Candice vs Beth Feud

candice michelle and beth pheonix are both crap wrestlers and i think the womans division should be scrapped for their inability to wrestle and even perform moves correctly
they are only there because they are big titted bimbos that have slept with the whole wwe staff to get onto prime time tv!
bring back the tag team division instead, because atleast they have good matches and stick the divas with them (to be managers like they should!)
candice michelle and beth pheonix are both crap wrestlers and i think the women's division should be scrapped for their inability to wrestle and even perform moves correctly
they are only there because they are big titted bimbos that have slept with the whole wwe staff to get onto prime time tv!
bring back the tag team division instead, because at least they have good matches and stick the divas with them (to be managers like they should!)

So am guessing that you don't like the woman's division or woman wrestling. That's doesn't give you the right the insulted them and called them bimbos just because you don't like watching them. I'm sorry but that's just uncalled for. So, o.k, let's recap here, you don't like woman's wrestling because

A: They Don't know how to wrestle: First of all, that's statement is based on what actually, because sure some divas like AShley and Torrie should be in the ring but for what i saw with the Candice vs Beth match at unforgiven, it was a really good match and outshine pretty much all the main-events match on the card.

B: They Don't Perform the move correctly: So how would you know that exactly, have you ever Wrestle in your life to know that. Again just watch the mixed tag match from last monday night and you can see that not one move was botched by the divas in that match.

C: they are only there because they are big titted bimbos that have slept with the whole wwe staff to get onto prime time tv!: O.k again, how do you know that exactly, where you there when they got there interview to get there jobs because if you where there, you are one lucky guy so again please, stop writing stuff that you know nothing about because it's just plain stupid and immature.

D: bring back the tag team division instead, because at least they have good matches and stick the divas with them (to be managers like they should!): For some of them like Torrie and ashley that's sound like a good idea but again you're generalising by saying that they should all be managers. Some of them are really talented and can produce i really entertaining match it just that people like you don'T give them a chance and that's the problem here. Am a fan of the tag team division but am not ready to sacrifice the woman's division for the tag team division.

So i hope that i analyse your post correctly and i might want to think a little bit and maybe do a little research before talking about a subject that you obviously know nothing about.
okay then
tell me how great was the wrestlemania match between ashley and melena this year
it would have to be the worst match in the history of the wwe
While the Wrestlemania match was one of the worst matches that I have eer had the misfortune to watch. There are great women's wrestlers out there, including in the WWE. Beth Pheonix is one of them, being from the top women's promotion in Shimmer, she gets respect from me. Candice is one of the few Divas that the WWE has hired effectively out of Modelling agencies that is going beyond the Dave Finlay treatment, which is what all new Divas have. She has gone to double A Arn Anderson to help her improve in the Ring and I applaud her for it, she may not be the Best Diva in terms of In-Ring ability but she is improving. So this is the perfect feud for Candice to be in to allow her to raise her game.
okay then
tell me how great was the wrestlemania match between ashley and melena this year
it would have to be the worst match in the history of the wwe

ok so when has this become a diva bashing thread? we all know ashley's terrible thats why they didnt give her the belt, the divas need time to improve and i think thats what candice is doing against, bethe and i believe it will mimmik the jazz v trish feud and make candice credible.
i think that this feud has written victria vs trish all over it. these feuds have many things in common. the main poit of the candice/beth feud is to make candice to look that she can take down divas that are bigger and stronger than her as it was the trish/victoria feud.But personally i dont see this feud become as brilliant as the trish/victoria one, but i do see posobilidades of candice become at least a credible champion
Sorry to bump this but new things have happend in the feud and I think we should discuss it.

So Beth is champion! I am so happy for her and she really really deserves it. Her and Candice have been pulling off great matches and they give it their A game. All of their matches have stuff performed that hasn't been seen done by women in a long while in the WWE. I'm glad this is more then just a 1 month feud and what not. It's been enjoyable and I don't think WWE will end it until Beth gets over as a mega heel and Candice gets over as the mega face. Hell I wouldn't be suprised if this feud went into WM! Of course Mickie could get incorporated down the road and lead to a triple threat match. Candice vs. Beth vs. Mickie or even a 6 women elimination match with the last woman being Kristal, not the god-awful Maria, since Kristal is going to RAW!

