Candice vs Beth Feud

Beth did what she was supposed to have done, she grabbed the ropes, and Candice was supposed to straddle the top rope, but instead she lost her balance and fell to the mat. Do I really blame Candice for this either? No, because the segment could have happened to ANYONE, no matter how much experience or lack of experience they have.

So don't spew me this crap on how Beth caused Candice's injury because she quote unquote did the the spot to quickly. If you really want to blame Beth solely for this incident then I'm going to expect you to take the side of every other injured wrestler that has been injured this year, and blame their opponents for their misfortunes, even if the situation in which they were injured could not have been controlled and weren't the fault of either competitor.

Well that's a pretty much idiotic post on just about every front. I agree that Beth wasn't at fault because she hit the rope too quickly, it just seemed like unlucky timing to me, but to suggest that somebody has to take the side of every injured wrestler because they take the side of one just makes NO sense whatsoever and is really just a moronic thing to say. There's realy no other way to say it. Not all situations that involve a wrestler getting injured are exactly the same, they should each be judged on the details of the situation, not all lumped together and judged the same way. That's just a ******ed thing to say and I'm sure you'll realize that when you get a chance to actually think about the stupidity of what you said.

But it really doesn't matter if Beth was too quick to hit the rope, she screwed up even worse by grabbing Candice BY HER HAIR and pulling her to the center of the ring for the pin. This woman just fell face first from 10 feet in the air, you're told she's unconscious, and you grab her by the hair and whip her head around and use it to pull her across the ring? What the hell is wrong with you? When I first saw that, that made me think it was a work, because nobody would be stupid enough to do that to somebody that's really hurt. But then I realized that it was real and Beth is either the dumbest woman in the WWE or simply could not care less about the health and safety of Candice, and either way you don't feature your women's division around somebody that would do that.
Beth knew Candice was hurt, why do you think she pinned candice straight afterwards instead of draw the match out longer. Unless Candice is coughing up blood or it looks like her Neck could be broken, I doubt the ref would just up and end the match. When HHH tore his quad near the end of his match why didn't the ref just call the match, everyone could see that HHH was hurt? But why wasn't the match stop then? it wasn't stopped because HHH, HBK and Rated RKO had a job to do, HHH gutted it out and the match ended soon afterwards. Beth pinned Candice and stopped the match as quickly as she could so that Candice could get medical treatment. I think its just incredible that evryone can just shit all over one person for one mistake, that really wasn't even her fault, if anything Beth did everything that she was supposed to do in that situation. She pinned Candice and got out of the way so that the medical team could give her medical attention. I can guarantee that if Beth was the one injured, Candice would have done the same thing. Look at the match where Victoria broke Beth's jaw, Victoria slowed the match and was pinned a few moments later so that the match could be stopped. these WWE superstars know how to handle themselves in a ring, otherwise WWE would not have hired them, there are risked involved but the superstars are prepared for them.
And to add something, if you watch the match carefully Beth started to put at Candice with her hair, but stopped and used her arm instead. It's not like there were a lot of ways to get Candice to the center of the ring. Besides Candice wasn't injured by the hair pull so I don't think there's any reason to make a big deal out of it.

I really hope Candice has a safe recovery and she comes back healthy. Kudos to her for taking that kind of bump and actually sitting up.

Flames Out
Well to add to all of this and maybe repeat some stuff as there is alot I could say on this!

First off, it was neither women's fault, simple as that! Beth hit the rope as planned as Candice lost her balance and simply fell, and fell hard at that! It had nothing to do with the type of match, or with experience. It was simply an accident and wasn't intended to happen. After the match you could hear Beth ask if Candice was alright when she was handed her title. Last I heard, Beth and Candice didn't have any heat on each other and were friends so I don't see why she wouldn't be concerned. She was in character and since the incident happened so quickly her, or the referee didn't know how to respond to it at first.

It could've happened to anybody and that's just the risk you take in the WWE. I am sure Candice is aware of that as well or else she wouldn't be there. Will this affect her in-ring work? I doubt it. She might not ever want to do that spot where she is supposed to land in between the ropes again! I am also hoping that the WWE doesn't ban their divas from doing top rope moves because Candice was the only one doing them really next to Ashley's super effective Starstruck! :icon_rolleyes:

Either way I believe this just added fuel to the Beth/ Candice storyline! In real life it wasn't Beth's fault but in kafaybe terms, it will be. I believe Candice will come back, challenge Beth to a couple matches, loose, and then go onto WM where she wins her title back and then possibly moves into a new feud.

