Candice Michelle Injured!

Wow lol, talk about damned if she does, damned if she dont. So she needs more training huh? Ok. Sure. Give her more training. I mean its HER fault shes hurt right? Sure is.

its Bret Harts fault he is half ******ed now, if only he would have had the proper TRAINING to block a kick

Owen Hart, god rest his soul, he needed more training to apparantly just float down on a wire. Sting did it a thousand times.

Sid, he damn sure needed training to learn how to just land softly...not hard and snap his leg

Eddie, RIP, neeed training to learn how to blade. Since apparantly he almost killed himself in his match against JBL

Shawn Michaels needed training on how to land on a Casket. Hurt his back tsk tsk Shawn.

John Cena, he needed more training on how to stretch properly, so those muslces wouldnt get tight and rip

yadda yadda, list goes on. Every wrestler has fucked up. Name one, and he has fucked up. And Monday, Candace fucked up. It happens. Doesnt mean she isnt talented or untalented. Just means mistakes happen.

BUT FUCKING GLORY BEE...AS LEAST SHES TRYING to be better. Shes 90% better than the crap out there today. Look at Torrie Wilson. She had training in BOTH WcW and WWF. And She still sucks, years later. Stacy Legs, had training in both and she still sucked. Jilian is just garbage, no hope for her.

To say Candace sucks, is stupid. Cause she doesnt. She has talent. And she has the drive. Its not her fault she just wont be the wrestler Trish or Lita was. It sucks for her I know but hey they all cant be Austins, Owens, Brets, Takers, Shawns, or Flairs either. She gets better every week. Shes really trying to be better. That earns my respect right there

Now if some of the other girls like Gail kim, and Molly Holly, and Jackie were here, then yes sorry Candace your not Championship material. But the WWE womens Talent pool is Thin. Ya got MAYBE 3 good workers? Beth, Mickie and Victoria.

So instead of Candace just saying hey I suck, wont ever be as good as Lita or Trish, so Ill just sandbag my matches and milk this title run for everything its worth, what does she do. She trains, she tries to get better, and she NEARLY kills herself to make the fans happy. And shes gonna come back. Hell, she could go do porn, or some commercials, tell WWE to put her as Manager only and she wont HAVE to hurt herself. She wont HAVE to risk her "Untalented" ass. But she wants too. And that right there, earns my respect
BUT FUCKING GLORY BEE...AS LEAST SHES TRYING to be better. Shes 90% better than the crap out there today. Look at Torrie Wilson.

yeah what about her? She sucks

She had training in BOTH WcW and WWF.

not wrestling, if so they did a piss poor job

Stacy Legs, had training in both and she still sucked.

See Torrie

Jilian is just garbage, no hope for her.

Now your out of line, Jillian has more talent in one arm than Candice has in her whole damn body. But since Candice only weighs about 80 lbs I think you can say pinky finger instead of arm. Seriously, name me just one other women's wrestler anywhere in the whole fucking world (except Japan) that can do the 450 splash (and do it regularly). Your clueless if you think that 1.) Jillian isn't a talented wrestler 2.) You think that she can't perform, and that she lacks the charisma to get over and 3.) You honestly think that Candice, with two years of serious training, is better than Jillian, who has been wrestling professionally now for a decade. What a crock of shit.

To say Candace sucks, is stupid.

She only has 2 years of training, what do you expect, whats stupid is to try and force her into the main event and then pretend that's she's as talented as Lita or Trish.

Now if some of the other girls like Gail kim, and Molly Holly, and Jackie were here, then yes sorry Candace your not Championship material. But the WWE womens Talent pool is Thin. Ya got MAYBE 3 good workers? Beth, Mickie and Victoria.

And Jillian, whose probably the second best women's wrestler in WWE (Melina's also much better than Candice, Cherry's also a pretty good worker, and is better than Candice.)

So instead of Candace just saying hey I suck, wont ever be as good as Lita or Trish, so Ill just sandbag my matches and milk this title run for everything its worth, what does she do. She trains, she tries to get better, and she NEARLY kills herself to make the fans happy. And shes gonna come back. Hell, she could go do porn, or some commercials, tell WWE to put her as Manager only and she wont HAVE to hurt herself. She wont HAVE to risk her "Untalented" ass. But she wants too. And that right there, earns my respect

What doesn't get my respect is that I have to wait for Candice to hurry her little ass up to train and improve to the level that Jillian and Beth and Mickie are at, which it'll take at least another year or so, I don't care how good of a trainee you are. During that time period, until she gets to the point where she's not botching every other move and the other divas aren't carrying her ass through every match, she should be in the mid card, working her way back up. When Candice has reached that level, I say give her another title shot, but keeping her on top now, when she really doesn't deserve that position, hurts the other girls. Its the reason why I hated Trish Stratus, even in her later days.
I agree 100% with you Wolvdog316!

