The WZ Ask a Staff Member Thread

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I'm not sure who makes the mobile version of the site. But if you are reading this, I would love for it to be tweaked so we can quote posts.
may i ask why my recent thread has been closed for spamming? I did not realise that a forum was not allowed to be fun. if it was in the wrong place i do of course apologise, however the response of "What the fuck is this crap?? You guys really need to read our rules and understand what we mean by spamming and posting in the proper forums." to me questions why this person is a moderator, a moderator should be a calm individual who should be able to tell when something is meant in jest, but maybe in the wrong area.

this one moderator has made me question even bothering with this forum as it does not to me seem very user friendly.

also, my signature is half the size of many peoples, yet i get into trouble for my image being too big... yet guys can have all these quotes that take up all that space?

i dunno, its all rather frustrating

also regarding my post being of a "fun" nature. which part of the forum should that sort of thing in, as i'd rather not getting done for spamming.(as you guys have a very different meaning for spam than i do clearly, yes i have read the FAQs)
may i ask why my recent thread has been closed for spamming? I did not realise that a forum was not allowed to be fun. if it was in the wrong place i do of course apologise, however the response of "What the fuck is this crap?? You guys really need to read our rules and understand what we mean by spamming and posting in the proper forums." to me questions why this person is a moderator, a moderator should be a calm individual who should be able to tell when something is meant in jest, but maybe in the wrong area.

this one moderator has made me question even bothering with this forum as it does not to me seem very user friendly.
We strive very hard to maintain a quality posting atmosphere. Your thread was something even the WWE Universe forum woulds have been ashamed (which is not good).

We have no problem with fun, but we want quality fun and quality posting. You might look around at other threads to get a better idea of what we look for.

also, my signature is half the size of many peoples, yet i get into trouble for my image being too big... yet guys can have all these quotes that take up all that space?
If you take the time to read our Rules, you'll see very clearly the rules for Signature images. You have to understand images are much more data intensive than text. An image meeting our Rules could be up to approximately 900 KB. All the text on your forum page probably doesn't equal 5 KB. The more KB and MB the forum has to load, the slower it loads.

That's why we have limits on images.

i dunno, its all rather frustrating
When I first got here, this forum was MUCH more strict than it is now, and I was frustrated as well. But instead of quitting, I just continued working to make things better, and now I run the place.

I can understand your frustration, but if you give it time and learn what we expect, I think you'll agree this is one of the best wrestling forums on the Internet.
okay that is perfectly fine on the picture front. my frustration still lies with the quotes but that has cleared it up for me thank you.

i cant say i am not frustrated however that i cant post a bit of humour because it doesn't meet a certain "standard" the thread clearly stated it was meant to be a bit fun, i will accept it was in the wrong place though that is fair enough. having said that My intentions where far more harmless than breaking rules, i realise now i did and accept that.

However, is their a place for this in the forums? because i am sure i am not the only person who likes to not just argue about wrestling all the time and get banter with each other.

thanks again for your time
okay that is perfectly fine on the picture front. my frustration still lies with the quotes but that has cleared it up for me thank you.

i cant say i am not frustrated however that i cant post a bit of humour because it doesn't meet a certain "standard" the thread clearly stated it was meant to be a bit fun, i will accept it was in the wrong place though that is fair enough. having said that My intentions where far more harmless than breaking rules, i realise now i did and accept that.

However, is their a place for this in the forums? because i am sure i am not the only person who likes to not just argue about wrestling all the time and get banter with each other.

thanks again for your time
The Wrestling Spam Zone allows spamming threads of no importance and/or lesser quality.

However, you currently only have 9 non-spam posts, so you'll need another non-spam post to be able to post threads again.
right, what the hell?? i posted a thread asking what people would like to see, think will happen on raw tonight IN THE RAW area and it has vanished... no infringement given so has someone just decided i dont get to fucking post know?? i am actually getting fed up of this!

yours IN A RAGE! and considering just leaving your forum, toby michaels

are you fucking kidding me, jesus christ i woulda taken you deleting it after the show but i know for a fact that was not spam so you coulda at least let it stay the fuck up for a wee bit!

that took me a fucking while to type out!

yeah i am swearing, but understand my frustration.

i've been kind enough to accept my mistakes with previous posts... however that was not called for, let people express their opinions for christ sake! that could have easily become a discussion with me and people who HAD already posted in the thread about how right/wrong we where and what actually happened!

i know for a fact on this occassion you are OVER POLICING YOUR FORUM!

i think that is me done, shame, because i actually got chatting to some nice people on here and all bar one of the mods/admin i have dealt with have spoiled the experience for me with abusive aggression at mis placed posts and deletion of perfectly fine threads cause they fail to understand just cause the show is tonight it doesn't make the fucking thread irrelevant!
Then leave. No one is keeping you here and I don't feel like breaking this down and explaining why you're wrong and I'm right.
new question for the admin of the site, where can i lodge a complaint about a member of your forum staff. i have just been given an infraction for asking what rule i have broken, a simple request that should be granted.

i would like to speak with the chap that KINDLY dealt with my previous issue on the site or someone else who can be sensible with me and not just tell me to leave or delete my requests on this particular thread for an answer to a question

Klunderbunker is one of the two admins that run this forum. My suggestion to you is to read and UNDERSTAND our rulebook. We take those rules very seriously here.

You call it "over-policing" the forum. We call it enforcing our simple rules.
Help please?

Why some of my posts are deleted and is there a limit for the size of a signature?

First post of this thread:
I've decided we don't need two different threads for questions or Complaints anymore, so we're just going to have one thread for both. If you have any questions for the Staff member here on the WrestleZone forums, or if you wish to dispute a Warning/Infraction, you may do so in this thread. Please be advised if you ask a question or lodge a Complaint, you may get an answer you don't want. Please be ready to take this maturely.

Also, to all regular members, please note the title of the thread says WZ Staff members. That means we'll answer the questions, and don't need regular members to do so.

Please read the RULES and the FAQ before posting your Question or Complaint in this thread. Failure to do so will result in an Infraction for Spamming.



WrestleZone Forums Rulebook: Click Here!

WrestleZone Forums Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ): Click Here!

WE HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH THE MAIN NEWS SITE. THIS INCLUDES CHAIR SHOT REALITY. Posting a complaint about what happens on the main page will result in an Infraction for Spamming.

Sup bros.

I stopped receiving quote notifications for some reason, even after checking the option off and back on again. Is this just me, or is it a forum-wide issue?
Tommy "Two-Times" Mozzarella;3551463 said:
Sup bros.

I stopped receiving quote notifications for some reason, even after checking the option off and back on again. Is this just me, or is it a forum-wide issue?

There seem to be some forum issues right now. I PM'd Buffaloed about it, so we'll wait and see what he can do on his end. Apparently he's online right now, so...
I know if you were to call someone a "******" in anywhere but the bar room, you'd be infracted yes? Or something.

What if it was via Rep?
Unless the recipient of the rep pointed it out to one of us and was offended, nothing would happen. But that's a risk that the repper must take.
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