What people are saying here is tantamount to claiming that soap operas should use Christmas to blow off all of their storylines. What they actually do is almost the exact opposite, there'll be a big payoff in the form of a birth/wedding/big reveal, but the bulk of the energy will go into establishing the ground for the shows in the new year.
I don't think that's what people are saying... or at least any of the intelligent folks are. What they're saying is that something bigger than that needed to happen. I can't speak for anyone else, but I'm not at all upset by the fact that Angle retained, and I'm not even that put off by the ending. However, nothing really happened after that to make me want to tune in on Thursday to see what's next for Angle and Roode and TNA in general. It just wasn't a moment that has any chance to live on in the halls of professional wrestling history, and it wasn't even close to it. It felt like it could have been the ending to a regular episode of Impact Wrestling, not the biggest PPV of the year.