TNA interested in Candice?

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I can do whatever I want
Candice Michelle’s name was brought up at last week’s Impact tapings, a source tells Diva Dirt.

Whether it will lead to anything substantial is speculative at this point. But for Candice fans holding out hope, there was a mention or two of her name.

Candice was released from WWE on June 17th, shortly after being cleared for in-ring competition. That date would put her 90-day no compete expiration at around September 17th.

So there are some definite talks about bringing Candice in to TNA. And with the Knockout tag titles being introduced I guess TNA is looking to fill the knockout division out.

Personally I'm up in the air. While I always hated Candice and thinks she's mediocre at best, I guess her name, and outside wrestling "fame" could bring some more mainstream attention to the TNA women.

But Candice is so many leaugues behind most of the TNA women(except maybe Christy & Velvet)that I think she'd drag/water down the division. Throw in the fact she's a huge liability with injuring herself or others, I don't know if she's worth the "risk".

But do you think TNA should even be considering Candice? Is she "good enough" for TNA? Or do you think her improving talents, and name recognition(plus the GO-Daddy tie in)is enough to bring her in?

And if she is brought in, will she be in the Knockout title hunt? Or the tag title hunt, but who will her partner be?
This is a smart move by TNA. Despite the fact they are going to their original ways of contracting the unwanted talent from the WWE, her namesake & worth as a wrestler would be great for the rankings. She has held the womens title with the E & has been improving on her skills last time she was around with the company. She also has outside wrestling endeavours that can help attract new viewers & possibly sponsors for TNA. With the new KO's tag titles belts & the formation of new tag teams, TNA need some more women on the roster to help fill out both ranks. She would be a great addition to the singles competition since most of the good names are headed to the tag team area.

As a business move, Candice Michelle is a great choice. Hopefully she can get the motivation & the training she needs within the company to become a solid wrestler & a legit KnockOut. However, there are numerous other options for TNA to contract new women to the roster. I do believe that MsChif has been Daffney's long-time tag team partner who has yet to move up to the mainstream rankings. She would make a great asset for the KO tag division by having an experienced tag team that can wrestle.
So there are some definite talks about bringing Candice in to TNA. And with the Knockout tag titles being introduced I guess TNA is looking to fill the knockout division out.

Personally I'm up in the air. While I always hated Candice and thinks she's mediocre at best, I guess her name, and outside wrestling "fame" could bring some more mainstream attention to the TNA women.

But Candice is so many leaugues behind most of the TNA women(except maybe Christy & Velvet)that I think she'd drag/water down the division. Throw in the fact she's a huge liability with injuring herself or others, I don't know if she's worth the "risk".

But do you think TNA should even be considering Candice? Is she "good enough" for TNA? Or do you think her improving talents, and name recognition(plus the GO-Daddy tie in)is enough to bring her in?

And if she is brought in, will she be in the Knockout title hunt? Or the tag title hunt, but who will her partner be?

I don't think Candice would be a good fit for TNA. She is more "Diva" than "Knockout" and wouldn't be able to work a match as well as the others. Also, there are other women wrestlers in TNA with a similar look who work better matches than Candice. One that comes to mind is Sarita.

She would be great as a valet and part-time wrestler ala Sharmell, but I don't think she should be brought in to work programs, as I don't think she would be able to assist in keeping things interesting.
I say its one of the worst moves TNA has made, they are more and more becoming WWE light due to the fact that they are picking off as many cast offs as possible in order to make their product worth a damn, what they don't understand is that this is not what brought them to the dance in the first place.

Also does anyone remember this


This is the reason Candice got fired in the first place and the sole reason she isn't modeling at the moment, she has stated in numerous interviews that she is comfortable with her body in this form, so for TNA to hire her in this shape is just like Braden Walker showing up for work in a singlet, the guy was hideous and his weight gain restricted him from doing the stuff that brought him to the dance to begin with.

