TNA iMPACT! LD for 06/10

Anyone with me that Red needs to be fired and have his spot taken by Kenny King or Kenny Omega from ROH? Those two are better than Red in EVERY way possible. In ring, promos, look.
Sting is the Tim Burton/Johnny Depp combo mixed in one. And in pro wrestling to boot. That was awesome.
Anyone with me that Red needs to be fired and have his spot taken by Kenny King or Kenny Omega from ROH? Those two are better than Red in EVERY way possible. In ring, promos, look.

Kenny Doane would be ten times the wrestling character Red is. Red has as much character as most men have estrogen.
HAHA I'm hoping they can make the whole show without a bad promo. Are the Beautiful People on this week? If so we are scrwed in the promo department
Re-watched Sting's promo. The man is still one of the better promo guys. I still know why he was always my favorite wrestler. The boogeyman is back.
I always like these history highlight packages.


I've been saying for weeks that TNA has this incredible ability to sell feuds through video packages like these no matter how bad the actual segments are, because they edit them to mean much more than they initially did.

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