Bound for Glory LD


Gentleman of the Old School
Tonight - TNA Wrestling Presents - Bound - For - Glory​


It only happens once a year. Tonight, Total Nonstop Action presents the annual "Bound For Glory" extravaganza live and exclusively on Pay-Per-View from Irvine, California, at the UCI Bren Events Center! The epic event will be available on InDemand, DirecTV, Dish Network, TVN, Viewer's Choice, illegal steams by scummy internet folks and more.
TNA is pushing what has to be called it's more impressive card of all time, it it never ceases to amaze me how much stronger the roster gets each and every year. If I were to give a theme for tonight's show it would be veterans vs originals. People have complained that the Main Event Mafia storyline has failed to make the young talent look credible, but here we are at the biggest show of the year, and AJ Styles and Matt Morgan are taking on TNA's top stars, with the crown both wanting, and expecting, them to win. I'd call that some fucking successful booking personally.
In other news, how, the, fuck, does Sting manage to pull off that shade of purple with red trim, and not only avoid looking like a cunt, but success in appearing more awesome that I could ever hope to be. Unfair.​

The Beautiful People vs. Taylor Wilde & Sarita

In what is almost certain to be the opening contest, we have two of the most talented knockouts on the roster joining forces to defend their titles against the heavily diluted force of the Beautiful People in a match that is sure to go down in history as being 'on this Sunday'.
Will Taylor Wilde and my beloved Sarita manage to hold on to their gold? Will anybody be able to sell Sarita's lucha style offence, or will she have to attack Taylor? Will Angelena Love return in the greatest swerve of all time?
Find out the answers to literally some of these questions tonight.​

Awesome Kong vs. Tara vs. champion ODB

Two womens matches on the biggest card of the year. Not only that, two women's matches that have had legitimate feuds built up around them, and have the potential to be, if not good, at least more enjoyable than a fifteen minute Kid Rock concert.
Ohhhh, I burned WWE good.​

Hernandez vs. Eric Young vs. champion Kevin Nash

Supermex has been literally on fire recently. We actually he hasn't, because that's not what literally means, but the point is that he's been leaving a trail of destruction through TNA that we haven't seen since a young Bill Goldberg was doing the rounds. Supermex is a better worker than Goldberg and can also help appeal to the Hispanic television demographic, so I think he chances in this match are pretty good.
The big question here will be whether Kevin Nash, on a show that seems to revolve around putting the young guys over, will consent to be pinned. Also, what is Eric Young's role tonight? He's been the subject of a highly controversial (if you're Jim Cornette or X-Fear at any rate) push of late, and it will be interesting to see if he now gets fed to the Tex Mex T-Rex.​

Team 3D vs. Beer Money vs. British Invasion vs. champions Scott Steiner & Booker T

Four teams. Four titles high above the ring. Tables. Ladders. Chairs. Chains.
At last years Bound for Glory, Team 3D cast Abyss off the stage through a flaming table. This year Abyss has moved on to greater things, but you can bet your ass that 3D will be looking to orchestrate a strong follow up performance. Anyone who doesn't have this TLC style match down as a dark horse to steal the show clearly doesn't love wrestling. Steiner and Booker were part of two of the greatest tag teams of all time. Beer Money have been far and away the greatest tag team over the past twelve months. 3D are probably the greatest tag team in living memory. And the British Invasion are... British, which is pretty fucking awesome I hope you'll agree.​

Suicide vs. D'Angelo Dinero vs. Daniels vs. Homicide vs. champion The Amazing Red

To quote AJ Styles; get ready to fly. Second only to the world famous triple threat from a few years ago, this is probably one of the best looking ultimate X matches I've seen. There are enough guys to make sure that things are always exciting, but not so many as to dissolve the match into a cluster fuck. If your one of those wrestling snobs who complains about spotfests then look away now, because that's exactly what this is going to be... and I love it.
To make things even more exciting, there is a very real chance that they might let Don West back on commentary for this match, which would truly turn us towards a match of the year situation.​