If WWE keeps this feud going for awhile and keeps adding in new twists and turns then this could be feud of the year or if they do it really good best feud ever but that's farfetching it for right now as it would have alot to be done in order to compare it to Mickie vs. Trish.
^ No, I'm sorry dude, I'm sick of seeing Candice in the title scene, she should be grateful, the WWE gave her a several month long title reign, when really she didn't even deserve it. I say If Candice should get another title shot, she should start on the bottom and work her way back up. WWE hands title shots and gives titles to guys that don't deserve it like Batista, or Randy Orton. I won't sit and watch the same old shit happen in the womens division. I'd rather see that Beth vs Mickie feud that WWE hyped up for so long but never did, this would be a prime opportunity for that feud.
^ No, I'm sorry dude, I'm sick of seeing Candice in the title scene, she should be grateful, the WWE gave her a several month long title reign, when really she didn't even deserve it. I say If Candice should get another title shot, she should start on the bottom and work her way back up. WWE hands title shots and gives titles to guys that don't deserve it like Batista, or Randy Orton. I won't sit and watch the same old shit happen in the womens division. I'd rather see that Beth vs Mickie feud that WWE hyped up for so long but never did, this would be a prime opportunity for that feud.

Yeah but I doubt after spending all of this time and trying every little thing to get the women over, they'd just drop Candice to bottom. Candice is almost over and she's gaining reaction every week and to drop her now would mean she would never get over and Mickie would just destroy everything WWE spent their time on. It could take a year or two but I just don't see WWE dropping Candice out of the picture for Mickie. I mean Mickie will get her chances again but Candice is WWE's personal pet. They'll do whatever it takes to get her over and slowly but surely it's working. Her reactions are getting stronger and fans are accepting her. Candice dropped the title to Beth and I believe for a purpose. Without the title she'll get more people behind her to win it. But this means that Beth herself will have to draw heel heat first in herself or else Candice may not get over.

I wouldn't be surprised if WWE had Candice do everything from now on with an occasional mix up. I'm sorry but I don't see Candice going anywhere. I kinda don't like that because that's what made me dislike Trish by the end of her career. It got boring seeing her in everything. No one else getting the shots at the titles, kinda like Mickie last year but that's obviously changed.

Candice's matches get better by the second. While still being carried (of course she hasn't progressed that far yet and no one should expect that this fast), she is getting there. I say within a year she'll be really good. Candice might get the belt back at WM and then might go on to feud with a heel turning Mickie. Anything could happen. She could get released or be dropped completely, but if she does then all this time WWE spent would be pointless and a big waste of many people's time and I fear that could cost WWE in the end.
Yeah but I doubt after spending all of this time and trying every little thing to get the women over, they'd just drop Candice to bottom.

What all this time? she had one run, which WWE have her because they ran out of Talent. Candice was not ready for a title run, and while some came to like her, many fans still feel that Candice isn't ready to be in the main event yet, Due to lack of skill and lack of drawing power. I think WWE would realize This and would probably be wise not to but her back in a longstanding fued for the title.

Candice is almost over and she's gaining reaction every week and to drop her now would mean she would never get over and Mickie would just destroy everything WWE spent their time on.

Not really, Mickie, Jillian and Melina all get better reaction than Candice. If Candice works her way back up just like every other main eventer WWE has and I'm sure she'll do fine.

It could take a year or two but I just don't see WWE dropping Candice out of the picture for Mickie. I mean Mickie will get her chances again but Candice is WWE's personal pet.