First off, that injury wasn't caused by lack of experience it could have happend to any of the wrestlers.
Although you have the right to say what you think, you need to give Candice a chance shes gives it her all in every match she is in nearly killing herself on RAW on Monday to entertain & please you, and all most of you do is pull her down. Why not give her a chance? Ok so she might not be the best wrestler in the WWE but she certainly isn't the worst. In my eyes shes a good wrestler who is still improving. Some people on this forum still look at her as if she still as the wrestling skills as she did back in 2005 which is wrong. Shes earned my respect over the last couple of months shes really worked her ass off to get to where she is and may i add shes being trainined by the best Dave Finlay, Arn Anderson & Trish Stratus.
When she comes back shes going to be more determined more than ever & i for one can't wait to see her back in that ring.

To Echelon - Shes not the only diva that botches moves (although she doesnt even botch moves that much anymore) or gets carried through matches. Also why are you always trying to pick faults with Candice?

Candice being out of the main picture and placed into the mid card will give us better matches, as Beth/ Mickie/ Jillian are all better performers than Candice. I figure thats what fans want, are high quality wrestling matches that don't contain alot of botches and aren't sloppy. WWE can create feuds for the women, it won't hard considering a good majority of the feuds in the womens division are superficial anyway.

Okay I must speak on Jillian. Yes, she is a great wrestler but I don't find her as one of the best just because she was able to do a 450 degree splash, regulary. When she was given the chance, her matches with Mickie, she didn't show that she was the best and she didn't show that she should be in the title picture anymore then Candice.

Could it be due to the lack of push and the lack of good booking by the WWE? Hell yeah it is. I honestly think she needs to regain some of her skill back. She's gotten rusty in the ring. I remeber her around 12 minute or something like that match with Mickie and I sure as hell didn't see anything near that in their 4 - 8 minute matches on RAW and Heat!

It took Candice two years to train? Big deal! She had to start somewhere. How do you think Beth, Melina, Mickie, Jillian, etc. got so good? They had to train.

People praise Trish so much but she wasn't in any better position then Candice. People say Trish had so many greats to learn off of but so does Candice, now. She's getting better and to say she sucks is just stupid. The women is dedicated to what she does. She isn't always the best choice for a push or to be in a feud but she takes what's given to her and works with it.

Watch her first match and then watch one of her latest and tell me she sucks or isn't good. Watch a match from where she began to improve this year to one of her latest and tell me the improvements didn't continue! All the time people say it has to be Mickie or Jillian or whoever to get a good division but I find the division has just been fine the way it has been. The fans are into Candice, especially now, and after watching RAW on Monday it was evident that the fans have respect for her and like her as a wrestler!
To Echelon - Shes not the only diva that botches moves (although she doesnt even botch moves that much anymore) or gets carried through matches. Also why are you always trying to pick faults with Candice?

That'S something that have been wondering for a while now and i never had an answer to. It's kinda funny that when Candice botched a move, she not experience enough and she been carried but when somebody with more experience like MElina or Mickie James botched a move, nobody talks about it. Over the last year and a half, have seen more botched moves by experience divas then i seen with candice in the last five month. So i'm wondering why nobody talk about it when the more experience divas screw up and why Candice is the only one to get pick on when all the WWE Divas screw up even divas like Mickie James and Melina?
One more thing I forgot to say! Candice rarely botches moves. Most moves she tries for the first time come off pretty well. Her spinning heel kick comes off fine, it was just because of miscommunication between Melina and Candice at Vengeance that the kick was botched. Melina didn't run into it! Still no biggie though. Her botched move on RAW this week wasn't anyones fault so don't hold it against her.

