TNA Bound For Glory 2011

Dixie comes out this thurs, says "blah blah i'm back blah thanks sting yadda" and deals with the whole shady finish, and gives Roode a match at Turning Point. Angle intentionally disqualifies himself (coupling with how he's hurt, although he's fucking Kurt Angle he'll be fine in two weeks) and gets Roode even more pissed off; Roode wins at Final Res because Storm cuts off the interference/Dusty...ness so Roode can win clean

Eat your heart out, Rattlesnake
Oh man and I'm going to miss the opening of Impact Thursday. Eh I'll be seeing Ghostbusters in theaters so it's not that bad.
Dixie comes out this thurs, says "blah blah i'm back blah thanks sting yadda" and deals with the whole shady finish, and gives Roode a match at Turning Point. Angle intentionally disqualifies himself (coupling with how he's hurt, although he's fucking Kurt Angle he'll be fine in two weeks) and gets Roode even more pissed off; Roode wins at Final Res because Storm cuts off the interference/Dusty...ness so Roode can win clean

Eat your heart out, Rattlesnake

I'd swallow it. Might bring on Storm/Roode a bit quick though, and that's a match I want to savour, and more importantly to see a Cowboy win.
Given that it's not even their highest drawing PPV I doubt I'd need much in the way of luck.

Oh, and from what I remember, WWE maintain a similar booking philosophy across all of their PPVs, including all of the ones that have been bleeding buys for the best part of a decade.

Culminations at the big shows, continuations at the little shows.

Bleeding buys has anything to do with that strategy, and has everything to do with a pile of other variables.
Right though dude, HBK should have went over Steve Austin with the refferre clunkily hitting Austins foot on the way down for three, and HBK having his HAND ON THE ROPES for a staggering amount of extra leverage... with Austin winning the title at "Trouble in Trenton" or whatever the fuck PPV happened two months after WM 14.

My fucking goodness man. Homerism is so unsightly. It was a stupid fucking way to end the biggest show of the year, and anti climatic to the biggest angle of the year. Admitting as much does not make you less of a fan.
I just came to the realization that putting a foot/hand ON the rope is ultimately useless. Just by the definition of right triangles, to place your foot/hand ON the rope is a longer distance than placing it UNDER the rope, as from lying on the mat up to the rope is essentially a hypotenuse.

Does breaking the plane also break up submissions?
I just came to the realization that putting a foot/hand ON the rope is ultimately useless. Just by the definition of right triangles, to place your foot/hand ON the rope is a longer distance than placing it UNDER the rope, as from lying on the mat up to the rope is essentially a hypotenuse.

Does breaking the plane also break up submissions?

Yes. They established that it did earlier in the match.
LULZ, they couldnt even figure out which bullshit finish featuring the ropes they wanted to use, Roode being under them, or Angle using them

What an absolute clusterfuck :lmao:
Right though dude, HBK should have went over Steve Austin with the refferre clunkily hitting Austins foot on the way down for three, and HBK having his HAND ON THE ROPES for a staggering amount of extra leverage... with Austin winning the title at "Trouble in Trenton" or whatever the fuck PPV happened two months after WM 14.

My fucking goodness man. Homerism is so unsightly. It was a stupid fucking way to end the biggest show of the year, and anti climatic to the biggest angle of the year. Admitting as much does not make you less of a fan.

Oh, no, I'm not saying this is the best way for it to go down, but just what will happen now that the BFG finish in the books. I don't think that Roode was ready, but it would have been a fun experiment and the fans would have enjoyed the title change (the future of his reign is up in the air) but now that Roode is still chasing, they're going to use the PPV name "Final Resolution" to make some horrible fucking pun like "THIS IS ROODE'S FINAL RESOLUTION, HE IS THE TNA CHAMP"

Also, AJ hitting the ref with the chair when he tossed it aside > the ref falling on Roode's foot
Right though dude, HBK should have went over Steve Austin with the refferre clunkily hitting Austins foot on the way down for three, and HBK having his HAND ON THE ROPES for a staggering amount of extra leverage... with Austin winning the title at "Trouble in Trenton" or whatever the fuck PPV happened two months after WM 14.

My fucking goodness man. Homerism is so unsightly. It was a stupid fucking way to end the biggest show of the year, and anti climatic to the biggest angle of the year. Admitting as much does not make you less of a fan.

Fuck, if we're going to take your philosophy then why not simply announce the results of Wrestlemania a week before the show? That way everyone who wants to see Rey Mysterio win the world title can be sure to tune in, and those who don't won't have to run the risk of being disappointed.
Oh, no, I'm not saying this is the best way for it to go down, but just what will happen now that the BFG finish in the books. I don't think that Roode was ready, but it would have been a fun experiment and the fans would have enjoyed the title change (the future of his reign is up in the air)

Also, AJ hitting the ref with the chair when he tossed it aside > the ref falling on Roode's foot

Wether Roode was ready or not was irrelevant by this point, a bit late to decide it now, eh? You settle on your horse, then that is what you ride. Either that, or they dont go on last. AND you DAMN SURE dont give us that chicken shit finish.
Fuck, if we're going to take your philosophy then why not simply announce the results of Wrestlemania a week before the show? That way everyone who wants to see Rey Mysterio win the world title can be sure to tune in, and those who don't won't have to run the risk of being disappointed.

