The WZ Ask a Staff Member Thread

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I don't have to ask a question to start a discussion in real life, are you saying I have to here? Obviously I want them to share their own opinions, otherwise why start the thread?

You are really making this so much more difficult than it needs to be.

Are you familiar with the concept of open ended discussion, where someone is on a forum where discussion is the point of it's existence, and the discussion of an idea does not require a question to be asked?

Yes, but you'd better make sure your statement points in a specific direction in order to keep your topic of discussion clear. While it might seem simple to you, not everyone is on the same wavelength as you. Things need to be pointed out to them a little bit differently.

In short, I want to discuss the video. I kinda thought I made that clear, but obviously you and I don't communicate at the same level. I don't understand you and you don't understand me.

If you want a back and forth discussion, it's probably better suited for the Wrestling Spam Zone. Then you don't have to worry about spamming or placing it in the right section. As long as it's about wrestling, it should be fine.
Ugh. Contrary to SlyFox's belief I don't have a problem with the infractions I've received. The problem I have (if you can call it that, even then I think it's exaggerating things to say that) is when I think a discussion is on topic, and a number of posts are deleted because they're off topic. No infractions of whatever scale were involved. But it has to do with the topic of discussion shifting slightly. BECAUSE of that, and the nature of the thread I wanted to create where the topic would be ranging wildly, I just wanted to be clear on whether what I wanted to do is even ok.

And it sounds like it's not, that I have to make each change of topic a new thread in it's specific forum. Am I right? Or would a thread title of "Wrestling Video Clip Discussion" in the general wrestling forum be ok?

Don't worry about it though. I'm stupid, I know. I can just not do it.

Doh, sorry I was writing while you were posting too. Alright D-Man I'll just take it to the spam section.
I don't have to ask a question to start a discussion in real life, are you saying I have to here?
Real life? Since when has forums mimicked real life? Do you walk into a bar in real life, stand on top of a stool and begin proclaiming to everyone your opinion of Ric Flair in WCW? Who cares what happens in real life, we're talking about forum life. Please pay attention.

And I'm not saying you have to ask a question, I'm saying you have to make the point of your thread clear. Contrary to your possible opinion, most people here don't give a fuck about your opinion. You have to make what you're saying relevant to others. I don't care how you do that, but just randomly posting things with absolutely no reason for doing so is a waste of everyone's time.

Have a point. That's what Brain was telling you.

Are you familiar with the concept of open ended discussion, where someone is on a forum where discussion is the point of it's existence, and the discussion of an idea does not require a question to be asked?
Are you familiar with the idea I never once said anything about asking a question? I said have a point, not ask a question. For a self-proclaimed writer, your reading comprehension sucks.

In short, I want to discuss the video.
Why? For what purpose? Are we going to discuss Heenan's shirt? What are we discussing? Why are you wasting my time with this video?

Have a point.

I kinda thought I made that clear, but obviously you and I don't communicate at the same level.
Indeed we don't. I communicate at a level which shows the intelligence of one who is able to follow rather simple forum rules. You must be the other guy.

Which is it? Where do you draw the line?
You draw the line at common sense, like Nate said.

In this case you say it's on my whim, but that hasn't served me well in the past. Am I going to get a warning/infraction for doing one when you think I should have done the other?
No, why would you? Like Nate said, we only give wrong forum Infractions when it is clearly in the wrong forum.

I'm sorry I'm frustrating you so much
You're not frustrating me at all. In fact, your PM made me laugh in a couple of places. But you were very clearly complaining about the way we run our forum, without being brave enough to do so directly. I'm not fond of such methods.
Not a question, but the forums look like they're having a fit. I'm losing reps, PMs I have already read are showing up as unread, etc.

Just letting you guys know.
can a staff member please PM me? im new and i dont know who is and isnt staff

At the bottom of every subforum main page is a list of the moderators of that section. Also, all posters whose names are boldfaced and/or underlined are members of the staff.

Feel free to look for us but we're not all going to PM you.

Not a question, but the forums look like they're having a fit. I'm losing reps, PMs I have already read are showing up as unread, etc.

Just letting you guys know.

We'll look into this.
Hey can someone please tell me why I cant add an immage to my signature? Everybody else can....

I already placed in the URL adress for it but it just shows a box with an X. Is this something I need special aproval for?
Right-click the picture, click "Properties", copy the address of the "location", and paste the address within the [ IMG] [ /IMG] brackets (without the spaces.)

Ive done l that, but a box with an x hows up as my image. I also lokked at my signature permission and it's showing image posting is off, along with html.

I mean, is that something you guys have to personaly turn on for me?
Ive done l that, but a box with an x hows up as my image. I also lokked at my signature permission and it's showing image posting is off, along with html.

I mean, is that something you guys have to personaly turn on for me?

Where did you find those options?
Ive done l that, but a box with an x hows up as my image. I also lokked at my signature permission and it's showing image posting is off, along with html.

I mean, is that something you guys have to personaly turn on for me?

It appears as if you figured it out.
I have a question about the PM system. Why is the limit on the amount of PM's set to 50? Simply put it just doesn't seem quite enough.
I have a question about the PM system. Why is the limit on the amount of PM's set to 50? Simply put it just doesn't seem quite enough.

We've been asked this before but only a minimal amount of users find the number to be "not enough." So changing it isn't in our best interests.

I guess you'll just have to clear your PM box out more often.
I have a question about the PM system. Why is the limit on the amount of PM's set to 50? Simply put it just doesn't seem quite enough.
We've been asked this before but only a minimal amount of users find the number to be "not enough." So changing it isn't in our best interests.

I guess you'll just have to clear your PM box out more often.

In addition to what D-Man said, which is very true, leaving the limit at 50 PMs also keeps the size of the database smaller, which helps keep the forums running faster and more smoothly.

And quite frankly, I'd rather have a smoother running forum than worry if you can keep your 4 difference Facebook-chat style conversations going without having to delete.
I have been automatically logged off a few times in the last minutes. I clicked on the next page option or a new thread and i was logged off. Not sure if I am the only one with this problem.
The forum is currently having some of its sporadic issues. If I know our admins, they've already reported it.

Just like always, try to bare with it and wait it out for a while... it'll pass.
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