TNA Bound For Glory 2011

Not being one to defend TNA, but when's the last time anything was ever resolved at WrestleMania? Look at just about any WrestleMania/PPV after WrestleMania combo in the past several years, and you'll see plenty of rematches on that second card.

I don't get why people are pissed that Roode didn't win. Someone explain.

No, he's right; in the past BFG -felt- like a Wrestlemania. 2007-2009 were all solid BFGs.
I thought the first half of the show was pretty good. However, the shitty "I Quit" match, illogical turn, and main event really put a damper on things. My friend, who I persuaded to buy this, just text me saying "fuck you."
Honestly, I thought it was just slightly above average. The go home sequence was ok and a few bright spots but nothing to wail about.

I wouldn't sing the matches praises, but it was **** in my book.

Good enough to close their biggest show of the year?

Yeah, sure. WWE closed with a screwjob at last Mania. At 25 we got Triple H vs. Orton in a total snoozefest. At least this one was good, if not very good.
What the fuck was that?

For the most part I enjoyed that PPV but seriously, WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT ENDING? That was some of the absolute WORST booking I've ever seen, a fucking dumbass ref not seeing A) Roodes arm under the ropes and B) Angles arm ON the ropes while it hits him while he's grabbing the rope?

Newsflash TNA, this is your BIGGEST PPV of the year you DON'T end your biggest PPV of the year on some stupid ass, lame ending that completely destroys the BFG series, something you have been building for the last 4 months.

If you didn't think Roode was ready have him and Angle has a tremendous match with Angle winning clean, I could have lived with that.

I gave TNA a chance tonight, I have NO HOPE for this company, they are destined for terrible booking and a bunch of money marks that have no clue about wrestling, never have, never will. Whatever I'll just watch WWE and ROH from now on, at least WWE can be entertaining and ROH can actually BOOK a match.

You bash TNA and bring up ROH in the same post. Hilarious.
If people hate that the BFG series didn't result in a win for the winner, you must like the winner of the MITB being victorious every time.

I would compare the BFG series to the Royal Rumble. If you cash in the briefcase, you can do it against a weakened opponent. If you win the Rumble, you still have to beat a totally fresh opponent that has been preparing for you for months.
Yes. Book predictable, intelligence insulting drivel whereby the same thing happens week after week and I can reliably predict the result of every match going in.

If I actually approached Bound for Glory in full knowledge that Roode was going to win then I would have very little incentive to actually watch the show.

A little bit of wrestling 101 of people here who quite clearly do not understand how the whole face/heel thing is supposed to work. WHEN A HEEL WINS YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO BE UNHAPPY ABOUT IT. Otherwise they're failing as a heel.

Now I disagree with the logic of putting this match in the main event, especially following a real BFG level payoff in the previous outing, but I see no problem (and actually quite a lot of logic given the state of the rosta right now) in having the heel go over.

This isn't about being pissed that a heel went over. This is about TNA completely fucking up an entire storyline massively, ruining the ending to their biggest PPV, and refusing to put the title on homegrown talent.
I liked that Angle won the match personally. Roode isn't ready with his robotic personality every time he hears people cheer for him he looks at the like "hey mikey they like me, they really like me" look on his face. Good wrestler but a dull entertainer.
But it's their "Wrestlemania" show. EVERYTHING is supposed to be resolved here... especially since they pushed each angle as being 8 months to a year in the making. But why not make everyone wait a few more months for the resolve, right? MAKES NO FUCKING SENSE.

AH!!! But that is were they have fooled you!!!

........................IT WONT BE RESOLVED!!! EVER!!! THIS IS TNA!!!

:lmao: :lmao:
I thought the first half of the show was pretty good. However, the shitty "I Quit" match, illogical turn, and main event really put a damper on things. My friend, who I persuaded to buy this, just text me saying "fuck you."

He said "Fuck you" because you told him to get what ended up being a solid PPV?
Great show tonight. There's always the next PPV for Angle to get his just desserts. Or the next.

Or the next one after that.
Here's what I don't get.

Kurt is legit injured right? I'd assume the X and his boot going off and the trainer helping his out was legit. He's got legal issues that may or may not be around him and he's getting older. Why would you keep the title on him when you have a guy built up and ready to take it? I don't understand that part. If Kurt is injured, you need a title switch so he can heel and with Kurt, there's no telling how long an injury might take to recover from.
This isn't about being pissed that a heel went over. This is about TNA completely fucking up an entire storyline massively, ruining the ending to their biggest PPV, and refusing to put the title on homegrown talent.