I do, Mickie actually gets a reaction from the crowd, Candice does not. If nobody cared about the womens division during Candice's first run, I'm sure people will just tune out the womens division on RAW altogether if they have to sit and watch Beth vs Candice II all over again. And when the Hell did Candice Become the queen of the womens division? Last year nobody gave a shit about Candice, and after a short, lackluster title reign I'm pretty sure people still don't

They'll do whatever it takes to get her over and slowly but surely it's working. Her reactions are getting stronger and fans are accepting her. Candice dropped the title to Beth and I believe for a purpose. Without the title she'll get more people behind her to win it. But this means that Beth herself will have to draw heel heat first in herself or else Candice may not get over.

Meh, I'm sure Beth will draw heat, but I"d much rather see her engage in a feud against Mickie or even Melina, if WWE turns her face. I'm sure most of the people that still watch RAW on a regular basis would agree with me. Candice vs Beth is getting old, I'm people would want to see something new. Plus it gives Candice some time off, not being the champion, to actually train and get better, maybe wrestle against Jillian or Melina or someone in the Mid Card.

Candice's matches get better by the second. While still being carried (of course she hasn't progressed that far yet and no one should expect that this fast), she is getting there. I say within a year she'll be really good.

So until next year when Candice is really good, she shouldn't be chasing the title. Let the women who can actually wrestle hold the belt, then when Candice is ready, she can hold the belt again.

Candice might get the belt back at WM and then might go on to feud with a heel turning Mickie. Anything could happen. She could get released or be dropped completely, but if she does then all this time WWE spent would be pointless and a big waste of many people's time and I fear that could cost WWE in the end

Would it? WWE let Krissy Vaine go, and IMO, she had much more potential than Candice would have, if WWE had decided to push her right. WWE just spent the last half year building up Candice, and now, 6 months later, people don't think that much differently about her than they did when she was still twirling a magic wand around.
Echelon said:
Would it? WWE let Krissy Vaine go, and IMO, she had much more potential than Candice would have, if WWE had decided to push her right. WWE just spent the last half year building up Candice, and now, 6 months later, people don't think that much differently about her than they did when she was still twirling a magic wand around.

You mean Krissy let the WWE go?

I think ALOT of people think differently of Candice than what they thought of her six months ago. I know I do. Maybe Candice wasn't as good as Krissy, or as Beth, but I don't think giving the title to Beth at the moment was the best thing for the Women's Division. It might seem like it, but Beth can't "save" the Women's Division, not as long as the writing for the feuds stays repetitive and boring. People can try to fault Candice all they want, but she's a better wrestler now, and she usually got a decent pop from the crowd. Not anything huge, but it was satisfactory. I think the WWE made the same mistake with Beth that they made with Candice. They didn't build up her character up enough before giving her the title. I know they've been trying to push Beth as the "Glamazon" but who has she beaten since her return- Maria (I'm excluding Candice)? That's one person, and one of the weakest Divas on the roster. How is that supposed to make Beth the most dominant diva on the roster? Not only does Beth's character and her title reign seem unconvincing already, but it destroys the build-up for Candice that they worked so hard on.

The writing for the Women's Division has been screwed up for a long time now. Tag team matches week in and week out are an example of that.

Flames Out
I don't know, It justs seems kind of dumb for WWE to go through the trouble of scouting and signing divas with great talent like Jillian, and Mickie, and Krissy (although she was a special case, as you just mentioned) WWE hires these girls, but then spends all their time hyping up girls with lesser talent like Candice and Maria (yes she gets alot of mic and camera time, more than most others) and Ashley, and they don't even really try and focus on the big storylines anymore. It almost seems like WWE is thinking that since their two biggest draws left them, the womens division isn't worth their trouble. Its almost as if WWE is putting names in a hat and drawing at random to see who gets the push and who doesn't. WWE has integrated the division for so long with women that can't work, that fans have become accustomed to seeing these girls with lesser abilities perform. And I know It seems like I'm bashing Candice again, and I am, but I'm also bashing all the other girls that have limited wrestling experience and yet WWE throws them in the ring, and expects them to perform to a standard. Despite my bashing Candice, I won't let her take the blame totally, Its not like she hasn't tried to improve, but 2 years of training, realistically, just isn't enough time, even in the WWE womens division, for a wrestler to have learned her craft well enough to be the champ.