The same can be said here with Candice, I cant say that i care much about her weight gain but the wrestling industry is a shallow sport and TNA is attempting to establish its knockout/playboy relationship, so any plan of Candice coming on board would mean a huge amount of training and dieting in order for her to even be considered by the crowd because if she shows up in the worst shape of her life she will get bood out of the building.
I really don't understand the thinking here, at all. Do they think Candice is a draw or something? She isn't, at all. Women like Candice are a dime a dozen, go to any modeling agency on the face of the planet, teach her the most rudimentary and basic in-ring skills, and there you go, you've got Candice Michelle.

TNA already has a great women's division, and they're going to add another excellent edition in the coming weeks. What would Candice bring? Absolutely nothing. She isn't a skilled wrestler, she isn't charismatic, she isn't a draw, she isn't even very attractive. There's not a single reason for TNA to sign her, other than yet another example of the TNA management strategy of "If they were in WWE, we HAVE to sign them!"

Jesus Christ TNA, you don't have to sign every fucking person the WWE releases, seriously. Try developing your own talent, it's possible, I promise.
One of the great things about TNA is their Knockouts and their X-Division. And if TNA were to sign Candice, she'd be by far the worst wrestler in the Knockout division. Sure Velvet Sky isn't very good at all, but she's teaming with Angelina Love who's really good. Christy may not be too good but she did train with AJ. And Christy is pretty much a TNA Original. She's special. As for Candice, I can't see her fighting Angelina or Taylor Wilde or Tara or Sarita. Too many botches.
TNA needs to tell their boy to shut his mouth! TNA's Jeremy Borash recently took a jab at WWE in a "tweet" on his official Twitter account:

"The Death of WCW commercial followed by a Hornswoggle vs Chavo boxing match? Pot? Kettle? Comment floodgates are NOW OPEN!"

See Jeremy Borash is part of TNA, which right now is a huge circus. Just like WCW was when they fall apart. Now I know this is a Candice forum, but ya know what, if TNA is going to get WWE faces and hope something big is going to happen, I hope they are ready to fall on their faces.

Jeremy Borash is a major negative, because he isn't even a main eventer on a crummy show...

What the hell is this that SPIKE tv is offering a second show to TNA. When WWE was on that channel that didn't even give them a second show, they just gave them crappy saturday recap show. TNA doesn't deserve a second show, they don't even deserve half the talent on that thing.

So TNA pick up Candice, please do... The faster you do this, the quicker we can buy the Rise and Fall of TNA dvd. Yes more ex-mainstream WWE wrestlers on a show that has no idea is their coming or going... "See we have a cool ring, but let's see if Mick Foley and Kurt Angle could have a heck of show in this! Whoa! our PPVs suck"

TNA and Rick Flair should get together and open an airport and ship out all their bitching to everybody.
Actually Candice Michelle might go to TNA because Jeremy Borash has posted up a "tweet" on twitter so he could very well be talking about her saying that he's heard that there will be a familiar face in the upcoming Knockouts tag title tournament you probably wouldn't expect.:shrug:
I would be extremely disappointed if they did sign Candice. I'm growing tired of the WWE rejects getting signed by TNA.

A lot of die-hard TNA fans and/or WWE haters don't want to admit it all, but it's hard not to argue that TNA needs to discover their own new talent. The WWE released most of those wrestlers for a reason.
I'd understand why people think she would bring in name value, but seriously? She was a mediocre wrestler, with terrible mic skills, and little charisma. The girl has little passion for Professional Wrestling, and by WWE standards, is extremely out of shape (though I don't think so personally). She will not draw in more fans, well, only the Candice die-hards, but i'm sure there are very few them, lets also remember that shes injury prone, and chances are, she'll end up injuring herself over there, especially since Candice has a problem with getting rid of ring rust. In the end, she is not a good wrestler, and if she wants to get better, she should train with somebody like Del Rey or Melissa after her time in Contract Purgatory is over.
i really hope they dont sign candice...she sucks big time, ive always thought that. All she is worth is for her name and its wwe history, which if the talent isnt there to go along with it, that is a stupid reason to hire someone. I personally think the knockout division is getting a little crowded