Her matches have not been sloppy. The tag matches on RAW are always sloppy and noone does any better then the other!
i guess it just takes time to grow i tink give here another year and a good trainer and we coold have a good woman champ but if she dosent learn to wrestle better go back to making porn lol ill buy it
I pick faults with Candice because she doesn't deserve the postition she has. She not qualified to be the best champion when I can think of a dozen other diva that would be better suited to be the next big thing in the womens division besides Candice. Forgive me If I feel that all the top women in the womens division should be have a certain amount of time and experience inside the ring, and certain amount of face or feel time with the fans, and she should know she's doing in the ring. Candice isn't any of these things, she has like 2 years of training. gets no reaction from the crowd, and botches every other move. The only other "main event diva" that is as bad as Candice when it comes to botching moves is Melina, but at least Melina gets a solid reaction from the crowd, so its only 2 strikes against her instead of 3, like Candice.

All the divas botch, Candice just happens to botch more then others. I thinks she's averaging about 1 botch a match now, while thats loads better from where she was, thats still incredibly shitty. The other divas (cept Melina) Occasionally botch, but Like once every month or so. I haven't seen Jillian or Mickie Botch anything for months.

Also I don't think Jillian is good just for the 450, she's a phenomenal performer , why do you think WWE kept her after the JBL stint she did, because they thought she was pretty? Fuck no, they kept her because they realized her potential as a great performer. Jillian's the only Diva that regularly gets a reaction with her singing gimmick, as stupid as it is, fans give her the reaction WWE is expecting by booing her ass, and loud.
Divas all botch a fair share of moves, hold on...just about everyone botch moves big time. Only this time it's Candice and it apparently hurt her neck, so it's a real big deal. And I do see some improvements from Candice, I don't really blame her for this. Yes she is rather inexperienced, and I agree that she should not get the push now, but it's a great effort from Candice regardless of what.

And I really wanna kick the trainers in the face, why in the bloody hell do you offer water to an athlete who injured her neck?
I pick faults with Candice because she doesn't deserve the postition she has. She not qualified to be the best champion when I can think of a dozen other diva that would be better suited to be the next big thing in the womens division besides Candice. Forgive me If I feel that all the top women in the womens division should be have a certain amount of time and experience inside the ring, and certain amount of face or feel time with the fans, and she should know she's doing in the ring. Candice isn't any of these things, she has like 2 years of training. gets no reaction from the crowd, and botches every other move. The only other "main event diva" that is as bad as Candice when it comes to botching moves is Melina, but at least Melina gets a solid reaction from the crowd, so its only 2 strikes against her instead of 3, like Candice.

All the divas botch, Candice just happens to botch more then others. I thinks she's averaging about 1 botch a match now, while thats loads better from where she was, thats still incredibly shitty. The other divas (cept Melina) Occasionally botch, but Like once every month or so. I haven't seen Jillian or Mickie Botch anything for months.

Also I don't think Jillian is good just for the 450, she's a phenomenal performer , why do you think WWE kept her after the JBL stint she did, because they thought she was pretty? Fuck no, they kept her because they realized her potential as a great performer. Jillian's the only Diva that regularly gets a reaction with her singing gimmick, as stupid as it is, fans give her the reaction WWE is expecting by booing her ass, and loud.

that exactly what i meant when i was saying that you like to pick on Candice for being inexperience. So Candice Botch some move in a couple of match, that doesn't mean that she botch in every match she's in. Like i said before, i have seen more botch move from every experience divas in the last year then have seen botch move from Candice in the last five month. I know you're not a fan of Candice, you've been perfectly clear on that, but you can say that for somebody that's been only training for 2 years, she's become a really good wrestler and by what i read on this thread, am not the only one to thing so. Finally i funny that you say that Candice isn'T over with the crowd because since she started getting the push that you think she dosn'T deserve, her popularity just keep on growing and i was surprise how over she was last week during her match with BEth, people really wanted her to win until she got injured so again in my opinion i really think that it's not important if people cheer for you when you're coming in the ring, to be over with the crowd you got to have care for you one way or the other during the match and finally got it. So let's face it Echelon, you might not like Candice but alot of people does so you gonna have to either live with it and except it or stop watching the woman's matches on Raw because when Candice comes back from injury, she going to be the face of the woman's division.
I pick faults with Candice because she doesn't deserve the postition she has. She not qualified to be the best champion when I can think of a dozen other diva that would be better suited to be the next big thing in the womens division besides Candice. Forgive me If I feel that all the top women in the womens division should be have a certain amount of time and experience inside the ring, and certain amount of face or feel time with the fans, and she should know she's doing in the ring. Candice isn't any of these things, she has like 2 years of training. gets no reaction from the crowd, and botches every other move. The only other "main event diva" that is as bad as Candice when it comes to botching moves is Melina, but at least Melina gets a solid reaction from the crowd, so its only 2 strikes against her instead of 3, like Candice.