Was there doubt Austin would win that match? That Cena will win his match (this year aside, which we all can see the reason for) ?? That Hogan would win his match?

Come now. Far be it from you to pretend to be dense and ignore what reality is on this entire larger subject.

When people go to the X-Men movie, do you think they dont know the X-Men will win? Batman? Its not that you know or dont know who will win, this isnt UFC. its that the proper ending is reached, and how it is derived.
Wether Roode was ready or not was irrelevant by this point, a bit late to decide it now, eh? You settle on your horse, then that is what you ride. Either that, or they dont go on last. AND you DAMN SURE dont give us that chicken shit finish.

When you replied my screen slowly dimmed and lit itself back up

I still stand by that the BFG Series was for Morgan, but that doesn't matter now; TNA's had two PPVs in a row with the second-to-last match won by the face(s), and a weird fucking finish in the ME title match. I don't know if this was a quick fix because Angle couldn't finish the match because of his hammy injury, but I still don't see why they'd make like twelve video packages building Roode up as the common man on his way to greatness and then LOLKURTANGLE
Except those are contained narratives, which wrestling isn't.

The only reasonable thing to compare pro wrestling to is another soap opera, a continuing narrative that works in exactly the way I've been promotion. Fuck, in the UK we've even started to get into the habit of having live episodes of soaps specifically so that unpredictability can be maintained. They massively outdrew regular episodes.
When you replied my screen slowly dimmed and lit itself back up

I still stand by that the BFG Series was for Morgan, but that doesn't matter now; TNA's had two PPVs in a row with the second-to-last match won by the face(s), and a weird fucking finish in the ME title match. I don't know if this was a quick fix because Angle couldn't finish the match because of his hammy injury, but I still don't see why they'd make like twelve video packages building Roode up as the common man on his way to greatness and then LOLKURTANGLE

If Angle was that badly injured, then once again I lament, they dont go on last.
Because referees are notoriously shit at noticing rope breaks, especially when contact is not made with the ropes.

Not for submission holds. Especially when someone is "FINGERTIPS AWAY" when logically they'd be able to slide their arm underneath if they laid flat
Fuck, if we're going to take your philosophy then why not simply announce the results of Wrestlemania a week before the show? That way everyone who wants to see Rey Mysterio win the world title can be sure to tune in, and those who don't won't have to run the risk of being disappointed.

Ever since Hogan debuted, I've considered myself a TNA fan. A watch Impact whenever I can and try to buy most PPVS, I'm going to a live event in November, and I generally defend the product when it comes under attack by WWE marks. However, I do realise TNA has many flaws, and I do get frustrated when it’s defended unjustifiably.

I loved the first half of the show, and I loved the build to all the matches; it truly felt like everything mattered (which rarely happens in WWE), but the second half fell short in my opinion.

The women match went on too long for my liking, and I can’t understand how Velvet won when there weren’t any officials out there…the I Quit match was a huge disappointment considering the matches these two have put on before, and the whole Daniels murder thing was tad bit over the top. I thoroughly enjoyed the Sting vs. Hogan match, and while I marked out for the turn, the lack of logic behind it frustrated me. Just a couple weeks ago Hogan and Bischoff were trying to trick the fans with his whole fake retirement thingy (a pretty dick move) and now he’s all good? Why exactly? I know wrestling is rarely logical, but that insults my intelligence. They could have at least hinted at a divide between Hogan and Bischoff.

Now onto the main event. Of course unpredictably is a good thing to some extent (the title changes in WWE are a perfect example of writers are going over board), but not meeting expectations isn’t. This was TNA’s biggest show of the year, and the BFG was one of the biggest angles of the year - they should have ended as such. Yet, fans get a dusty finish after what was an average match? Let me ask you this, what did you think of Wrestlemania’s main event and the fashion in which The Miz retained? Because I think it was shit.

I don’t mind that the person I didn’t want to win won – that happens all the time. And I don’t mind that a heel won – I loved last year’s BFG. And I get that they want people to be pissed off at Angle -but they’ve made me pissed off at TNA (it’s like when WWE had Michael Cole win at Wrestlemania, made me stop for a while). As paying fan, I wanted to see a great ending to BFG and the BFG series. No matter how you look at it, that wasn’t a great ending.
Except those are contained narratives, which wrestling isn't.

The only reasonable thing to compare pro wrestling to is another soap opera, a continuing narrative that works in exactly the way I've been promotion. Fuck, in the UK we've even started to get into the habit of having live episodes of soaps specifically so that unpredictability can be maintained. They massively outdrew regular episodes.

So then angles and storylines are never decidedly resolved? At least for the night? is that what you are telling me here? Sure, the bad guy can come crawling back on the weekly tv show.

But people put their money down to see the angle resolved, the bad guy get what is coming to him, and good prevail. For at least tonight, the bad guy eats shit. You tune in the next week to see what happens next, since this storyline structure is resolved, and a new, fresh face is leading things.

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