The WZ Ask a Staff Member Thread

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There's the evidence, just in case.

Epic paint job eh?
I've done this before, and was told you could say whatever you want in rep.

Who said that? I'd like to know, considering that our rules clearly state this:

J. Private Messaging and Reputation Comments: Flaming through reputation comments and private messaging is allowed, to an extent. Prejudiced Remarks and threats of serious violence will not be tolerated. If you feel you are being harassed through PM and rep, please put the harassing poster on your Ignore List, which is described in more detail in the FAQ section of the WrestleZone Forums. If you think you have a received a rep or PM which violates the rules of rep and PMs, please contact a member of the Staff.

And if you continue posting different versions of the image that I keep taking down in your signature, you won't be around here much longer. Don't do it again. This is your final warning.
Not by me, and I seriously doubt by KB. Flaming is allowed in rep, but prejudiced remarks are not. Nor is pornographic images, in case you were wondering.


And it is us doing our job. I'm quite sure you can handle it.

And if not, we'll help you deal with it.

Nowhere in the rules does it say you can't have a druggies face in your sig, the image isn't offensive, and it doesn't contain any porn. Can I at least get an explanation on why I can't use teh sig?
Nowhere in the rules does it say you can't have a druggies face in your sig, the image isn't offensive, and it doesn't contain any porn. Can I at least get an explanation on why I can't use teh sig?

For one reason or the next, it turned some of our posters away from visiting the site.

Like I said in my PM to you, this is not a court of law. We don't owe much more of an explanation than you've already been given. This issue is now officially dropped.

My suggestion is to just move on. If you continue to question the matter, you will be infracted for spamming in this thread.

Thank you.
Nowhere in the rules does it say you can't have a druggies face in your sig, the image isn't offensive, and it doesn't contain any porn. Can I at least get an explanation on why I can't use teh sig?

I don't know what image you're talking about. What I do know is that if a G-Mod removes it for you, then he likely has a good reason for doing so and you don't just put it back. If there's a problem, you discuss with the G-Mod first, and see if you can get the problem figured out.
I got a question about a thread I want to start, and I'm not really clear on the rules about this.

I was kind of wanting to start a thread where I'd start with posting a video (or a link to a video if that's really so objectionable) and discuss it in the post. I'd want to do it as a more or less regular thing, too and just append to this thread.

See I frequently come across videos on youtube about wrestling, sometimes a shoot, other times a promo, other times a match, sometimes current sometimes from years and years ago, but for whatever case it triggers something in my head that makes me think "Hey that applies to something going on today."

Then again sometimes it's just nice to relive something old that was and still is really great.

So my thought is to make a thread titled something along the lines of Rico's video of the moment. I would suppose it should go in the General Wrestling Discussion thread, but I'm not sure. Seems like I get in trouble more often than not when posting a new thread. So I'd rather ask here rather than do what seems right and then get some kind of infraction or warning and then get all pissed off.

What do you suggest?
It really depends on the video. If it's something you want to post and actually have a discussion about you should post it in the appropriate non spam section. If it is a current topic put it in WWE, TNA, or General Wrestling. If it is something from the past put it in old school. Just be sure to give your opinion rather than simply posting a video and saying "discuss." Sometimes people want to post a video just for others to see but don't really generate a discussion. There's nothing wrong with that but if that's the case be sure to put it in the spam section. If the subject of the videos are different I'd say you should do separate threads. I also advise you to post the actual video instead of just a link.
Just to add to Brain's answer, don't be afraid to venture over into the Wrestling Spam Zone. You can just as easily have a great discussion in the spam zone, hell, often times the discussion is even better. Spam rules are relaxed, but your post count won't go up.
Well my idea is to do something along the lines of this

I have to say that it's a real shame that THIS particular episode of OTR was so short. I could listen to Bobby Heenan talk for an hour on his own easily.

Micheal Landsberg had a program agenda he wanted to get through, but I think it would have served everyone better had he just let Okerlund, Heenan, and Piper finish their answers instead of rushing them on.

For example I would have killed to know why Heenan thought it was a great idea that wrestlers were allowed to pull back the curtain.

I think the biggest thing I'm taking away from this video is that none of these guys thought Hogan held anyone back. They all look at it from the point of view that no one took the reigns from Hulk Hogan because they couldn't get over enough to do it. That to me speaks volumes about the differences between old school wrestlers and today's IWC.

The other thing I'm taking away from this is that they also don't care so much about the new guys paying their dues. Piper honestly just blew me away with the things he said. I would never have guessed he'd have the opinions he shared.

Anyways, I might go on to discuss this video a little more in depth were this the actual thread, but let's say for instance that I post this in the morning. Then that evening I stumble upon another video on a completely different topic, but want to share it and discuss it in the same way.

