The Ultimate Fantasy Mock Draft V.

No. He walked out, through the druids, to the ring. He didn't teleport anywhere. The lights went black for a short while. Then, lightning came down, you could see again, and UT was in the ring. In non-kayfabe, he would have slid into the ring while the lights were down. Then, when the flames were lit, he would have APPEARED to teleport, bu he actually wouldn't have. Big difference.
A four sided ring; in the centre stands a figure shrouded in darkness. A bright blue light highlights a gigantic steel stage and a large screen flashes up the words Golden Wrestling Alliance. A loud buzz spills out to every corner of a packed out arena.

The lights come on in the ring revealing one of the most succesful GM's of modern times, Eric Bischoff; GWA microphone in hand. There is a mixed reaction from the crowd. Bischoff waits for the crowd to fall silent, anticipating this mavericks every word.

He speaks: "Why did you come here? Does it matter, do you even know? I'll tell you now, it is meaningless. You came here tonight on the off chance to see something big and I guarentee every single one of you a** holes that you wont be dissapointed." (A BOO BEGINS AT THESE WORDS, WITHOUT EVEN SEEING HIS FACE THIS MAN HAS DRAWN SOME REAL HEEL HEAT.) "YOU CAN BOO ALL YOU WANT!! I'M NOT HERE TO MAKE YOU SMILE! DO you even know who I am, I am eric Bischoff! The man behind the N.W.O. The genius who took on Vince McMahon and damn near won! I will do anything to be the best and tonight a new dawn starts here! I will not be beaten again!" (THIS IS A DIFFERENT ERIC BISCHOFF TO THE ONE REMEMBER FROM NITRO AND RAW, HE HAS A FIRE IN HIS EYES AND LOOKS INCREDIBLY ANGRY AND SHABBY.)

Eric looks around the arena, he glares at the fans and the fans boo accordingly. "Shut the hell up! I am ready to make my pick. SHUT UP! SHUT UP! If you dont shut the hell up you wont even get a pick you listen to me damn-"


Steve austin comes straight to the ring, does his typical entrance, flipping the bird to the crowd, getting in Bischoffs face. He takes the mic:

"Eric Bischoff!-" (CROWD - "WHAT!!") I SAID ERIC BISHOFF! (CROWD- "WHAT!") ERIC GOD DAMN BISCHOFF I WANT TO START OFF BY SAYING THANKYOU! (CROWD- WHAT) you called up the rattlesnake, you told me you wanted me to be your first pick and here I am, but let me tell you Eric! I am the rattlesnake and i dont get drafted by anyone. Austin 3:16 says I just drafted myself!" Drops the mic, flips the bird and hits one of the sickest stone cold stunners the wrestling ring has seen.... "AND THAT'S THE BOTTOM LINE! 'COZ STONE COLD SAYS SO!"
Nice. Well written too. Still, the way you said "Took on Vince McMahon and damn near won". If someone picks Vince, you just kind of owned yourself. Still, Cage, you're up dude, 18 hours and counting.
By the time I post this, Jizzer Rizzer will have surely posted his first pick. I am in shock - I never thought you'd pick that particular superstar and top Cola like that with such an introduction as that particular one you wrote. Incredible.


Ok i did my best.. you spelt my name wrong as well Mr. Simon old bean.

stone cold steve austin; predictable perhaps but a prooven draw, agains eric bischoff. A rivalry we have seen before but since Cola had Paul Heyman I dident just want to repeat the attitude era and choose vinnie mac.

I have around four or five people I want to have austin fight, none of whom he has wrestled before (as far as my knowledge goes) so despite the predictable safe bet start expect some suprises within my roster.
Nice. Well written too. Still, the way you said "Took on Vince McMahon and damn near won". If someone picks Vince, you just kind of owned yourself. Still, Cage, you're up dude, 18 hours and counting.

He goes on to say he will not loose again, so if he gave out results; created the nwo and did whatever else to try and beat vince, what secret weapon has he got this time to go that one better?
He goes on to say he will not loose again, so if he gave out results; created the nwo and did whatever else to try and beat vince, what secret weapon has he got this time to go that one better?

Good point. But can Stone Cold summon lightning? Eh? Eh?

Though so.
Good point. But can Stone Cold summon lightning? Eh? Eh?

Though so.

Maybe not but for the whole of the corprate ministry Steve Austin pretty much owned the undertaker.

Also: Undertaker; not bad; but can he put a fruit pastele in his mouth without chewing? Stone cold can (N.B I have no evidence for this fact)
It's time, Ultimate Wrestling Entertainment(UWE) is in Buffalo, NY. (of course i am having my first show in my hometown.

