Pick Your Poison: Candice Michelle or Kelly Kelly

Pick Your Poison

  • Kelly Kelly

  • Candice Michelle

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[This Space for Rent]
It's been a bit since I've seen any "Pick Your Poison" match-ups, and this is something that's been on my mind for a couple monthes. Basically put, which of the two divas do you believe has the better future, and the brighter outlook?

Candice Michelle: A former Women's Champion, Candice at one point in her career was being looked upon as the future of Women's wrestling. The future may not have been bright through the eye's of some fans, but she was still the top diva in the sport for a while.

Due to injury Candice has fallen all but off the map as far as top female's in the Women's division goes. For most it seems this is a blessing in the skies, but for some Candice fans it's a deep and heavy blow.

Not counting for injury, Candice was coming along averagely as a female wrestler and did have a couple decent matches. Was it enough to make her a true contender in the division, or is the nature course of things working her out for a reason?

Kelly Kelly: A one-time Stripper turned Professional Wrestler. (I kid, I kid) Kelly Kelly has come a long way from being the not-so-innocent expose' dancer she was on E.C.W.

Throughout the course of the passed couple of monthes, we've seen more Kelly Kelly and throughout the course of the passed couple of monthes she's only seemingly improved in her in-ring talent.

While she still shows signs of inexperience, the fact is the fans are reacting to Kelly in a more positive light than they ever did for Candice.

Kelly seems to have gained more fan respect than Candice, and that could come as a shock and/or mystery to some. (myself included) None the less, the question begs to be asked..

Who do you believe is the better of the two, and why? Candice Michelle or Kelly Kelly. Pick Your Poison.

Personally, I pick Kelly Kelly. Why? Because her in-ring talent is coming along nicely and she isn't injury prone which is unfortunately a big reason why I believe Candice will soon be out of the business altogether.

Furthermore, for some unknown reason the fans have lashed out violently toward Candice, yet they've almost adopted Kelly as a personal new favorite.

So, what does everyone else think? Pick Your Poison!
I'll take Kelly Kelly over Candice. Candice was improving before she injured and it seems fans fell out of favor with her now. Kelly gets a decent reaction from the crowd, is improving her wrestling ability, and I believe in the next few years can become one of the best divas on RAW. Something that could hamper her though no fault of her own is the lack of any credible heel diva besides Beth. I would move Michelle McCool to RAW since Smackdown has way too many heel divas and have her feud with Kelly, let Kelly win the feud so she can move on to facing Beth. Plus, she needs to stop moaning so loud when she wrestles.
1. In-Ring Talent: Neither are good, but Kelly is at least improving. Candice keeps getting worse. How many times have we heard that they edit her matches heavily and it still comes out looking atrocious? Sure, Kelly has her share of botches, and she's ALSO guilty of that stupid scream that every single one of the women in the WWE do, but Kelly at least is trying out new moves and seems like she's TRULY giving it her all.

2. Looks: Kelly wins, hands down. Candice looks too plastic for me. Good body, yeah, but that botox face drives me nuts. Kelly's got a cute and natural looking face.

3. Mic Skills: Both are terrible and even lol.

4. Attitude/Personality: What annoys the hell out of me about Candice is that she is like Michelle McCool. They both keep posting blogs trying to sort of get back at the fans that criticize them. A blog every now and then is ok, but these two seem to put up a new "I'm going to prove you wrong" thing every week or so and the stories never change. Michelle is always just getting mad at everybody and Candice is always claiming that she's just figured out how to wrestle better than ever, and then she has a botch-fest.

5. Overall Value: Candice may have a more public approach right now since she was in the Go Daddy commercials and Playboy, but I have a feeling that Kelly's age is going to help her dominate this category. Kelly is everybody's #1 choice to be the next WWE Playboy girl, and if that happens, she'll start making some pretty big waves as opposed to the ripples she's currently doing. In two years time, Kelly will be a bigger name than Candice could even hope to be.

Kelly > Candice.
I will have to go with Kelly even though I'm not to fond of either of them. It is true that the IWC has adopted as Kelly as their new favorite while they loved to bash Candice. At Candice's peak popularity as champion she was getting pretty significan face pops and it was only after her injuries that she lost the fan support.

The only reason why I chose Kelly because right now she has more potential then Candice. It is obvious that the WWE have turned there back on Candice and thinks she is injury prone. The WWE has lost faith in her and have replaced her with Kelly. Now whereas Candice is almost degressing and becoming more sloppier in the ring, Kelly is imrpoving and getting better. The fans also seem to care about Kelly more, and it doesn't hurt that Kelly actually looks human compared to Candice.
I dislike both of these two divas, but because picking neither is lame, I would rather have Kelly Kelly... no wait Candice... no wait Kelly Kelly. Ugh, now I have the gut feeling I should have picked Candice.

I do not care about Kelly Kelly, she has little talent, though she is improving, I guess that is good. She isn't attractive to me. She has no charisma, and I have a hope that she will not get a Playboy push over Beth Phoenix.

Candice I actually care about. She is injured a lot, and that is good, because than I don't have to see her. she is unattractive and plasticy. She has some charisma, but she is a former champion, and that pisses me off.

Hmm maybe I choose Candice. Sure why not?
I'd go with Kelly Kelly. She's young and therefore very easy to mold and shape into the perfect WWE Diva. She's very green right now and definitely needs some work. Personally she benefits from going and getting some more training. Hopefully she's getting it before the shows start from the other Divas. She's on the best show to get advice, and I think the WWE would be smart to take time and not rush a title contention or title run on her.

