone when she came to raw. Mickie needs more air time to get back in with the crowd, a mistake made by WWE's booking people obersiley. Beth well we can only wait and see where that charter goes. Thankgod for Beth my dreams have been answred, if only she had Mickie's looks everthing would 100% a ok......
"I know this is off topic but can any of you believe that someone on another forum actually thinks that Ashley is a very good wrestler and thinks that she is better then Candice. He even approves of her as champion!" Thats me!!!! AShley is a million times better than Candice. But i think mcCool deserves a chance. Trade michelle 4 candice or maria and let her go for the belt!!!

Michelle McCool & Ashley the 2 most dominant divas EVER!!
"I know this is off topic but can any of you believe that someone on another forum actually thinks that Ashley is a very good wrestler and thinks that she is better then Candice. He even approves of her as champion!" Thats me!!!! AShley is a million times better than Candice. But i think mcCool deserves a chance. Trade michelle 4 candice or maria and let her go for the belt!!!

Michelle McCool & Ashley the 2 most dominant divas EVER!!

Don't let your love of Ashley blind you, because Ashley is a horrible wrestler. Don't want to believe me, just go watch a match of hers. It's proof enough. I would go ahead and say even Maria is better than Ashley. Candice can do more in the ring than Ashley can, and there's also proof of that. Just watch her match against Melina on Heat. 10x better than any match Ashley could put on.

I do agree though that Michelle McCool deserves a title shot.

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