The entire arena is dark, you can feel the tension in the crowd as they wait anxiously for something to happen. Suddenly a voice is heard coming from the center of the ring....."Finally.........The Rock has come back to Buffalo, NY." The crowd erupts, the lights come on, and there he is, The Rock is standing in the center of the ring. "That's right, the most electrifying man in sports entertainment is back, but things have changed. The days of the WWE are gone, and the new home of The Rock is the UWE. And The Rock has come to UWE to once again electrify his people, he has come to UWE to check every member of the roster into the Smackdown Hotel, and most importantly he has come to the UWE to become the first UWE Champion." The crowd continues to go crazy, but they are interupted...No Chance Thats What Ya Got......Vince McMahon is here.

Vince walks down the aisle, he is in full force, he grabs a mic...."Who the Hell do you think you are? I am about to make my grand entrance, to introduce UWE to the world, and you, youuuuu somehow, someway, get into this ring with a mic, and steal my spotlight. This is my company, my newest creation, a company that will be twice as successful as WWE ever was. Just like in the WWE, I am the boss, and you dont cross the boss." The crowd is now erupting in boo's. "Now, not to point out the obvious, but Rock I did make you my first draft pick, and this is not the first time I have done this. Last time you embaressed me, on the show in which I drafted you to Smackdown!, you had the entire crowd in a chant calling me an a**hole. This time things better be different, you better follow my rules and my lead, and if you do, I think we should get along just fine and maybe just maybe, you will become the UWE Champion." Vince leaves the ring, and walks up the ramp.

"Woh, woh, woh, woh, wohhhhhhh....Vince hold on one second. What you just said, it got The Rock thinking, did I hurt your feelings, all the things i have done, did I hurt your feelings, how did I make you feel." McMahon begins to speak, "Well I." "It doesn't matter how I made you feel, you see Vince I dont give a damn what you think, these people dont care what you think, you may still be my boss, but nothing is going to change. I am going to keep on electrifying the crowd, keep on doing what i do best, keep on entertaining the people, no matter what anybody thinks. I will be the first UWE champion. IF YA SMELLLLLLLLL WHAT THE ROCK IS COOKIN'." The crowd goes crazy. Before McMahon can leave, The Rock begins to speak again. "Oh and Vince one more thing, just for old time's sake, I say we follow a tradition. So before you leave i believe the crowd has something to say. You know how it goes, I point to this side you people say a**, I point to this side and you people say hole, alright ready, goodbye Vince, A**hole, A**hole, A**hole." The Rock has done it again, Vince walks to the back, once again he has been made a fool of by The Rock.........UWE's first draft pick!!!!

Brand: Ultimate Wrestling Entertainment
GM: Vince McMahon
First Pick: The Rock
Solid picks by all three, however, I am not too sure about Taker being chosen #1 overall but I see the logic, knowing he wouldn't be around til pick #12 and wanting him, Austin and Rock are both safe picks, but also smart picks, known main eventers, both can draw as a heel or face and are easy to place into storylines and use in promos. All have made solid picks but, Austin and Rock are better picks than Taker IMO.
Welcome, everyone, to the World Federation of Wrestling!!! (Idk, it the name just came to me lol)

Please, welcome to the ring... 12-time Manager of the Year Award Winner...


Jim Cornette enthusiastically walks down to the ring and grabs a mic.

"Alright, alright alright. Let's just get right down to it. As you all know, I have been active in wrestling for a long time now. I've worked in WCW, WWE, Smoky Mountain Wrestling, OVW, NWA, TNA. You name it, I've had a hand in it. I've worked with the best, I've worked with the worst..." (Pauses for the audience, who chant Russo Sucks, Russo Sucks)
"So I think that with my experience and my resources, I have been able to create one hell of a brand here.
Now, when I thought of who should be my first draft pick, a few names crossed my mind. Undertaker, Steve Austin, The Rock. And each one I was easily able to brush off in my mind. Undertaker... not the man I want as the top man in the company. He doesn't draw enough. Austin? Meh, he can barely walk let alone wrestle. The Rock's always had his head in the clouds, has crazy aspirations of being a movie star.
And I realized that if I wanted the WFW to stand out from thr rest, then I needed the best ever. And so I went out and I signed the best. Ladies and gentleman, I proudly present to you... the first draft pick for the World Federation of Wrestling...


And Hulkamania walks down to the ring, as the crowd explodes into cheers. After a few minutes of posing, the crowd dies down and Hulk picks up the mic.

"Man, oh man, does it feel great to be back in front of all these fans.
Now, I've been doing a few things wrong lately, and I realized that something was missing in my life. And I realized that, even with the movies and the TV shows, NOTHING beats a live audience!
So when Jim Cornette called me up and said he wanted to sign me, I didn't hesitate for a second. I've been training, I've been taking my vitamins, but most importantly, I've been saying my prayers. And I honestly tell you that I haven't been in better shape since the birth of Hulkamania!
Now, I don't know who else Jim Cornette has up his sleeve, but whoever they may be, just ask yourself one question... Whatcha gonna do, whatcha gonna do, WHATCHA GONNA DO, BROTHERRRR, when Hulkamania runs wild on you?"

And with that, the WFW appears to have made the biggest first round pick so far. And just wait til you see who Jim Cornette announces as his second round draft pick.

