TNA Bound For Glory 2011

What people are saying here is tantamount to claiming that soap operas should use Christmas to blow off all of their storylines. What they actually do is almost the exact opposite, there'll be a big payoff in the form of a birth/wedding/big reveal, but the bulk of the energy will go into establishing the ground for the shows in the new year.

I don't think that's what people are saying... or at least any of the intelligent folks are. What they're saying is that something bigger than that needed to happen. I can't speak for anyone else, but I'm not at all upset by the fact that Angle retained, and I'm not even that put off by the ending. However, nothing really happened after that to make me want to tune in on Thursday to see what's next for Angle and Roode and TNA in general. It just wasn't a moment that has any chance to live on in the halls of professional wrestling history, and it wasn't even close to it. It felt like it could have been the ending to a regular episode of Impact Wrestling, not the biggest PPV of the year.
You're not gonna stop watching TNA, don't lie.

I agree with that. Even if it's the heels winning or something bad happening in the realm of kayfabe, it needs to be impactful. Angle's win didn't have that power to it, there was no real drama after the ref called for the bell. It was just over.

Dont forget it was in the midst of whacking into Roodes dangling foot, and doing a funny weird 3 count at the end, making the whole thing look like total buffoonery even more than it alreay did :lmao:

Legit LOL'ing thinking of that again
This has got absolutely fuck all to do with heel-face alignments.

Course it does. Roode was a face because he was a home grown talent who everyone wanted to see go over. That's basically his entire gimmick right now.
He didn't go over, and you are pissed because a home grown talent you wanted to go over lost the match. In other words your reacting almost exactly how your supposed to, except taking things comically seriously because you're on the internet.

What I think you're trying to say is that if it was heel Bobby Roode going over face Kurt Angle then that would be fine... except that would be stupid, because TNA would be making people root for the heel, which is not how professional wrestling is supposed to work.

You are supposed to want the face to win and be happy when he does.
You are supposed to want the heel to lose and be angry is he does not.
Those points are barely worthy of debate at this point, it's the foundation that wrestling has been built on for fifty years.

The only subject worth of debate is whether it is necessary for big shows to be utterly predictable. You think that everyone should know the result the the wrestlemania main event in advance, I think that unless results are unpredictable then the average fan will seldom have any reason to invest in an outcome.
I don't think that's what people are saying... or at least any of the intelligent folks are. What they're saying is that something bigger than that needed to happen. I can't speak for anyone else, but I'm not at all upset by the fact that Angle retained, and I'm not even that put off by the ending. However, nothing really happened after that to make me want to tune in on Thursday to see what's next for Angle and Roode and TNA in general. It just wasn't a moment that has any chance to live on in the halls of professional wrestling history, and it wasn't even close to it. It felt like it could have been the ending to a regular episode of Impact Wrestling, not the biggest PPV of the year.

But Roode lost!! Isn't that enough to tune in?

The only subject worth of debate is whether it is necessary for big shows to be utterly predictable. You think that everyone should know the result the the wrestlemania main event in advance, I think that unless results are unpredictable then the average fan will seldom have any reason to invest in an outcome.

Uh, yes, the buyrates of Wrestlemania seem to indicate that people dont take to that sort of predictability stuff :lmao:
I'm not arguing this anymore. Why am I even upset or surprised? Fuck everybody that ever defends TNA. No matter what WE all feel wrestling should be, they keep trying to take this invisible upper-hand away from us and try to reinvent a flat tire. They are focused so much on just making us scratch our heads and cheer for nothing that there is no correlation between any storylines they write. There are always dusty finishes, always confusion, always over-complicated beginnings, endings, and middles that it's just pointless for any of us to continue to use brainpower and waste any more of our time trying to decypher shit that will never make sense.

Do what I'm about to do... give up and get some sleep. At least tomorrow you'll wake up and realize that there are about a billion more important things to do with your lives than try and figure out something that can't be figured out.
But Roode lost!! Isn't that enough to tune in?


I don't think that's what people are saying... or at least any of the intelligent folks are. What they're saying is that something bigger than that needed to happen. I can't speak for anyone else, but I'm not at all upset by the fact that Angle retained, and I'm not even that put off by the ending. However, nothing really happened after that to make me want to tune in on Thursday to see what's next for Angle and Roode and TNA in general. It just wasn't a moment that has any chance to live on in the halls of professional wrestling history, and it wasn't even close to it. It felt like it could have been the ending to a regular episode of Impact Wrestling, not the biggest PPV of the year.

Well the 'intelligent people' seem to consist exclusively of you right now. Everyone else does indeed seem to be legitimately upset that the pro wrestler they wanted to win failed.

I agree that the ending could have been better, I have already stated that the show should have ended with Hogan and Sting instead. My simple objection is to people having a fit because they called the main event wrong.

