The WZ Ask a Staff Member Thread

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How does the green bar system work? I have one, but a person with the same quantity of posts have 3 green bars near his name. Just to find out how you get green bars
OK. I had good rep for 10 times, and got 35 points for it. Got 1 green bar shown on my posts. Another guy got 3 green bars for 130 posts. Based on what i got from the FAQ he should have got 20 rep point for each post he made. That's the part i don't get. Sorry i don't want to be annoying, just wanted to learn more about how the system works.
You don't get rep points per post. If you look at a post, in the upper right hand corner of the post there's a red button that says, "Rep!" If someone clicks that and gives you positive rep, it makes your overall rep go up. Various things go into how much each rep point counts for including post count and rep received. The higher your post count and higher your rep count, the more your rep will count for.
I just got a quick question regarding sigs here.

So we can't have any 'GIF' sigs am I right? If so, I guess I'll make my own or ask WZ's resident sig maker :P

I noticed as of last night that pages are freezing after making a post. As in after making a post it takes a long time to upload if uploading at all. I was wondering if this was just a temporary glitich or it was actually something my computer was doing. I recall the maintanence sign being up yesterday so I'm not sure this has something to do with it.

Any Answer is Much Appreciated
Thanks, Macios
I have a quick question about offensive comments being placed via the rep button. How do you get someone reported for it please?
I have a quick question about offensive comments being placed via the rep button. How do you get someone reported for it please?

It depends upon the comment. If it falls under Prejudiced Remarks, just let us know here. If it's simply flaming, just ignore it.
Thanks for that. I think because of the nature of both the original rep as well as the over the top reply to a private message I would like to report. Do you wish me to post both items here ore send them to you via private message.
Who is this?

He's got no posts since joining this January, I understand some people just make accounts to lurk and such, but why is his name in gray? I've never seen anybody with a gray colored name before. I saw him before on here, but didn't really look much into it.

Just seems kinda creepy to me. I guess it's really none of my business though.
As far as I am aware, people with Gray coloured names are those who have not verified their accounts.
Who is this?

He's got no posts since joining this January, I understand some people just make accounts to lurk and such, but why is his name in gray? I've never seen anybody with a gray colored name before. I saw him before on here, but didn't really look much into it.

Just seems kinda creepy to me. I guess it's really none of my business though.

The grey names mean they haven't validated their WZ account. It's a feature we had turned off for a while due to problems, but we turned back on a few months ago.
Random question, why is there a 20 second required wait between searches here? Not a complaint or anything, just curious.
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