But in the end there is no doubt, this feud between the two is anywhere of being over. Beth needs to move onto Mickie for now, even though it seems she's working into a program with Murdoch, etc. But that of course could be scrapped!

Hopefully Candice gets well soon and fully recovers. People wanted Candice off their t.v's and it looks liek they got what they wanted! (Not so much on this forums as others I'm on!)
Well that's a pretty much idiotic post on just about every front. I agree that Beth wasn't at fault because she hit the rope too quickly, it just seemed like unlucky timing to me, but to suggest that somebody has to take the side of every injured wrestler because they take the side of one just makes NO sense whatsoever and is really just a moronic thing to say. There's realy no other way to say it. Not all situations that involve a wrestler getting injured are exactly the same, they should each be judged on the details of the situation, not all lumped together and judged the same way. That's just a ******ed thing to say and I'm sure you'll realize that when you get a chance to actually think about the stupidity of what you said.

I'm sorry, I don't recall any part of my previous post being aimed at you, Hdog684, If I remember I was talking to psychohurricane, not you. Your not Pyschohurricane and by you going on and on about how i'm such a moron when you didn't even read Hurricane's post to see WHY I would post this statement really makes me want to give you an infraction for flaming. But since I nice and I'm sure you just jumped the gun and weren't thinking, I'm going to give you a warning. Just don't do it again.
When HHH tore his quad near the end of his match why didn't the ref just call the match, everyone could see that HHH was hurt?

I don't agree with that. HHH was conscious, Candice was unconscious. The ref asked HHH if he's ok, HHH was able to respond and probably said something like 'I tore my quad, continue the match' . When the ref asked Candice if she's ok, she didn't respond.
I don't agree with that. HHH was conscious, Candice was unconscious. The ref asked HHH if he's ok, HHH was able to respond and probably said something like 'I tore my quad, continue the match' . When the ref asked Candice if she's ok, she didn't respond.

Wow, neither do I if you actually took the time to read the rest of my post. However, both injuries are the same thing as far as being serious injuries that resulted in both matches being cut short. There both serious injuries that had both HHH's and Candice's opponents at the time work quickly and carefully to try and finish the match to try and avoid further injury.
I am going to have to agree with Echelon.

These things happen in WWE. Accidents occur and you have to continue with the show. Yes, she fell... but it wasn't an Owem Hart fall. From a storyline point of view, the Beth Phoenix character did exactly what she intended to do: make Candice botch her high risk. Which she did.

And after seeing the .GIF of the bump that was posted on WZ today several times, it doesn't look like Beth hit those ropes especially early.

It wasn't anyone's fault. It was an accident, and it was ended quickly. Granted... if it was me I would have had the ref ring the bell and award the fall to Beth as Candice was unable to continue and thus give Beth an angle of being able to "beat her opponents senseless" or some such. But it wasn't an unpardonable sin to move her four feet and pin her. Many other wrestlers like John Cena take injuries and then continue the match and aggravate their injuries. Can you imagine how much worse that would have been if Beth had picked her up and done a finishing maneuver?!
Beth did what she was supposed to have done, she grabbed the ropes, and Candice was supposed to straddle the top rope, but instead she lost her balance and fell to the mat. Do I really blame Candice for this either? No, because the segment could have happened to ANYONE, no matter how much experience or lack of experience they have.

So don't spew me this crap on how Beth caused Candice's injury because she quote unquote did the the spot to quickly. If you really want to blame Beth solely for this incident then I'm going to expect you to take the side of every other injured wrestler that has been injured this year, and blame their opponents for their misfortunes, even if the situation in which they were injured could not have been controlled and weren't the fault of either competitor.

While serious injuries in this business often seem like they happen alot, the wrestlers know what their doing, and they know how to prevent such injuries, but sometimes things just happen that our beyond our control. And I know I give Candice a hard time, but this was not the way I wanted to see her go down. Beth won't lose her title, because the WWE will see this for what it is, an accident. Same with John Cena's, Lashley's, Edge's, Mysterio's, Undertaker's, those were all accident's where both them and their opponent in the match just caught an unlucky break. Candice's injury is the same, Beth will serve out her title run for the next few months, Candice will heal, make a comeback and the two will feud all over again.

