No Mercy: Beth Phoenix vs. Candice Michelle

Besides, everytime we see the "actual" wrestling divas go at it, the matches never seem to impress much anymore. Mickie and Beth had decent matches but they were't what two ring veterans should've been performing from blowing off a million spots and botching moves.

The triple threat match amongst Beth, Mickie and Melina was fantastic, the best women's match of the past year, probably longer. And the I Quit match between Beth and Melina was really good, too. I can't say that about any match involving Candice or any other model-turned-wrestler in the past year or two.
The triple threat match amongst Beth, Mickie and Melina was fantastic, the best women's match of the past year, probably longer. And the I Quit match between Beth and Melina was really good, too. I can't say that about any match involving Candice or any other model-turned-wrestler in the past year or two.
The triple threat wasn't that great. For three women who've been wrestling for around 10 years a piece, like Mickie vs. Beth, had alot of blown spots and mishaps. Noone's saying their talentless or anything but just because you're a good/great wrestler does make the match automatically good.

Beth vs. Melina I can agree with. Easily best match of the year. A couple things were rough but overall they put on a great performance.

Anyways, I'd much rather see this about Candice's anger towards Beth than an actual match right now. Remember Survivor Series 04 with Trish and Lita? I'd love to see something like that played out with this match and feud. I regular basic match would do nothing for their feud. Spicing it up a little would really add to it. Unfortunately WWE never books things they way should be booked so....
i wish this was a grudge match and no a title match. i dont get why every womens match has to be a title match. Candice doesnt deserve a title shot at this point one bit. The WWE is rushing this because Melina will be returning in the not too distant future (THANK GOD!!), but its not necessary for it to be a title match. Beth should win and resume that great feud with Melina at the end of the year. The last time the Divas had a non title PPV match was at ONS, and it was an awesome GRUDGE match. Everyone i now expecting Candice to win and quite frankly no one will care, just like they didnt when she came back. She is not aas over with fans as people like to think she is. shes gotten McCool like pops for the past two weeks, and I highly doubt shes going to have any matches worth interest in the next few weeks, most likely tag matches so she doesnt get injured.

i feel most upset for Mickie and Kelly Kelly who are getting completely pushed to the side despite Mickie practically carrying RAW for the past 3 months and Kelly has been drastically improving, and actually beat Beth the week before Candice returned. Obviously shes high on someones list, but that someone is probably high themselves..

and off topic from this..i predict a Beth/Natalya switch whether its in the draft or before hand like what happened with Kelly where all of the sudden shes on RAW..this generational stable will most definitely benefit form having the only generational Diva and I think it will happen
Oh good. Candice is back again. The most over-pushed women's wrestler since the initial push of one Miss Trish Stratus has returned and is straight back into a title shot which she has neither worked for nor deserved to be handed.

Candice Michelle can't work, even in comparison to the likes of Kelly Kelly and Michelle McCool, yet because of her ability to take her clothes off in well known glamour magazine, she gets pushed as a credible champion.

Beth hasn't held the title long enough to drop it to a woman she has no feud with, unless they plan on rushing the Marella feud to completion long before time it could be so I'm hoping another win for Beth, and maybe Candice will try a third top rope move against Beth and have another 6 month break from the delights of Candice's ability
The most over-pushed women's wrestler since the initial push of one Miss Trish Stratus has returned and is straight back into a title shot which she has neither worked for nor deserved to be handed.
Overpushed? She got one push last year that lasted for 5 months. Out of the four years she's been there now, how is five months out of that whole thing called over-pushed?

Again, you're missing the point. Candice was in the middle of a push last year and got injured by Beth. This has nothing to do with what happened last year, like any other injury feud, she's a getting a title shot due that reason. I don't know what's not clicking here. Any other persn to get injured by someone has always come back seeking revenge. Why would this be any different? Oh wait, I know, because it involves Candice. Nice one. :rolleyes:

Candice Michelle can't work, even in comparison to the likes of Kelly Kelly and Michelle McCool, yet because of her ability to take her clothes off in well known glamour magazine, she gets pushed as a credible champion.
Can't work? Obviously you didn't watch her house show matches last year where she working pretty good matches last year with Melina, Jillian, and Beth. Sure she was carried, but it takes two people in order to make a good match. I'm guessing you're basing this off of WWE televsion, something in which is never booked right.

Hmmmm.... considering she got the belt over a year after Playboy, that's irrelevant. Posing for Playboy has nothing to do with her wrestling ability and Playboy had NOTHING to do with her title push last year.

I wonder why Kelly and Michelle can work a better match right now, they'e been able to train for the past year whilst Candice has not. What do you expect?

Beth hasn't held the title long enough to drop it to a woman she has no feud with, unless they plan on rushing the Marella feud to completion long before time it could be so I'm hoping another win for Beth, and maybe Candice will try a third top rope move against Beth and have another 6 month break from the delights of Candice's ability
Has no feud with? Ummm... did you just start watching wrestling this year or something? Besides the feud JUST picked back up, how do you know how it'll turn out? Do you have some secret psychic powers?