Since when is Christmas the headlining episode for a soap opera? Every day in a soap is a neverending story. They never have a point of ending in the form of a PPV blowoff like pro-wrestling does.

Then why does the typical Christmas special of a soap earn three times the rating of a day to day episode? The holiday blow off for a soap opera is conceptually almost identical to the wrestling PPV. It's a big, special show, but not necessarily a blow off... because that's a really stupid way to write television. Wrestling is a never ending story in exactly the same way a soap opera is, that's exactly the point I'm making.

Of all the times I respect your views, Gelgarin, these are such loads of dribble you're putting out there right now.

Don't worry, that happens to everyone when they finally find themselves on the opposite side to me. Sad really.
Uh, yes, the buyrates of Wrestlemania seem to indicate that people dont take to that sort of predictability stuff.

The buyrates to Wrestlemania seem to suggest that people like fifteen minute Kid Rock concerts as well. You have a point?
The BFG Series means nothing? Then why are people so pissed off that Roode didn't win? The series gave everyone a reason to believe that Roode could win. Just because he didn't go over doesn't mean the entire concept was a complete joke.
It was one, mashed together push. Too much, too quick.

You KNOW I'm a huge Roode mark and even I'M saying he was nowhere near ready. For cryin out loud, he came out to Beer Money music and not even his own! He has ZERO singles credibility right now. Besides the BFG series and that one win over Flair, what did he have? Every other week was another angle/promo with Storm. They were still a tag team without being a tag team. And he gets the title shot? Shady, bro.

I've only been saying that since everyone started saying he would be the top guy in the company if given a chance.
I'm not arguing this anymore. Why am I even upset or surprised? Fuck everybody that ever defends TNA. No matter what WE all feel wrestling should be, they keep trying to take this invisible upper-hand away from us and try to reinvent a flat tire. They are focused so much on just making us scratch our heads and cheer for nothing that there is no correlation between any storylines they write. There are always dusty finishes, always confusion, always over-complicated beginnings, endings, and middles that it's just pointless for any of us to continue to use brainpower and waste any more of our time trying to decypher shit that will never make sense.

Do what I'm about to do... give up and get some sleep. At least tomorrow you'll wake up and realize that there are about a billion more important things to do with your lives than try and figure out something that can't be figured out.

Very well said D-Man. A++ :worship:

Only thing is on the whole sleep part is what if you have insomnia like me and barley can sleep.

Well worth the money I spent.

Joe always makes me happy. I enjoy knowing some people just love wrestling for wrestling.

I didn't see the whole show, but I liked everything that I saw. Hell, I didn't even hate Anderson in his fight, though I still maintain he blows. Seeing him mess up the table spot on the outside did validate my hatred though, which made the match all the better for me.

The Hogan stuff kicked ass too. That shit should have DEFINITELY closed the show. The match might have sucked, but it was the post-match that was really important. If your heart didn't swell a little bit as Hogan looked to the fans and ripped his shit off, you have no soul.
The buyrates to Wrestlemania seem to suggest that people like fifteen minute Kid Rock concerts as well. You have a point?

Surely, those people paid money for ther Kid Rock concert, and not the predictable storyline culiminations that are inarguabley paramount to the stand alone apex PPV of the year for the company?

If you would like to suggest that BFG isnt that for TNA, feel free. Best of luck to you.
Good show but I fucking hated the fact that Angle won. I'm not a huge Roode fan but he absolutely should of won. The way tna built up Roode with the video packages and how he's waited 13 years to become a world champ and the whole 250 days on the road shit. This couldn't have been fucked up yet they found a way to fuck it up. All they had to do was have Roode submit Angle and then after have Storm come out and celebrate with him while confetti drops. Fuck you Russo or whoever wrote that shit.
I don't know, I wont be able to stab a guess at the next title change till I see where they're going on Thursday.

In other news, is it just me, or has TNA's desperate shortage of heels reached critical mass. The company is back in the hands of a face, and they basically have Angle and Bully Ray... and that's about it for guys who could believably work a main event. Which is probably one of the reasons why the decision was reached not to put the strap on Roode.

Someone needs to turn soon, it's just a question of who. Anderson is about the only one who works off the top of my head, and I think if he turns again then he's going to get stuck at a permanent right angle.
Surely, those people paid money for ther Kid Rock concert, and not the predictable storyline culiminations that are inarguabley paramount to the stand alone apex PPV of the year for the company?

If you would like to suggest that BFG isnt that for TNA, feel free. Best of luck to you.

Given that it's not even their highest drawing PPV I doubt I'd need much in the way of luck.

Oh, and from what I remember, WWE maintain a similar booking philosophy across all of their PPVs, including all of the ones that have been bleeding buys for the best part of a decade.

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