TNA Bound For Glory 2011

No, seriously, fuck everything about this. TNA had to do one thing and one thing only on this entire PPV. Fuck it. Fuck this shit. It's awful. I don't know how anyone can call themselves a fan of this company after that absolutely abysmal piece of trash booking that just occurred.
Good match. Not great, but very good. My only major complaint is that I felt Roode overused the crossface, but at the same time it didn't really get on my nerves until the last time he used it so I guess it's not that big of a deal.
No, seriously, fuck everything about this. TNA had to do one thing and one thing only on this entire PPV. Fuck it. Fuck this shit. It's awful. I don't know how anyone can call themselves a fan of this company after that absolutely abysmal piece of trash booking that just occurred.

THIS. So much this.
No, seriously, fuck everything about this. TNA had to do one thing and one thing only on this entire PPV. Fuck it. Fuck this shit. It's awful. I don't know how anyone can call themselves a fan of this company after that absolutely abysmal piece of trash booking that just occurred.

Mostly because it was a 175 minute show, and only five of them pissed me off, and the five that did were supposed to.
Damn. That ending left a sour taste. Did they go out of their way to make us regret our complaints about Sting/Hogan?
No. Seriously. This killed the BFG Series concept before it even got started. The only way it could have been believably used to elevate stars and be a unique fixture in TNA was if the first guy to win the series won the title. It would have been like Edge being the first one to cash in Money in the Bank and then losing the match. A complete waste of time.

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