So really, is Beth as Champion really that worse than having Candice as champ? Sure Beth isn't established or over, and neither was Candice during her reign. But Beth is a spectacular wrestler and anybody that has any kind of sense to do even the most minimal kind of research could figure that out. Candice has only been wrestling for 2 years, and I wonder how much of that was Wrestling 101. When Candice gets in the ring, its quite evident that the girl simply needs to train a little more, while when Beth gets in the ring, and especially when she's placed against another wrestler that knows what their doing in the ring, like say, Mickie or Jillian or Victoria, the great wrestler in Beth is easy to see. I think it'll be easy for Beth to get over if WWE places her with a strong opponent.

And Dragon, I agree, most of this falls on WWE creative, to be honest I don't where their going with the division. Hell for all I know they could give Maria a title run next. And maybe I'm setting my stadards too high for what I think great wrestling should be, especially in the womens division. And I don't know about you guys, Dragon and Rawfannation, but when I sit down to watch wrestling I expect to see wrestling. When the wrestling gets overshadowed by piss poor storylines and half assed angles, like much of the stuff I've seen in the womens division lately, not just Beth vs Candice. When wrestling gets to that point, I quit watching, until a change is made.
personally a much smarter move to have made would have been to have had mickie champ instead of candice for that amount of time, because if i recall correctly mickie and beth had a 1 week feud as soon as beth came, and then guess what? Beth gets injured and mickie james takes credit for the injury, and since she did using her against beth at the time would have had an actual storyline behind it. With candice she doesn't have any feud potential with anyone because she cant get herself over on the mic, her wrestling needs to be on a higher par. Her only real feud was with melina as far as im concerned, and their was nothing there that actually made me care for her being champ, because if i remember right people like candice and maria were used as jobbers to get the other women over. So to go from jobber to a champ just doesnt make me to happy.
I don't know, It justs seems kind of dumb for WWE to go through the trouble of scouting and signing divas with great talent like Jillian, and Mickie, and Krissy (although she was a special case, as you just mentioned) WWE hires these girls, but then spends all their time hyping up girls with lesser talent like Candice and Maria (yes she gets alot of mic and camera time, more than most others) and Ashley, and they don't even really try and focus on the big storylines anymore. It almost seems like WWE is thinking that since their two biggest draws left them, the womens division isn't worth their trouble. Its almost as if WWE is putting names in a hat and drawing at random to see who gets the push and who doesn't. WWE has integrated the division for so long with women that can't work, that fans have become accustomed to seeing these girls with lesser abilities perform. And I know It seems like I'm bashing Candice again, and I am, but I'm also bashing all the other girls that have limited wrestling experience and yet WWE throws them in the ring, and expects them to perform to a standard. Despite my bashing Candice, I won't let her take the blame totally, Its not like she hasn't tried to improve, but 2 years of training, realistically, just isn't enough time, even in the WWE womens division, for a wrestler to have learned her craft well enough to be the champ.

I agree with you on one point, i don'T think that 2 years of training is enough to be champ but let face it, the wwe thought that it was enough. What i don't agree with is when you compare Candice to Ashley or Maria because Candice is a way better wrestler then Ashley and Maria and for what i saw since they started pushing her last may, Candice was born to be a wrestler because for somebody that was only training for 2 years, she can hang with some of the best diva'S in the WWE. She might have limited wrestling experience but who cares for a rookie, she wrestle like she's been doing this for years.

So really, is Beth as Champion really that worse than having Candice as champ? Sure Beth isn't established or over, and neither was Candice during her reign. But Beth is a spectacular wrestler and anybody that has any kind of sense to do even the most minimal kind of research could figure that out. Candice has only been wrestling for 2 years, and I wonder how much of that was Wrestling 101. When Candice gets in the ring, its quite evident that the girl simply needs to train a little more, while when Beth gets in the ring, and especially when she's placed against another wrestler that knows what their doing in the ring, like say, Mickie or Jillian or Victoria, the great wrestler in Beth is easy to see. I think it'll be easy for Beth to get over if WWE places her with a strong opponent.