Wishing injury upon someone? Nice. Goes to show how well your opinion holds up. It's one thing to hate someone but to wish pain upon them is heartless. You act like she isn't working her ass off for this and to wish that she'd be injured again, is quite pathetic of you.

Besides, her falling from the rope had NOTHING to do with her ability in the ring so stop bringing it up. She wroked a 12 minute match with Beth and was tired and when Beth shook the ropes she fell. You know how many people have fallen from the ropes and injured themselves? The best have done, like people in Japan and on the indy's. Falling from the rope is completely irrelevant to their ability in the ring.
Sorry, but Candice got injured by Beth? How the hell do you make that one out? I like Beth, and she does not deserve this. Candice got herself injured. She should never have fallen like that - Phoenix did what she was supposed to, and Candice, instead of collapsing straight down onto her v__ like she was supposed to, busted her head open. Sure, people fall off the top rope. They shouldn't fall when they KNOW the rope is about to be disturbed.

Now, more generally, I wouldn't mind a grudge match here once Candice had sloughed off her ring rust, but Beth's title being at stake is plain ridiculous. Candice has done nothing to deserve this, and we all know she won't win anyway, because no way could they put the women's title - which is still has a tiny amount of prestige, compared to the Diva's belt anyway - on her (she REALLY can't wrestle). If anyone deserves a title shot, it's Kelly Kelly, who genuinely HAS improved. Not this ex-soft-porn talentless girl. Hate to say it, but there you go.
Eh. Not entirely looking forward to this. Candice didnt look great in her return, and I worry about re injury. and to me, there really isnt anything more entertaining Candice could do as champion that would be better than "Glamarella" right now. So Im hoping she doesnt win it here, not just yet. Let glamarella run its course, and let candice wash off the ring rust, then do the switch. please for the love of goodness dont let candice win. Hopefully Beth FTW
Here my take on this, this match makes perfect sense since Beth Phoenix is 50% responsible for candice's injury. Sure Candice is also at fault for her injury last year but to put 100% of the blame on her is completly ridiculous. Anyway back to the match, this won'T be a great match because Candice isn'T ready yet to give a good match. After seeing her a couple of weeks ago, you could tell that she still scared of getting injured again and her performance isn't just ring rust acting up, it's also that she'S scared of getting injured again so until she'S able to get through that fear, she won'T be able to perform the way she did last year. But the thing is that this won't be the only time we will see this match, so there is a pretty good chance that Beth wins this one but lose later on in the year, probably at armaggedon.
I hope Beth wins this match and gets to hold the title a little longer, but Candice has a good chance to win too. I can see Santino interfering in the match to help Beth win and then Beth will get upset with him and Candice will get another match sometime along the road. With what Beth is going through now after RAW I don't think losing the belt will hurt her all that much, but I still think she should win.
Why? What did Candice do to deserve this? Anyway, this will not be a good match. It is the filler match. Candice still has ring rust, and I will be very surprised if she doesn't botch something in this match. I think that Beth will win it, there's no point in giving Candice the title at the moment. But if Beth loses, she can blame it on Santino somehow and further the Glammerella angle.
My guess is that Beth will win this one, but it won't be the end of this feud. Actually, no matter who wins, it won't be the end of this feud, as neither one has anyone else to go up against. Melina is still out, as far as I know, and while Mickie James could come back into the title picture again I just don't see that happening any time soon. She'll probably be on the back burner and/or be involved in lame impromptu intergender matches for a while until it's time for her to switch places with candace or there's another draft.
I really don't see a Candice win. I agree with the person who said this feud will continue either way.

When Melina returns, she'll be feuding with Beth, and the WWE will likely want to make this for the title. That would require Beth to be champion. However, how long will it be before Melina returns. If it will take a while, then the title can change hands and back again so Candice can logically win. The only other option I see is Melina returning and costing Beth the title/title rematch. This would allow a Melina/Beth feud and Candice could defend against someone (WHO?).

On another note, I could see a potential Kelly Kelly/Beth feud if Beth wins. So, again I predict a Beth win. The victory just seems to be spelled out.
Well the WWE seem to be building this as the 'long awaited rematch'. Maybe if it took place on Raw I might have given a shit about it, but this match is going to be a complete filler on the pay per view, plain and simple. No more than 5 minutes in length. As Will mentioned, the WWE is trying to rebuild the Womens Division into something worth watching. But they just don't have the talent depth to do so. The match itself should be decent. Beth usually puts on a good match and Candice has proven she can put on an average match.

Since it looks as if Glamarella is staying around for a while, I think it's best if Beth Phoenix retains here. I just can't see neither Beth nor Santino losing their titles just yet as it is too soon as they only won the titles at SummerSlam in August. But knowing the WWE, they will want to milk this feud for all it's worth. Therefore I believe Beth will retain, but not cleanly as I'm expecting Santino to interfere to perhaps cause a disqualification or something similar to that. At Cyber Sunday they can end the feud with some sort of gimmick match, that is if the WWE is really serious about rebuilding the womens division.
After that segment last night.