Why does the title belong on homegrown talent? Doesn't it belong on superior talent?
So because the WWE books one way that automatically means that TNA must do the same. WWE usually puts faces over at Wrestlemania, ergo every big PPV main event must end in a babyface victory.

This is that whole "You've got to offer an alternative - whilst still doing everything the same" philosophy again.
Saw the last two matches. Hogan vs. Sting was just a bad match. I had high hopes for it on account of it being Hogan vs. Sting. It was just two guys making eachother bleed with no psychology at all. And Flair was an absolutely pointless addition to it too. The segment after was pretty good, but it felt very sloppy and poorly executed. It didn't feel like the big moment it was supposed to be.

Angle vs. Roode was a solid match with a bullshit, anti-climactic ending. That's the only way I can describe it. But at least the action was good (I loved Roode always trying to lock on the crossface).
Didn't see the PPV myself, but are people actually surprised that TNA apparently fucked things up in their biggest PPV of the year? Don't know why that's so surprising, they did so last year as well, even worse in fact. The best $40 I never spent.
Here's what I don't get.

Kurt is legit injured right? I'd assume the X and his boot going off and the trainer helping his out was legit. He's got legal issues that may or may not be around him and he's getting older. Why would you keep the title on him when you have a guy built up and ready to take it? I don't understand that part. If Kurt is injured, you need a title switch so he can heel and with Kurt, there's no telling how long an injury might take to recover from.

This is an easy one.

If you want to keep your promotions title legitimized, you keep it on legit talent. Roode is obviously not quite ready for that belt. We all knew this for a while now. That is the only SMART thing TNA did.

Now, if only they didn't waste our time with the BFG series in order to get Roode there. That's a different story.
Yes. Book predictable, intelligence insulting drivel whereby the same thing happens week after week and I can reliably predict the result of every match going in.

If I actually approached Bound for Glory in full knowledge that Roode was going to win then I would have very little incentive to actually watch the show.

A little bit of wrestling 101 of people here who quite clearly do not understand how the whole face/heel thing is supposed to work. WHEN A HEEL WINS YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO BE UNHAPPY ABOUT IT. Otherwise they're failing as a heel.

Now I disagree with the logic of putting this match in the main event, especially following a real BFG level payoff in the previous outing, but I see no problem (and actually quite a lot of logic given the state of the rosta right now) in having the heel go over.

I was convinced he was going to win, and I still bought the PPV. Why? Because I thought it was going to be a great match and feel good moment. If the prospect of that wouldn't be enough for you, then that's TNA's fault

I'm pretty sure they're not meant to piss you off to the point you don't want to watch anymore. What was the whole BFG series for? Like, really? If the first Royal Rumble took place over four months and it's winner lost at Wrestlemania in a dusty finish, I'm pretty sure you'd think that was shit. Am I right?
You know what the real problem is, the more I think about it? PPVs like BFG are supposed to end with a fucking moment. The game changing moment, history, just, you know, the fucking moment. This had an epic build. Months of a championship series. The homegrown talent, the TNA original, getting his shot at the world title after years of work, and it was the simplest thing in the world to put him over Angle, give him the title, make this one of the biggest moments in TNA's history, and change the direction of the company for the better.

And they fucked it all up.

That's the problem.
This isn't about being pissed that a heel went over. This is about TNA completely fucking up an entire storyline massively, ruining the ending to their biggest PPV, and refusing to put the title on homegrown talent.

1) £50 says the title will be on a home grown talent inside the next three months.

2) Let me get this straight: this isn't about being pissed that a heel went over... it's about TNA ruining the ending to their biggest PPV... by having a heel go over. Your argument makes no sense.

3) As I said before, the storyline is not over. That's not how things work in TNA. Stories don't just end on the whim of a fucking calender.
That was EXACTLY how I thought it would end. I said it to JGoose an hour ago... Roode was going to lose and the entire BFG series was going to be a waste. TNA just ruined the past 8 months for all of you. And to add onto that, they also ruined four more months, if you count that abomination of an angle with Hogan and Sting. So my message to TNA fans is... what the fuck is wrong with all of you?

If none of you have noticed, I'm a little pissed at this garbage.

Not only did he lose, but he lost LIKE THAT :lmao:

Could it have been some hardcore legit shit? A roll up or ankle lock in the middle of the ring? Roode refuses to quit, passes out?

No, oh noooo. It has to be on some shit like THAT after a pretentious roll around and do nothing-fest

Maaaan oh MAN :lmao:

The whole fucking BFG series. The biggest angle in the company. Culminates like that.


If it didnt provide such great fodder for mockery, I would be pissed too.

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