I agree again with you Beth is a spectacular wrestler but i really think that the rush her title reign the same way they did Victoria. No mercy wasn'T the time to give her the title because nobody is going to remember who won the title and her title win meant absolutely nothing because of it. Unless they can't make Candice more over that she is right now, Beth won't be able to get over because unless they turn Beth face and let her feud With Melina, there is nobody else that is over enough to help Beth and she might just turn out to be like Victoria.

And Dragon, I agree, most of this falls on WWE creative, to be honest I don't where their going with the division. Hell for all I know they could give Maria a title run next. And maybe I'm setting my stadards too high for what I think great wrestling should be, especially in the womens division. And I don't know about you guys, Dragon and Rawfannation, but when I sit down to watch wrestling I expect to see wrestling. When the wrestling gets overshadowed by piss poor storylines and half assed angles, like much of the stuff I've seen in the womens division lately, not just Beth vs Candice. When wrestling gets to that point, I quit watching, until a change is made.

Again if there was ever something that i don't agree with you is this, i hate the fact that Raw as been overshadowed by piss poor storylines and if it wasn't for the woman's division's, i would probably stop watching. The last couple of week, Two thing have stand out on Raw. Jeff HArdy'S matches and the woman's matches simply because it was actually wrestling. The six woman'S matches last week wasn't that great but it was good enough to stand out from the rest of the show.

While i'm getting tired of the same peoples in the title pictures, i'm happy with what going on right now. They learn from the mistakes they made with Mickie James last year and are trying to find something new to get Candice over. Mickie James had all the opportunity in the world to be a huge start in the woman's division. They gave her victory over the to biggest names in the woman division last year and that she had from the trish feud went away by the time she went into the lita feud. She wasn't really over after winning the belt from lita and her popularity completly disappeared by the time she went into that horrible feud with Melina. So i think building a serious woman wrestler from scratch like they did Trish is the best way to make the woman's division popular again and that's what they are doing with Candice. When Candice will be able to carried the woman's division maybe then somebody with more talent like Mickie James will be able to get a shot again but until then, people with high standard will have to be patient because you won't be able to see 5 star matches in the woman's division until Candice as become a main event player in the woman'S division and i hope they take her off that feud with Beth and put her in another feud with Melina since i think Melina could help in getting Candice over more.
While i'm getting tired of the same peoples in the title pictures, i'm happy with what going on right now. They learn from the mistakes they made with Mickie James last year and are trying to find something new to get Candice over.

What mistakes, the only bump in Mickie career last year was when Beth got injured because it ruined their feud. Had Beth not been injured and had feuded with Mickie, their would have been a good chance that neither Melina or Candice would have been champion during that time.

Mickie James had all the opportunity in the world to be a huge start in the woman's division. They gave her victory over the to biggest names in the woman division last year and that she had from the trish feud went away by the time she went into the lita feud. She wasn't really over after winning the belt from lita and her popularity completly disappeared by the time she went into that horrible feud with Melina.

Again I don't know what your talking about, Mickie is and has been the most over face in the womens division since her face turn. I don't know where you gt the notion that Mickie James popularity has faded.

So i think building a serious woman wrestler from scratch like they did Trish is the best way to make the woman's division popular again and that's what they are doing with Candice.

Yeah by having a girl with mediocre wrestling skills bring everyone else down, that make sense, wouldn't you think that Candice should train a little more to reach the level of in ring expertise that Mickie and Beth and Jillian posses?

When Candice will be able to carried the woman's division maybe then somebody with more talent like Mickie James will be able to get a shot again but until then, people with high standard will have to be patient because you won't be able to see 5 star matches in the woman's division until Candice as become a main event player in the woman'S division and i hope they take her off that feud with Beth and put her in another feud with Melina since i think Melina could help in getting Candice over more.