I'll predict that Santino costs Beth the match and the title and we'll see the deterioration of Glamourella there on and then I can see Candice starting a new feud shortly afterwards.
I'm not completely sold on Beth Phoenix losing the title Sunday. Candice Michelle still hasn't proven she can be solid without the fear of injury. Furthermore, if you noticed from the match on Raw she barely wrestled as well.. which likely points to her being fearful of another injury.

I doubt they'd stick the title on her, if she feels scared of injury, because if a diva/wrestler is constantly thinking they could get injured.. that's typically when they do.

I'm not saying Candice won't win though, especially since W.W.E. wants to push her as the dominate face diva. But something just gives me the feeling that they'll give Beth the win here.. and if a rematch happens at Cyber Sunday Candice will pick up the title there.
I just don't think it is the right time to put the belt on Candice. She is still very weak in the ring since the injury and still hasnt gone 100% probably because she doesnt want to reinjure herself. I say let her countinue to train and heal more, while fighting some, and then pick the belt back up when she is ready and 100%. I see Beth winning, but if Beth loses I see Santino costing Beth the title.
I'm not completely sold on Beth Phoenix losing the title Sunday. Candice Michelle still hasn't proven she can be solid without the fear of injury. Furthermore, if you noticed from the match on Raw she barely wrestled as well.. which likely points to her being fearful of another injury.

I doubt they'd stick the title on her, if she feels scared of injury, because if a diva/wrestler is constantly thinking they could get injured.. that's typically when they do.

I'm not saying Candice won't win though, especially since W.W.E. wants to push her as the dominate face diva. But something just gives me the feeling that they'll give Beth the win here.. and if a rematch happens at Cyber Sunday Candice will pick up the title there.
While I agree. WWE gave Beth the win on Monday and on the SD special, meaning she has alot of momentum on her side, and when you look at past title changes, the person with the most momentum going in USUALLY loses.

Besides, if Candice gets the title, then maybe we'll at least get a title feud. WWE is just using the title as an accessory in the Glamourella feud right and if Candice wins it, at least a new challenger can arise from the dust and start challenging for the title.

I thought we'd get good build-up for this though. Candice did good on RAW this Monday, still not like last year, but her interaction with Beth was good. Considering the fact that WWE holds the big/good stuff off for the PPV's, I expect to see better out of the two. I predict that Beth will dominate but in the end Santino will try to prove to Beth that he doesn't always screw things up, but in the end, costs Beth the title.

I don't see that as officially ending the couple, as it will take it down alot. I see the relationship ending with Santino cheating on Beth and saying he used her to get the title or something.
Candice still has ring rust and is not back to what she was doing last year yet however I see her taking the title to allow her to get her revenge for Beth putting her out with the injury. Beth will evetually get the title back after the Glamarella story has ended.
Candice will go into a feud for the title, hopefully with Katie Lee but most likely with Jillian.
Well, I've never been a Candice fan (A fan of her body definitely though.) and I just can't see her getting the belt back so soon. I mean, what the hell, why not put the belt on Kelly Kelly whose earned two, I think, pinfalls over Beth Phoenix. I would've rather seen Kelly Kelly take on Beth Phoenix than Candice. It could've been cool to have Kelly Kelly get the underdog win off the distraction of Candice.

As for the match on Sunday, I'm hoping to see Beth slam Candice on that pretty face and those big breasts for the win. Oh, but thats probably not a good idea, Candice might be afraid she'll injure her fake boobs, hahaha!
I just want to see Beth retain here. I'm far from a Candice fan, although she has greatly improved, she's just not championship material yet. I want Beth to retain, but I have a feeling Candice will take it, if not here, than at Cyber Sunday.
It's nice to see that Michael Jackson has returned to the spotlight. I haven't seen him in years and was afraid for the worst. Oh wait, that's not michael Jackson, it's Candice Michelle, damn, I thought someone with talent might show up.

Candice Michelle is awful. How Awful, that nasty little slime you get on the corner of your mouth when you first wake up in the morning awful. She has done nothing impressive in her career, and has done nothing to deserve a title shot, let alone another championship reign.

Beth Phoenix is awesome, and is everything that a female wrestler should be. She brings credibility to an otherwise worthless trinket. I'm routing for Phoenix, but the WWE usually disappoints when it comes to the women.
No idea here. Cant see this being great. Candice was laborious anyhow, but coming this fresh back off injury, even the best workers would be rusty this soon to be having a big match. I hope they keep the Glamarella gimmick going full force, and it would be very quick and soon to blow their load and have a title change so soon after Cansas came back. Expected match rating: 5

NorCal's Pick : Beth Pheonix
Not a bad match at all. Candice had a nice showing tonight and this is probably their best match to date, maybe under their 2/3 falls match.

The crowd was behind Candice and the crowd booed Beth. Which is the way it's supposed to be.

It was a little early for Candice to pick up the title here. But at least she's coming along and getting the crowd behind her again.

I don't see this feud being over yet. Maybe they'll have Candice take a back seat for a little bit, but I don't see this being over until Candice officially gets her revenge on Beth.

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