Brand: WFW
GM: Jim Cornette
1st pick: The Immortal Hulk Hogan
Solid picks by all three, however, I am not too sure about Taker being chosen #1 overall but I see the logic, knowing he wouldn't be around til pick #12 and wanting him, Austin and Rock are both safe picks, but also smart picks, known main eventers, both can draw as a heel or face and are easy to place into storylines and use in promos. All have made solid picks but, Austin and Rock are better picks than Taker IMO.

Austin was a rubbish heel. Mostly due to the fact that he had heel characteristics already and had to act like a complete pussy to not be cheered. Austin is the best lead face ever, in my opinion. The Rock has more versatility in that aspect, meaning a shock twist could be on the cards, but was always Austin's number two. And, of course, Hogan is the biggest name in wrestling history, with the possible exception of Austin. Not a poor pick yet. Then again, you're hardly likely to be picking up midcarders, are you?
Austin was a rubbish heel. Mostly due to the fact that he had heel characteristics already and had to act like a complete pussy to not be cheered. Austin is the best lead face ever, in my opinion. The Rock has more versatility in that aspect, meaning a shock twist could be on the cards, but was always Austin's number two. And, of course, Hogan is the biggest name in wrestling history, with the possible exception of Austin. Not a poor pick yet. Then again, you're hardly likely to be picking up midcarders, are you?

For me, it was a close choice between Hogan and Papa Shango.
The show opens with exploding pyro, camera's panning the frantic audience, chanting the name of the newly found wrestling company, PWF (Pro Wrestling Federation). With the opening theme, "Never Gonna Stop" coming to a close, a bewildered audience rise, awaiting the arrival of the GM, Shane McMahon. Shane walks casually to the ring, grinning at the sight of fans drowned in anticipation as to who the first draft pick is. Shane grabs a microphone, and begins his long awaited opening speech:

Shane McMahon: "Welcome. Welcome to my brand new wrestling company, the PWF. Tonight marks the beginning of a new era. An era which is going to exceed any other era in this business. An era where new stars will be defined and made megastars. An era where, I am the only one left standing.

And now, it is my honour to introduce to you, the first man drafted to the PWF. He is 'The Best There Is, The Best There Was, The Best There Eve Will Be'. He is 'The Excellence of Exectution'. Ladies and gentlemen, Bret 'The Hitman' Hart!

The audience let out a burst of screams at the sound of Bret Hart's opening theme. Bret makes his way to the entrance ramp, hands on waist, scanning the audience, looking happy to be there.

Brand: PWF (Pro Wrestling Federation)
GM: Shane McMahon
First Pick: Bret "The Hitman" Hart
Name: Impact Pro Wrestling

GM: Stephanie McMahon

Show 1:

As pyro goes off on each corner of a six sided ring, IPW GM Stephanie McMahon strolls down to the ring.

Steph: “Without any hesitation, let’s kick off IPW like we mean to go on. We have two amazing draft picks. Here is the first….the Heartbreak Kid Shawn Michaels

Sexy Boy starts to a huge pop. HBK comes out in a sharp suit and does his traditional pose on the entrance ramp and in ring. He shakes Stephanie’s hand and poses on the turnbuckle to the crowd.

Steph: And my second pick for IPW….EDGE!

Edge theme, “You think you know me” starts. HBK looks surprised but ready for a fight. Edge does not appear by the entrance.

Stephanie relaxes back in a corner and says “Shawn……turn around.”

Edge is ready to pounce in the corner next to her. HBK turns and walks into a huge Spear by Edge. He crawls over HBK, motioning for a belt round his waist and telling him in no uncertain terms that he is Number 1.

Steph: “IPW’s number two pick, my personal friend and leader of my Corporate Alliance is EDGE!”

Steph raises Edge’s hand as this part of the show draws to a close.
Great picks by everyone so far. The Draft Table has been fuly updated. I just want to say, for my next two picks, I had 3 people in mind as ideal choices. 2 of them are gone. Fingers are crossed, eh? OK, MattMoses, you're up again dude, good luck.

Sorry dude. Cola took 'Taker, so i had to do this. My impression of the Drafts before this one is that in the first four rounds this could happen a lot!!!
It's alright. I just think it sucks that I don't get a chance to take two picks in a row. Kind of a disadvantage, you know?

I think I know who I'm gonna take for next pick, though. It's down to two or three choices for me.
Edge and Shawn Michaels?!

Son of a bitch.

There goes my planned Hogan vs. HBK II match.

There goes my hoped-for Taker/HBK fued.

My also hoped-for Taker/Hitman fued has gone as well. I've only got one hope left now before I'll need a serious re-think.
I think I might just make a bunch of random picks, and hope it works out.

Look out for Papa Shango vs. Rhyno in the near future lol.
Hey, don't bad-mouth Rhino, he's not too bad to tell you the truth. A solid mid-carder, I suppose.

And as for Papa Shango... didn't he become the Godfather eventually? Hop on board the hoooooooo train!

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