but speaking of who tna should hire, LACEY VON ERICH!!!!! Why has TNA not signed this woman! She is the hottest woman in wrestling by far. She sucks so far at wresting but she just needs to be trained properly. I personally wouldnt have her wrestle and would use her as a valet and have her play a Sable mixed with Miss Elizabeth type of role. Did i metioned she is so incredibly hot? She has the Von Erich name too which is a big plus. She would be great for TNA if used right....I would make a thread about this but i dont know how haha.
I would be extremely disappointed if they did sign Candice. I'm growing tired of the WWE rejects getting signed by TNA.

A lot of die-hard TNA fans and/or WWE haters don't want to admit it all, but it's hard not to argue that TNA needs to discover their own new talent. The WWE released most of those wrestlers for a reason.

I agree TNA need to focus on creating their own talent instead on all of th cast offs from WWE, I'll admit it. I started watching TNA because of AJ Styles and the X Division.
If TNA sign Candice it will be as big as mistake as signing Jenna whatever her name is and putting her in a match at a PPV. I couldn't stand her at all in the WWE, and it was a joke that she ever held the womens title. She obvioulsy doesn't have the commitment in wrestling otherwise she wouldn't have been going out partying when she should be focusing on getting into shape to get back into the ring.
Man, I hope they don't bring her in. Candice is absolutely awful in the ring, I don't think there is anyway she could keep up with any of the Knockouts. It's not like she's that famous either. She's only know as the hot chick from the Go Daddy commercial, it's not like anyway actually knows her name.

She isn't going to bring in new fans and she won't give anything to the current fans. TNA may need some new Knockout's for the division if they are going to have the tag titles, but why not just bring someone in from Shimmer or the indies? Candice when in no way be a good singing for TNA.
Bad move if they do sign her, this will bring down the Knockouts division a bit, Candice is not good:lol: If you sign any Knockouts, go for good ones like Aja, Daizee, Sara Del Rey, etc.
Totally pointless. She's not a draw, can't wrestle, at probably couldn't get into shape with a lighter schedule even.

A waste of money, and while the prospect of a good, large Knockout Division is interesting, she is certainly not a fit. She should go back to late night porn on HBO for all I care. She really doesn't have any experience in the ring, despite how long she was with the E, and no mic experience from what I imagine. She might have gotten some training in developmental, but she was the typical Diva case of sign on looks, and train later.
Candice Michelle may or may not be the surprise name in the knockout tag tournament teaming alongside Madison Rayne. JB said that it would be someone who we would not expect. As far as surprises go, Candice Michelle would be my first guess as to who pops up in the contest, because she is the only diva to have been released recently, and divas are only popular as long as they are still eye candy on TV, so free agent divas don't have a very long shelf life before retirement. Candice has gained a lot of weight, so I would go with this being a scenario which will not come true: Candice will not go to TNA. And the surprise in the diva tag tourney will be RHAKA KHAN!, because although still under contract, who is honestly less expected to show up in this tourney, with all the coverage about her trying to hustle Kurt Angle out of his house.
TNA needs to tell their boy to shut his mouth! TNA's Jeremy Borash recently took a jab at WWE in a "tweet" on his official Twitter account:

"The Death of WCW commercial followed by a Hornswoggle vs Chavo boxing match? Pot? Kettle? Comment floodgates are NOW OPEN!"

See Jeremy Borash is part of TNA, which right now is a huge circus. Just like WCW was when they fall apart. Now I know this is a Candice forum, but ya know what, if TNA is going to get WWE faces and hope something big is going to happen, I hope they are ready to fall on their faces.

Jeremy Borash is a major negative, because he isn't even a main eventer on a crummy show...

What the hell is this that SPIKE tv is offering a second show to TNA. When WWE was on that channel that didn't even give them a second show, they just gave them crappy saturday recap show. TNA doesn't deserve a second show, they don't even deserve half the talent on that thing.