Now your just making no sense at all, with this logic maybe we SHOULD put the belt on Maria or Ashley next, hell, its obvious the womens division would be going into the crapper with logic like that. I mean what do people see in Candice right now any? You honestly think that see can be the next Trish? Candice can't even draw, can't even wrestle, she's doesn't even have good mic skills, I highly doubt that after her title run people even take her seriously. I bet most people still look at her as the transitional champ that she was when WWE decided to put the belt on her because they ran out of talent. I'd bet money that WWE's knows this, and I bet their fully aware that Candcie wasn't ready for a title. But that doesn't mean that she won't be one day. If you really want Candice to be like Trish, then have her take Trish's route, from the bottom up. Put her in the mid card for while then have her work her way back up to the main event, If people see Candice fighting off everyone in her path to get to the top again, maybe THEN people would start taking her seriously, I know I would. But to have her shoved down are throats, placed in front of the women that can actually work, the women that most fans came to see, its not going to work.
Echelon said:
So really, is Beth as Champion really that worse than having Candice as champ? Sure Beth isn't established or over, and neither was Candice during her reign. But Beth is a spectacular wrestler and anybody that has any kind of sense to do even the most minimal kind of research could figure that out. Candice has only been wrestling for 2 years, and I wonder how much of that was Wrestling 101. When Candice gets in the ring, its quite evident that the girl simply needs to train a little more, while when Beth gets in the ring, and especially when she's placed against another wrestler that knows what their doing in the ring, like say, Mickie or Jillian or Victoria, the great wrestler in Beth is easy to see. I think it'll be easy for Beth to get over if WWE places her with a strong opponent.

If the WWE continues down the same path that they're going with the Women's Division, then it won't matter how spectacular a wrester Beth is. An example of that is this past Raw. The tag team match was boring, just like all the tag team matches that happened while Candice was champion. Beth as champion won't help anything if the foundation that the Women's Division is based on remains weak. They have to find the balance between great female wrestling, and great female feuds in the WWE.

Flames Out
^ It seems WWE is putting their best feet first by getting the belt off of Candice and onto someone that can perform to a standard, now it Hopefully it seems that WWE will put beth into a worthwhile feud. Sure Beth isn't the best their is, as far as popularity is concerned, but she can put on some good matches if booked right with the other girls, who have the same wrestling ability as she does, but more popularity. It makes no sense for WWE to hot shot the title back onto Mickie or onto Jillian because it just looks bad for the title. I'm not going to get that frustrated with you because you seemed more pissed off with WWE creative than the actual divas, which is my biggest concern too, but now it just seems that WWE is at least trying to fix the problem and at least make some of their fans happy, all I can say is just give it time, I'm sure WWE knows the womens division isn't as strong as it used to be. Who knows, maybe WWE is setting up for a big Feud that doesn't revolve around some petty argument or contest, maybe a feud with a little bit of history behind it.
^ It seems WWE is putting their best feet first by getting the belt off of Candice and onto someone that can perform to a standard, now it Hopefully it seems that WWE will put beth into a worthwhile feud. Sure Beth isn't the best their is, as far as popularity is concerned, but she can put on some good matches if booked right with the other girls, who have the same wrestling ability as she does, but more popularity. It makes no sense for WWE to hot shot the title back onto Mickie or onto Jillian because it just looks bad for the title. I'm not going to get that frustrated with you because you seemed more pissed off with WWE creative than the actual divas, which is my biggest concern too, but now it just seems that WWE is at least trying to fix the problem and at least make some of their fans happy, all I can say is just give it time, I'm sure WWE knows the womens division isn't as strong as it used to be. Who knows, maybe WWE is setting up for a big Feud that doesn't revolve around some petty argument or contest, maybe a feud with a little bit of history behind it.

