The WZ Ask a Staff Member Thread

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alright ive posted maybe 30 times started 5 threads and my post count is still at 16.....

even after noticing it i did a few posts and its still the same

can admins help me out
This forum's mods are way too overzealous with giving out infractions and deleting posts. I've never been on a forum that would resemble an online dictatorship until I started posting on this one. You give a kid mod powers and he thinks he's a forum god. :disappointed:

I understand there's issues with bandwidth and whatnot on forums such as this, but what some people are considering "spam" and infraction worthy is ridiculous.
It really has nothing to do with bandwidth. It has more to do with meeting the criteria for a non-spam post. If you don't like it, there is no reason for you to stick around. The rules aren't that hard to follow, trust me.
This forum's mods are way too overzealous with giving out infractions and deleting posts. I've never been on a forum that would resemble an online dictatorship until I started posting on this one. You give a kid mod powers and he thinks he's a forum god. :disappointed:

I understand there's issues with bandwidth and whatnot on forums such as this, but what some people are considering "spam" and infraction worthy is ridiculous.
I'm glad we can be unique. However, the problem is not with OUR understanding of what is spam and infraction worthy, but rather with your understanding of what is spam and infraction worthy. Brush up on the rules, pay close attention to examples given in the FAQ, and you should be good to go.

Now, do you have an actual question, or are you just complaining about something that is your fault anyways?
I'm glad we can be unique. However, the problem is not with OUR understanding of what is spam and infraction worthy, but rather with your understanding of what is spam and infraction worthy. Brush up on the rules, pay close attention to examples given in the FAQ, and you should be good to go.

Now, do you have an actual question, or are you just complaining about something that is your fault anyways?
You're the site admin, correct? I've had a few of my recent posts deleted because they were "spam". Would you mind looking at them.

One was a conversation about Sin Cara, the other was a simple response as to why IMO he shouldn't be sent down to the minor division.

As stated in the RULES, an OPINION need not be a paragraph.
You didn't say in that post why you think he should be sent down to the minor leagues, at least not that I could tell at the time I infracted you.

Here is your post:
He might be working with the wrong people and need some more time, but I don't agree he should be sent to the rookie league just yet.

I guess I can see your point, but it's really awkwardly phrased so I may have just gotten confused. I said I'd bring it up to the higher-ups if you could give me a good reason why but instead you insulted me. Not cool, bro :(
I like how something is my fault before you've actually investigated my posts. What's the point of having this thread?

The definition of spam in this forum is subjective, it basically comes down to a moderator's ability at reading comprehension on whether an opinion was formed.
You didn't say in that post why you think he should be sent down to the minor leagues, at least not that I could tell at the time I infracted you.

Here is your post:

I guess I can see your point, but it's really awkwardly phrased so I may have just gotten confused. I said I'd bring it up to the higher-ups if you could give me a good reason why but instead you insulted me. Not cool, bro :(
You took my post out of context from the previous messages. As I stated, I didn't quote the previous poster to avoid thread clutter.
Then again, why should we have to bare your lacklustre attempt at posting when it is just as easy to delete your post. For me, your post is still spam. Our reading comprehension is fine, believe me.
I think it's insulting that an entire conversation was deleted without clarification or even a warning. Maybe state something in the thread so the posts can be edited? Why should a poster waste their time if their opinions are just going to be deleted? I didn't mean to insult you. I apologize.
You took my post out of context from the previous messages. As I stated, I didn't quote the previous poster to avoid thread clutter.

I quoted your post exactly how I read it, and it seemed like spam to me.

As for your claim that the definition of spam on here is subjective, you are incorrect. We have a very clearly defined definition of spam, actually:

A. Spamming: Stupid Pointless Annoying Messages. The rules on Spamming at WrestleZone Forums are somewhat different than that of most other forums. We require that you give an opinion on a subject, but also to back up your opinion; simply stating that something is good or bad does not add to discussion. What we want to know is why you feel the way you do about a certain subject, to allow other posters to debate your opinion. We do not require an essay for every post, we simply require that you contribute to the topic. Spamming is allowed in the Forums under the Spam Friendly Sections heading, but not in any other Forums. Spamming in a forum where it is disallowed may result in an infraction.

A post can be as complex as a several paragraph essay or as simple as "I don't like The Hurricane anymore because he said mean things about Shawn Michaels.". I try to give people the benefit of the doubt when I moderate, deleting rather than infracting or warning unless they should know better or it's easily spam. You should see the types of posts we allow! Oh wait, you can, because they haven't been deleted and you can go into any thread and see for yourself.