So TNA pick up Candice, please do... The faster you do this, the quicker we can buy the Rise and Fall of TNA dvd. Yes more ex-mainstream WWE wrestlers on a show that has no idea is their coming or going... "See we have a cool ring, but let's see if Mick Foley and Kurt Angle could have a heck of show in this! Whoa! our PPVs suck"

TNA and Rick Flair should get together and open an airport and ship out all their bitching to everybody.

So TNA and Ric Flair should open an airport because they bitch to everybody? What a way to ruin a good thread by staying off topic. What does that even mean? Jeremy Borash isn't a main eventer? He is an announcer who promotes TNA online. You should really watch Impact in order to debate people. That way you know who the hell is a wrestler and who is an announcer. Maybe then you can post something coherent, and people will know what you are talking about.

Why do you want TNA to fail because they have ex WWE stars? Why does WWE have to be the only wrestling company on the planet? WWE was on Spike what 5 years ago? Who cares if TNA is on there now. WWE isn't losing any money or sleep over TNA I assure you. I don't think you would want WWE to fail when they had a bunch of WCW stars back in 2000? Why would you want TNA to fail? Blind hate I'm sure. Don't look forward to Rise and Fall of TNA DVD. Dixie Carter's company has way too much money, and Dixie would never sell in the first place.

Anyways, I think the talent TNA might be picking up is Jazz. I think Jazz would make a better asset then Candice Michelle any day. Candice was never anything special, just another diva from a failing modeling agency no one cared about. If TNA did sign Candice maybe she could be a part of the Beautiful People. Not that The Beautiful People need another member.

If they do sign here, she needs to get in shape and actually learn to wrestle for a change.
I’m not really sure why TNA would consider bringing in Candice. Like people have already said, she isn’t really that good of a wrestler, which most of the TNA knockouts are, and I don’t see what she could bring to the table. She really doesn’t fit in with the knockouts, and I don’t want to see her in there. Nothing personal against her, I just never liked her. I don’t think she looks good and she is a bad wrestler. She doesn’t entertain me and I don’t want to see them bring her in. It would honestly be a completely different story if she could entertain me…but maybe I am in the minority. I guess if she does join TNA then I will see what they do with her. Who knows, she might have gotten better during her time off and might be able to entertain. I guess I’ll just wait and see, if the rumors are true and they do hire her.
She's the Kennedy of Women Wrestlers. Has alot of potential but cant keep from getting injured. Although I wouldn't mind her taking SoCal Val's spot. Not big on Val...
Completely against this, she's a bad wrestler, no name value and would only make the Knockouts division worse. TNA should stick to hiring women who can actually wrestle. Seriously, it make women's wrestling 100 times better to watch, it's a shame that the WWE ruined women's wrestling by turning it into a modelling contest where you don't need to be able to wrestle.

Candice Michelle is one of the reasons why women's wrestling isn't taken seriously, hiring her would do nothing for TNA, and she would just be further exposed for being a poor wrestler. I couldn't care less how she looks, fat or thin, women's wrestling shouldn't be a beauty contest, the women need to be able to wrestle.
Lets see,, she has a superbowl ad back in 02 was it??? Other than that,,why bother?? probably get kelly-kelly, same skill sets, cheaper and might get the least hurt of the 2. Both non entertaining and have a certain why bother connect with the fans. Hell I'd rather see Faby Apache come up from AAA than MC in TNA.
Jeremy Borash is a major negative, because he isn't even a main eventer on a crummy show...

What the hell is this that SPIKE tv is offering a second show to TNA. When WWE was on that channel that didn't even give them a second show, they just gave them crappy saturday recap show. TNA doesn't deserve a second show, they don't even deserve half the talent on that thing.

Erm, last time I checked, JB was never intended to be seen as a "main eventer" in a "crummy show".

Spike TV is offering TNA another show because ratings have soared (I can't remember the exact percentage), and they need extra exposure as they are about to potentially try something new (All KO division.... Not to say i'm 100% sure about that).

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