Excellent suggestion about a feud with history behind it. Two dark horse candidates for a feud with Beth are Victoria and Katie Lea. Victoria broke Beth's jaw last year, derailing Beth's incipient feud with Mickie James. Katie Lea had a serious feud with Beth in OVW, culminating in a ladder match for the title. I just saw a news item that Katie Lea appeared at a show as Katherine in a bikini match. Maybe creative is finally working.
^ It seems WWE is putting their best feet first by getting the belt off of Candice and onto someone that can perform to a standard, now it Hopefully it seems that WWE will put beth into a worthwhile feud. Sure Beth isn't the best their is, as far as popularity is concerned, but she can put on some good matches if booked right with the other girls, who have the same wrestling ability as she does, but more popularity. It makes no sense for WWE to hot shot the title back onto Mickie or onto Jillian because it just looks bad for the title. I'm not going to get that frustrated with you because you seemed more pissed off with WWE creative than the actual divas, which is my biggest concern too, but now it just seems that WWE is at least trying to fix the problem and at least make some of their fans happy, all I can say is just give it time, I'm sure WWE knows the womens division isn't as strong as it used to be. Who knows, maybe WWE is setting up for a big Feud that doesn't revolve around some petty argument or contest, maybe a feud with a little bit of history behind it.

You're right, I am pissed at the WWE creative when it comes to the WWE Women's Division. Everything they do with it seems half-assed. I don't think giving Beth the title fixes anything. It seems like it because Beth is an amazing wrestler, but really how was her winning the title any different from Candice winning it or Melina? I'm not talking about who's the better, or who deserved it more, I'm talking about the actual title win. Weren't they all such a let down? Beth should've won it in a blaze of glory, not in a 4 minute match after only a month of weak build-up. I call it weak because Beth's dominant character seems more like a waterd down version of Jazz and Victoria.

You could be right that there could finally be a diva feud like the ones of the past- Mickie vs Trish, Trish vs Lita, etc... but I sinceraly doubt it. Even if the Mickie vs Beth feud were to happen I bet it would just be Mickie challenging Beth, a couple tag team matches, and then boom a PPV match. That seems like the format for all the diva feuds now-a-days.

Flames Out
That'S pretty much it right now with the woman's division's, The creative team isn't interesting in creating interesting feud for the title and the reason that creative isn'T interesting is because the fans aren't interested. The only diva'S that is truly over right now is Melina. Every other diva's aren't over even great wrestlers like Mickie James. It'S kinda funny that people that don'T like Candice because she's only been training for 2 years are saying that'S she isn'T over and that Mickie James is when the reality is that Mickie as far as the casual fans are concern, get the same type of reaction that Candice gets. So don't go and tell me that Mickie is the more over diva with the fans because that's not true at all. Has far as the BEth/Candice feud is concern, i tired of seeing it because as good as the matches were, it always the same thing and it's getting boring. BEth title win meant absolutely nothing and that'S to bad because i really wanted to have a title win that actually meant something but that's the creative team for you, they don'T cared about the woman'S division and that'S to bad.

Finally, am tired of people putting Candice in the same category as Ashley and MAria because i don'T think that's fare to compare Candice to these 2. Candice might have been training only 2 years but she way better then Ashley and MAria and is one of the only diva that was able to put an entertaining match with Melina.
Finally, am tired of people putting Candice in the same category as Ashley and MAria because i don'T think that's fare to compare Candice to these 2. Candice might have been training only 2 years but she way better then Ashley and MAria and is one of the only diva that was able to put an entertaining match with Melina.

