Impending word fort in 20, 19, 18...
"The ends justify the means Norcal! The ends justify the means! Who gives a fuck if you're sacrificing the future of your company for a quick cheap buck based on nostalgia, who cares about two years from now, we got 20,000 people to buy our biggest show of the year and are able to get roughly the attendance of most minor league baseball games to show up to some of our biggest shows of the year! We're on fucking fire! The ends justify the means! Quick cheap buck now > sustaining a financially viable long-term operation, obviously! Who cares about TNA in 2016? We've got more world titles and PPVs to build around middle aged drug addicts! Yeah! Nostalgia! Quick buck! Fuck the future! Ends justify the means!"
Did I do it right? I'm new to this apologist thing.
On the whole... no, that was pretty shit.
For a start, complaining about a booking philosophy that's been used successfully for seven years on the grounds of its lack of longevity makes you sound utterly deluded. Since the company's inception the title has spent well over three times as long in the hands of established veterans from other companies than it has in the hands of home grown talents. As someone who's been watching since near the beginning I'm not convinced that the ratio of clean to unclean finishes has fluctuated much. The ratio of title reigns is something like 2500:750, and has yet to do any hard to the viewership. The business model appears to be working fine.
And since I'm here, I suppose I might as well address X's little "TNA apologist" label once and for all. It's not like we haven't been through this dance a hundred times before with me being called a "blind mark", but there's no harm in going through the foot movements one more time.
If you want to save time then cast your mind back to when Lord Sidious started calling people "WWE shareholders". It was exactly the same as what X is doing now, and has become no more worthy of attention with time. Nevertheless, I shall give it some. Fuck knows why. It's probably out a hypocritical desire to show the world how smart I am. Read to the end and then pick the irony out of that.
You see, the interesting thing about me, is that I actually like pro wrestling.
Not in the Xfear/Klunderbunker way whereby what I
actually enjoy is complaining on the internet to show other internet dwellers how much "smarter" I am then the people in the industry. I legitimately enjoy my pro wrestling broadcasts... and do you know what I do when I legitimately enjoy something, be it TV, literature or food? Why, I refrain from taking every possible opportunity to shit on it, that's what.
Of course there are a hundred things that bug me about every episode of Impact. And if someone lacking a selective memory attends a live discussion you'll see that a couple of them usually earn a mention. I loath Abyss, the women almost all suck, I'm not a Hogan fan, nor do I enjoy Anderson much. There's too much Christy Hemme, not enough JB or Don West, the Direct Auto Insurance skits stink, American commercials in general suck ass, Russo reuses certain narrative devices far too much, I miss the crowd chanting TNA! and This is Awesome every match. TNA telegraph their big announcements and swerves too much, Mike Tenay has become a horrible commentator and doesn't know what a Thesz press is. I miss Petey Williams and Jay Lethal, Mexican America is racist without being funny, the ref bumps always look appauling and James Storm doesn't actually ejaculate in my face when I'm watching the show... there are a million and one things I could find to complain about if I desperately wanted to act like you X... but I don't.
For the record, all of those things (sans the Cowboy facial one) are things that I have actually complained about in LDs over the past few months, and there would be a hundred more if I honestly thought that people desired to read every trivial negative thought that passed through my head. Obvious X is going to completely ignore any contradictory evidence because it would get in the way of him launching yet another one of his pathetic personal attacks where any semblance of subject is ignored so that he can talk about all of his counterparts personal problems and why he (X) is not a massive hypocrite. I'm sure it will go exactly as it did last time and the time before, and accomplish nothing other than to prove that X's latest attempt he PM'ed me about to 'cut that shit out' has met with abject failure. Anyone surprised?
Back on subject (what a novel idea) all of my issues are comparatively minor, and seldom take away from my enjoyment of the show, and as such I don't feel the compulsion to drone endlessly on about them. If I ever did get to that point then I would probably stop watching, because it would become clear to me that I was no longer a TNA fan.
As far as the attitude of those who spend most of every episode locked in complaint (and I'm not actually highlighting you here X, since you stay out of the LDs these days), they basically have a choice of two options, both of which paint them as a bit of a dick. Either they legitimately don't enjoy the show, and are simply watching so that they can try and spoil it for other people; or they do enjoy the show, but choose to complain constantly anyway in order to show how smart they are. Like I said, either choice means they're behaving like a cunt, and as such I choose not to indulge in that kind of bullshit. If you ask me JGKY is the person here with his head screwed on the tightest, simply going out of his way to enjoy the show wherever possible.
Then of course there's the fact that I'm cursed with a god damn sense of perspective. Every time something minor happens with TNA (or I would imagine any wrestling broadcast) melodramatic ******s start rioting about how it's the end of the world, and it falls to the few rational regulars in these things to bring a voice of reason into the discussion.
When Victory Road happened people (some of whom were actually reasonable posters like KB) were bouncing off the walls about how the company would be bankrupt in a year. Apparently explaining that Victory Road (whilst pretty shitty) doesn't actually matter makes one a "blind mark". I turned out to be right, and it had next to no long term effect, but why should that get in the way of a good mudslinging.
Tonight, when Angle pinned Roode a bunch of people were running around like headless chickens. Harthan was the particular highlight as he pontificated on how the last two minutes of a really good show managed to make the whole thing complete shit. Exposing the logical fallacy in this (whilst simultaneously suggesting that the show should have been ordered differently - I mention this because the three times I said it all appear to have failed to penetrate your skull) once again makes one a "TNA apologist". Shocking.
Well, call me whatever the fuck you like. Personally I'm partial to the term fan, but if you want to go with blind mark, apologist or shareholder then be my guest. If you want to add patronizing, condescending, supercilious or asshole to the list then by all means be my guest. I know which of them I am.
I enjoy TNA.
I don't need to complain about it in order to enjoy the show.
I don't need to complain about it to boost my ego.
I certainly don't need to complain about it in order to satisfy you.
I enjoy TNA.
Live with it.
EDIT: This thing really needed headings.