I was never a Candice fan and still choose to ignore her title run. She's just another in that line who was somebody in creative's favorite so they gave her a run. She jacked it up twice in a row by getting injured one after the other. She jacked it up a third time by coming back extremely rusty and ruined what could have been a good memorable return for her. She's getting up in age, doesn't even look the same facially anymore and is plain and simple too fragile. The girls in developmental like Angela Fong and Wesley Holiday I put more faith in. Personally, it's her time to go for me.
Kelly Kelly isn't actualy that bad. She's no Trish Stratus but she's decent enough in the ring, especially compared to the rest of the diva roster - theres only Beth and Mickie I'd put above her really. She's actualy got quite a few things going for her- she's young, she's quite hot, she actualy has a personality unlike most of the women in WWE. Sure she will have to continue to improve, but I have seen some early signs of improvement over thelast few months.

Candice on the other hand is simply awful, she's a complete liability to anyone she's in the ring with and has already injured herself on numeropus occasions. She seems obsessed with going with spots that she can't pull off instead of focusing on acutal wrestling and she has paid the price for it.
I was never a fan of Candice, and never thought she looked good. I couldn't see why she was getting pushed, and then she almost shattered her arm off the top rope. Besides the injuries, her lack of talent will probably have her out of the ring sometime in the near future. Maybe she'll have a career as an interviewer, announcer, or valet, but I don't see her being in the ring for a long time.

Kelly Kelly however, has shown steady improvement in the ring, and has faired decently in the few angles she's been in (The Miz, Kane...). She may never be a "main eventer" in the women's division, but she'll at least stick around for a while, and looks 50 times better than Candice wishes she could.
Kelly. Candice has just gotten hurt way too much for her own good. It seems like every few months she's on the shelf with some long term injury. At some point it just gets ridiculous. Kelly may not be a ring master and never will be more than likely, but she's young, she's hot, and she looks like she wants to improve. That right there is enough to put her over a Candice that indeed tries, but can't stay in the ring long enough to show what she's learned. If not for the injuries this would be a different story.
I was a fan of Candice Michelle before she got injured during her match with Beth Phoenix. I always found her sexy, but now, I still find her attractive but not as much. She looks too fake for my liking. And I hate her new hairstyle. But in terms of in ring ability, I don't think she's as bad as everyone says. She's not perfect, but she isn't terrible and she can put on a decent match with a quality opponent. Ever since she has returned from her injury though, I haven't been interested in her and she seems to have shown some ring rust and just isn't as good in the ring as what she used to be in 2008.

I wasn't a fan of Kelly Kelly in 2006 and 2007. I didn't even find her that hot, actually. But in 2008, it was clear to me that she worked her ass off to become good in the ring. Sure, her offence might not look as strong as many other Divas, but she is improving and the girl knows how to pull off some moves that amaze me personally. I haven't heard much of her mic skills, but if she can continue to improve and become consistant, then I can't see why she can't win the Womens Championship in the near future, as soon as this year actually.

As to who is better of the two at the present moment: I have to say Kelly Kelly. Kelly is more over than Candice, and even most of the IWC seem to like her. She also seems to be improving at a rapid rate and she has proven that she can put on a very good match. Not to mention, Candice is much more injury prone and is significantly older than Kelly by about 6 years. Kelly Kelly is also more attractive in my eyes and she is the better overall superstar. If Candice never got injured last year though, I might of reconsidered my choice though.
Kelly Kelly has improved so much in the last little while. She was about as good as Candice and is just getting better and better. God, Candice is bad. She's injured once a month, honestly. Kelly Kelly has been on TV every day for months now, and even though she hasn't got her big womans title break yet(JUST DO PLAYBOY KELLY!), she will, and she will be very over. She's gone toe to toe with Beth Pheonix, and she is currently my favourite diva in the WWE. She's great and I can't wait for her chance to reach the top.
Kelly is 22.
Candice is 30.

It's safe to say. And yes, I'm basing this on age.

Kelly Kelly has improved so much in the last little while.

If doing the same moves over and over again that have basically no 'wrestling' involved, then sure that's improvement.

God, Candice is bad.

That's WWE booking for you. Every time she's gotten good and was gaining steam with the fans to get impressed with her, her push either stopped or the clavicle injury happened. I'd go as far to say the 2/3 falls match she was involved in would've been candidate for women's match of the year.

She's so bad that she turned haters into fans because she was allowed to show her stuff at house shows.

She's injured once a month, honestly.

Yet divas like Beth, Victoria, Melina, etc have had more injures than her and they're all trained women wrestlers. Broken nose and a clavicle injury twice is getting injured every month? I agree.

and even though she hasn't got her big womans title break yet(JUST DO PLAYBOY KELLY!), she will, and she will be very over.

And thank god. She's 22 and has plenty of time in the world. Vince loves her, the fans love her... they don't need to rush someone who hasn't quite grown up yet into a women's title holder.

She's gone toe to toe with Beth Pheonix

Toe for toe? Yeah, being dominated and rolling her up is toe to toe. And getting Glamslammed in less than a minute is toe for toe.
Kelly Kelly, when she first stepped inside the ring she was god awful, but that eventually changed, week after week she improves her in ring work. Which is a good sign because you know she is dedicated and will go the extra mile to improve. Candice on the other hand sucks. Yes she was improving before she got injured, but now she sucks. She is regressing on all levels while Kelly Kelly is progressing. We hardly ever see her on TV, and Kelly Kelly has a spot on television almost every week. So, I am picking Kelly Kelly.

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