The WZ Ask a Staff Member Thread

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I notice there are always watch more guests than registered users viewing this forum. Another forum I frequent has a setting allowing you to only view so many threads daily before requiring log in, it seems to have boosted avg posts per day and lead to a bigger community of posters. I'm not sure if this of any interest to you but I thought it might be a way to increase activity in the forums.

A forced log in after viewing a certain amount of threads might turn some people away. People should be able to come in and view the threads without being logged in, although we do have sections that you must be logged into your account in order to be able to view, so in a way we handle that issue in a way that sees both points of view. That's how I see it anyway.
I notice there are always watch more guests than registered users viewing this forum. Another forum I frequent has a setting allowing you to only view so many threads daily before requiring log in, it seems to have boosted avg posts per day and lead to a bigger community of posters. I'm not sure if this of any interest to you but I thought it might be a way to increase activity in the forums.

Thank you, but I prefer to allow people to read what they wish. Not everyone likes to post, and to force people to login to read seems silly to me.
Posted a thread in the wrong spam section. Was wondering if one of you guys wouldnt mind moving if from the GSD to the wrestling spam zone?
Its the LEG BREAKING NEWS thread.

Sincere apologies. And thanks.
Just wondering why my TNA specific match of the year poll was closed(and even earned me an infraction for an accidental re-post) with the only explanation given being that the topic was already covered in the end of year awards section, yet...

There is a match of the year poll thread active in the WWE section as well as PPV of the year poll thread in the WWE PPV section that are both more redundant than the thread I created, and thus far, have both been allowed to remain open??

No one has noticed yet(which seems fishy considering mine were closed instantly and one of those has been up for several hours)? Or Double Standard(which obviously appears to be the likely scenario)??
Just wondering why my TNA specific match of the year poll was closed(and even earned me an infraction for an accidental re-post) with the only explanation given being that the topic was already covered in the end of year awards section, yet...

There is a match of the year poll thread active in the WWE section as well as PPV of the year poll thread in the WWE PPV section that are both more redundant than the thread I created, and thus far, have both been allowed to remain open??

No one has noticed yet(which seems fishy considering mine were closed instantly and one of those has been up for several hours)? Or Double Standard(which obviously appears to be the likely scenario)??

I closed it down the first time for the stated reason. We already have the election and I felt the thread drew attention away from it. KB saw the second thread and closed it. It's not double standards or anything. I guess the WWE mods didn't make the same judgment call as me and KB did. But I'll look it over. It is pretty unfair.
Just two things:

1) On the opening post of this thread the link to the rules is out of date.

2) I know you can autoplay videos, would it be possible to add how to do that to the FAQ's especially question 19?
Just two things:

1) On the opening post of this thread the link to the rules is out of date.
When I get the time and desire, I'm going to start a new thread. But before I start a new thread, there's a few questions I want to add to the FAQ.

EDIT: Changed.

2) I know you can autoplay videos, would it be possible to add how to do that to the FAQ's especially question 19?

No, because we don't want videos to autoplay when someone enters a thread, for multiple reasons.
Why can't I change my user title to "Leader Of Aces and Eights"?

Is it against forum rules to create a spam thread with links to my friends original music on youtube as a way to help him get more fans?
Why can't I change my user title to "Leader Of Aces and Eights"?
I'm thinking it doesn't fit. Never really gotten how much space you get on that spot, but if it doesn't fit, it doesn't change I believe.

Is it against forum rules to create a spam thread with links to my friends original music on youtube as a way to help him get more fans?
Not if you post it in the The Media Hub section. But remember just to show the music. No advertising for gigs or Facebook and such.
No it fit in the space just fine but it had something weird (I can't remember what} when I tried to put it. I think the word "leader" was not showing up.

Yeah he has no gigs or anything like that. I just wanted to make sure I wasn't going to be breaking any rules or anything.

EDIT: Just tried it and this is what showed up. "****** Of Aces And Eights."
We won't be fixing that "problem". We have certain words which are not allowed to be put in a user title, and leader is one of them. The reason for this is so no one tries to pass themselves off as being in a position of authority on the forums when they are not.

You'll have to come up with a different word than leader. Be creative.

As far as the YouTube thing goes, advertising is not allowed. Again, feel free to be creative, just don't advertise.
We won't be fixing that "problem". We have certain words which are not allowed to be put in a user title, and leader is one of them. The reason for this is so no one tries to pass themselves off as being in a position of authority on the forums when they are not.

You'll have to come up with a different word than leader. Be creative.

As far as the YouTube thing goes, advertising is not allowed. Again, feel free to be creative, just don't advertise.

Okay no problem I understand.

As far as YouTube now I'm confused seems like your saying one thing and KJ is saying another. Am I or am I not allowed to make a thread with links to my friends original music as long as its just music and not fan page links or gig info?
As far as YouTube now I'm confused seems like your saying one thing and KJ is saying another. Am I or am I not allowed to make a thread with links to my friends original music as long as its just music and not fan page links or gig info?
WZ Rulebook said:
H. Advertising: Since some people have decided to abuse the Advertising system, from now on ALL advertising to outside the WrestleZone Forums is banned. This means Signature advertising and Private Message advertising is no longer allowed. All other discussions forums or wrestling site links (unless linking to sources of news stories) are not allowed on this Forum. Putting advertising in your Signature may result in an Infraction and the advertisement being removed. If it is put back, you may be automatically banned. This rule also includes banners with web addresses in them, or anything else that could be interpreted as advertising. Blatantly breaking this rule will result in a permanent ban.
No advertising is allowed, except in the Bar Room. If you want to do something like "This is my buddy's band, and I think his music is pretty good. But I can be biased, so what do you all think?" and post a few YouTube videos of his music, that's fine.
No advertising is allowed, except in the Bar Room. If you want to do something like "This is my buddy's band, and I think his music is pretty good. But I can be biased, so what do you all think?" and post a few YouTube videos of his music, that's fine.

Okay thanks for the help. I'll keep that in mind.
If I wanted to start a thread about an online game to get some info from other possible guys on here that might play it where would I put it at?

Thanks Guys.
Not really a question, but I received this in my PM box today. Not sure how you guys stand on PM advertising for other forums.

Frankie88 said:


Sorry for bothering you, I really am!! But I have a favor to ask! I just revamped my new forum and really need active members and staff! The forum is based on everything! Anything from Anime, Sports, Gaming to just General Discussion. We have many unique things and are growing each day! I would love to see you check it out and even more so , join! Feel free to PM me with any questions. Thanks!

[He posted his website link here]

Is this sig too big?
Would I be able to use a picture of a topless woman with a black box covering her breasts at all (similar to what they do in magazines)
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