The WZ Ask a Staff Member Thread

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Staff Members! Good God please get with site administrators and offer a small fee subscription service to get rid of these ads!!! On the main site I get Flash overlay ad after flash overlay ad and it's getting really old! One is fine, but when you close one and another opens! HOLY CRAP!!!

Please offer something! I'd pay a subscription fee and I'm sure others would as well just to be able to view the site/forums without ads! :)
Staff Members! Good God please get with site administrators and offer a small fee subscription service to get rid of these ads!!! On the main site I get Flash overlay ad after flash overlay ad and it's getting really old! One is fine, but when you close one and another opens! HOLY CRAP!!!

Please offer something! I'd pay a subscription fee and I'm sure others would as well just to be able to view the site/forums without ads! :)

Ads are how the main page pays for the site. We have nothing to do with the main page. And if you're viewing the website with ads, it's your own fault. I never have ads. See the Technology forum for more information.
I've been around here quite awhile and I can tell when they will or won't be. The answer is obvious and there's no need for a full thread about it. The thread is staying where it is and that's final.
I read someplace that if you get blue-rep it means that somebody who doesn't have 10 rep and/or 30 posts has repped you. If they meet the requirements for their rep to count after repping you, will the blue rep turn into green/red rep?
Could someone please drop along the message to one of the actual admins that the search.php cannot be found on the mobile site.

I recall there was a thread this when Buffaloed (I think) changed the mobile site. He was looking for feedback and any problems. But since the right to post in such threads is now gone I thought that here would be the best place for it.

Sir, the problem is still there. However, I believe i have found the solution to the 404 error we mobile users come across when we click 'Search' at the top of the pages. By default, the url is set to and clicking on that takes us to the error message. Out of curiousity, I tried the url and that is what took me to the actual search box with search options.
Hello, I'm hoping (possibly in vain) that somehow at wrestlezone can help me with the Bulldog avatar. I have searched for the original image that was used for this avatar for a LONG time. I've seen something similar on a VHS I can no longer find. :(

Do you have any idea where this avatar source image comes from? Or perhaps a higher resolution copy of the avatar itself?


I sent this by PM to slyfox, hoping he's the head boss. Don't really know though. If anyone can help I'd really appreciate it!
Hello, I'm hoping (possibly in vain) that somehow at wrestlezone can help me with the Bulldog avatar. I have searched for the original image that was used for this avatar for a LONG time. I've seen something similar on a VHS I can no longer find. :(

Do you have any idea where this avatar source image comes from? Or perhaps a higher resolution copy of the avatar itself?


I sent this by PM to slyfox, hoping he's the head boss. Don't really know though. If anyone can help I'd really appreciate it!

Post a thread in the General SPAM discussion thread asking this. From the looks of that avatar, it's been here for a few years and the person who added it to our collection is more than likely not on the staff any more. But there's a lot of regulars that have been here for years and maybe one of them would know who made it.
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