To be honest, I don't much like the spam forum. I'm a bit longwinded as it is, I'm a professional writer, so that's how I make my money. In fact elsewhere, I'm considered a spammer because I am longwinded (so to speak) and I say too much. Whatever, it takes a bit of getting used to, the rules here, but anyways. The point is that I like to have a real conversation, where people really discuss things in depth, and that's why on the whole, I like the rules of the non-spam forums here. On the other hand, the rules here are a bit heavy-handed when it comes to spam regarding what is on and off-topic conversation.

To me, a conversation is on topic as long as everyone involved is on the same page and the discussion is progressing naturally and not getting derailed by some moron purposely changing the subject so something unrelated. However, the way I've seen the rules enforced here have shown that if discussion in the thread about a certain topic evolves to something slightly different that the title of the thread, the people involved in maturing the discussion have their posts deleted and are warned for spamming.

I'd like to find some sweet spot in between those two, and that's why I'm asking about this thread, where the discussion will range in topic drastically, but naturally about all wrestling in general, sometimes about WWE, sometimes about TNA, sometimes about something not related to any company, but rather about pro-wrestling as a whole. Other times it'll be about what someone say about wrestling. So it can be about just about anything, but it's all depending on the video I post, and want to discuss, or even videos that other participants want to post and discuss in a similar manner.

It'll be a discussion about wrestling in the most broad of terms possible, but without the video, it's kinda nothing. It'd be like having book club but without anyone being given the book the read beforehand, maybe some people have read the book but more than likely only 1 person has and all but a few haven't and the ones that have read it 15 years ago.

I kind of have a similar thing going on with "My Monday Night Wars Blog" except that I'm going through Monday Night Raw one episode at a time and I try and date it as I go so people can follow along with me if they want. Except that this is for smaller stuff ranging all over the place.

So given all that different criteria, I just don't know where it fits.
Well my idea is to do something along the lines of this

Anyways, I might go on to discuss this video a little more in depth were this the actual thread, but let's say for instance that I post this in the morning. Then that evening I stumble upon another video on a completely different topic, but want to share it and discuss it in the same way.
Would there be a point you're trying to make with that video, or are you just wanting people to see you like to type?

That's what Brain was getting at. Would you have a point for people to talk about, or is it just you sharing your feelings? We would hope you would have a point if you wanted to post such a thread.

On the other hand, the rules here are a bit heavy-handed when it comes to spam regarding what is on and off-topic conversation.
Not really. Either you're on topic or your not, and if you're not, we take care of the post.

It's actually quite simple.

To me, a conversation is on topic as long as everyone involved is on the same page and the discussion is progressing naturally and not getting derailed by some moron purposely changing the subject so something unrelated.
And to me, there's nothing wrong with a natural progession of the thread, as long as the discussion is still focused on the topic of the thread. If a thread about Jimmy Hart naturally progresses to the topic of cheerleaders (Hart -> Megaphone -> Sports -> Cheerleaders), then that discussion is no longer on topic, and a waste of that thread.

However, the way I've seen the rules enforced here have shown that if discussion in the thread about a certain topic evolves to something slightly different that the title of the thread, the people involved in maturing the discussion have their posts deleted and are warned for spamming.
I think you are wrong.

It'll be a discussion about wrestling in the most broad of terms possible, but without the video, it's kinda nothing.
There's nothing against our rules about posting videos like the one you posted, and I'm not really sure why you think there is.

So given all that different criteria, I just don't know where it fits.
It fits wherever that particular thread topic fits. For the video you gave in the example, it would be either Old School or General Wrestling, depending upon what you would want the posters to discuss.

You're seem to have an inaccurate opinion of our spam rules. Looking over some of your Infractions, you have a Spam Warning for giving a biography on Scott Steiner and Ric Flair in a thread about HHH burying WCW, another Spam Infraction for posting a quote from Billy Graham on the WWE Hall of Fame in a thread which was about the traditional babyface comeback, a Spam Warning for saying "ugh... just another reason I hate HHH." and that was all you said. Each time your post was pretty clearly off-topic, or did not meet our forum rules regarding the concept of taking a stance and supporting it.

To be quite honest, I'm not too fond of your not so subtle criticism of our rules and the people who enforce them. I'm even less fond of the fact your Spam discipline was very clearly earned, and you're complaining about it anyway. You're using the guise of asking about thread creation to complain about the Rules, and that's pretty poor.

You should now know what you need to know regarding the thread series you wish to create. I suggest you spend time on your thread series, and quit complaining about Spam discipline you clearly earned.
And in addition to what Sly said, an easy rule of thumb is this...

If you create a thread and aren't sure where to put it, ask a mod/admin for their suggestion. PM the topic or snapshot of the preview to one of them and let them weigh in.

You can never go wrong with that.
Well my idea is to do something along the lines of this

Anyways, I might go on to discuss this video a little more in depth were this the actual thread, but let's say for instance that I post this in the morning. Then that evening I stumble upon another video on a completely different topic, but want to share it and discuss it in the same way.
Would there be a point you're trying to make with that video, or are you just wanting people to see you like to type?