All the divas botch, Candice just happens to botch more then others. I thinks she's averaging about 1 botch a match now, while thats loads better from where she was, thats still incredibly shitty. The other divas (cept Melina) Occasionally botch, but Like once every month or so. I haven't seen Jillian or Mickie Botch anything for months.

Also I don't think Jillian is good just for the 450, she's a phenomenal performer , why do you think WWE kept her after the JBL stint she did, because they thought she was pretty? Fuck no, they kept her because they realized her potential as a great performer. Jillian's the only Diva that regularly gets a reaction with her singing gimmick, as stupid as it is, fans give her the reaction WWE is expecting by booing her ass, and loud.

When does Candice (or Melina) botch every other move? I rewatch their matches together and apart all the time, and I only see an occasional awkward looking move, not really a "botch." I think at the time that Candice was getting the title there was no one else really for it. Victoria couldn't have gotten it because she was heel, same for Jillian, Mickie had just finished with her feud with Melina and had a third title reign (as short as it was), Beth hadn't come back yet- Candice was the only one really available to take the title at the time. Is she the best wrestling diva in the WWE? No, but she's no where near as bad as some people make her out to be.

As for the crowd reaction thing- Candice has a good crowd reaction for a face diva. It's not as good as Mickie's, but hey no one has the crowd reaction that Mickie has.

Flames Out
the only crowd reaction ive ever really seen her get regularly is when she opens her robe and trys to make her boobs look bigger than they are hell if i had a chick in that kind of attirestanding infront of me doing that i would cheer to dammit
that exactly what i meant when i was saying that you like to pick on Candice for being inexperience. So Candice Botch some move in a couple of match, that doesn't mean that she botch in every match she's in. Like i said before, i have seen more botch move from every experience divas in the last year then have seen botch move from Candice in the last five month. I know you're not a fan of Candice, you've been perfectly clear on that, but you can say that for somebody that's been only training for 2 years, she's become a really good wrestler and by what i read on this thread, am not the only one to thing so. Finally i funny that you say that Candice isn'T over with the crowd because since she started getting the push that you think she dosn'T deserve, her popularity just keep on growing and i was surprise how over she was last week during her match with BEth, people really wanted her to win until she got injured so again in my opinion i really think that it's not important if people cheer for you when you're coming in the ring, to be over with the crowd you got to have care for you one way or the other during the match and finally got it. So let's face it Echelon, you might not like Candice but alot of people does so you gonna have to either live with it and except it or stop watching the woman's matches on Raw because when Candice comes back from injury, she going to be the face of the woman's division.

How can you say that Candice will be the next "it" girl? Based on what? Candice does get a reaction but its not better than Mickie's or Melina's or Jillian's. Candice only has 2 -3 years worth of experience, and really, I could give a shit less if WWE thinks she's ready or not. Hell, their the ones that put Ashley of all people in the women's event at WM so excuse me if I'm a little hesitant to trust WWE creative over the womens division. Like I said before, when Candice first got the title I was ready to except it as a transitional title run, but when WWE decided to push Candice as the next big thing in womens wrestling to seemingly forsake all the other great performers they have on RAW in the name of Candice, I'm sorry but see that as total bullshit. Candice is like the female version of Batista, she's less experienced and less talented than everyone else, but WWE's going to push her because she has the "Look" But in all do respect, I can say that Candice is a hard worker, respectable, and willing to improve, unlike Batista. As far as her improving, unless she wakes up tomorrow to suddenly find that she has the skills of Jillian or Mickie, Candice as some improvements to make, but how is going to make those improvements if she's always chasing a title or a spot in this case, that she doesn't deserve yet? And like I keep saying over and over again, while I am a picky person, i'm not that hard to please. All it would take for me to like Candice is for Candice to ease out of the title hunt right now, start a non title fued with another established diva, then work her way into the title picture, as she EARNS the fans respect and admiration as she fights for the title, not have everything handed to her by WWE, as she forced herself on the fans. The route that Candice takes doesn't have to be fancy, but it does have to be something that will capture the attention of fans, something with a background, something that tells a story, like Lita's path to the title.

