The WZ Ask a Staff Member Thread

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Good rule of thumb about questionable pics to be used or posted on Wrestlezone:

If you have to question it, you're better off not using it.
Is this sig too big?

I know it would require some work but is there anyway I can have my personal avatar moved from the Staff Collection to a regular avatar collection so that I can use it?

Like I said, I know it might take some work for Sly but I would be extremely grateful for the gesture.
I know it would require some work but is there anyway I can have my personal avatar moved from the Staff Collection to a regular avatar collection so that I can use it?

Like I said, I know it might take some work for Sly but I would be extremely grateful for the gesture.

I've gone through and moved all Retired Staff avatars to a category called Retired Staff. Obviously, only current and retired Staff can access these avatars. Enjoy.
EDIT: Nevermind already found out it is too big.

I've noticed a few different threads on here something pops up on my laptop saying something about malware? Anyone know the problem?
EDIT: Nevermind already found out it is too big.

I've noticed a few different threads on here something pops up on my laptop saying something about malware? Anyone know the problem?

I've never had that problem. Try doing a malware scan on your computer. If you get nothing and you still get those notices, try browsing the forums with Firefox and AdBlock Plus.
I've never had that problem. Try doing a malware scan on your computer. If you get nothing and you still get those notices, try browsing the forums with Firefox and AdBlock Plus.

Yeah I just added adblock plus today (thanks again Dave for showing me that) and it was only certain threads. I haven't had the problem since adding it so I think the problem may be fixed now.

Is this too big?

This is the third time over the past week or so you've asked about the size of a sig.

G. Signatures: You are allowed one image in your signature and a few lines of text. You are not permitted any moving signatures or video signatures. If your signature violates these conditions, we will edit it for you and you may be subject to an infraction. Signature images can be no larger than a grand total of 800 pixels. Signature Images can be as wide or as tall as 500 pixels, but they must in total only add up to 800 pixels. For example, if you have a Banner that is 500 pixels wide, then it can be no longer than 300 pixels. Anything over 500 pixels wide will result in removal or a request to remove it, and will be subject to a Signature Infraction.

Is this too big?

Figure out how to check it yourself. We're not here to constantly double-check your sig images. There are more pressing issues we need to attend to.

If you right-click the image and click "Properties" or "View Image Info" (depending on your browser), you can see the total pixels and figure it out for yourself. Please stop asking in here.
How do Thread Ratings work? Does a certain amount of people have to rate the thread for it to calculate the average or is it an admin/g-mod function to add it on? Just something that I have always wondered.
Not really a question, just something I wanted to bring up.

None of the avatars from the 2011 collection show up for me. I can go to edit my avatar and the names and option to select them are available, but no actual avatar. If another user is using one of them it shows up as a blank space. It started around the same time Sly said he moved all of the staff avatars into one collection. I'm not sure if I am the only one who has this issue, but like I said I wanted to bring it up.
Not really a question, just something I wanted to bring up.

None of the avatars from the 2011 collection show up for me. I can go to edit my avatar and the names and option to select them are available, but no actual avatar. If another user is using one of them it shows up as a blank space. It started around the same time Sly said he moved all of the staff avatars into one collection. I'm not sure if I am the only one who has this issue, but like I said I wanted to bring it up.

The timing was simply a coincidence. Apparently Photobucket thought it a good idea to change their identifying markers in the URL. Bastards.

The 2011 collection should be good not long after this post.
Just checked and noticed I had 609 in rep, but six bars. Unless my math is off or I'm misinformed about the system, that should be seven correct or no?
Just checked and noticed I had 609 in rep, but six bars. Unless my math is off or I'm misinformed about the system, that should be seven correct or no?

The light green bars are worth 200 as opposed to 100 like the dark green ones. You get your next one at 700. Full green bars indicate a rep score of 1500 or higher.
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