Sorry if i didn't have time to reply to this comment you made last night but i got to say 2 things about what you just wrote. first up, i got proof that Beth what at fault in this accident since if you what that match correctly, Candice even up on the top rope when Beth started to hit them so their was no way for Candice to get her balance and fall correctly. Secondly i think it stupid to put every injured wrestles in the same category like you did. You can categorized what happen to Candice in the same league as to what happen to cena or Edge or any other wrestler because even if for the most part they were accident, most of them were injuries that happen because their body were tired and needed a break.

I know that it was a accident, but it was an accident that could have been avoited and if you remember your history of the wwe woman'S division, when one of the divas is injured, the diva the injured her is the one to pay the price. If you need proof, just asked Victoria and mickie james. The only reason Mickie got a second run at the title was because they didn'T have anybody else to give the title to after Trish and Lita left, has soon as they found somebody else that was ready, she lost the title and been place in mid card hell ever since. Has for Victoria, she injured so many people that you barely see her wrestle anymore. So if history has taught us anything it's that if you injured a diva, your career will take a nose dive instantly.

Like i said, i didn'T want to blame Beth for this because she's one of my favorite wrestler, but after watching that match over and over again, it clearly show that Beth was at fault there and if you don't believe me try to prove me wrong.
^Trish Injured Lita by not falling correctly when Lita dove on top of her but oh look, Trish has 7 title reigns and wasn't punished at all. Your post doesn't prove anything, after watching countless clips of male wrestlers blotch similar moves, this incident with Beth and Candice doesn't prove anything. You can point fingers all you want but its not going to change the fact that it was an accident, and BOTH Candice and Beth had and equal share of the blame.
^Trish Injured Lita by not falling correctly when Lita dove on top of her but oh look, Trish has 7 title reigns and wasn't punished at all. Your post doesn't prove anything, after watching countless clips of male wrestlers blotch similar moves, this incident with Beth and Candice doesn't prove anything. You can point fingers all you want but its not going to change the fact that it was an accident, and BOTH Candice and Beth had and equal share of the blame.

I know that it was accident, i even wrote it in my last post that i acknowledge that it was and accident, but it's an accident that could have been avoited. Has for your talking about how Trish injured lita, this was an exception and maybe somewhat of a double standard type thing i don't know but the fact is that Trish was the number 1 diva in the WWE at that time and one of the most over diva in the wwe so i didn't make sense to punished her. Beth isn'T even in Trish league right now. She not over with the crowd and even if she's the best wrestler in the WWE, this accident is going to play against her because of that fact alone.

I don't want to point fingers at all but the proof is there on tape and if you can'T see that's to bad. You have the right to your opinion and i respect that but i based my opinion on what i saw and if you can except that, that's your problem not mine.
How is Beth not in Trish's league right now? Granted she doesn't have Trish's charisma, but just about everywhere I go, I here people saying that Beth is the second coming of Chyna. And if I remember correctly, like or hate her, Chyna was over, almost on her power alone. Beth's ability to wow the the crowd with her raw power makes her a big assest to the women's division, especially when none of the other divas are really even better than Beth as far as charisma is concerned, let alone strength and agility. WWE knows this, I don't think there going to sacrifice their top women's athlete over an in ring accident that resulted in an injury, and especially not for another competitor that was already made to look less than Beth.
How is Beth not in Trish's league right now? Granted she doesn't have Trish's charisma, but just about everywhere I go, I here people saying that Beth is the second coming of Chyna. And if I remember correctly, like or hate her, Chyna was over, almost on her power alone. Beth's ability to wow the the crowd with her raw power makes her a big assest to the women's division, especially when none of the other divas are really even better than Beth as far as charisma is concerned, let alone strength and agility. WWE knows this, I don't think there going to sacrifice their top women's athlete over an in ring accident that resulted in an injury, and especially not for another competitor that was already made to look less than Beth.

Do you really think that comparing Beth to Chyna is a good thing? Yes am going to granted you that Chyna was really over but she also was one of the worst wrestler the wwe had. She was the worst intercontinental they ever had and she didn't do that much better in the woman's division. Beth is must more talented then Chyna ever was so i don'T think it's a compliment to compare BEth to Chyna because they are nothing alike. Chyna was over and had no talent while BEth isn't over and has talent.