And as far as me not watching RAW, I haven't watched a full episode of RAW since Kane was still on the roster. Anything I want to watch from RAW I hit up youtube or dailymotion. So if what you say is true and Candice is destined to be the next it girl, I think I'll go watch TNA instead. Gail owns Candice in every category anyway.
This has gots to be the biggest load of shit I have ever heard! You're gonna tell me that if she was experienced and knew the bussiness from the back of her head then this wouldn't have happened? Get real! She fell and you need to accept it without stating experience played a role in it!

Candice did porn, big fucking deal! Victoria has stated she wouldn't mind being in Playboy, gonna call her talentless too! Hell the Amazing Kongs, nipple's popped out BFG, you gonna tell me she can't wrestle becuase that happened? (I know she didn't do it intentionally but when doing porn, it's simply showing your nips and other areas and Kongs nips did pop out!) Like someone else said, Mickie did porn. Her porn wasn't anything cleaner or better but that doesn't berate her!

Seriously dude, quit it with the bullshit accusations of women's wrestlers and wrestling. Watch some matches for once and quit bitching about it or saying it isn't worth your time. These women sometimes pull off better matches then the male superstars! Unforgiven comes to mind. Backlash! cSo many others. Had their match continued the right way, Candice vs. Beth would've been the best match on RAW! So don't tell me she needs to stay out of the ring because this happened and because she did porn!

I could see where someone could say she was bad back in May/June/ and even July, like Echelon did, I would know because me and him always argued overit, but to say it now is just simply dunderheaded!

If this is the real Paul Bearer :rolleyes: These women are much better then those from your time frame in the late 90's/ Attitude Era (but not from the early to mid 90's), so why would you complain now?

I'm sorry, I should edit my statement, I am completely wrong. It doesn't have anything to do with experience, okay, You got me. It has everything to do with talent, which Candice Michelle doesn't have. She shouldn't be in a ring, let a lone a top rope. If it had anything to do with talent, then Jeff Hardy wouldn't fall off the top rope every other week.

There is a big difference between playboy and skinimax picks, and I'm not criticizing her for trying to do porn. If that's what she wants to do, then let her. Put that body to some use, because it's not cutting it in a wrestling ring. As far as Mickie James, completely different situation. James decided at some point she wanted to be a wrestler, so busted her ass like real wrestlers do in the indy's for years. She didn't enter some half assed Diva Search/Talentless contest and not win it either. And Honestly, going to an Amazing Kong unintentional nip slip is a weak, weak argument, nice try though, here's a cookie.

As far as not liking women's wrestling, where did I ever say that? I don't like talentless hacks as champions, guilty as charged. I love women's wrestling, maybe not as much as Echelon, but I appreciate anyone of any gender that bust there ass and has Talent in the ring. I can bust my ass and work hard in the ring, doesn't mean that I'm any good and people want to watch me, much like Candice Michelle.

The last time A WWE women's match was even a good match on pay per view would be Lita vs. Mickie at Survivor Series, and the last great match at a pay per view would be Lita vs. Trish at Unforgiven, which in my opinion was easily the match of the night. So as far as me being biased to women's wrestling, nope.

Candice Michelle is the beneficiary of being the right woman with the right look, at the right time. If the WWE hadn't fired Christi Hemme, then Candice wouldn't be getting a push right now. At least Trish was in fitness and somewhat athletic before making the jump to the WWF, and even then was somewhat physical as a manager before she got into the ring. Candice had no intention on being a wrestler, until she found out her "acting" career was going nowhere. So to bring this back on topic, someone that shouldn't even be in a ring to begin with shouldn't even think about being on the top rope.
I'm sorry, I should edit my statement, I am completely wrong. It doesn't have anything to do with experience, okay, You got me. It has everything to do with talent, which Candice Michelle doesn't have. She shouldn't be in a ring, let a lone a top rope. If it had anything to do with talent, then Jeff Hardy wouldn't fall off the top rope every other week.

There is a big difference between playboy and skinimax picks, and I'm not criticizing her for trying to do porn. If that's what she wants to do, then let her. Put that body to some use, because it's not cutting it in a wrestling ring. As far as Mickie James, completely different situation. James decided at some point she wanted to be a wrestler, so busted her ass like real wrestlers do in the indy's for years. She didn't enter some half assed Diva Search/Talentless contest and not win it either. And Honestly, going to an Amazing Kong unintentional nip slip is a weak, weak argument, nice try though, here's a cookie.