Mick Foley vs. "The Monster" Abyss

It'll be a disappointment or it will go down in history as one of the greatest brawls ever. Judging from the way Foley was able to get everyone to mark out for his phenomenally mediocre match with Kevin Nash, I'm quitely placing my money on the latter. I make no bones about hating Abyss to my very soul, but even I have enjoyed this program, it might have something to do with Abyss suddenly turning into n outstanding worker, or then again it might be because Mick Foley can carry a segment with a cardboard cut out of Rocky Balboa and make it entertaining. Year, I think it's that one.
At Bound for Glory there will be pain, there will be anguish and there will be blood.​

"The Boss" Bobby Lashley vs. Samoa Joe

Tune in to watch undefeated MMA superstar Bobby Lashley (who is undefeated in MMA after beating up highly accomplished veteran Bob Sapp) defend his undefeated TNA record (because he's undefeated in TNA, much like in MMA) against the Samoan Submission (submission as in MMA) Machine, Samoa Joe. Both superstars are well known for having undergone MMA training, and both are MMA fans. Samoa Joe had a fantastic MMA/wrestling hybrid match against Kurt Angle at this year's Lockdown, but I don't think we'll see a repeat performance tonight because TNA clearly doesn't want to make a big deal out of the whole MMA connection.​

Main Event Mafia leader Kurt Angle vs. "The Blueprint" Matt Morgan

The building of Matt Morgan into a main event level superstar should be captured on video, and shown to creative teams across the world (or possibly just in the WWE) as the quintessential textbook example of how to push somebody.
TNA spent almost a year doing nothing with Matt Morgan but help him build up a character. Then when the time was right they took him away from Jim Cornette and started pushing him, quickly through the tag division, into an extended program with Abyss, and then into the main event. Mark Madden recently mouthed off that fans will start taking a wrestler seriously when the company starts taking him seriously. Nowhere is this more evident than the Blueprint.
In less than 18 months TNA have, without giving him a single title or any kind of high profile victories, got Matt Morgan over enough for him to co-main event their biggest show of the year. Well done TNA.
Oh, and assuming he hasn't broken his neck in the past twelve hours (hardly unlikely given the individual in question) Kurt Angle will also be in this match. Should be good.​

"The Icon" Sting vs. champion "The Phenomenal" AJ Styles
Any finally, your Bound for Glory main event the Icon Sting in what could (but wont) be his final ever wrestling match, against the most popular and talented young (31) star in the industry. You don't need anyone to hype this for you, but I'm just going to say three words.​

Sting, AJ Styles.​

Well I can't wait... the question is, can you?
I can't wait either... the matches look solid, lets hope the card arrangements are as well. Anyone watching the pre-PPV match between MCMG and Lethal Consequences?
Probably. They usually don't let the pre-show match go more than seven minutes, but given the guys involved I wouldn't be surprised to see them go a bit longer, or do something stupid [awesome] with the time they do get.
All I am worried about is the quality of the Sting/Styles match. How can that follow up the Angle/Styles match on Impact?
In a technical sense it can't, but as a spectacle it should have it in the bag.
AJ can throw himself around a lot more than he did against Angle (and right now I'm calling him to bring back Spiral Tap for the finish) which should compensate for Sting's lack of agility. Additionally, whenever Sting does anything (like a missile dropkick) it becomes that bit more impressive because it's Sting doing it.

Sting again Angle and Sting against Joe were both great main events (sans the Kevin Nash factor) and if anything Styles is better suited to work a match with a slower opponent.

I don't think the main event will steal the show, but I'd be highly surprised if it was disappointing.




This feud with Sting has really been good for TNA, IMO. It gives me hope that they're willing to put a great feud at the top of the card that doesn't involve the ultra-stale Mafia. I can't wait.