I do think that the wwe might sacrifice her because of a injury. Because i not sure that they actually know what they got with Beth. It's one thing to talk about her on the web but in the arena's she doesn't get any reaction most of the time so unless the WWE does some sort of poll in the arena to see what people think of BEth Phoenix, they don'T have any idea of what people think of Beth. It's not like they got somebody that got the job of reading every post of every wrestling sites to see what fans thinks of them. If there able to do it to somebody like Victoria who was another diva that was compare to Chyna way back when and there able to do it to mickie james, they are capable of doing it to Beth. I don'T think she going to lose the belt but i'm thinking that she's not going to be on tv every week and might not wrestle as much because of this. I also think that they are not going to put her in a new feud until Candice comes back because it's not worth it to start a feud for only 2 month and then have Candice comes back right into a feud with beth.
Well if they keep her off TV, it won't be for punishment. I mean really, if the the CHAMPION is off the TV and doesn't wrestle, who gets hurt? the other wrestlers, the other women, Beth's contenders for her title. A supposed punishment for Beth would be just to stick her on heat every week squashing random jobbers or Maria, while the other divas like Mickie and Jillian get all the face time on RAW. I highly doubt WWE would do this, as my guess would be that everything continues as normal like nothing ever happened in the future. And your right, WWE may hold off on storylines until Candice gets back or they may move on, who knows?

As far as Beth being compared to Chyna? I know Beth is much more talented than Chyna. She may not be as strong, but she's quicker and more agile and not afraid to do high risk moves, unlike Chyna. The thing is, its been awhile since WWE's had a real powerful Diva, since Victoria's debut. Victoria was seemingly allowed to show of her power every once in a while but then WWE put a cap on her moveset, made her lose weight, and made her seem weaker than she actually is. While Beth has dropped some weight, she's only about 10 pounds lighter than the 160 she was in SHIMMER. By WWE's allowing Beth to perform these certain power moves full time to go along with her "Glamazon" image, WWE marks have got it into their minds that Beth is the second (or third coming of Chyna) because she's strong. And since WWE is dominated almost entirely by Big , strong men (Khali, Henry, Cena, Kane, Taker, Batista) Beth seems to fit right at home in the strong women category, and with a division dominated almost entirely of toothpicks (Candice included) Beth is an anomaly that demands her own respect from the fans because of her strength (like Chyna was), regardless of if she's new or not or if the fans really know that much about her.
Well if they keep her off TV, it won't be for punishment. I mean really, if the the CHAMPION is off the TV and doesn't wrestle, who gets hurt? the other wrestlers, the other women, Beth's contenders for her title. A supposed punishment for Beth would be just to stick her on heat every week squashing random jobbers or Maria, while the other divas like Mickie and Jillian get all the face time on RAW. I highly doubt WWE would do this, as my guess would be that everything continues as normal like nothing ever happened in the future. And your right, WWE may hold off on storylines until Candice gets back or they may move on, who knows?

The thing is that if they keep her off tv for a long period of time, fans might not really remember who is the Woman's champion or who Beth Phoenix is and in the end, it might hurt her since she's just starting to be known by fans and they might not want to see her back after as a exemple just look at what happen with Mickie James last year when Trish, Ashley and Beth got injured, they just gave up and made Mickie James disappear for a while until they needed to take the title off her. They might just do the same thing to beth until Candice comes back and take the title from her after. I don't know what'S going to happen but we might get a better idea next week what the future holds for Beth Phoenix. If she's featured in anyway on raw then good for her, she dodge a bullet but if she not on raw in any way, shape or form then who knows what's going to happen.
Odds are, WWE will keep the belt on Beth. She's Charismatic, she draws (or will draw great heat after this incident, because there's no doubt that WWE will say Beth took Candice out and hype her up as some "diva killer") heat, and she can wrestle as she's the best female on the mat in WWE. I don't think WWE would trade a prospect in Beth Phoenix for a wrestler with very little experience in Candice. Mickie James, maybe, but certainly not Candice. If Candice hadn't of been injured then I have no doubt that this match would have been the blow off to their feud, and Beth would have moved on to feud with someone else. Since the injury, I still feel WWE will move on from it.
From what i got from the promo Beth did last night, it looks like they're going to continue with this feud for a while, so i'm guessing that BEth will destroy some random diva every week, like she did last night with Kelly Kelly, until Candice comes back in 2 months. When Candice is going to return, they will continues where they left off before the injury and Beth will lose the belt to Candice soon after.

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