As far as not liking women's wrestling, where did I ever say that? I don't like talentless hacks as champions, guilty as charged. I love women's wrestling, maybe not as much as Echelon, but I appreciate anyone of any gender that bust there ass and has Talent in the ring. I can bust my ass and work hard in the ring, doesn't mean that I'm any good and people want to watch me, much like Candice Michelle.

The last time A WWE women's match was even a good match on pay per view would be Lita vs. Mickie at Survivor Series, and the last great match at a pay per view would be Lita vs. Trish at Unforgiven, which in my opinion was easily the match of the night. So as far as me being biased to women's wrestling, nope.

Candice Michelle is the beneficiary of being the right woman with the right look, at the right time. If the WWE hadn't fired Christi Hemme, then Candice wouldn't be getting a push right now. At least Trish was in fitness and somewhat athletic before making the jump to the WWF, and even then was somewhat physical as a manager before she got into the ring. Candice had no intention on being a wrestler, until she found out her "acting" career was going nowhere. So to bring this back on topic, someone that shouldn't even be in a ring to begin with shouldn't even think about being on the top rope.

I'll reply to this, and will only reply on what I remember.

Talentless hacks as champion???? Where?? I don't see any! How is Candice talentless? Just becuase she doesn't do as well as these women named Mickie, Melina or "Jillian", who I've seen at times pull off worse performances than her.

I mean seriously, come on! Lita and Trish?? I love them and miss them but people really overrate those two beyond belief. Yes they were great competitors but my god they weren't the second coming of the mesiah of women's wrestling!

Speaking of Lita and Trish, those two are the most injury prone women I have ever seen! They always seemed to come injured at one time or another but when Candice botches a move and gets injured, she's all of a sudden considered talentless and a hack! Pretty stupid that someone can stick up for a woman (Trish) who was no better then Candice when she first started.

Candice doesn't bust her ass and she cannot in your eyes because she came through the Diva Search?? Now that my friend is the epitome of all things weak and yet gain an big piece of bullshit! Yes, Mickie busted her ass all of those years but that doesn't mean someone cannot come through to the WWE with nothing and make something outta herself, and that Candice has done.

I am so sick and tired of people saying that Candice can never amount to anything worthy while in the WWE, just like how you are sick with the marking. Do you know the future? How do you know Candice won't become a major star in the division down the road? You wanna know how I know that? The women is doing whatever it takes to get smarks like you to respect her, even if it means risking her career and life but it seems like since she came from the Diva Search nothing is good enough for you! Get real!

About Gail, yes she is far ahead of Candice, but the woman herself has admitted to something that most people cannot- that Candice has gotten way much better. Not just a little but alot! She wasn't paid by the WWE to say it, she did it on her own. Hell Melina, who has mega heat with Candice, (not sure about now), has admitted it too.

Plus TNA is getting stale quickly. I love Kong but watching her dominate each and every woman each week is just boring! What's so creative there? Yes they have the better women's wrestlers but I see it ending up just like WWE's. The good knockouts will be pushed to towards the back, while the not so good ones get the title pushes and everything! Trust me, people are already saying Kong is the decline of their women's division! It's not me, as I love watching Kong perform but TNA and mainstream wrestling in general just isn't for her. It doesn't matter if your Gail, there is no way beating her would look realistic, something that compares to WWE's division, even though when Candice gets the upperhand on Beth it still looks somewhat believable.

So don't tell me!
Also, the last good women's match you saw was from last year?? Did you not get NYR and Backlash? Those matches involved everyone's favorite world's greatest wrestlers!

About Christy! There is no way she is a better performer then Candice. I've seen some of her latest indy work and it wasn't that great. She couldn't even carried that well in a match with indy women! She was moved to SD! and I'd doubt she'd be getting a push today! Also, she's not getting a push, Candice is and you should deal with it as I've had to deal with seeing no one but Mickie take the women's division spotlight for nearly 2 years!

I also saw a post on how Mickie gets the best reaction! Of course she does, have you not seen the feuds she was involved in? Also when Trish and Lita left she was the only real diva who we saw regulary and she was the only one being used in anything major so when they left, the fans could relate to her. She feuded with both ladies into great matches and the fans grew huge respect for her. No wonder she's more over, anyone would after being involved in and used in so many feuds like she was. Plus half the women's roster had jobbed to Mickie herself. Nearly all of RAW's women's division took a back seat to Mickie during her feuds so she could get herself over, of course she draws the best reaction! Duh!

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