Also... is rooting for Daniels a lost cause these days? I almost wanna say yes. :(
The Beautiful People vs. Taylor Wilde & Sarita

In what is almost certain to be the opening contest, we have two of the most talented knockouts on the roster joining forces to defend their titles against the heavily diluted force of the Beautiful People in a match that is sure to go down in history as being 'on this Sunday'.
Will Taylor Wilde and my beloved Sarita manage to hold on to their gold?​

Likely, Madison Rayne has never done anything worth a sht, why isn't Lacey Von Erich in this?

Will anybody be able to sell Sarita's lucha style offence, or will she have to attack Taylor?

That'd be amusing.

Will Angelena Love return in the greatest swerve of all time?

I doubt it, but if it did happen, that'd be awesome.

Awesome Kong vs. Tara vs. champion ODB

Two womens matches on the biggest card of the year. Not only that, two women's matches that have had legitimate feuds built up around them, and have the potential to be, if not good, at least more enjoyable than a fifteen minute Kid Rock concert.
Ohhhh, I burned WWE good.​

Hopefully ODB gets drunk and passes out or something, Kong v. Tara should be awesome. If Deaner gets involved, it'll be strange and not funny at all.

Hernandez vs. Eric Young vs. champion Kevin Nash

Supermex has been literally on fire recently. We actually he hasn't, because that's not what literally means, but the point is that he's been leaving a trail of destruction through TNA that we haven't seen since a young Bill Goldberg was doing the rounds. Supermex is a better worker than Goldberg and can also help appeal to the Hispanic television demographic, so I think he chances in this match are pretty good.
The big question here will be whether Kevin Nash, on a show that seems to revolve around putting the young guys over, will consent to be pinned.​

If Nash had the ability to leave his feet, I suppose he could get binned.

Also, what is Eric Young's role tonight?

He'll work with Nash, then turn on him, causing him to get the shit beat outta him.

He's been the subject of a highly controversial (if you're Jim Cornette or X-Fear at any rate) push of late, and it will be interesting to see if he now gets fed to the Tex Mex T-Rex.

I really can't see Hernandez not winning. Nash doesn't need the title anymore and EY is shit.

Team 3D vs. Beer Money vs. British Invasion vs. champions Scott Steiner & Booker T

Four teams. Four titles high above the ring. Tables. Ladders. Chairs. Chains.
At last years Bound for Glory, Team 3D cast Abyss off the stage through a flaming table. This year Abyss has moved on to greater things, but you can bet your ass that 3D will be looking to orchestrate a strong follow up performance. Anyone who doesn't have this TLC style match down as a dark horse to steal the show clearly doesn't love wrestling. Steiner and Booker were part of two of the greatest tag teams of all time. Beer Money have been far and away the greatest tag team over the past twelve months. 3D are probably the greatest tag team in living memory. And the British Invasion are... British, which is pretty fucking awesome I hope you'll agree.​

Wait, Full Metal Mayhem match is like a TLC match? That's news to me. Should be entertaining and very clusterfuckish. I wonder if one person from each team can get a title, that'd be interesting. Anyone, the BI should win some title here, because they are, as you said, British.

Suicide vs. D'Angelo Dinero vs. Daniels vs. Homicide vs. champion The Amazing Red

To quote AJ Styles; get ready to fly. Second only to the world famous triple threat from a few years ago, this is probably one of the best looking ultimate X matches I've seen. There are enough guys to make sure that things are always exciting, but not so many as to dissolve the match into a cluster fuck. If your one of those wrestling snobs who complains about spotfests then look away now, because that's exactly what this is going to be... and I love it.
To make things even more exciting, there is a very real chance that they might let Don West back on commentary for this match, which would truly turn us towards a match of the year situation.​

Don West!!! :worship: I miss him so much. Hopefully he and Red can have some kind of awesome storyline going on in the X Division. Should be an awesome match here, the crowd will love it. I wonder if Suicide gets unmasked here, followed by West stabbing him. That'd be great TV.

