The WZ Ask a Staff Member Thread

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I think what's confusing people is the header looks like it's own section is stead of the little gray bar all the other sections have
Just like it is every year, it's under a section completely on its own called "6th Annual Wrestlezone Tournament." It's placement is somewhat under the Wrestling spam section but that doesn't mean it's within that section.

It's separated enough.

Every other year it's had its own grey bar section (Like site admin, Wrestling, non-wrestling, spam, wzcw, interactive) but this year it hasn't. It's quite useful as you can hide it if you don't want to particpate in it.
That is indeed. Sorry about not being able to express my thoughts clearly enough. Looks great now. Thank you.
So I'm just curious why I'm not allowed to post on the comment section of news articles. I have received no private messages informing me of any infractions, and I can't recall saying anything that would get me banned. Help?
So I'm just curious why I'm not allowed to post on the comment section of news articles. I have received no private messages informing me of any infractions, and I can't recall saying anything that would get me banned. Help?

WE HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH THE MAIN NEWS SITE. THIS INCLUDES CHAIR SHOT REALITY. Posting a complaint about what happens on the main page will result in an Infraction for Spamming.
This wasn't a complaint, but merely a question. However, perhaps you should try your hand at being less rude and maybe a little more helpful. Being that you have time to kill by being on this site, I figured you may have found some time to help someone who had a question by, at the very least, pointing him in the right direction instead of posting a quote that 1) Appears to be shouting at me, and 2) Threatens me with a spamming infraction. Thanks, though.
This wasn't a complaint, but merely a question. However, perhaps you should try your hand at being less rude and maybe a little more helpful.
Rude? You're the one who wasted my time posting a question which had already been addressed in the VERY FIRST POST OF THE THREAD. I even wrote it in big bold letters.

Don't waste my time asking questions that I've already addressed. Don't be rude by not reading what I have to say, and then getting offended when I don't answer your question.

The only rude person here was you. I highly suggest you take the Infraction you earned for Spamming, and move along.
You're as ignorant as you are rude. "Wasted your time?" Because I'm sure your day is filled to the brim with important things... like being on a pro-wrestling website.

I wasn't asking you in particular for an answer; I was asking anyone who doesn't think he's the shit because he's an admin on a pro-wrestling website. Get over yourself.

I highly suggest you take the "Go fuck yourself" you earned from me and move along, you pretentious assclown.

If you get this high and mighty from having a position on a website, I'd hate to see how big your head gets with an important role in real life. (No worries, though. I'm confident that will never happen.) Feel free to ban me for saying that, too. I'd rather not be on a website where it seems like every single person, you being the biggest culprit, is just so goddamn rude.

I hope you're man enough to leave this on here for people to read and judge for themselves how much of an asshole you come across as, but I doubt very much that you will.

Thanks again.

PS - Fuck you and your infraction.
You're as ignorant as you are rude. "Wasted your time?" Because I'm sure your day is filled to the brim with important things... like being on a pro-wrestling website.
Indeed it is. And I'm sure your day is also so filled you couldn't take the 5 seconds to read the first post of the thread, right?

Hypocrite. Out of curiosity, did you realize how stupid you would look when you posted that?

I wasn't asking you in particular for an answer;
No, you were asking the Staff, of which I'm the head. Whether it was my time you wasted, or theirs, you still wasted our time because you simply could not be bothered to read the first post of the thread you were posting in.

Again, who is the rude one now?

I was asking anyone who doesn't think he's the shit because he's an admin on a pro-wrestling website. Get over yourself.

No, I don't think I'm great because I'm an admin on a wrestling forum, I'm an admin on a wrestling forum because I'm great. I'm great in nearly everything I try. For example, I'm great at reading people's posts before I ask them for help.

So, now I guess you can see why you'll probably never be an admin here. You struggle with reading before requesting.

I highly suggest you take the "Go fuck yourself" you earned from me and move along, you pretentious assclown.

Congratulations, in your attempt to insult me of being an admin on a wrestling website, you just regurgitated a pro wrestler's catchphrase. I'm surprised you didn't lay on an additional "And that's the bottom line...". I bet you're even wearing your little John Cena panties, aren't you?

You crack me up. I hope you stay around, you're funny.

If you get this high and mighty from having a position on a website, I'd hate to see how big your head gets with an important role in real life.
My head is huge. It has to be in order to accommodate the incredible size of my brain.

(No worries, though. I'm confident that will never happen.)
Your words and confidence in them means a lot to me. I guess I'll just have to settle for the life I currently live.

Feel free to ban me for saying that, too. I'd rather not be on a website where it seems like every single person, you being the biggest culprit, is just so goddamn rude.
Says the person who couldn't be bothered to read for all of 5 seconds before causing an inconvenience to others.

I hope you're man enough to leave this on here for people to read and judge for themselves how much of an asshole you come across as, but I doubt very much that you will.
Oh no, it'll stay. You seem to think I'd cringe at the idea of being called an asshole. Nothing could be further from the truth. I freely admit it.

Doesn't change the fact that I'm right, and you're an asshole for not taking 5 seconds to read the first post of the thread which would have answered your question before you asked it. :shrug:

Thanks again.

PS - Fuck you and your infraction.
You're welcome. Post again in this thread, and you'll earn a third one. A third Infraction, of course, comes with a one week ban.

So, I guess it's up to you to decide whether or not you wish to stick around. Drop your childish temper tantrum, and you can stay. If not...well, I guess we'll just have to miss you for a week. Have a nice day.
Because you only have two posts, I would wager. I dont know how many is needed but it will probably be at least ten.
Bubba Dudley's calf. But it's a really huge and obtrusive picture, it takes up quite a bit of the page. I thought someone asked a similar question and got a picture deleted, but I could be wrong.
Hello staff members! I am one of the newer posters here and I have a question regarding signatures.

I have an image I want to put on my signature. However, when I go to the "add image" section on my edit profile, it only allows me to put in a link rather than upload a photo.

Is there any way to upload a photo that I can use as part of my signature?
You have to upload it using a site like photobucket and then post the image using the right code, which is
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