Can I only assume that this last comment was for me? I don't ever remember putting Candice in the same category as Ashley and Maria, at least Candice has some training. I've put Candice in the mid card, as I don't think she's on the same level as the rest of the women. And yes, Mickie is over, you just wouldn't know because resently she's been mostly on Heat, but If you watch Heat, its quite easy to see that she's still over. Jillian still draws heat with her singing gimmick and Melina, I guess, is now being used for backstage purposes, because I can't remember the last time I even saw her in a ring. And Like I've stated time and time again, and I'll sate it one last time, for the record, If creative ever starts using Candice correctly, as there no doubt she's improving, at least inside the ring, but all that time spent for Candice to train will mean nothing if Creative doesn't know to book the division.
I think after one more match they should just stop the Beth Vs. Candice feud. Candice has improved alot, I will give her that but she should stay out of the title picture and let Beth face Mickie which may make fans more interested since Mickie is so over. Beth & Candice should be finished and Candice should be jobbing to Jillian not the other way around.
That'S pretty much it right now with the woman's division's, The creative team isn't interesting in creating interesting feud for the title and the reason that creative isn'T interesting is because the fans aren't interested. The only diva'S that is truly over right now is Melina. Every other diva's aren't over even great wrestlers like Mickie James. It'S kinda funny that people that don'T like Candice because she's only been training for 2 years are saying that'S she isn'T over and that Mickie James is when the reality is that Mickie as far as the casual fans are concern, get the same type of reaction that Candice gets. So don't go and tell me that Mickie is the more over diva with the fans because that's not true at all. Has far as the BEth/Candice feud is concern, i tired of seeing it because as good as the matches were, it always the same thing and it's getting boring. BEth title win meant absolutely nothing and that'S to bad because i really wanted to have a title win that actually meant something but that's the creative team for you, they don'T cared about the woman'S division and that'S to bad.

Finally, am tired of people putting Candice in the same category as Ashley and MAria because i don'T think that's fare to compare Candice to these 2. Candice might have been training only 2 years but she way better then Ashley and MAria and is one of the only diva that was able to put an entertaining match with Melina.

I'd say that Mickie is the best over face in the WWE, while Melina is the most over heel in the WWE. But I do agree that both WWE creative and WWE fans (majority) have little to no interest in the WWE Women's Division.

Though you're right that Candice shouldn't be put into the same category as Ashley and Maria, she's not the only one to have had an entertaining match with Melina- Mickie James anyone?

Flames Out
So am thinking that pretty much everybody got there wish last night, this feud is over for at less 2 month because of Candice injury. After watching that match a couple of times, i clearly saw that this injury could have been prevented because Beth timing was off and she went to quickly for that spot and since Candice did'nt have time to get her balance on the top rope, when beth hit the rope, she fell to the mat. I'm pretty sure that Beth's career in the WWE is pretty much over now, she might lose the title soon and then get use has a jobber to the other divas like victoria's is doing all because she did one mistake.

For somebody that supposed to be and experience wrestler, Beth did screw up big time, not only did she did the spot to quickly but she also did pull Candice by the hair after the fall and she could have injured her even more. I like Beth has a wrestler but this was just plain stupid. When the referee tell you that your opponent is injured and to just pin her, you don't move your opponent, you pin her and let the medical staff check her after.

So now Beth will either get in a feud with Mickie until CAndice comes back or will barely wrestle until Candice comes back. Either way, Beth will lose her belt soon anyway.
Beth did what she was supposed to have done, she grabbed the ropes, and Candice was supposed to straddle the top rope, but instead she lost her balance and fell to the mat. Do I really blame Candice for this either? No, because the segment could have happened to ANYONE, no matter how much experience or lack of experience they have.

So don't spew me this crap on how Beth caused Candice's injury because she quote unquote did the the spot to quickly. If you really want to blame Beth solely for this incident then I'm going to expect you to take the side of every other injured wrestler that has been injured this year, and blame their opponents for their misfortunes, even if the situation in which they were injured could not have been controlled and weren't the fault of either competitor.

While serious injuries in this business often seem like they happen alot, the wrestlers know what their doing, and they know how to prevent such injuries, but sometimes things just happen that our beyond our control. And I know I give Candice a hard time, but this was not the way I wanted to see her go down. Beth won't lose her title, because the WWE will see this for what it is, an accident. Same with John Cena's, Lashley's, Edge's, Mysterio's, Undertaker's, those were all accident's where both them and their opponent in the match just caught an unlucky break. Candice's injury is the same, Beth will serve out her title run for the next few months, Candice will heal, make a comeback and the two will feud all over again.

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