Mick Foley vs. "The Monster" Abyss

It'll be a disappointment or it will go down in history as one of the greatest brawls ever. Judging from the way Foley was able to get everyone to mark out for his phenomenally mediocre match with Kevin Nash, I'm quitely placing my money on the latter. I make no bones about hating Abyss to my very soul, but even I have enjoyed this program, it might have something to do with Abyss suddenly turning into n outstanding worker, or then again it might be because Mick Foley can carry a segment with a cardboard cut out of Rocky Balboa and make it entertaining. Year, I think it's that one.
At Bound for Glory there will be pain, there will be anguish and there will be blood.​

Foley will step up here and there will be plenty of blood and ridiculous hardcore spots. Plus, Dr. Stevie may actually rape Lauren during the match. I actually enjoy Abyss, and he should actually win here.

"The Boss" Bobby Lashley vs. Samoa Joe

Tune in to watch undefeated MMA superstar Bobby Lashley (who is undefeated in MMA after beating up highly accomplished veteran Bob Sapp) defend his undefeated TNA record (because he's undefeated in TNA, much like in MMA) against the Samoan Submission (submission as in MMA) Machine, Samoa Joe. Both superstars are well known for having undergone MMA training, and both are MMA fans. Samoa Joe had a fantastic MMA/wrestling hybrid match against Kurt Angle at this year's Lockdown, but I don't think we'll see a repeat performance tonight because TNA clearly doesn't want to make a big deal out of the whole MMA connection.​

This could be disastorous. Lashley is quite shit. I really think Joe should win here, but I doubt it, because he's facing Bobby "I wish I was Lesnar" Lashley.

Main Event Mafia leader Kurt Angle vs. "The Blueprint" Matt Morgan

The building of Matt Morgan into a main event level superstar should be captured on video, and shown to creative teams across the world (or possibly just in the WWE) as the quintessential textbook example of how to push somebody.
TNA spent almost a year doing nothing with Matt Morgan but help him build up a character. Then when the time was right they took him away from Jim Cornette and started pushing him, quickly through the tag division, into an extended program with Abyss, and then into the main event. Mark Madden recently mouthed off that fans will start taking a wrestler seriously when the company starts taking him seriously. Nowhere is this more evident than the Blueprint.
In less than 18 months TNA have, without giving him a single title or any kind of high profile victories, got Matt Morgan over enough for him to co-main event their biggest show of the year. Well done TNA.
Oh, and assuming he hasn't broken his neck in the past twelve hours (hardly unlikely given the individual in question) Kurt Angle will also be in this match. Should be good.​

I'm really a fan of Morgan now. He's been entertaining on the mic and his third match with Styles was just awesome. This has been a great feud, and Angle has the ability to put on a classic, we'll see if Morgan steps up here. Also, if Angle wins, I riot.

"The Icon" Sting vs. champion "The Phenomenal" AJ Styles
Any finally, your Bound for Glory main event the Icon Sting in what could (but wont) be his final ever wrestling match, against the most popular and talented young (31) star in the industry. You don't need anyone to hype this for you, but I'm just going to say three words.​

Sting, AJ Styles.​

This'll be great. Sting, although 85 years old, steps up when the spotlight is on him. Ever single Styles match has the potential to be a classic, he's fucking incredible. This won't be the "final curtain" for Sting because they didn't promote it as a retirement match, which would've brought in a ton of buys, but he might go away for awhile or something.

Well I can't wait... the question is, can you?

I suppose I'll have to.​
Likely, Madison Rayne has never done anything worth a sht, why isn't Lacey Von Erich in this?

Because Madison is the closest thing they have to a competent worker whilst Lacey Von Erich has about three months experience and cant be relied upon to throw forearms properly?
The only way Lacey gets a decent match right now is if they send her in against Kong whisper "shoot" on the way in.
I suppose, but the BP won't be winning when one of the members is 1 -49 career in TNA.
I'm kinda wishing I had the money to buy this one.... For the first time in a long time I'm excited about a ppv... and on top of that it's a TNA ppv.... What the hell is going on...
No, not Kennedy.