Again, I say to you: When I saw your post as it was, I did not see a reason to go along with the opinion of " but I don't agree he should be sent to the rookie league just yet.", but I am also giving you a chance to explain to me where I went wrong. If you could tell me specifically where I went wrong, then I'm sure the higher ups won't have any problem reversing my infraction.
I PMed you my elaborated response.

A. Spamming: Stupid Pointless Annoying Messages. The rules on Spamming at WrestleZone Forums are somewhat different than that of most other forums. We require that you give an opinion on a subject, but also to back up your opinion; simply stating that something is good or bad does not add to discussion. What we want to know is why you feel the way you do about a certain subject, to allow other posters to debate your opinion. We do not require an essay for every post, we simply require that you contribute to the topic. Spamming is allowed in the Forums under the Spam Friendly Sections heading, but not in any other Forums. Spamming in a forum where it is disallowed may result in an infraction.

The bold text is subjective by definition.

Back to my quote - If we go by this forum's definition of spam: I stated an opinion and/or how I feel about Sin Cara's present situation when taken in context of the thread's previous posts, specifically discussing how he should be relegated.
You're the site admin, correct? I've had a few of my recent posts deleted because they were "spam". Would you mind looking at them.

One was a conversation about Sin Cara, the other was a simple response as to why IMO he shouldn't be sent down to the minor division.

As stated in the RULES, an OPINION need not be a paragraph.

You've received three disciplinary actions, two for spamming, and one for Prejudiced Remarks. You're not disputing the PR discipline, so let's not worry about that. Additionally, your first spam discipline was a Warning, which carries no weight, so let's just focus on the Infraction.

In the thread you were infracted for, regarding discussion of Sin Cara, there were three previous posts of yours that were deleted, that violated our spam rules. You did not receive discipline for any of the three, although you could have. So, regardless of what else happens, please understand you were given several reprieves, which you should be appreciative for, at least as appreciative as one can be when talking about a wrestling message board.

Finally, with regards to the post which was given the discipline, I agree with Doc (DDP) that it was spam, based upon our rules (which I originally defined, so I know exactly how they are meant). Our rules, which have been posted in this thread, specifically say that not only must you give a position, you must support it as well. Let's look at your post:

You said:
He might be working with the wrong people and need some more time, but I don't agree he should be sent to the rookie league just yet.

The part in bold is your position, which is Sin Cara shouldn't be sent down yet. The problem you have here is that you do not support your position. You mention he may be working with the wrong people and need more time, but that does not support why or why not you think he should go down. If you're intending the first part of your statement as your reasoning, the problem you have is with the underlined word "but", as words like "but" and "however" are what I called "eraser words". Those words erase anything you said before them as irrelevant to the point you are making. So, with the word "but" in there, grammatically speaking, you have not supported your position. It might seem like a technicality to you. It is not intended to be a technicality, but rather an explanation into the mind of our Staff and how we determined whether your post was spam.

Personally, would I have given it an infraction? No, I wouldn't. However, when you factor in the fact you had three previous posts in that thread, all of which were off-topic with regards to a discussion about Sin Cara, the fact you received only one Infraction for 4 rule violating posts is enough for me to allow the Infraction to stand, even though it's not how I personally would have handled the post.

By the way, if you want to know how I would have handled things, I would have given you three discipline measures for the first three posts, and just deleted the last one, given the borderline nature of it. All in all, I think you probably came out ahead.

Even if you may not agree with the reasoning or the decision, I hope that clears things up.
How were the previous posts off topic? How can I view them so I can either agree with your assessment or try to clarify my opinion?

Grammatically speaking, as I was a bit tired when posting, my post does seem awkward as DDP mentioned. But is it really spam when taken into the context of the previous posts? My post is more of a rebuttal and not a position.

I honestly don't care if the infraction is reversed or not, but I also think it should have been handled differently. I'm just starting to get used to posting here, give the noob a break. :) Thank you for looking into it.
How were the previous posts off topic? How can I view them so I can either agree with your assessment or try to clarify my opinion?
For example, when discussing future feuds for Sin Cara:

You said:
How about a heel turn for Bourne? I love the guy, but he's too nice!

What about something involving the Corre?
You give two positions, but don't support either one in that post. You talk about a heel turn for Bourne (why? to be a heel opponent for Sin Cara? I don't know, I have to guess), but you never even say why a heel Bourne would be a good feud for Sin Cara.

