The WZ Ask a Staff Member Thread

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Hey guys, ive been following wrestlezone for years and 2 years ago I set up a wrestlezone forum account. Even though, i dont post frecuently i still have posted 17 non-spam posts but im still not able to make threads.
Yes you can. You just need to know where to look. You won't be able to create a thread in this forum, but if you go to the WWE Forum, there's a button underneath the forum navigation that says "New Thread". Click that.
Yes you can. You just need to know where to look. You won't be able to create a thread in this forum, but if you go to the WWE Forum, there's a button underneath the forum navigation that says "New Thread". Click that.

Dude, thanks.
I trued looking there like 4 weeks ago and nothing came up. I musnt have had enough posts then. Thanks again man!
Im running a radio show in the uk which this sunday Chris Cash appeared on to promote the return of VOW - awesome btw!

He has said it is ok for me to link our website to my forum posts, but said to speak to someone first so i dont get banned etc

He also said any problems to text him

so could u let me know

cheers guys!
not sure if this has been asked or not but id like to know:

To add an image as a signature how do i do it? I go to user cp, click on edit signature and then im not sure. Do I add a link or am i not doing it correctly?
not sure if this has been asked or not but id like to know:

To add an image as a signature how do i do it? I go to user cp, click on edit signature and then im not sure. Do I add a link or am i not doing it correctly?
Place the link in the IMG BBcode. [img]link[/img]
So there is no way to add the image directly, or doing as you said will make it appear on the actual site after I post
Hey mods and admins, I'm sure you probably know about this already but I had a message in my inbox from a user simply named "Ben", the entirety of which was simply to invite me to some other new wrestling-based forum. Is this against the rules? On some other forums it is.
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Hey mods and admins, I'm sure you probably know about this already but I had a message in my inbox from a user simply named "Ben", the entirety of which was simply to invite me to some other new wrestling-based forum. Is this against the rules? On some other forums it is.

It is against the rules, and this is the second time he's been reported for doing this. He has now been banned.
Okay, I'm pretty confident this isn't really covered anywhere, I've read the whole damn FAQ and every post in this thread [barring some of that whole messy exchange over the deleted posts], as well the rule book and my welcome PM, but basically I feel an hour searching qualifies as a pretty damn thorough attempt to not spam!

Sorry, moving on, what I want to know what type of files are allowed for Profile Pictures? I have an image which is only 75x75 and less than 15k but no matter what format I try to upload it in [.png, .bmp, .gif, .jpg] I keep getting the same "Invalid File" error, just wondering, is this because I'm still new, or some other technical thing?
Okay, I'm pretty confident this isn't really covered anywhere, I've read the whole damn FAQ and every post in this thread [barring some of that whole messy exchange over the deleted posts], as well the rule book and my welcome PM, but basically I feel an hour searching qualifies as a pretty damn thorough attempt to not spam!

Sorry, moving on, what I want to know what type of files are allowed for Profile Pictures? I have an image which is only 75x75 and less than 15k but no matter what format I try to upload it in [.png, .bmp, .gif, .jpg] I keep getting the same "Invalid File" error, just wondering, is this because I'm still new, or some other technical thing?

The servers that the WZ Forums are hosted on do not allow for file uploads, which is what you are trying to do. That's why you are getting the invalid file error. You also aren't allowed to link to another website apparently (just tried), so I guess profile pictures are disabled on WZ Forums. Didn't realize it, but apparently they are. That has nothing to do with us who run the forum, but rather the people who own the forum.

Thanks for searching through the FAQ and Rules before asking your question.
This just come to mind and thought it was a minor question to ask, when viewing through the setions of the forums yuou see the thread title and along side it it has the view number and the post number... Just wondering if when a guest views the thread is it counted as a view?
If I start my review thread in old school section and at the beginning all I have is an introduction before posting my reviews in a day or 2 will it get deleted and me get an infraction?
If someone just made an account here, but stupidly figured their name was already taken and added the traditional 3 numbers to the end, and then wanted to change their name, would you allow this, or would you require the usual 50 non spam posts?
If someone just made an account here, but stupidly figured their name was already taken and added the traditional 3 numbers to the end, and then wanted to change their name, would you allow this, or would you require the usual 50 non spam posts?

Do you really have to ask? Do you really think we're going to bend the rules to accommodate a new poster's dumb mistake?
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