What do you make of the quiet rumors of RVD showing up? If he were to show and I didn't order this show, I'd kick myself in the ass over it.
I for one Cant wait for this show if this show goes great and I like it I will purchase this on dvd If they have it in stock at fyi or Bestbuy.
moron said:
WRESTLING'S BEST VS. WRESTLING'S FUTURE: Main Event Mafia leader Kurt Angle vs. "The Blueprint" Matt Morgan: Like most matches on the Bound For Glory card, this is another example of TNA pitting the past vs the future with the hopes that the future will solidify itself as a potential star. I don't think Matt Morgan is going to win this one tonight, and I don't think he should. If TNA is serious about its youth movement, which I think is a good idea, then these programs need time to build, and much like WWE did with Dolph Ziggler and Rey Mysterio, they need to build slowly towards a Morgan win over Angle, so that when the time comes, it really feels like Morgan has taken over where Angle once was, and hopefull the win, along with solid, creative booking, will get Morgan over the way TNA is hoping he eventually will.

Nick's Pick: Kurt Angle

Who Will Win: Kurt Angle

Apparently he hasn't watched TNA for the past 3 months.
Does anyone else get the TNA Mobile texts? I'll be checking out the post-PPV press conference...
The reason why Madison Rayne is in the match is because she is the best wrestler from the BP currently, then Velvet Sky being second. If Sky is a better wrestler than you, something's wrong.

Anyway, Lacey von Erich is one of the best heel female managers/non-wrestling characters I have seen in a while. She'd be better suited for the valet role in the match to draw crowd heat.
I don't think Lacey will get involved. She may make a run-in, but it won't make a difference...
The smart finish is the have Taylor and Sartia go over, since that leaves the knockout's division with three credible tag teams instead of two. Not to mention the fact that they're both really good workers.

TNA has to be really happy that they never got round to pulling the trigger on Kong/Saiid, methinks those two are going to be pretty important to the women's tag division in the coming months.
TNA has to be really happy that they never got round to pulling the trigger on Kong/Saiid, methinks those two are going to be pretty important to the women's tag division in the coming months.

I wouldn't jump on that yet...I think the plan was for Raisha to ultimately cost Kong the title, but she's a little busy with Hamada right now.

Once that feud is over, there's still a chance that they'll split. I just want to know if they'll keep her in two roles, or reveal that Raisha is Alissa...
I think the plan was to have Kong get pissed off with Saeed and to take her off of TV, but that was before TNA got lumbered with a tag team division with no tag teams in it.

Let's not kid ourselves. Those tag belts were only brought in so that the beautiful people had a constant reason to be on TV, and now that Angelina's gone they're having to book for them on the fly. They don't have any other tag teams (or really much potential to create any) so I'm pretty sure that Kong and Saeed will be sticking together.
I doubt it. The idea of that show has been being floated more or less since the division was brought in, and I've not seen any evidence of it becoming any closer to fruition. I certainly don't think Spike will dedicate time to a show about women if it's not painting them as sex objects. TNA can put programming on other networks now... but I still don't see it as likely to happen.
I think the plan was to have Kong get pissed off with Saeed and to take her off of TV, but that was before TNA got lumbered with a tag team division with no tag teams in it.


Let's not kid ourselves. Those tag belts were only brought in so that the beautiful people had a constant reason to be on TV, and now that Angelina's gone they're having to book for them on the fly. They don't have any other tag teams (or really much potential to create any) so I'm pretty sure that Kong and Saeed will be sticking together.

Booking for them on the fly isn't all bad though. Sarita/Taylor are a good team, and Kong/Raisha can be as well. I'd like to see what they do to pair up the other KOs.

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