That's what Brain was getting at. Would you have a point for people to talk about, or is it just you sharing your feelings? We would hope you would have a point if you wanted to post such a thread.

On the other hand, the rules here are a bit heavy-handed when it comes to spam regarding what is on and off-topic conversation.
Not really. Either you're on topic or your not, and if you're not, we take care of the post.

It's actually quite simple.

To me, a conversation is on topic as long as everyone involved is on the same page and the discussion is progressing naturally and not getting derailed by some moron purposely changing the subject so something unrelated.
And to me, there's nothing wrong with a natural progession of the thread, as long as the discussion is still focused on the topic of the thread. If a thread about Jimmy Hart naturally progresses to the topic of cheerleaders (Hart -> Megaphone -> Sports -> Cheerleaders), then that discussion is no longer on topic, and a waste of that thread.

However, the way I've seen the rules enforced here have shown that if discussion in the thread about a certain topic evolves to something slightly different that the title of the thread, the people involved in maturing the discussion have their posts deleted and are warned for spamming.
I think you are wrong.

It'll be a discussion about wrestling in the most broad of terms possible, but without the video, it's kinda nothing.
There's nothing against our rules about posting videos like the one you posted, and I'm not really sure why you think there is.

So given all that different criteria, I just don't know where it fits.
It fits wherever that particular thread topic fits. For the video you gave in the example, it would be either Old School or General Wrestling, depending upon what you would want the posters to discuss.

You're seem to have an inaccurate opinion of our spam rules. Looking over some of your Infractions, you have a Spam Warning for giving a biography on Scott Steiner and Ric Flair in a thread about HHH burying WCW, another Spam Infraction for posting a quote from Billy Graham on the WWE Hall of Fame in a thread which was about the traditional babyface comeback, a Spam Warning for saying "ugh... just another reason I hate HHH." and that was all you said. Each time your post was pretty clearly off-topic, or did not meet our forum rules regarding the concept of taking a stance and supporting it.

To be quite honest, I'm not too fond of your not so subtle criticism of our rules and the people who enforce them. I'm even less fond of the fact your Spam discipline was very clearly earned, and you're complaining about it anyway. You're using the guise of asking about thread creation to complain about the Rules, and that's pretty poor, not to mention a waste of our time.

You should now know what you need to know regarding the thread series you wish to create. I suggest you spend time on your thread series, and quit complaining about Spam discipline you clearly earned.
LSN80 gave me an infraction for spamming in a thread about appreciating the creative team, which he didn't realize had been moved to the spam zone. Can I have that reversed?
Would there be a point you're trying to make with that video, or are you just wanting people to see you like to type?
I don't have to ask a question to start a discussion in real life, are you saying I have to here? Obviously I want them to share their own opinions, otherwise why start the thread?

That's what Brain was getting at. Would you have a point for people to talk about, or is it just you sharing your feelings? We would hope you would have a point if you wanted to post such a thread.
Are you familiar with the concept of open ended discussion, where someone is on a forum where discussion is the point of it's existence, and the discussion of an idea does not require a question to be asked?

In short, I want to discuss the video. I kinda thought I made that clear, but obviously you and I don't communicate at the same level. I don't understand you and you don't understand me.

There was a bunch else to discuss, but I read the final line to your post after I wrote it all, so I've sent it to you in a PM. I mean you no disrespect, and I mean no harm. Though it seems at this point you're not going to believe me. But I'd like to clear this up between you and I because I don't like it when people misunderstand my intentions and assume the worst of me.

But I'll leave this here because it still goes towards my understanding of how to and not to post a thread.
It fits wherever that particular thread topic fits. For the video you gave in the example, it would be either Old School or General Wrestling, depending upon what you would want the posters to discuss.

Which is it? Where do you draw the line? In this case you say it's on my whim, but that hasn't served me well in the past. Am I going to get a warning/infraction for doing one when you think I should have done the other? That's why I posted. I'm sorry I'm frustrating you so much, but when I come across things that seem contradictory to me, I take nothing for granted and have to start over, and it makes me a little annoying.
Which is it? Where do you draw the line? In this case you say it's on my whim, but that hasn't served me well in the past. Am I going to get a warning/infraction for doing one when you think I should have done the other? That's why I posted. I'm sorry I'm frustrating you so much, but when I come across things that seem contradictory to me, I take nothing for granted and have to start over, and it makes me a little annoying.

The line is basically common sense, man. If we feel it needs to be in another section, we can move it no problem. The only time we hand out infractions for posting in the wrong section is when it's obviously in the wrong section. For example, a thread titled TNA SUCKS BALLS is obviously not supposed to be in the WWE Section, whoever posts that is likely going to get infracted/warned. But I recall a time where Chris Jericho was on Dancing With the Stars and someone made a thread about it in the WWE Section. We can see how one would put this there, it does center around a former WWE star, but since it has nothing to do with wrestling it'll be moved to the Movies and TV Section.

I just don't really get where this confusion over the rules is coming from. Every infraction you have is justified and a clear violation of the rules.
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