Then you mention the Corre, but again, do not tell us why it would be a good feud. You gave your position, but did not support it.

Still on the topic of Bourne:

You said:
Heels can bring a whole new repertoire of moves, and items, if we're going to say he's a limited with his moves atm. We all love to see the nice guy turn bad, I think it would work a good angle against Sin Cara and even Mysterio. Evan needs a push too.

At this point, you're not talking about Sin Cara, you're talking about Bourne. This would be off-topic. And on to the last post:

You said:
Let's stay away from storylines that have been used in the past for now, and come up with something original that would work for Sin Cara. What did you think about the idea of scouting the anti-Sin Cara?
Okay, nothing wrong with coming up for something original....but what? What original storyline? Why would it be effective? You mention an "anti-Sin Cara"...tell me what you think about it, how does it work? Why would it be good? Perhaps you mentioned it above, but if so, there's really no reason to make this post, is there?

All three posts are considered violations of our spamming rules.

Grammatically speaking, as I was a bit tired when posting, my post does seem awkward as DDP mentioned. But is it really spam when taken into the context of the previous posts? My post is more of a rebuttal and not a position.
Understood, but as they teach you in your first years of school, two wrongs do not make a right. When considering whether your post meets our spam rules, the other posts don't really have anything to do with it. You have to have a position (which you did) and support your position (which you didn't).

I honestly don't care if the infraction is reversed or not, but I also think it should have been handled differently. I'm just starting to get used to posting here, give the noob a break. :)
The thing is, once someone gest used to posting here, one rarely gets infracted, unless he/she has a "brain fart". The posting rules here are a little more difficult to understand than a lot of places (hence the reason we usually give a Warning or two first, as well as detailed explanations in the Rules and FAQ), but once they're understood, most people don't have problems following them.

Just be sharp for the next few weeks, and you won't really have much to worry about.
Ok, I see what you're saying about stating a position and backing it up with reasoning. Would it have made a difference if I had quoted the previous posts? For instance, previous post asks a specific question and I give it an answer within the context of the question. Does that make sense?

I also find some my posts to provoke responses or to generate conversation, even though they are not necessarily fully detailed with my thoughts on the subject matter.

OT - I like how the non-spam sections have sub-forums, is there any chance for the spam sections to be set up in the same manner? I enjoy the non-spam sections, but might want to stay in the spam zone for a bit just to get my feet wet without having to worry about infractions.
Ok, I see what you're saying about stating a position and backing it up with reasoning. Would it have made a difference if I had quoted the previous posts? For instance, previous post asks a specific question and I give it an answer within the context of the question. Does that make sense?
I think I understand what you're saying, but you'll still need to support your position.

For example, if the person ahead of you said "I think Bourne would be a terrible feud for Sin Cara because *insert reason here*", you could reply with, "Bourne and Sin Cara are both high flyers, and are used to working the fast paced style so I think it would be a good fit". In that case, you are addressing the previous post, and you're still giving a position and supporting it.

I also find some my posts to provoke responses or to generate conversation, even though they are not necessarily fully detailed with my thoughts on the subject matter.
This has always been one of those areas that while I agree posts that encourage discussion and provoke responses aren't spam, the fact of the matter is if we allow those posts, then our guidelines for spamming become subjective. Right now, it's fairly black and white what is expected, but if we allowed a response to say something like, "How about Sin Cara vs. Evan Bourne for a feud", while that would be on topic and would contribute to the thread, it then becomes subjective for posts where Staff members have to ask themselves, "did this really contribute to the thread?". For example, what if you asked that question and no one replied? Did it contribute to the thread? What if you asked that and only 2 people replied, did it really contribute?

The problem with that is calls for far more subjective interpretation of posts, which I ultimately feel is unfair to posters. So we just go with the simple, but fairly clear, concept of giving a position and supporting it. It eliminates almost all subjective interpretation of posts.

OT - I like how the non-spam sections have sub-forums, is there any chance for the spam sections to be set up in the same manner? I enjoy the non-spam sections, but might want to stay in the spam zone for a bit just to get my feet wet without having to worry about infractions.
We do forums based upon need with regards to the traffic they generate. We break the WWE sections into sub-forums, because the WWE gets a lot of traffic, and wading through 4 pages of new threads every time you sign on can be a little overwhelming. However, the Wrestling Spam Zone isn't nearly as busy, so one forum can usually take care of it.
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